2007-07-02 11:24:44 -04:00

276 lines
9.8 KiB

Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator
Module: $RCSfile$
Language: C++
Date: $Date$
Version: $Revision$
Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
#ifndef _cmDocumentation_h
#define _cmDocumentation_h
#include "cmStandardIncludes.h"
/** This is just a helper class to make it build with MSVC 6.0.
Actually the enums and internal classes could directly go into
cmDocumentation, but then MSVC6 complains in RequestedHelpItem that
cmDocumentation is an undefined type and so it doesn't know the enums.
Moving the enums to a class which is then already completely parsed helps.
against this. */
class cmDocumentationEnums
/** Types of help provided. */
enum Type
{ None, Usage, Single, SingleModule, SingleProperty,
List, ModuleList, PropertyList,
Full, Properties, Modules, Commands, CompatCommands,
Copyright, Version };
/** Forms of documentation output. */
enum Form { TextForm, HTMLForm, ManForm, UsageForm };
/** Class to generate documentation. */
class cmDocumentation: public cmDocumentationEnums
// High-level interface for standard documents:
* Check command line arguments for documentation options. Returns
* true if documentation options are found, and false otherwise.
* When true is returned, PrintRequestedDocumentation should be
* called.
bool CheckOptions(int argc, const char* const* argv);
* Print help requested on the command line. Call after
* CheckOptions returns true. Returns true on success, and false
* otherwise. Failure can occur when output files specified on the
* command line cannot be written.
bool PrintRequestedDocumentation(std::ostream& os);
/** Print help of the given type. */
bool PrintDocumentation(Type ht, std::ostream& os);
/** Set the program name for standard document generation. */
void SetName(const char* name);
/** Set the program name section for standard document
* generation. */
void SetNameSection(const cmDocumentationEntry*);
/** Set the program usage for standard document generation. */
void SetUsageSection(const cmDocumentationEntry*);
/** Set the program description for standard document generation. */
void SetDescriptionSection(const cmDocumentationEntry*);
/** Set the program options for standard document generation. */
void SetOptionsSection(const cmDocumentationEntry*);
/** Set the listfile commands for standard document generation. */
void SetCommandsSection(const cmDocumentationEntry*);
/** Set the listfile compat. commands for standard document generation. */
void SetCompatCommandsSection(const cmDocumentationEntry*);
/** Set the properties for standard document generation. */
void SetPropertiesSection(const cmDocumentationEntry*);
/** Set the generator descriptions for standard document generation. */
void SetGeneratorsSection(const cmDocumentationEntry*);
/** Set the see-also list of references to the other tools. */
void SetSeeAlsoList(const cmDocumentationEntry*);
// Low-level interface for custom documents:
/** Internal class representing a section of the documentation.
* Cares e.g. for the different section titles in the different
* output formats.
class cmSection
/** Create a cmSection, with a special name for man-output mode. */
cmSection(const char* name, const char* manName)
:Name(name), ManName(manName) {}
/** Has any content been added to this section or is it empty ? */
bool IsEmpty() const
{ return this->Entries.empty(); }
/** Clear contents. */
void Clear()
{ this->Entries.clear(); }
/** Return the name of this section for the given output form. */
const char* GetName(Form form) const
{ return (form==ManForm?this->ManName.c_str():this->Name.c_str()); }
/** Return a pointer to the first entry of this section. */
const cmDocumentationEntry *GetEntries() const
{ return this->Entries.empty()?&this->EmptySection:&this->Entries[0];}
/** Append an entry to this section. */
void Append(const cmDocumentationEntry& entry)
{ this->Entries.push_back(entry); }
/** Set the contents of this section. */
void Set(const cmDocumentationEntry* header,
const cmDocumentationEntry* section,
const cmDocumentationEntry* footer);
std::string Name;
std::string ManName;
std::vector<cmDocumentationEntry> Entries;
static const cmDocumentationEntry EmptySection;
* Print documentation in the given form. All previously added
* sections will be generated.
void Print(Form f, std::ostream& os);
* Print documentation in the current form. All previously added
* sections will be generated.
void Print(std::ostream& os);
* Add a section of documentation. The cmDocumentationEntry pointer
* should point at an array terminated by an all zero ({0,0,0})
* entry. This can be used to generate custom help documents.
void AddSection(const char* name, const cmDocumentationEntry* d);
/** Convenience function, does the same as above */
void AddSection(const cmSection& section);
/** Clear all previously added sections of help. */
void ClearSections();
/** Set cmake root so we can find installed files */
void SetCMakeRoot(const char* root) { this->CMakeRoot = root;}
static Form GetFormFromFilename(const std::string& filename);
void PrintHeader(const char* title, std::ostream& os);
void PrintFooter(std::ostream& os);
void PrintSection(std::ostream& os,
const cmDocumentationEntry* section,
const char* name);
void PrintSectionText(std::ostream& os,
const cmDocumentationEntry* section,
const char* name);
void PrintSectionHTML(std::ostream& os,
const cmDocumentationEntry* section,
const char* name);
void PrintSectionMan(std::ostream& os, const cmDocumentationEntry* section,
const char* name);
void PrintSectionUsage(std::ostream& os,
const cmDocumentationEntry* section,
const char* name);
void PrintFormatted(std::ostream& os, const char* text);
void PrintPreformatted(std::ostream& os, const char* text);
void PrintPreformattedText(std::ostream& os, const char* text);
void PrintPreformattedHTML(std::ostream& os, const char* text);
void PrintPreformattedMan(std::ostream& os, const char* text);
void PrintParagraph(std::ostream& os, const char* text);
void PrintParagraphText(std::ostream& os, const char* text);
void PrintParagraphHTML(std::ostream& os, const char* text);
void PrintParagraphMan(std::ostream& os, const char* text);
void PrintColumn(std::ostream& os, const char* text);
void PrintHTMLEscapes(std::ostream& os, const char* text);
bool CreateSingleModule(const char* fname, const char* moduleName);
bool CreateModulesSection();
bool PrintCopyright(std::ostream& os);
bool PrintVersion(std::ostream& os);
bool PrintDocumentationList(std::ostream& os);
bool PrintModuleList(std::ostream& os);
bool PrintPropertyList(std::ostream& os);
bool PrintDocumentationSingle(std::ostream& os);
bool PrintDocumentationSingleModule(std::ostream& os);
bool PrintDocumentationSingleProperty(std::ostream& os);
bool PrintDocumentationUsage(std::ostream& os);
bool PrintDocumentationFull(std::ostream& os);
bool PrintDocumentationModules(std::ostream& os);
bool PrintDocumentationProperties(std::ostream& os);
bool PrintDocumentationCurrentCommands(std::ostream& os);
bool PrintDocumentationCompatCommands(std::ostream& os);
void PrintDocumentationCommand(std::ostream& os,
const cmDocumentationEntry* entry);
void CreateUsageDocumentation();
void CreateFullDocumentation();
void CreateCurrentCommandsDocumentation();
void CreateCompatCommandsDocumentation();
void CreateModulesDocumentation();
void CreatePropertiesDocumentation();
void SetSection(const cmDocumentationEntry* header,
const cmDocumentationEntry* section,
const cmDocumentationEntry* footer,
const char* GetNameString() const;
bool IsOption(const char* arg) const;
std::string NameString;
cmSection NameSection;
cmSection UsageSection;
cmSection DescriptionSection;
cmSection OptionsSection;
cmSection CommandsSection;
cmSection CompatCommandsSection;
cmSection ModulesSection;
cmSection PropertiesSection;
cmSection GeneratorsSection;
cmSection SeeAlsoSection;
cmSection CopyrightSection;
cmSection AuthorSection;
std::string SeeAlsoString;
std::string CMakeRoot;
std::vector< char* > ModuleStrings;
std::vector< const char* > Names;
std::vector< const cmDocumentationEntry* > Sections;
Form CurrentForm;
std::string CurrentArgument;
const char* TextIndent;
int TextWidth;
struct RequestedHelpItem
RequestedHelpItem():Form(TextForm), Type(None) {}
cmDocumentationEnums::Form Form;
cmDocumentationEnums::Type Type;
std::string Filename;
std::string Argument;
std::vector<RequestedHelpItem> RequestedHelpItems;