Bill Hoffman fb51d98562 Switch to using libarchive from libtar for cpack and cmake -E tar
This allows for a built in bzip and zip capability, so external tools
will not be needed for these packagers.  The cmake -E tar xf should be
able to handle all compression types now as well.
2009-10-30 13:10:56 -04:00

105 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable File

# tar comparision program
# 2007-10-25 Jan Psota
n=3 # number of repetitions
TAR=(bsdtar gnutar star) # TApeArchivers to compare
OPT=("" "--seek" "-no-fsync")
pax="--format=pax" # comment out for defaults
OPN=(create list extract compare) # operations
test $# -ge 2 || {
echo -e "usage:\t$0 source_dir where_to_place_archive
TCP, version $version
TCP stands for Tar Comparision Program here.
It currently compares: BSD tar (bsdtar), GNU tar (gnutar) and star in archive
creation, listing, extraction and archive-to-extracted comparision.
Tcp prints out best time of n=$n repetitions.
Tcp creates temporary archive named tcp.tar with $pax and some native
(--seek/-no-fsync) options and extracts it to [\$3]/tcptmp/.
If unset, third argument defaults to [\$2].
After normal exit tcp removes tarball and extracted files.
Tcp does not check filesystems destination directories are on for free space,
so make sure there is enough space (a bit more than source_dir uses) for both:
archive and extracted files.
Do not use white space in arguments.
Jan Psota, $version"
exit 0
test -e $dst -o -e /tmp/tcp \
&& { echo "$dst or /tmp/tcp exists, exiting"; exit 1; }
mkdir $dst_path || exit 2
use_times ()
awk -F"\t" -vN=$n -vL="`du -k $dst`" -vOFS="\t" -vORS="" '
{ if (NF==4) { printf "\t%s\t%10.1d KB/s\n", $0, ($1+0>0 ?
(L+0)/($1+0) : 0) } }' \
/tmp/tcp | sort | head -1
> /tmp/tcp
test -d $src || { echo "'$src' is not a directory"; exit 3; }
# system information: type, release, memory, cpu(s), compiler and flags
echo -e "TCP, version $version\n"`uname -sr`" / "`head -1 /etc/*-release`
free -m | awk '/^Mem/ { printf "%dMB of memory, ", $2 }'
test -e /proc/cpuinfo \
&& awk -F: '/name|cache size|MHz|mips/ { if (!a) b=b $2 }
/^$/ { a++ } END { print a" x"b" bmips" }' /proc/cpuinfo
test -e /etc/gentoo-release \
&& gcc --version | head -1 && grep ^CFLAGS /etc/make.conf
# tar versions
for tar in [EMAIL PROTECTED]; do echo -ne "$tar:\t"; $tar --version | head -1;
echo -e "\nbest time of $n repetitions,\n"\
" src=$src, "\
`du -sh $src | awk '{print $1}'`" in "`find $src | wc -l`" files, "\
"avg "$((`du -sk $src | awk '{print $1}'`/`find $src -type f | wc
" archive=$dst, extract to $dst_path"
echo -e "program\toperation\treal\tuser\tsystem\t%CPU\t speed"
> /tmp/tcp
let op_num=0
for op in "cf $dst $pax -C $src ." "tf $dst" "xf $dst -C $dst_path" \
"f $dst -C $dst_path --diff"; do
let tar_num=0
for tar in [EMAIL PROTECTED]; do
echo -en "$tar\t${OPN[op_num]}\t"
for ((i=1; i<=$n; i++)); do
echo $op | grep -q ^cf && rm -f $dst
echo $op | grep -q ^xf &&
{ chmod -R u+w $dst_path
rm -rf $dst_path; mkdir $dst_path; }
if echo $op | grep -q ^f; then # op == compare
time $tar $op ${OPT[$tar_num]} > /dev/null
else # op in (create | list | extract)
time $tar $op ${OPT[$tar_num]} > /dev/null \
|| break 3
fi 2>> /tmp/tcp
let tar_num++
let op_num++
rm -rf $dst_path $dst
cat /tmp/tcp
rm -f /tmp/tcp