This converts the CMake license to a pure 3-clause OSI-approved BSD License. We drop the previous license clause requiring modified versions to be plainly marked. We also update the CMake copyright to cover the full development time range.
1002 lines
28 KiB
1002 lines
28 KiB
CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator
Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium
Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
See the License for more information.
#include "cmCacheManager.h"
#include "cmSystemTools.h"
#include "cmCacheManager.h"
#include "cmMakefile.h"
#include "cmake.h"
#include "cmVersion.h"
#include <cmsys/Directory.hxx>
#include <cmsys/Glob.hxx>
#include <cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx>
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
# include <windows.h>
#endif // _WIN32
const char* cmCacheManagerTypes[] =
{ "BOOL",
cmCacheManager::cmCacheManager(cmake* cm)
this->CacheMajorVersion = 0;
this->CacheMinorVersion = 0;
this->CMakeInstance = cm;
const char* cmCacheManager::TypeToString(cmCacheManager::CacheEntryType type)
if ( type > 6 )
return cmCacheManagerTypes[6];
return cmCacheManagerTypes[type];
cmCacheManager::CacheEntryType cmCacheManager::StringToType(const char* s)
int i = 0;
if(strcmp(s, cmCacheManagerTypes[i]) == 0)
return static_cast<CacheEntryType>(i);
return STRING;
bool cmCacheManager::IsType(const char* s)
for(int i=0; cmCacheManagerTypes[i]; ++i)
if(strcmp(s, cmCacheManagerTypes[i]) == 0)
return true;
return false;
bool cmCacheManager::LoadCache(cmMakefile* mf)
return this->LoadCache(mf->GetHomeOutputDirectory());
bool cmCacheManager::LoadCache(const char* path)
return this->LoadCache(path,true);
bool cmCacheManager::LoadCache(const char* path,
bool internal)
std::set<cmStdString> emptySet;
return this->LoadCache(path, internal, emptySet, emptySet);
bool cmCacheManager::ParseEntry(const char* entry,
std::string& var,
std::string& value)
// input line is: key:type=value
static cmsys::RegularExpression reg(
"^([^:]*)=(.*[^\r\t ]|[\r\t ]*)[\r\t ]*$");
// input line is: "key":type=value
static cmsys::RegularExpression regQuoted(
"^\"([^\"]*)\"=(.*[^\r\t ]|[\r\t ]*)[\r\t ]*$");
bool flag = false;
var = regQuoted.match(1);
value = regQuoted.match(2);
flag = true;
else if (reg.find(entry))
var = reg.match(1);
value = reg.match(2);
flag = true;
// if value is enclosed in single quotes ('foo') then remove them
// it is used to enclose trailing space or tab
if (flag &&
value.size() >= 2 &&
value[0] == '\'' &&
value[value.size() - 1] == '\'')
value = value.substr(1,
value.size() - 2);
return flag;
bool cmCacheManager::ParseEntry(const char* entry,
std::string& var,
std::string& value,
CacheEntryType& type)
// input line is: key:type=value
static cmsys::RegularExpression reg(
"^([^:]*):([^=]*)=(.*[^\r\t ]|[\r\t ]*)[\r\t ]*$");
// input line is: "key":type=value
static cmsys::RegularExpression regQuoted(
"^\"([^\"]*)\":([^=]*)=(.*[^\r\t ]|[\r\t ]*)[\r\t ]*$");
bool flag = false;
var = regQuoted.match(1);
type = cmCacheManager::StringToType(regQuoted.match(2).c_str());
value = regQuoted.match(3);
flag = true;
else if (reg.find(entry))
var = reg.match(1);
type = cmCacheManager::StringToType(reg.match(2).c_str());
value = reg.match(3);
flag = true;
// if value is enclosed in single quotes ('foo') then remove them
// it is used to enclose trailing space or tab
if (flag &&
value.size() >= 2 &&
value[0] == '\'' &&
value[value.size() - 1] == '\'')
value = value.substr(1,
value.size() - 2);
return flag;
void cmCacheManager::CleanCMakeFiles(const char* path)
std::string glob = path;
glob += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory();
glob += "/*.cmake";
cmsys::Glob globIt;
std::vector<std::string> files = globIt.GetFiles();
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = files.begin();
i != files.end(); ++i)
bool cmCacheManager::LoadCache(const char* path,
bool internal,
std::set<cmStdString>& excludes,
std::set<cmStdString>& includes)
std::string cacheFile = path;
cacheFile += "/CMakeCache.txt";
// clear the old cache, if we are reading in internal values
if ( internal )
return false;
std::ifstream fin(cacheFile.c_str());
return false;
const char *realbuffer;
std::string buffer;
std::string entryKey;
// Format is key:type=value
std::string helpString;
CacheEntry e;
cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(fin, buffer);
realbuffer = buffer.c_str();
while(*realbuffer != '0' &&
(*realbuffer == ' ' ||
*realbuffer == '\t' ||
*realbuffer == '\r' ||
*realbuffer == '\n'))
// skip blank lines and comment lines
if(realbuffer[0] == '#' || realbuffer[0] == 0)
while(realbuffer[0] == '/' && realbuffer[1] == '/')
if ((realbuffer[2] == '\\') && (realbuffer[3]=='n'))
helpString += "\n";
helpString += &realbuffer[4];
helpString += &realbuffer[2];
cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(fin, buffer);
realbuffer = buffer.c_str();
e.SetProperty("HELPSTRING", helpString.c_str());
if(cmCacheManager::ParseEntry(realbuffer, entryKey, e.Value, e.Type))
if ( excludes.find(entryKey) == excludes.end() )
// Load internal values if internal is set.
// If the entry is not internal to the cache being loaded
// or if it is in the list of internal entries to be
// imported, load it.
if ( internal || (e.Type != INTERNAL) ||
(includes.find(entryKey) != includes.end()) )
// If we are loading the cache from another project,
// make all loaded entries internal so that it is
// not visible in the gui
if (!internal)
e.Type = INTERNAL;
helpString = "DO NOT EDIT, ";
helpString += entryKey;
helpString += " loaded from external file. "
"To change this value edit this file: ";
helpString += path;
helpString += "/CMakeCache.txt" ;
e.SetProperty("HELPSTRING", helpString.c_str());
if(!this->ReadPropertyEntry(entryKey, e))
e.Initialized = true;
this->Cache[entryKey] = e;
cmSystemTools::Error("Parse error in cache file ", cacheFile.c_str(),
". Offending entry: ", realbuffer);
this->CacheMajorVersion = 0;
this->CacheMinorVersion = 0;
if(const char* cmajor = this->GetCacheValue("CMAKE_CACHE_MAJOR_VERSION"))
unsigned int v=0;
if(sscanf(cmajor, "%u", &v) == 1)
this->CacheMajorVersion = v;
if(const char* cminor = this->GetCacheValue("CMAKE_CACHE_MINOR_VERSION"))
if(sscanf(cminor, "%u", &v) == 1)
this->CacheMinorVersion = v;
// CMake version not found in the list file.
// Set as version 0.0
this->AddCacheEntry("CMAKE_CACHE_MINOR_VERSION", "0",
"Minor version of cmake used to create the "
"current loaded cache", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL);
this->AddCacheEntry("CMAKE_CACHE_MAJOR_VERSION", "0",
"Major version of cmake used to create the "
"current loaded cache", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL);
// check to make sure the cache directory has not
// been moved
if ( internal && this->GetCacheValue("CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR") )
std::string currentcwd = path;
std::string oldcwd = this->GetCacheValue("CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR");
currentcwd += "/CMakeCache.txt";
oldcwd += "/CMakeCache.txt";
if(!cmSystemTools::SameFile(oldcwd.c_str(), currentcwd.c_str()))
std::string message =
std::string("The current CMakeCache.txt directory ") +
currentcwd + std::string(" is different than the directory ") +
std::string(this->GetCacheValue("CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR")) +
std::string(" where CMackeCache.txt was created. This may result "
"in binaries being created in the wrong place. If you "
"are not sure, reedit the CMakeCache.txt");
return true;
const char* cmCacheManager::PersistentProperties[] =
bool cmCacheManager::ReadPropertyEntry(std::string const& entryKey,
CacheEntry& e)
// All property entries are internal.
if(e.Type != cmCacheManager::INTERNAL)
return false;
const char* end = entryKey.c_str() + entryKey.size();
for(const char** p = this->PersistentProperties; *p; ++p)
std::string::size_type plen = strlen(*p) + 1;
if(entryKey.size() > plen && *(end-plen) == '-' &&
strcmp(end-plen+1, *p) == 0)
std::string key = entryKey.substr(0, entryKey.size() - plen);
cmCacheManager::CacheIterator it = this->GetCacheIterator(key.c_str());
// Create an entry and store the property.
CacheEntry& ne = this->Cache[key];
ne.Type = cmCacheManager::UNINITIALIZED;
ne.SetProperty(*p, e.Value.c_str());
// Store this property on its entry.
it.SetProperty(*p, e.Value.c_str());
return true;
return false;
void cmCacheManager::WritePropertyEntries(std::ostream& os,
CacheIterator const& i)
for(const char** p = this->PersistentProperties; *p; ++p)
if(const char* value = i.GetProperty(*p))
std::string helpstring = *p;
helpstring += " property for variable: ";
helpstring += i.GetName();
cmCacheManager::OutputHelpString(os, helpstring);
std::string key = i.GetName();
key += "-";
key += *p;
this->OutputKey(os, key);
os << ":INTERNAL=";
this->OutputValue(os, value);
os << "\n";
bool cmCacheManager::SaveCache(cmMakefile* mf)
return this->SaveCache(mf->GetHomeOutputDirectory());
bool cmCacheManager::SaveCache(const char* path)
std::string cacheFile = path;
cacheFile += "/CMakeCache.txt";
std::string tempFile = cacheFile;
tempFile += ".tmp";
std::ofstream fout(tempFile.c_str());
cmSystemTools::Error("Unable to open cache file for save. ",
return false;
// before writing the cache, update the version numbers
// to the
char temp[1024];
sprintf(temp, "%d", cmVersion::GetMinorVersion());
this->AddCacheEntry("CMAKE_CACHE_MINOR_VERSION", temp,
"Minor version of cmake used to create the "
"current loaded cache", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL);
sprintf(temp, "%d", cmVersion::GetMajorVersion());
this->AddCacheEntry("CMAKE_CACHE_MAJOR_VERSION", temp,
"Major version of cmake used to create the "
"current loaded cache", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL);
sprintf(temp, "%d", cmVersion::GetPatchVersion());
this->AddCacheEntry("CMAKE_CACHE_PATCH_VERSION", temp,
"Patch version of cmake used to create the "
"current loaded cache", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL);
// Let us store the current working directory so that if somebody
// Copies it, he will not be surprised
std::string currentcwd = path;
if ( currentcwd[0] >= 'A' && currentcwd[0] <= 'Z' &&
currentcwd[1] == ':' )
currentcwd[0] = currentcwd[0] - 'A' + 'a';
this->AddCacheEntry("CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR", currentcwd.c_str(),
"This is the directory where this CMakeCahe.txt"
" was created", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL);
fout << "# This is the CMakeCache file.\n"
<< "# For build in directory: " << currentcwd << "\n";
cmCacheManager::CacheEntry* cmakeCacheEntry
= this->GetCacheEntry("CMAKE_COMMAND");
if ( cmakeCacheEntry )
fout << "# It was generated by CMake: " <<
cmakeCacheEntry->Value << std::endl;
fout << "# You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake."
<< std::endl
<< "# If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the "
"editor." << std::endl
<< "# If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit "
"the editor." << std::endl
<< "# The syntax for the file is as follows:\n"
<< "# KEY is the name of a variable in the cache.\n"
<< "# TYPE is a hint to GUI's for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT "
"TYPE!." << std::endl
<< "# VALUE is the current value for the KEY.\n\n";
fout << "########################\n";
fout << "# EXTERNAL cache entries\n";
fout << "########################\n";
fout << "\n";
for( std::map<cmStdString, CacheEntry>::const_iterator i =
this->Cache.begin(); i != this->Cache.end(); ++i)
const CacheEntry& ce = (*i).second;
CacheEntryType t = ce.Type;
// This should be added in, but is not for now.
cmSystemTools::Error("Cache entry \"", (*i).first.c_str(),
"\" is uninitialized");
else if(t != INTERNAL)
// Format is key:type=value
if(const char* help = ce.GetProperty("HELPSTRING"))
cmCacheManager::OutputHelpString(fout, help);
cmCacheManager::OutputHelpString(fout, "Missing description");
this->OutputKey(fout, i->first);
fout << ":" << cmCacheManagerTypes[t] << "=";
this->OutputValue(fout, ce.Value);
fout << "\n\n";
fout << "\n";
fout << "########################\n";
fout << "# INTERNAL cache entries\n";
fout << "########################\n";
fout << "\n";
for( cmCacheManager::CacheIterator i = this->NewIterator();
!i.IsAtEnd(); i.Next())
if ( !i.Initialized() )
CacheEntryType t = i.GetType();
this->WritePropertyEntries(fout, i);
if(t == cmCacheManager::INTERNAL)
// Format is key:type=value
if(const char* help = i.GetProperty("HELPSTRING"))
this->OutputHelpString(fout, help);
this->OutputKey(fout, i.GetName());
fout << ":" << cmCacheManagerTypes[t] << "=";
this->OutputValue(fout, i.GetValue());
fout << "\n";
fout << "\n";
std::string checkCacheFile = path;
checkCacheFile += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory();
checkCacheFile += "/cmake.check_cache";
std::ofstream checkCache(checkCacheFile.c_str());
cmSystemTools::Error("Unable to open check cache file for write. ",
return false;
checkCache << "# This file is generated by cmake for dependency checking "
"of the CMakeCache.txt file\n";
return true;
bool cmCacheManager::DeleteCache(const char* path)
std::string cacheFile = path;
std::string cmakeFiles = cacheFile;
cacheFile += "/CMakeCache.txt";
// now remove the files in the CMakeFiles directory
// this cleans up language cache files
cmsys::Directory dir;
cmakeFiles += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory();
for (unsigned long fileNum = 0;
fileNum < dir.GetNumberOfFiles();
std::string fullPath = cmakeFiles;
fullPath += "/";
fullPath += dir.GetFile(fileNum);
return true;
void cmCacheManager::OutputKey(std::ostream& fout, std::string const& key)
// support : in key name by double quoting
const char* q = (key.find(':') != key.npos ||
key.find("//") == 0)? "\"" : "";
fout << q << key << q;
void cmCacheManager::OutputValue(std::ostream& fout, std::string const& value)
// if value has trailing space or tab, enclose it in single quotes
if (value.size() &&
(value[value.size() - 1] == ' ' ||
value[value.size() - 1] == '\t'))
fout << '\'' << value << '\'';
fout << value;
void cmCacheManager::OutputHelpString(std::ostream& fout,
const std::string& helpString)
std::string::size_type end = helpString.size();
if(end == 0)
std::string oneLine;
std::string::size_type pos = 0;
for (std::string::size_type i=0; i<=end; i++)
if ((i==end)
|| (helpString[i]=='\n')
|| ((i-pos >= 60) && (helpString[i]==' ')))
fout << "//";
if (helpString[pos] == '\n')
fout << "\\n";
oneLine = helpString.substr(pos, i - pos);
fout << oneLine.c_str() << "\n";
pos = i;
void cmCacheManager::RemoveCacheEntry(const char* key)
CacheEntryMap::iterator i = this->Cache.find(key);
if(i != this->Cache.end())
cmCacheManager::CacheEntry *cmCacheManager::GetCacheEntry(const char* key)
CacheEntryMap::iterator i = this->Cache.find(key);
if(i != this->Cache.end())
return &i->second;
return 0;
cmCacheManager::CacheIterator cmCacheManager::GetCacheIterator(
const char *key)
return CacheIterator(*this, key);
const char* cmCacheManager::GetCacheValue(const char* key) const
CacheEntryMap::const_iterator i = this->Cache.find(key);
if(i != this->Cache.end() &&
return i->second.Value.c_str();
return 0;
void cmCacheManager::PrintCache(std::ostream& out) const
out << "=================================================" << std::endl;
out << "CMakeCache Contents:" << std::endl;
for(std::map<cmStdString, CacheEntry>::const_iterator i =
this->Cache.begin(); i != this->Cache.end(); ++i)
if((*i).second.Type != INTERNAL)
out << (*i).first.c_str() << " = " << (*i).second.Value.c_str()
<< std::endl;
out << "\n\n";
out << "To change values in the CMakeCache, "
<< std::endl << "edit CMakeCache.txt in your output directory.\n";
out << "=================================================" << std::endl;
void cmCacheManager::AddCacheEntry(const char* key,
const char* value,
const char* helpString,
CacheEntryType type)
CacheEntry& e = this->Cache[key];
if ( value )
e.Value = value;
e.Initialized = true;
e.Value = "";
e.Type = type;
// make sure we only use unix style paths
if(type == FILEPATH || type == PATH)
if(e.Value.find(';') != e.Value.npos)
std::vector<std::string> paths;
cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(e.Value, paths);
const char* sep = "";
e.Value = "";
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = paths.begin();
i != paths.end(); ++i)
e.Value += sep;
e.Value += *i;
sep = ";";
e.SetProperty("HELPSTRING", helpString? helpString :
"(This variable does not exist and should not be used)");
this->Cache[key] = e;
bool cmCacheManager::CacheIterator::IsAtEnd() const
return this->Position == this->Container.Cache.end();
void cmCacheManager::CacheIterator::Begin()
this->Position = this->Container.Cache.begin();
bool cmCacheManager::CacheIterator::Find(const char* key)
this->Position = this->Container.Cache.find(key);
return !this->IsAtEnd();
void cmCacheManager::CacheIterator::Next()
if (!this->IsAtEnd())
void cmCacheManager::CacheIterator::SetValue(const char* value)
if (this->IsAtEnd())
CacheEntry* entry = &this->GetEntry();
if ( value )
entry->Value = value;
entry->Initialized = true;
entry->Value = "";
bool cmCacheManager::CacheIterator::GetValueAsBool() const
return cmSystemTools::IsOn(this->GetEntry().Value.c_str());
const char*
cmCacheManager::CacheEntry::GetProperty(const char* prop) const
if(strcmp(prop, "TYPE") == 0)
return cmCacheManagerTypes[this->Type];
else if(strcmp(prop, "VALUE") == 0)
return this->Value.c_str();
bool c = false;
this->Properties.GetPropertyValue(prop, cmProperty::CACHE, c);
void cmCacheManager::CacheEntry::SetProperty(const char* prop,
const char* value)
if(strcmp(prop, "TYPE") == 0)
this->Type = cmCacheManager::StringToType(value? value : "STRING");
else if(strcmp(prop, "VALUE") == 0)
this->Value = value? value : "";
this->Properties.SetProperty(prop, value, cmProperty::CACHE);
void cmCacheManager::CacheEntry::AppendProperty(const char* prop,
const char* value)
if(strcmp(prop, "TYPE") == 0)
this->Type = cmCacheManager::StringToType(value? value : "STRING");
else if(strcmp(prop, "VALUE") == 0)
if(!this->Value.empty() && *value)
this->Value += ";";
this->Value += value;
this->Properties.AppendProperty(prop, value, cmProperty::CACHE);
const char* cmCacheManager::CacheIterator::GetProperty(const char* prop) const
return this->GetEntry().GetProperty(prop);
return 0;
void cmCacheManager::CacheIterator::SetProperty(const char* p, const char* v)
this->GetEntry().SetProperty(p, v);
void cmCacheManager::CacheIterator::AppendProperty(const char* p,
const char* v)
this->GetEntry().AppendProperty(p, v);
bool cmCacheManager::CacheIterator::GetPropertyAsBool(const char* prop) const
if(const char* value = this->GetProperty(prop))
return cmSystemTools::IsOn(value);
return false;
void cmCacheManager::CacheIterator::SetProperty(const char* p, bool v)
this->SetProperty(p, v ? "ON" : "OFF");
bool cmCacheManager::CacheIterator::PropertyExists(const char* prop) const
return this->GetProperty(prop)? true:false;
bool cmCacheManager::NeedCacheCompatibility(int major, int minor)
// Compatibility is not needed if the cache version is zero because
// the cache was created or modified by the user.
if(this->CacheMajorVersion == 0)
return false;
// Compatibility is needed if the cache version is equal to or lower
// than the given version.
unsigned int actual_compat =
CMake_VERSION_ENCODE(this->CacheMajorVersion, this->CacheMinorVersion, 0);
return (actual_compat &&
actual_compat <= CMake_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, 0));
void cmCacheManager::DefineProperties(cmake *cm)
("ADVANCED", cmProperty::CACHE,
"True if entry should be hidden by default in GUIs.",
"This is a boolean value indicating whether the entry is considered "
"interesting only for advanced configuration. "
"The mark_as_advanced() command modifies this property."
("HELPSTRING", cmProperty::CACHE,
"Help associated with entry in GUIs.",
"This string summarizes the purpose of an entry to help users set it "
"through a CMake GUI."
("TYPE", cmProperty::CACHE,
"Widget type for entry in GUIs.",
"Cache entry values are always strings, but CMake GUIs present widgets "
"to help users set values. "
"The GUIs use this property as a hint to determine the widget type. "
"Valid TYPE values are:\n"
" BOOL = Boolean ON/OFF value.\n"
" PATH = Path to a directory.\n"
" FILEPATH = Path to a file.\n"
" STRING = Generic string value.\n"
" INTERNAL = Do not present in GUI at all.\n"
" STATIC = Value managed by CMake, do not change.\n"
" UNINITIALIZED = Type not yet specified.\n"
"Generally the TYPE of a cache entry should be set by the command "
"which creates it (set, option, find_library, etc.)."
("MODIFIED", cmProperty::CACHE,
"Internal management property. Do not set or get.",
"This is an internal cache entry property managed by CMake to "
"track interactive user modification of entries. Ignore it."
("STRINGS", cmProperty::CACHE,
"Enumerate possible STRING entry values for GUI selection.",
"For cache entries with type STRING, this enumerates a set of values. "
"CMake GUIs may use this to provide a selection widget instead of a "
"generic string entry field. "
"This is for convenience only. "
"CMake does not enforce that the value matches one of those listed."
("VALUE", cmProperty::CACHE,
"Value of a cache entry.",
"This property maps to the actual value of a cache entry. "
"Setting this property always sets the value without checking, so "
"use with care."