Use 'git fetch' followed by 'git reset' to update the source tree. This is better than 'git pull' because it can handle a rewritten upstream branch and does not leave local modifications. After fetch, parse FETCH_HEAD to find the merge head that 'git pull' would choose to track the upstream branch. Then reset to the selected head. In the normal fast-forward case the behavior remains unchanged. However, now local modifications and commits will be erased, and upstream rewrites are handled smoothly. This ensures that the upstream branch is tested as expected.
506 lines
15 KiB
506 lines
15 KiB
CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator
Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc.
Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
See the License for more information.
#include "cmCTestGIT.h"
#include "cmCTest.h"
#include "cmSystemTools.h"
#include "cmXMLSafe.h"
#include <cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx>
#include <cmsys/ios/sstream>
#include <cmsys/Process.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
cmCTestGIT::cmCTestGIT(cmCTest* ct, std::ostream& log):
cmCTestGlobalVC(ct, log)
this->PriorRev = this->Unknown;
class cmCTestGIT::OneLineParser: public cmCTestVC::LineParser
OneLineParser(cmCTestGIT* git, const char* prefix,
std::string& l): Line1(l)
this->SetLog(&git->Log, prefix);
std::string& Line1;
virtual bool ProcessLine()
// Only the first line is of interest.
this->Line1 = this->Line;
return false;
std::string cmCTestGIT::GetWorkingRevision()
// Run plumbing "git rev-list" to get work tree revision.
const char* git = this->CommandLineTool.c_str();
const char* git_rev_list[] = {git, "rev-list", "-n", "1", "HEAD", 0};
std::string rev;
OneLineParser out(this, "rl-out> ", rev);
OutputLogger err(this->Log, "rl-err> ");
this->RunChild(git_rev_list, &out, &err);
return rev;
void cmCTestGIT::NoteOldRevision()
this->OldRevision = this->GetWorkingRevision();
cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Old revision of repository is: "
<< this->OldRevision << "\n");
this->PriorRev.Rev = this->OldRevision;
void cmCTestGIT::NoteNewRevision()
this->NewRevision = this->GetWorkingRevision();
cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " New revision of repository is: "
<< this->NewRevision << "\n");
bool cmCTestGIT::UpdateByFetchAndReset()
const char* git = this->CommandLineTool.c_str();
// Use "git fetch" to get remote commits.
std::vector<char const*> git_fetch;
// Add user-specified update options.
std::string opts = this->CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("UpdateOptions");
opts = this->CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("GITUpdateOptions");
std::vector<cmStdString> args = cmSystemTools::ParseArguments(opts.c_str());
for(std::vector<cmStdString>::const_iterator ai = args.begin();
ai != args.end(); ++ai)
// Sentinel argument.
// Fetch upstream refs.
OutputLogger fetch_out(this->Log, "fetch-out> ");
OutputLogger fetch_err(this->Log, "fetch-err> ");
if(!this->RunUpdateCommand(&git_fetch[0], &fetch_out, &fetch_err))
return false;
// Identify the merge head that would be used by "git pull".
std::string sha1;
std::string fetch_head = this->SourceDirectory + "/.git/FETCH_HEAD";
std::ifstream fin(fetch_head.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
std::string line;
while(sha1.empty() && cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(fin, line))
if(line.find("\tnot-for-merge\t") == line.npos)
std::string::size_type pos = line.find('\t');
if(pos != line.npos)
sha1 = line.substr(0, pos);
// Reset the local branch to point at that tracked from upstream.
char const* git_reset[] = {git, "reset", "--hard", sha1.c_str(), 0};
OutputLogger reset_out(this->Log, "reset-out> ");
OutputLogger reset_err(this->Log, "reset-err> ");
return this->RunChild(&git_reset[0], &reset_out, &reset_err);
bool cmCTestGIT::UpdateByCustom(std::string const& custom)
std::vector<std::string> git_custom_command;
cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(custom, git_custom_command, true);
std::vector<char const*> git_custom;
i = git_custom_command.begin(); i != git_custom_command.end(); ++i)
OutputLogger custom_out(this->Log, "custom-out> ");
OutputLogger custom_err(this->Log, "custom-err> ");
return this->RunUpdateCommand(&git_custom[0], &custom_out, &custom_err);
bool cmCTestGIT::UpdateInternal()
std::string custom = this->CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("GITUpdateCustom");
return this->UpdateByCustom(custom);
return this->UpdateByFetchAndReset();
bool cmCTestGIT::UpdateImpl()
return false;
const char* git = this->CommandLineTool.c_str();
char const* git_submodule[] = {git, "submodule", "update", 0};
OutputLogger submodule_out(this->Log, "submodule-out> ");
OutputLogger submodule_err(this->Log, "submodule-err> ");
return this->RunChild(git_submodule, &submodule_out, &submodule_err);
/* Diff format:
:src-mode dst-mode src-sha1 dst-sha1 status\0
The format is repeated for every file changed. The [dst-path\0]
line appears only for lines with status 'C' or 'R'. See 'git help
diff-tree' for details.
class cmCTestGIT::DiffParser: public cmCTestVC::LineParser
DiffParser(cmCTestGIT* git, const char* prefix):
LineParser('\0', false), GIT(git), DiffField(DiffFieldNone)
this->SetLog(&git->Log, prefix);
typedef cmCTestGIT::Change Change;
std::vector<Change> Changes;
cmCTestGIT* GIT;
enum DiffFieldType { DiffFieldNone, DiffFieldChange,
DiffFieldSrc, DiffFieldDst };
DiffFieldType DiffField;
Change CurChange;
void DiffReset()
this->DiffField = DiffFieldNone;
virtual bool ProcessLine()
if(this->Line[0] == ':')
this->DiffField = DiffFieldChange;
this->CurChange = Change();
if(this->DiffField == DiffFieldChange)
// :src-mode dst-mode src-sha1 dst-sha1 status
if(this->Line[0] != ':')
this->DiffField = DiffFieldNone;
return true;
const char* src_mode_first = this->Line.c_str()+1;
const char* src_mode_last = this->ConsumeField(src_mode_first);
const char* dst_mode_first = this->ConsumeSpace(src_mode_last);
const char* dst_mode_last = this->ConsumeField(dst_mode_first);
const char* src_sha1_first = this->ConsumeSpace(dst_mode_last);
const char* src_sha1_last = this->ConsumeField(src_sha1_first);
const char* dst_sha1_first = this->ConsumeSpace(src_sha1_last);
const char* dst_sha1_last = this->ConsumeField(dst_sha1_first);
const char* status_first = this->ConsumeSpace(dst_sha1_last);
const char* status_last = this->ConsumeField(status_first);
if(status_first != status_last)
this->CurChange.Action = *status_first;
this->DiffField = DiffFieldSrc;
this->DiffField = DiffFieldNone;
else if(this->DiffField == DiffFieldSrc)
// src-path
if(this->CurChange.Action == 'C')
// Convert copy to addition of destination.
this->CurChange.Action = 'A';
this->DiffField = DiffFieldDst;
else if(this->CurChange.Action == 'R')
// Convert rename to deletion of source and addition of destination.
this->CurChange.Action = 'D';
this->CurChange.Path = this->Line;
this->CurChange = Change('A');
this->DiffField = DiffFieldDst;
this->CurChange.Path = this->Line;
this->DiffField = this->DiffFieldNone;
else if(this->DiffField == DiffFieldDst)
// dst-path
this->CurChange.Path = this->Line;
this->DiffField = this->DiffFieldNone;
return true;
const char* ConsumeSpace(const char* c)
while(*c && isspace(*c)) { ++c; }
return c;
const char* ConsumeField(const char* c)
while(*c && !isspace(*c)) { ++c; }
return c;
/* Commit format:
commit ...\n
tree ...\n
parent ...\n
author ...\n
committer ...\n
Log message indented by (4) spaces\n
(even blank lines have the spaces)\n
[Diff format]
The header may have more fields. See 'git help diff-tree'.
class cmCTestGIT::CommitParser: public cmCTestGIT::DiffParser
CommitParser(cmCTestGIT* git, const char* prefix):
DiffParser(git, prefix), Section(SectionHeader)
this->Separator = SectionSep[this->Section];
typedef cmCTestGIT::Revision Revision;
enum SectionType { SectionHeader, SectionBody, SectionDiff, SectionCount };
static char const SectionSep[SectionCount];
SectionType Section;
Revision Rev;
struct Person
std::string Name;
std::string EMail;
unsigned long Time;
long TimeZone;
Person(): Name(), EMail(), Time(0), TimeZone(0) {}
void ParsePerson(const char* str, Person& person)
// Person Name <> 1234567890 +0000
const char* c = str;
while(*c && isspace(*c)) { ++c; }
const char* name_first = c;
while(*c && *c != '<') { ++c; }
const char* name_last = c;
while(name_last != name_first && isspace(*(name_last-1))) { --name_last; }
person.Name.assign(name_first, name_last-name_first);
const char* email_first = *c? ++c : c;
while(*c && *c != '>') { ++c; }
const char* email_last = *c? c++ : c;
person.EMail.assign(email_first, email_last-email_first);
person.Time = strtoul(c, (char**)&c, 10);
person.TimeZone = strtol(c, (char**)&c, 10);
virtual bool ProcessLine()
case SectionHeader: this->DoHeaderLine(); break;
case SectionBody: this->DoBodyLine(); break;
case SectionDiff: this->DiffParser::ProcessLine(); break;
case SectionCount: break; // never happens
return true;
void NextSection()
this->Section = SectionType((this->Section+1) % SectionCount);
this->Separator = SectionSep[this->Section];
if(this->Section == SectionHeader)
this->GIT->DoRevision(this->Rev, this->Changes);
this->Rev = Revision();
void DoHeaderLine()
// Look for header fields that we need.
if(strncmp(this->Line.c_str(), "commit ", 7) == 0)
this->Rev.Rev = this->Line.c_str()+7;
else if(strncmp(this->Line.c_str(), "author ", 7) == 0)
Person author;
this->ParsePerson(this->Line.c_str()+7, author);
this->Rev.Author = author.Name;
this->Rev.EMail = author.EMail;
// Convert the time to a human-readable format that is also easy
// to machine-parse: "CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss".
time_t seconds = static_cast<time_t>(author.Time);
struct tm* t = gmtime(&seconds);
char dt[1024];
sprintf(dt, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
t->tm_year+1900, t->tm_mon+1, t->tm_mday,
t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);
this->Rev.Date = dt;
// Add the time-zone field "+zone" or "-zone".
char tz[32];
if(author.TimeZone >= 0)
sprintf(tz, " +%04ld", author.TimeZone);
sprintf(tz, " -%04ld", -author.TimeZone);
this->Rev.Date += tz;
void DoBodyLine()
// Commit log lines are indented by 4 spaces.
if(this->Line.size() >= 4)
this->Rev.Log += this->Line.substr(4);
this->Rev.Log += "\n";
char const cmCTestGIT::CommitParser::SectionSep[SectionCount] =
{'\n', '\n', '\0'};
void cmCTestGIT::LoadRevisions()
// Use 'git rev-list ... | git diff-tree ...' to get revisions.
std::string range = this->OldRevision + ".." + this->NewRevision;
const char* git = this->CommandLineTool.c_str();
const char* git_rev_list[] =
{git, "rev-list", "--reverse", range.c_str(), "--", 0};
const char* git_diff_tree[] =
{git, "diff-tree", "--stdin", "--always", "-z", "-r", "--pretty=raw",
"--encoding=utf-8", 0};
this->Log << this->ComputeCommandLine(git_rev_list) << " | "
<< this->ComputeCommandLine(git_diff_tree) << "\n";
cmsysProcess* cp = cmsysProcess_New();
cmsysProcess_AddCommand(cp, git_rev_list);
cmsysProcess_AddCommand(cp, git_diff_tree);
cmsysProcess_SetWorkingDirectory(cp, this->SourceDirectory.c_str());
CommitParser out(this, "dt-out> ");
OutputLogger err(this->Log, "dt-err> ");
this->RunProcess(cp, &out, &err);
// Send one extra zero-byte to terminate the last record.
out.Process("", 1);
void cmCTestGIT::LoadModifications()
const char* git = this->CommandLineTool.c_str();
// Use 'git update-index' to refresh the index w.r.t. the work tree.
const char* git_update_index[] = {git, "update-index", "--refresh", 0};
OutputLogger ui_out(this->Log, "ui-out> ");
OutputLogger ui_err(this->Log, "ui-err> ");
this->RunChild(git_update_index, &ui_out, &ui_err);
// Use 'git diff-index' to get modified files.
const char* git_diff_index[] = {git, "diff-index", "-z", "HEAD", 0};
DiffParser out(this, "di-out> ");
OutputLogger err(this->Log, "di-err> ");
this->RunChild(git_diff_index, &out, &err);
for(std::vector<Change>::const_iterator ci = out.Changes.begin();
ci != out.Changes.end(); ++ci)
this->DoModification(PathModified, ci->Path);