Brad King 22c62c9e65 BUG: Sweeping changes to cleanup computation of target names. This should
fix many bugs related to target names being computed inconsistently.

- Centralized computation of a target's file name to a method in
  cmTarget.  Now that global knowledge is always available the
  *_CMAKE_PATH cache variables are no longer needed.

- Centralized computation of link library command lines and link
  directory search order.

- Moved computation of link directories needed to link CMake targets
  to be after evaluation of linking dependencies.

This also removed alot of duplicate code in which each version had its
own bugs.

This commit is surrounded by the tags




so make the large set of changes easy to identify.
2006-01-13 18:18:32 -05:00

383 lines
14 KiB

Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator
Module: $RCSfile$
Language: C++
Date: $Date$
Version: $Revision$
Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
#ifndef cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3_h
#define cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3_h
#include "cmLocalGenerator.h"
class cmCustomCommand;
class cmDependInformation;
class cmDepends;
class cmMakeDepend;
class cmTarget;
class cmSourceFile;
/** \class cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3
* \brief Write a LocalUnix makefiles.
* cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 produces a LocalUnix makefile from its
* member m_Makefile.
class cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3 : public cmLocalGenerator
virtual ~cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3();
* Generate the makefile for this directory.
virtual void Generate();
* Process the CMakeLists files for this directory to fill in the
* m_Makefile ivar
virtual void Configure();
/** creates the common disclainer text at the top of each makefile */
void WriteDisclaimer(std::ostream& os);
// this returns the relative path between the HomeOutputDirectory and this
// local generators StartOutputDirectory
const std::string &GetHomeRelativeOutputPath();
// Write out a make rule
void WriteMakeRule(std::ostream& os,
const char* comment,
const char* target,
const std::vector<std::string>& depends,
const std::vector<std::string>& commands);
// write the main variables used by the makefiles
void WriteMakeVariables(std::ostream& makefileStream);
// write a comment line #====... in the stream
void WriteDivider(std::ostream& os);
* If true, then explicitly pass MAKEFLAGS on the make all target for makes
* that do not use environment variables.
void SetPassMakeflags(bool s){m_PassMakeflags = s;}
bool GetPassMakeflags() { return m_PassMakeflags; }
* Set the flag used to keep the make program silent.
void SetMakeSilentFlag(const char* s) { m_MakeSilentFlag = s; }
std::string &GetMakeSilentFlag() { return m_MakeSilentFlag; }
/** used to create a recursive make call */
std::string GetRecursiveMakeCall(const char *makefile, const char* tgt);
/** Set whether the echo command needs its argument quoted. */
void SetEchoNeedsQuote(bool b) { m_EchoNeedsQuote = b; }
* Set to true if the shell being used is the windows shell.
* This controls if statements in the makefile and the SHELL variable.
* The default is false.
void SetWindowsShell(bool v) {m_WindowsShell = v;}
* If set to true, then NULL is set to nil for non Windows_NT.
* This uses make syntax used by nmake and borland.
* The default is false.
void SetDefineWindowsNULL(bool v) {m_DefineWindowsNULL = v;}
* If set to true, cd dir && command is used to
* run commands in a different directory.
void SetUnixCD(bool v) {m_UnixCD = v;}
* Set the string used to include one makefile into another default
* is include.
void SetIncludeDirective(const char* s) { m_IncludeDirective = s; }
const char *GetIncludeDirective() { return m_IncludeDirective.c_str(); }
* Set max makefile variable size, default is 0 which means unlimited.
void SetMakefileVariableSize(int s) { m_MakefileVariableSize = s; }
* If ignore lib prefix is true, then do not strip lib from the name
* of a library.
void SetIgnoreLibPrefix(bool s) { m_IgnoreLibPrefix = s; }
/** Called from command-line hook to scan dependencies. */
virtual bool ScanDependencies(std::vector<std::string> const& args);
/** Called from command-line hook to check dependencies. */
virtual void CheckDependencies(cmMakefile* mf, bool verbose,
bool clear);
/** write some extra rules suahc as make test etc */
void WriteSpecialTargetsTop(std::ostream& makefileStream);
void WriteSpecialTargetsBottom(std::ostream& makefileStream);
std::string GetRelativeTargetDirectory(cmTarget& target);
// List the files for which to check dependency integrity. Each
// language has its own list because integrity may be checked
// differently.
struct IntegrityCheckSet: public std::set<cmSourceFile *> {};
struct IntegrityCheckSetMap: public std::map<cmStdString, IntegrityCheckSet> {};
std::map<cmStdString, IntegrityCheckSetMap> &GetIntegrityCheckSet()
{ return m_CheckDependFiles;}
void AppendTargetDepends(std::vector<std::string>& depends,
cmTarget& target);
void AppendGlobalTargetDepends(std::vector<std::string>& depends,
cmTarget& target);
void AppendEcho(std::vector<std::string>& commands,
const char* text);
// write the target rules for the local Makefile into the stream
void WriteLocalAllRules(std::ostream& ruleFileStream);
std::map<cmStdString,std::vector<cmTarget *> > GetLocalObjectFiles()
{ return m_LocalObjectFiles;}
// Return the a string with -F flags on apple
std::string GetFrameworkFlags(cmTarget&);
// write the depend info
void WriteDependLanguageInfo(std::ostream& cmakefileStream, cmTarget &tgt);
// write the target rules for the local Makefile into the stream
void WriteLocalMakefileTargets(std::ostream& ruleFileStream,
std::set<cmStdString> &emitted);
// write the local help rule
void WriteHelpRule(std::ostream& ruleFileStream);
// create the cd to home commands
void CreateJumpCommand(std::vector<std::string>& commands,
const char *MakefileName,
std::string & localName);
// create a command that cds to the start dir then runs the commands
void CreateCDCommand(std::vector<std::string>& commands,
const char *targetDir, const char *returnDir);
// these two methods just compute reasonable values for m_LibraryOutputPath
// and m_ExecutableOutputPath
void ConfigureOutputPaths();
void FormatOutputPath(std::string& path, const char* name);
// this converts a file name that is relative to the StartOuputDirectory
// into a full path
std::string ConvertToFullPath(const std::string& localPath);
// this is responsible for writing all of the rules for all this
// directories custom commands (but not utility targets)
void WriteCustomCommands(std::ostream& os,
std::vector<std::string>& cleanFiles);
// this method Writes the Directory informaiton files
void WriteDirectoryInformationFile();
// cleanup the name of a potential target
std::string ConvertToMakeTarget(const char* tgt);
// used in writing out Cmake files such as WriteDirectoryInformation
void WriteCMakeArgument(std::ostream& os, const char* s);
// write out all the rules for this target
void WriteTargetRuleFiles(cmTarget& target);
void WriteUtilityRuleFiles(cmTarget& target);
// create the rule files for an object
void WriteObjectRuleFiles(cmTarget& target,
cmSourceFile& source,
std::vector<std::string>& objects,
std::ostream &filestr,
std::ostream &flagstr);
// write the build rule for an object
void WriteObjectBuildFile(std::string &obj,
const char *lang,
cmTarget& target,
cmSourceFile& source,
std::vector<std::string>& depends,
std::ostream &filestr,
std::ostream &flagstr);
// write the depend.make file for an object
void WriteObjectDependRules(cmSourceFile& source,
std::vector<std::string>& depends);
// this is used only by WriteObjectDependFile
bool GenerateDependsMakeFile(const std::string& lang,
const char* objFile);
// return the appropriate depends checker
cmDepends* GetDependsChecker(const std::string& lang,
bool verbose);
void GenerateCustomRuleFile(const cmCustomCommand& cc,
std::ostream &ruleStream);
// these three make some simple changes and then call WriteLibraryRule
void WriteStaticLibraryRule(std::ostream& ruleFileStream,
const char* ruleFileName,
cmTarget& target,
const std::vector<std::string>& objects,
const std::vector<std::string>& external_objects,
std::vector<std::string>& cleanFiles);
void WriteSharedLibraryRule(std::ostream& ruleFileStream,
const char* ruleFileName,
cmTarget& target,
const std::vector<std::string>& objects,
const std::vector<std::string>& external_objects,
std::vector<std::string>& cleanFiles);
void WriteModuleLibraryRule(std::ostream& ruleFileStream,
const char* ruleFileName,
cmTarget& target,
const std::vector<std::string>& objects,
const std::vector<std::string>& external_objects,
std::vector<std::string>& cleanFiles);
// the main code for writing the Executable target rules
void WriteExecutableRule(std::ostream& ruleFileStream,
const char* ruleFileName,
cmTarget& target,
const std::vector<std::string>& objects,
const std::vector<std::string>& external_objects,
std::vector<std::string>& cleanFiles);
// the main method for writing library rules
void WriteLibraryRule(std::ostream& ruleFileStream,
const char* ruleFileName,
cmTarget& target,
const std::vector<std::string>& objects,
const std::vector<std::string>& external_objects,
const char* linkRuleVar,
const char* extraLinkFlags,
std::vector<std::string>& cleanFiles);
void WriteLocalMakefile();
void WriteLocalRule(std::ostream& ruleFileStream, const char* pass,
const char* dependency);
void WriteConvenienceRule(std::ostream& ruleFileStream,
const char* realTarget,
const char* helpTarget);
void WriteObjectsVariable(std::ostream& ruleFileStream,
cmTarget& target,
const std::vector<std::string>& objects,
const std::vector<std::string>& external_objects,
std::string& variableName,
std::string& variableNameExternal);
void WriteTargetDependRule(std::ostream& ruleFileStream,
cmTarget& target);
void WriteTargetCleanRule(std::ostream& ruleFileStream,
cmTarget& target,
const std::vector<std::string>& files);
void WriteTargetRequiresRule(std::ostream& ruleFileStream,
cmTarget& target,
const std::vector<std::string>& objects);
std::string GetTargetDirectory(cmTarget& target);
std::string GetSubdirTargetName(const char* pass, const char* subdir);
std::string GetObjectFileName(cmTarget& target,
const cmSourceFile& source,
std::string* nameWithoutTargetDir = 0);
const char* GetSourceFileLanguage(const cmSourceFile& source);
std::string ConvertToQuotedOutputPath(const char* p);
void AppendAnyDepend(std::vector<std::string>& depends, const char* name);
void AppendRuleDepend(std::vector<std::string>& depends,
const char* ruleFileName);
void AppendCustomDepends(std::vector<std::string>& depends,
const std::vector<cmCustomCommand>& ccs);
void AppendCustomDepend(std::vector<std::string>& depends,
const cmCustomCommand& cc);
void AppendCustomCommands(std::vector<std::string>& commands,
const std::vector<cmCustomCommand>& ccs);
void AppendCustomCommand(std::vector<std::string>& commands,
const cmCustomCommand& cc);
void AppendCleanCommand(std::vector<std::string>& commands,
const std::vector<std::string>& files);
bool SamePath(const char* path1, const char* path2);
std::string& CreateSafeUniqueObjectFileName(const char* sin);
std::string CreateMakeVariable(const char* sin, const char* s2in);
void ComputeHomeRelativeOutputPath();
std::map<cmStdString, IntegrityCheckSetMap> m_CheckDependFiles;
// Configuration settings.
int m_MakefileVariableSize;
std::map<cmStdString, cmStdString> m_MakeVariableMap;
std::map<cmStdString, cmStdString> m_ShortMakeVariableMap;
std::map<cmStdString, cmStdString> m_UniqueObjectNamesMap;
std::string m_IncludeDirective;
std::string m_MakeSilentFlag;
std::string m_ExecutableOutputPath;
std::string m_LibraryOutputPath;
std::string m_ConfigurationName;
bool m_DefineWindowsNULL;
bool m_UnixCD;
bool m_PassMakeflags;
// Flag for whether echo command needs quotes.
bool m_EchoNeedsQuote;
std::string m_HomeRelativeOutputPath;
// Set of object file names that will be built in this directory.
std::set<cmStdString> m_ObjectFiles;
std::map<cmStdString,std::vector<cmTarget *> > m_LocalObjectFiles;