Stephen Kelly 1981c9718b cmMakefile: Simplify InitializeFromParent method.
Provide a parent instead of requiring it to be computed through
the cmLocalGenerator.
2015-06-06 09:35:55 +02:00

1088 lines
35 KiB

CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator
Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium
Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
See the License for more information.
#ifndef cmMakefile_h
#define cmMakefile_h
#include "cmExecutionStatus.h"
#include "cmListFileCache.h"
#include "cmPropertyMap.h"
#include "cmSystemTools.h"
#include "cmTarget.h"
#include "cmNewLineStyle.h"
#include "cmGeneratorTarget.h"
#include "cmExpandedCommandArgument.h"
#include "cmake.h"
#include "cmState.h"
#include "cmSourceGroup.h"
#include <cmsys/auto_ptr.hxx>
#include <cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx>
# include <unordered_map>
# else
# include <cmsys/hash_map.hxx>
# endif
#include <stack>
class cmFunctionBlocker;
class cmCommand;
class cmInstallGenerator;
class cmLocalGenerator;
class cmMakeDepend;
class cmSourceFile;
class cmTest;
class cmTestGenerator;
class cmVariableWatch;
class cmake;
class cmMakefileCall;
class cmCMakePolicyCommand;
/** \class cmMakefile
* \brief Process the input CMakeLists.txt file.
* Process and store into memory the input CMakeLists.txt file.
* Each CMakeLists.txt file is parsed and the commands found there
* are added into the build process.
class cmMakefile
class Internals;
cmsys::auto_ptr<Internals> Internal;
/* Mark a variable as used */
void MarkVariableAsUsed(const std::string& var);
/* return true if a variable has been initialized */
bool VariableInitialized(const std::string& ) const;
* Construct an empty makefile.
cmMakefile(cmLocalGenerator* localGenerator);
* Destructor.
bool ReadListFile(const char* listfile);
bool ReadDependentFile(const char* listfile, bool noPolicyScope = true);
bool ProcessBuildsystemFile(const char* listfile);
* Add a function blocker to this makefile
void AddFunctionBlocker(cmFunctionBlocker* fb);
* Remove the function blocker whose scope ends with the given command.
* This returns ownership of the function blocker object.
RemoveFunctionBlocker(cmFunctionBlocker* fb, const cmListFileFunction& lff);
/** Push/pop a lexical (function blocker) barrier automatically. */
class LexicalPushPop
LexicalPushPop(cmMakefile* mf);
void Quiet() { this->ReportError = false; }
cmMakefile* Makefile;
bool ReportError;
friend class LexicalPushPop;
class LoopBlockPop
LoopBlockPop(cmMakefile* mf) { this->Makefile = mf; }
~LoopBlockPop() { this->Makefile->PopLoopBlock(); }
cmMakefile* Makefile;
* Try running cmake and building a file. This is used for dynalically
* loaded commands, not as part of the usual build process.
int TryCompile(const std::string& srcdir, const std::string& bindir,
const std::string& projectName, const std::string& targetName,
bool fast,
const std::vector<std::string> *cmakeArgs,
std::string& output);
bool GetIsSourceFileTryCompile() const;
///! Get the current makefile generator.
cmLocalGenerator* GetLocalGenerator() const
{ return this->LocalGenerator;}
* Help enforce global target name uniqueness.
bool EnforceUniqueName(std::string const& name, std::string& msg,
bool isCustom = false) const;
* Perform FinalPass, Library dependency analysis etc before output of the
* makefile.
void ConfigureFinalPass();
* run the final pass on all commands.
void FinalPass();
/** Add a custom command to the build. */
void AddCustomCommandToTarget(const std::string& target,
const std::vector<std::string>& byproducts,
const std::vector<std::string>& depends,
const cmCustomCommandLines& commandLines,
cmTarget::CustomCommandType type,
const char* comment, const char* workingDir,
bool escapeOldStyle = true,
bool uses_terminal = false);
cmSourceFile* AddCustomCommandToOutput(
const std::vector<std::string>& outputs,
const std::vector<std::string>& byproducts,
const std::vector<std::string>& depends,
const std::string& main_dependency,
const cmCustomCommandLines& commandLines,
const char* comment, const char* workingDir,
bool replace = false,
bool escapeOldStyle = true,
bool uses_terminal = false);
cmSourceFile* AddCustomCommandToOutput(
const std::string& output,
const std::vector<std::string>& depends,
const std::string& main_dependency,
const cmCustomCommandLines& commandLines,
const char* comment, const char* workingDir,
bool replace = false,
bool escapeOldStyle = true,
bool uses_terminal = false);
void AddCustomCommandOldStyle(const std::string& target,
const std::vector<std::string>& outputs,
const std::vector<std::string>& depends,
const std::string& source,
const cmCustomCommandLines& commandLines,
const char* comment);
* Add a define flag to the build.
void AddDefineFlag(const char* definition);
void RemoveDefineFlag(const char* definition);
void AddCompileOption(const char* option);
/** Create a new imported target with the name and type given. */
cmTarget* AddImportedTarget(const std::string& name,
cmTarget::TargetType type,
bool global);
cmTarget* AddNewTarget(cmTarget::TargetType type, const std::string& name);
* Add an executable to the build.
cmTarget* AddExecutable(const char *exename,
const std::vector<std::string> &srcs,
bool excludeFromAll = false);
* Add a utility to the build. A utiltity target is a command that
* is run every time the target is built.
void AddUtilityCommand(const std::string& utilityName, bool excludeFromAll,
const std::vector<std::string>& depends,
const char* workingDirectory,
const char* command,
const char* arg1=0,
const char* arg2=0,
const char* arg3=0,
const char* arg4=0);
cmTarget* AddUtilityCommand(const std::string& utilityName,
bool excludeFromAll,
const char* workingDirectory,
const std::vector<std::string>& depends,
const cmCustomCommandLines& commandLines,
bool escapeOldStyle = true,
const char* comment = 0,
bool uses_terminal = false);
cmTarget* AddUtilityCommand(const std::string& utilityName,
bool excludeFromAll,
const char* workingDirectory,
const std::vector<std::string>& byproducts,
const std::vector<std::string>& depends,
const cmCustomCommandLines& commandLines,
bool escapeOldStyle = true,
const char* comment = 0,
bool uses_terminal = false);
* Add a link library to the build.
void AddLinkLibrary(const std::string&);
void AddLinkLibrary(const std::string&, cmTarget::LinkLibraryType type);
void AddLinkLibraryForTarget(const std::string& tgt, const std::string&,
cmTarget::LinkLibraryType type);
void AddLinkDirectoryForTarget(const std::string& tgt, const std::string& d);
* Add a link directory to the build.
void AddLinkDirectory(const std::string&);
const std::vector<std::string>& GetLinkDirectories() const
return this->LinkDirectories;
void SetLinkDirectories(const std::vector<std::string>& vec)
this->LinkDirectories = vec;
* Add a subdirectory to the build.
void AddSubDirectory(const std::string& fullSrcDir,
const std::string& fullBinDir,
bool excludeFromAll,
bool immediate);
void Configure();
* Configure a subdirectory
void ConfigureSubDirectory(cmMakefile* mf);
* Add an include directory to the build.
void AddIncludeDirectories(const std::vector<std::string> &incs,
bool before = false);
* Add a variable definition to the build. This variable
* can be used in CMake to refer to lists, directories, etc.
void AddDefinition(const std::string& name, const char* value);
///! Add a definition to this makefile and the global cmake cache.
void AddCacheDefinition(const std::string& name, const char* value,
const char* doc,
cmState::CacheEntryType type,
bool force = false);
* Add bool variable definition to the build.
void AddDefinition(const std::string& name, bool);
* Remove a variable definition from the build. This is not valid
* for cache entries, and will only affect the current makefile.
void RemoveDefinition(const std::string& name);
///! Remove a definition from the cache.
void RemoveCacheDefinition(const std::string& name);
* Specify the name of the project for this build.
void SetProjectName(const char*);
* Get the name of the project for this build.
const char* GetProjectName() const
return this->ProjectName.c_str();
/** Get the configurations to be generated. */
std::string GetConfigurations(std::vector<std::string>& configs,
bool single = true) const;
* Set the name of the library.
cmTarget* AddLibrary(const std::string& libname, cmTarget::TargetType type,
const std::vector<std::string> &srcs,
bool excludeFromAll = false);
void AddAlias(const std::string& libname, cmTarget *tgt);
* Add a root source group for consideration when adding a new source.
void AddSourceGroup(const std::string& name, const char* regex=0);
* Add a source group for consideration when adding a new source.
* name is tokenized.
void AddSourceGroup(const std::vector<std::string>& name,
const char* regex=0);
* Set, Push, Pop policy values for CMake.
bool SetPolicy(cmPolicies::PolicyID id, cmPolicies::PolicyStatus status);
bool SetPolicy(const char *id, cmPolicies::PolicyStatus status);
cmPolicies::PolicyStatus GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) const;
bool SetPolicyVersion(const char *version);
void RecordPolicies(cmPolicies::PolicyMap& pm);
/** Helper class to push and pop policies automatically. */
class PolicyPushPop
PolicyPushPop(cmMakefile* m,
bool weak = false,
cmPolicies::PolicyMap const& pm = cmPolicies::PolicyMap());
void Quiet() { this->ReportError = false; }
cmMakefile* Makefile;
bool ReportError;
friend class PolicyPushPop;
mutable std::set<cmListFileContext> CMP0054ReportedIds;
* Determine if the given context, name pair has already been reported
* in context of CMP0054.
bool HasCMP0054AlreadyBeenReported() const;
bool IgnoreErrorsCMP0061() const;
const char* GetHomeDirectory() const;
const char* GetHomeOutputDirectory() const;
* Set CMAKE_SCRIPT_MODE_FILE variable when running a -P script.
void SetScriptModeFile(const char* scriptfile);
* Set CMAKE_ARGC, CMAKE_ARGV0 ... variables.
void SetArgcArgv(const std::vector<std::string>& args);
void SetCurrentSourceDirectory(const std::string& dir);
const char* GetCurrentSourceDirectory() const;
void SetCurrentBinaryDirectory(const std::string& dir);
const char* GetCurrentBinaryDirectory() const;
* Set a regular expression that include files must match
* in order to be considered as part of the depend information.
void SetIncludeRegularExpression(const char* regex)
this->IncludeFileRegularExpression = regex;
const char* GetIncludeRegularExpression() const
return this->IncludeFileRegularExpression.c_str();
* Set a regular expression that include files that are not found
* must match in order to be considered a problem.
void SetComplainRegularExpression(const std::string& regex)
this->ComplainFileRegularExpression = regex;
const char* GetComplainRegularExpression() const
return this->ComplainFileRegularExpression.c_str();
* Get the list of targets
cmTargets &GetTargets() { return this->Targets; }
* Get the list of targets, const version
const cmTargets &GetTargets() const { return this->Targets; }
const std::vector<cmTarget*> &GetOwnedImportedTargets() const
return this->ImportedTargetsOwned;
const cmGeneratorTargetsType &GetGeneratorTargets() const
return this->GeneratorTargets;
void SetGeneratorTargets(const cmGeneratorTargetsType &targets)
this->GeneratorTargets = targets;
cmTarget* FindTarget(const std::string& name,
bool excludeAliases = false) const;
/** Find a target to use in place of the given name. The target
returned may be imported or built within the project. */
cmTarget* FindTargetToUse(const std::string& name,
bool excludeAliases = false) const;
bool IsAlias(const std::string& name) const;
cmGeneratorTarget* FindGeneratorTargetToUse(const std::string& name) const;
* Mark include directories as system directories.
void AddSystemIncludeDirectories(const std::set<std::string> &incs);
/** Get a cmSourceFile pointer for a given source name, if the name is
* not found, then a null pointer is returned.
cmSourceFile* GetSource(const std::string& sourceName) const;
/** Create the source file and return it. generated
* indicates if it is a generated file, this is used in determining
* how to create the source file instance e.g. name
cmSourceFile* CreateSource(const std::string& sourceName,
bool generated = false);
/** Get a cmSourceFile pointer for a given source name, if the name is
* not found, then create the source file and return it. generated
* indicates if it is a generated file, this is used in determining
* how to create the source file instance e.g. name
cmSourceFile* GetOrCreateSource(const std::string& sourceName,
bool generated = false);
* Return a list of extensions associated with source and header
* files
const std::vector<std::string>& GetSourceExtensions() const
{return this->SourceFileExtensions;}
const std::vector<std::string>& GetHeaderExtensions() const
{return this->HeaderFileExtensions;}
* Given a variable name, return its value (as a string).
* If the variable is not found in this makefile instance, the
* cache is then queried.
const char* GetDefinition(const std::string&) const;
const char* GetSafeDefinition(const std::string&) const;
const char* GetRequiredDefinition(const std::string& name) const;
bool IsDefinitionSet(const std::string&) const;
* Get the list of all variables in the current space. If argument
* cacheonly is specified and is greater than 0, then only cache
* variables will be listed.
std::vector<std::string> GetDefinitions(int cacheonly=0) const;
* Test a boolean variable to see if it is true or false.
* If the variable is not found in this makefile instance, the
* cache is then queried.
* Returns false if no entry defined.
bool IsOn(const std::string& name) const;
bool IsSet(const std::string& name) const;
/** Return whether the target platform is 64-bit. */
bool PlatformIs64Bit() const;
/** Retrieve soname flag for the specified language if supported */
const char* GetSONameFlag(const std::string& language) const;
* Get a list of preprocessor define flags.
const char* GetDefineFlags() const
{return this->DefineFlags.c_str();}
* Make sure CMake can write this file
bool CanIWriteThisFile(const char* fileName) const;
* Get the vector source groups.
const std::vector<cmSourceGroup>& GetSourceGroups() const
{ return this->SourceGroups; }
* Get the source group
cmSourceGroup* GetSourceGroup(const std::vector<std::string>&name) const;
* Get the vector of list files on which this makefile depends
const std::vector<std::string>& GetListFiles() const
{ return this->ListFiles; }
///! When the file changes cmake will be re-run from the build system.
void AddCMakeDependFile(const std::string& file)
{ this->ListFiles.push_back(file);}
void AddCMakeDependFilesFromUser();
std::string FormatListFileStack() const;
* Get the current context backtrace.
cmListFileBacktrace GetBacktrace() const;
cmListFileBacktrace GetBacktrace(cmListFileContext const& lfc) const;
cmListFileContext GetExecutionContext() const;
* Get the vector of files created by this makefile
const std::vector<std::string>& GetOutputFiles() const
{ return this->OutputFiles; }
void AddCMakeOutputFile(const std::string& file)
{ this->OutputFiles.push_back(file);}
* Expand all defined variables in the string.
* Defined variables come from the this->Definitions map.
* They are expanded with ${var} where var is the
* entry in the this->Definitions map. Also \@var\@ is
* expanded to match autoconf style expansions.
const char *ExpandVariablesInString(std::string& source) const;
const char *ExpandVariablesInString(std::string& source, bool escapeQuotes,
bool noEscapes,
bool atOnly = false,
const char* filename = 0,
long line = -1,
bool removeEmpty = false,
bool replaceAt = false) const;
* Remove any remaining variables in the string. Anything with ${var} or
* \@var\@ will be removed.
void RemoveVariablesInString(std::string& source,
bool atOnly = false) const;
* Expand variables in the makefiles ivars such as link directories etc
void ExpandVariablesCMP0019();
* Replace variables and #cmakedefine lines in the given string.
* See cmConfigureFileCommand for details.
void ConfigureString(const std::string& input, std::string& output,
bool atOnly, bool escapeQuotes) const;
* Copy file but change lines acording to ConfigureString
int ConfigureFile(const char* infile, const char* outfile,
bool copyonly, bool atOnly, bool escapeQuotes,
const cmNewLineStyle& = cmNewLineStyle());
* find what source group this source is in
cmSourceGroup* FindSourceGroup(const char* source,
std::vector<cmSourceGroup> &groups) const;
* Print a command's invocation
void PrintCommandTrace(const cmListFileFunction& lff) const;
* Execute a single CMake command. Returns true if the command
* succeeded or false if it failed.
bool ExecuteCommand(const cmListFileFunction& lff,
cmExecutionStatus &status);
///! Enable support for named language, if nil then all languages are
void EnableLanguage(std::vector<std::string>const& languages, bool optional);
cmState *GetState() const;
* Get the variable watch. This is used to determine when certain variables
* are accessed.
cmVariableWatch* GetVariableWatch() const;
///! Display progress or status message.
void DisplayStatus(const char*, float) const;
* Expand the given list file arguments into the full set after
* variable replacement and list expansion.
bool ExpandArguments(std::vector<cmListFileArgument> const& inArgs,
std::vector<std::string>& outArgs) const;
bool ExpandArguments(std::vector<cmListFileArgument> const& inArgs,
std::vector<cmExpandedCommandArgument>& outArgs) const;
* Get the instance
cmake *GetCMakeInstance() const;
cmGlobalGenerator* GetGlobalGenerator() const;
* Get all the source files this makefile knows about
const std::vector<cmSourceFile*> &GetSourceFiles() const
{return this->SourceFiles;}
std::vector<cmSourceFile*> &GetSourceFiles() {return this->SourceFiles;}
* Is there a source file that has the provided source file as an output?
* if so then return it
cmSourceFile *GetSourceFileWithOutput(const std::string& outName) const;
* Add a macro to the list of macros. The arguments should be name of the
* macro and a documentation signature of it
void AddMacro(const char* name);
///! Add a new cmTest to the list of tests for this makefile.
cmTest* CreateTest(const std::string& testName);
/** Get a cmTest pointer for a given test name, if the name is
* not found, then a null pointer is returned.
cmTest* GetTest(const std::string& testName) const;
* Get a list of macros as a ; separated string
void GetListOfMacros(std::string& macros) const;
* Return a location of a file in cmake or custom modules directory
std::string GetModulesFile(const char* name) const;
///! Set/Get a property of this directory
void SetProperty(const std::string& prop, const char *value);
void AppendProperty(const std::string& prop, const char *value,
bool asString=false);
const char *GetProperty(const std::string& prop) const;
const char *GetProperty(const std::string& prop,
cmProperty::ScopeType scope) const;
bool GetPropertyAsBool(const std::string& prop) const;
const char* GetFeature(const std::string& feature,
const std::string& config);
// Get the properties
cmPropertyMap &GetProperties() { return this->Properties; }
///! Initialize a makefile from its parent
void InitializeFromParent(cmMakefile* parent);
void AddInstallGenerator(cmInstallGenerator* g)
{ if(g) this->InstallGenerators.push_back(g); }
std::vector<cmInstallGenerator*>& GetInstallGenerators()
{ return this->InstallGenerators; }
void AddTestGenerator(cmTestGenerator* g)
{ if(g) this->TestGenerators.push_back(g); }
const std::vector<cmTestGenerator*>& GetTestGenerators() const
{ return this->TestGenerators; }
class FunctionPushPop
FunctionPushPop(cmMakefile* mf,
cmPolicies::PolicyMap const& pm);
void Quiet() { this->ReportError = false; }
cmMakefile* Makefile;
bool ReportError;
class MacroPushPop
MacroPushPop(cmMakefile* mf,
cmPolicies::PolicyMap const& pm);
void Quiet() { this->ReportError = false; }
cmMakefile* Makefile;
bool ReportError;
void PushFunctionScope(cmPolicies::PolicyMap const& pm);
void PopFunctionScope(bool reportError);
void PushMacroScope(cmPolicies::PolicyMap const& pm);
void PopMacroScope(bool reportError);
void PushScope();
void PopScope();
void RaiseScope(const std::string& var, const char *value);
// push and pop loop scopes
void PushLoopBlockBarrier();
void PopLoopBlockBarrier();
/** Helper class to push and pop scopes automatically. */
class ScopePushPop
ScopePushPop(cmMakefile* m): Makefile(m) { this->Makefile->PushScope(); }
~ScopePushPop() { this->Makefile->PopScope(); }
cmMakefile* Makefile;
void IssueMessage(cmake::MessageType t,
std::string const& text) const;
/** Set whether or not to report a CMP0000 violation. */
void SetCheckCMP0000(bool b) { this->CheckCMP0000 = b; }
const std::vector<cmValueWithOrigin>& GetIncludeDirectoriesEntries() const
return this->IncludeDirectoriesEntries;
const std::vector<cmValueWithOrigin>& GetCompileOptionsEntries() const
return this->CompileOptionsEntries;
const std::vector<cmValueWithOrigin>& GetCompileDefinitionsEntries() const
return this->CompileDefinitionsEntries;
bool IsConfigured() const { return this->Configured; }
void SetConfigured(){ this->Configured = true; }
void AddQtUiFileWithOptions(cmSourceFile *sf);
std::vector<cmSourceFile*> GetQtUiFilesWithOptions() const;
std::set<std::string> const & GetSystemIncludeDirectories() const
{ return this->SystemIncludeDirectories; }
bool PolicyOptionalWarningEnabled(std::string const& var);
bool AddRequiredTargetFeature(cmTarget *target,
const std::string& feature,
std::string *error = 0) const;
bool CompileFeatureKnown(cmTarget const* target, const std::string& feature,
std::string& lang, std::string *error) const;
const char* CompileFeaturesAvailable(const std::string& lang,
std::string *error) const;
bool HaveStandardAvailable(cmTarget const* target, std::string const& lang,
const std::string& feature) const;
bool IsLaterStandard(std::string const& lang,
std::string const& lhs,
std::string const& rhs);
void PushLoopBlock();
void PopLoopBlock();
bool IsLoopBlock() const;
void ClearMatches();
void StoreMatches(cmsys::RegularExpression& re);
// add link libraries and directories to the target
void AddGlobalLinkInformation(const std::string& name, cmTarget& target);
// Check for a an unused variable
void LogUnused(const char* reason, const std::string& name) const;
std::string ProjectName; // project name
// libraries, classes, and executables
mutable cmTargets Targets;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, cmTarget*> TargetMap;
typedef cmsys::hash_map<std::string, cmTarget*> TargetMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, cmTarget*> TargetMap;
TargetMap AliasTargets;
cmGeneratorTargetsType GeneratorTargets;
std::vector<cmSourceFile*> SourceFiles;
// Tests
std::map<std::string, cmTest*> Tests;
// The link-library paths. Order matters, use std::vector (not std::set).
std::vector<std::string> LinkDirectories;
// The set of include directories that are marked as system include
// directories.
std::set<std::string> SystemIncludeDirectories;
std::vector<std::string> ListFiles;
std::vector<std::string> OutputFiles;
cmTarget::LinkLibraryVectorType LinkLibraries;
std::vector<cmInstallGenerator*> InstallGenerators;
std::vector<cmTestGenerator*> TestGenerators;
std::string IncludeFileRegularExpression;
std::string ComplainFileRegularExpression;
std::vector<std::string> SourceFileExtensions;
std::vector<std::string> HeaderFileExtensions;
std::string DefineFlags;
std::vector<cmValueWithOrigin> IncludeDirectoriesEntries;
std::vector<cmValueWithOrigin> CompileOptionsEntries;
std::vector<cmValueWithOrigin> CompileDefinitionsEntries;
// Track the value of the computed DEFINITIONS property.
void AddDefineFlag(const char*, std::string&);
void RemoveDefineFlag(const char*, std::string::size_type, std::string&);
std::string DefineFlagsOrig;
std::vector<cmSourceGroup> SourceGroups;
std::vector<cmCommand*> FinalPassCommands;
cmLocalGenerator* LocalGenerator;
bool IsFunctionBlocked(const cmListFileFunction& lff,
cmExecutionStatus &status);
cmMakefile(const cmMakefile& mf);
cmMakefile& operator=(const cmMakefile& mf);
cmState::Snapshot StateSnapshot;
bool ReadListFile(const char* listfile,
bool noPolicyScope,
bool requireProjectCommand);
bool ReadListFileInternal(const char* filenametoread,
bool noPolicyScope,
bool requireProjectCommand);
bool ParseDefineFlag(std::string const& definition, bool remove);
bool EnforceUniqueDir(const std::string& srcPath,
const std::string& binPath) const;
friend class cmMakeDepend; // make depend needs direct access
// to the Sources array
void AddDefaultDefinitions();
typedef std::vector<cmFunctionBlocker*> FunctionBlockersType;
FunctionBlockersType FunctionBlockers;
std::vector<FunctionBlockersType::size_type> FunctionBlockerBarriers;
void PushFunctionBlockerBarrier();
void PopFunctionBlockerBarrier(bool reportError = true);
std::stack<int> LoopBlockCounter;
std::vector<std::string> MacrosList;
mutable cmsys::RegularExpression cmDefineRegex;
mutable cmsys::RegularExpression cmDefine01Regex;
mutable cmsys::RegularExpression cmAtVarRegex;
mutable cmsys::RegularExpression cmNamedCurly;
std::vector<cmMakefile*> UnConfiguredDirectories;
cmPropertyMap Properties;
// Unused variable flags
bool WarnUnused;
bool CheckSystemVars;
// stack of list files being read
std::vector<std::string> ListFileStack;
// stack of commands being invoked.
struct CallStackEntry
cmListFileContext const* Context;
cmExecutionStatus* Status;
typedef std::vector<CallStackEntry> CallStackType;
CallStackType CallStack;
friend class cmMakefileCall;
std::vector<cmTarget*> ImportedTargetsOwned;
TargetMap ImportedTargets;
// Internal policy stack management.
void PushPolicy(bool weak = false,
cmPolicies::PolicyMap const& pm = cmPolicies::PolicyMap());
void PopPolicy();
void PushPolicyBarrier();
void PopPolicyBarrier(bool reportError = true);
friend class cmCMakePolicyCommand;
class IncludeScope;
friend class IncludeScope;
// stack of policy settings
struct PolicyStackEntry: public cmPolicies::PolicyMap
typedef cmPolicies::PolicyMap derived;
PolicyStackEntry(bool w = false): derived(), Weak(w) {}
PolicyStackEntry(derived const& d, bool w = false): derived(d), Weak(w) {}
PolicyStackEntry(PolicyStackEntry const& r): derived(r), Weak(r.Weak) {}
bool Weak;
typedef std::vector<PolicyStackEntry> PolicyStackType;
PolicyStackType PolicyStack;
std::vector<PolicyStackType::size_type> PolicyBarriers;
GetPolicyStatusInternal(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) const;
bool CheckCMP0000;
// Enforce rules about CMakeLists.txt files.
void EnforceDirectoryLevelRules() const;
// CMP0053 == old
cmake::MessageType ExpandVariablesInStringOld(
std::string& errorstr,
std::string& source,
bool escapeQuotes,
bool noEscapes,
bool atOnly,
const char* filename,
long line,
bool removeEmpty,
bool replaceAt) const;
// CMP0053 == new
cmake::MessageType ExpandVariablesInStringNew(
std::string& errorstr,
std::string& source,
bool escapeQuotes,
bool noEscapes,
bool atOnly,
const char* filename,
long line,
bool removeEmpty,
bool replaceAt) const;
bool Configured;
* Old version of GetSourceFileWithOutput(const std::string&) kept for
* backward-compatibility. It implements a linear search and support
* relative file paths. It is used as a fall back by
* GetSourceFileWithOutput(const std::string&).
cmSourceFile *LinearGetSourceFileWithOutput(const std::string& cname) const;
// A map for fast output to input look up.
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, cmSourceFile*> OutputToSourceMap;
typedef cmsys::hash_map<std::string, cmSourceFile*> OutputToSourceMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, cmSourceFile*> OutputToSourceMap;
OutputToSourceMap OutputToSource;
void UpdateOutputToSourceMap(std::vector<std::string> const& outputs,
cmSourceFile* source);
void UpdateOutputToSourceMap(std::string const& output,
cmSourceFile* source);
std::vector<cmSourceFile*> QtUiFilesWithOptions;
bool AddRequiredTargetCFeature(cmTarget *target,
const std::string& feature) const;
bool AddRequiredTargetCxxFeature(cmTarget *target,
const std::string& feature) const;
void CheckNeededCLanguage(const std::string& feature, bool& needC90,
bool& needC99, bool& needC11) const;
void CheckNeededCxxLanguage(const std::string& feature, bool& needCxx98,
bool& needCxx11, bool& needCxx14) const;
bool HaveCStandardAvailable(cmTarget const* target,
const std::string& feature) const;
bool HaveCxxStandardAvailable(cmTarget const* target,
const std::string& feature) const;
void CheckForUnusedVariables() const;
mutable bool SuppressWatches;
// Helper class to make sure the call stack is valid.
class cmMakefileCall
cmMakefileCall(cmMakefile* mf,
cmListFileContext const& lfc,
cmExecutionStatus& status);
cmMakefile* Makefile;