Brad King 8ae66bf456 Fix optionally-valued booleans in VS 10 flag table
This commit fixes the script to generate correct
flag table entries for booleans with optional value.  These flags use
two entries: the first should ignore the value and enable the option,
and the second should use the value if given.  Previously the first
entry did not recognize flags with values.

In particular this fixes flags like /MP4, but the change corrects
matching of some other flags too.  See issue .
2009-10-23 14:59:26 -04:00

306 lines
12 KiB

static cmVS7FlagTable cmVS10LinkFlagTable[] =
//Enum Properties
{"ShowProgress", "",
"Not Set", "NotSet", 0},
{"ShowProgress", "VERBOSE",
"Display all progress messages", "LinkVerbose", 0},
{"ShowProgress", "VERBOSE:Lib",
"For Libraries Searched", "LinkVerboseLib", 0},
{"ShowProgress", "VERBOSE:ICF",
"About COMDAT folding during optimized linking", "LinkVerboseICF", 0},
{"ShowProgress", "VERBOSE:REF",
"About data removed during optimized linking", "LinkVerboseREF", 0},
{"ShowProgress", "VERBOSE:SAFESEH",
"About Modules incompatible with SEH", "LinkVerboseSAFESEH", 0},
{"ShowProgress", "VERBOSE:CLR",
"About linker activity related to managed code", "LinkVerboseCLR", 0},
{"ForceFileOutput", "FORCE",
"Enabled", "Enabled", 0},
{"ForceFileOutput", "FORCE:MULTIPLE",
"Multiply Defined Symbol Only", "MultiplyDefinedSymbolOnly", 0},
{"ForceFileOutput", "FORCE:UNRESOLVED",
"Undefined Symbol Only", "UndefinedSymbolOnly", 0},
{"CreateHotPatchableImage", "FUNCTIONPADMIN",
"Enabled", "Enabled", 0},
{"CreateHotPatchableImage", "FUNCTIONPADMIN:5",
"X86 Image Only", "X86Image", 0},
{"CreateHotPatchableImage", "FUNCTIONPADMIN:6",
"X64 Image Only", "X64Image", 0},
{"CreateHotPatchableImage", "FUNCTIONPADMIN:16",
"Itanium Image Only", "ItaniumImage", 0},
{"UACExecutionLevel", "level='asInvoker'",
"asInvoker", "AsInvoker", 0},
{"UACExecutionLevel", "level='highestAvailable'",
"highestAvailable", "HighestAvailable", 0},
{"UACExecutionLevel", "level='requireAdministrator'",
"requireAdministrator", "RequireAdministrator", 0},
{"SubSystem", "",
"Not Set", "NotSet", 0},
"Console", "Console", 0},
"Windows", "Windows", 0},
"Native", "Native", 0},
"EFI Application", "EFI Application", 0},
"EFI Boot Service Driver", "EFI Boot Service Driver", 0},
{"SubSystem", "SUBSYSTEM:EFI_ROM",
"EFI ROM", "EFI ROM", 0},
"EFI Runtime", "EFI Runtime", 0},
"WindowsCE", "WindowsCE", 0},
{"SubSystem", "SUBSYSTEM:POSIX",
"POSIX", "POSIX", 0},
{"Driver", "",
"Not Set", "NotSet", 0},
{"Driver", "Driver",
"Driver", "Driver", 0},
{"Driver", "DRIVER:UPONLY",
"UP Only", "UpOnly", 0},
{"Driver", "DRIVER:WDM",
"WDM", "WDM", 0},
{"LinkTimeCodeGeneration", "",
"Default", "Default", 0},
{"LinkTimeCodeGeneration", "LTCG",
"Use Link Time Code Generation", "UseLinkTimeCodeGeneration", 0},
{"LinkTimeCodeGeneration", "LTCG:PGInstrument",
"Profile Guided Optimization - Instrument", "PGInstrument", 0},
{"LinkTimeCodeGeneration", "LTCG:PGOptimize",
"Profile Guided Optimization - Optimization", "PGOptimization", 0},
{"LinkTimeCodeGeneration", "LTCG:PGUpdate",
"Profile Guided Optimization - Update", "PGUpdate", 0},
{"TargetMachine", "",
"Not Set", "NotSet", 0},
{"TargetMachine", "MACHINE:ARM",
"MachineARM", "MachineARM", 0},
{"TargetMachine", "MACHINE:EBC",
"MachineEBC", "MachineEBC", 0},
{"TargetMachine", "MACHINE:IA64",
"MachineIA64", "MachineIA64", 0},
{"TargetMachine", "MACHINE:MIPS",
"MachineMIPS", "MachineMIPS", 0},
{"TargetMachine", "MACHINE:MIPS16",
"MachineMIPS16", "MachineMIPS16", 0},
{"TargetMachine", "MACHINE:MIPSFPU",
"MachineMIPSFPU", "MachineMIPSFPU", 0},
{"TargetMachine", "MACHINE:MIPSFPU16",
"MachineMIPSFPU16", "MachineMIPSFPU16", 0},
{"TargetMachine", "MACHINE:SH4",
"MachineSH4", "MachineSH4", 0},
{"TargetMachine", "MACHINE:THUMB",
"MachineTHUMB", "MachineTHUMB", 0},
{"TargetMachine", "MACHINE:X64",
"MachineX64", "MachineX64", 0},
{"TargetMachine", "MACHINE:X86",
"MachineX86", "MachineX86", 0},
"MTA threading attribute", "MTAThreadingAttribute", 0},
"STA threading attribute", "STAThreadingAttribute", 0},
"Default threading attribute", "DefaultThreadingAttribute", 0},
"Force IJW image", "ForceIJWImage", 0},
"Force Pure IL Image", "ForcePureILImage", 0},
"Force Safe IL Image", "ForceSafeILImage", 0},
{"CLRImageType", "",
"Default image type", "Default", 0},
{"LinkErrorReporting", "ERRORREPORT:PROMPT",
"PromptImmediately", "PromptImmediately", 0},
{"LinkErrorReporting", "ERRORREPORT:QUEUE",
"Queue For Next Login", "QueueForNextLogin", 0},
{"LinkErrorReporting", "ERRORREPORT:SEND",
"Send Error Report", "SendErrorReport", 0},
{"LinkErrorReporting", "ERRORREPORT:NONE",
"No Error Report", "NoErrorReport", 0},
{"CLRSupportLastError", "CLRSupportLastError",
"Enabled", "Enabled", 0},
{"CLRSupportLastError", "CLRSupportLastError:NO",
"Disabled", "Disabled", 0},
{"CLRSupportLastError", "CLRSupportLastError:SYSTEMDLL",
"System Dlls Only", "SystemDlls", 0},
//Bool Properties
{"LinkIncremental", "INCREMENTAL:NO", "", "false", 0},
{"LinkIncremental", "INCREMENTAL", "", "true", 0},
{"SuppressStartupBanner", "NOLOGO", "", "true", 0},
{"LinkStatus", "LTCG:NOSTATUS", "", "false", 0},
{"LinkStatus", "LTCG:STATUS", "", "true", 0},
{"PreventDllBinding", "ALLOWBIND:NO", "", "false", 0},
{"PreventDllBinding", "ALLOWBIND", "", "true", 0},
{"TreatLinkerWarningAsErrors", "WX:NO", "", "false", 0},
{"TreatLinkerWarningAsErrors", "WX", "", "true", 0},
{"IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries", "NODEFAULTLIB", "", "true", 0},
{"GenerateManifest", "MANIFEST:NO", "", "false", 0},
{"GenerateManifest", "MANIFEST", "", "true", 0},
{"AllowIsolation", "ALLOWISOLATION:NO", "", "false", 0},
{"UACUIAccess", "uiAccess='false'", "", "false", 0},
{"UACUIAccess", "uiAccess='true'", "", "true", 0},
{"GenerateDebugInformation", "DEBUG", "", "true", 0},
{"MapExports", "MAPINFO:EXPORTS", "", "true", 0},
{"AssemblyDebug", "ASSEMBLYDEBUG:DISABLE", "", "false", 0},
{"AssemblyDebug", "ASSEMBLYDEBUG", "", "true", 0},
{"LargeAddressAware", "LARGEADDRESSAWARE:NO", "", "false", 0},
{"LargeAddressAware", "LARGEADDRESSAWARE", "", "true", 0},
{"TerminalServerAware", "TSAWARE:NO", "", "false", 0},
{"TerminalServerAware", "TSAWARE", "", "true", 0},
{"SwapRunFromCD", "SWAPRUN:CD", "", "true", 0},
{"SwapRunFromNET", "SWAPRUN:NET", "", "true", 0},
{"OptimizeReferences", "OPT:NOREF", "", "false", 0},
{"OptimizeReferences", "OPT:REF", "", "true", 0},
{"EnableCOMDATFolding", "OPT:NOICF", "", "false", 0},
{"EnableCOMDATFolding", "OPT:ICF", "", "true", 0},
{"IgnoreEmbeddedIDL", "IGNOREIDL", "", "true", 0},
{"NoEntryPoint", "NOENTRY", "", "true", 0},
{"SetChecksum", "RELEASE", "", "true", 0},
{"RandomizedBaseAddress", "DYNAMICBASE:NO", "", "false", 0},
{"RandomizedBaseAddress", "DYNAMICBASE", "", "true", 0},
{"FixedBaseAddress", "FIXED:NO", "", "false", 0},
{"FixedBaseAddress", "FIXED", "", "true", 0},
{"DataExecutionPrevention", "NXCOMPAT:NO", "", "false", 0},
{"DataExecutionPrevention", "NXCOMPAT", "", "true", 0},
{"TurnOffAssemblyGeneration", "NOASSEMBLY", "", "true", 0},
{"SupportUnloadOfDelayLoadedDLL", "DELAY:UNLOAD", "", "true", 0},
{"SupportNobindOfDelayLoadedDLL", "DELAY:NOBIND", "", "true", 0},
{"Profile", "PROFILE", "", "true", 0},
{"DelaySign", "DELAYSIGN:NO", "", "false", 0},
{"DelaySign", "DELAYSIGN", "", "true", 0},
{"CLRUnmanagedCodeCheck", "CLRUNMANAGEDCODECHECK:NO", "", "false", 0},
{"CLRUnmanagedCodeCheck", "CLRUNMANAGEDCODECHECK", "", "true", 0},
{"ImageHasSafeExceptionHandlers", "SAFESEH:NO", "", "false", 0},
{"ImageHasSafeExceptionHandlers", "SAFESEH", "", "true", 0},
{"LinkDLL", "DLL", "", "true", 0},
//Bool Properties With Argument
{"EnableUAC", "MANIFESTUAC:NO", "", "false",
cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueIgnored | cmVS7FlagTable::Continue},
{"EnableUAC", "MANIFESTUAC:NO", "Enable User Account Control (UAC)", "",
{"EnableUAC", "MANIFESTUAC:", "", "true",
cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueIgnored | cmVS7FlagTable::Continue},
{"UACUIAccess", "MANIFESTUAC:", "Enable User Account Control (UAC)", "",
{"GenerateMapFile", "MAP", "", "true",
cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueIgnored | cmVS7FlagTable::Continue},
{"MapFileName", "MAP", "Generate Map File", "",
//String List Properties
{"AdditionalLibraryDirectories", "LIBPATH:",
"Additional Library Directories",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable},
// Skip [AdditionalDependencies] - no command line Switch.
{"IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries", "NODEFAULTLIB:",
"Ignore Specific Default Libraries",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable},
{"AddModuleNamesToAssembly", "ASSEMBLYMODULE:",
"Add Module to Assembly",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable},
{"EmbedManagedResourceFile", "ASSEMBLYRESOURCE:",
"Embed Managed Resource File",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable},
{"ForceSymbolReferences", "INCLUDE:",
"Force Symbol References",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable},
{"DelayLoadDLLs", "DELAYLOAD:",
"Delay Loaded Dlls",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable},
{"AssemblyLinkResource", "ASSEMBLYLINKRESOURCE:",
"Assembly Link Resource",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable},
{"AdditionalManifestDependencies", "MANIFESTDEPENDENCY:",
"Additional Manifest Dependencies",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable},
//String Properties
{"OutputFile", "OUT:",
"Output File",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"Version", "VERSION:",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"SpecifySectionAttributes", "SECTION:",
"Specify Section Attributes",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"MSDOSStubFileName", "STUB:",
"MS-DOS Stub File Name",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
// Skip [TrackerLogDirectory] - no command line Switch.
{"ModuleDefinitionFile", "DEF:",
"Module Definition File",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"ManifestFile", "ManifestFile:",
"Manifest File",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"ProgramDatabaseFile", "PDB:",
"Generate Program Database File",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"StripPrivateSymbols", "PDBSTRIPPED:",
"Strip Private Symbols",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
// Skip [MapFileName] - no command line Switch.
// Skip [MinimumRequiredVersion] - no command line Switch.
{"HeapReserveSize", "HEAP:",
"Heap Reserve Size",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
// Skip [HeapCommitSize] - no command line Switch.
{"StackReserveSize", "STACK:",
"Stack Reserve Size",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
// Skip [StackCommitSize] - no command line Switch.
{"FunctionOrder", "ORDER:@",
"Function Order",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"ProfileGuidedDatabase", "PGD:",
"Profile Guided Database",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"MidlCommandFile", "MIDL:@",
"MIDL Commands",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"MergedIDLBaseFileName", "IDLOUT:",
"Merged IDL Base File Name",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"TypeLibraryFile", "TLBOUT:",
"Type Library",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"EntryPointSymbol", "ENTRY:",
"Entry Point",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"BaseAddress", "BASE:",
"Base Address",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"ImportLibrary", "IMPLIB:",
"Import Library",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"MergeSections", "MERGE:",
"Merge Sections",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"KeyFile", "KEYFILE:",
"Key File",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
{"KeyContainer", "KEYCONTAINER:",
"Key Container",
"", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue},
// Skip [AdditionalOptions] - no command line Switch.