95dd238f cmRemoveDuplicates: Fix iterator -> const_iterator. 4448f175 cmInstalledFile: Move Property implementation out of line. 7916d7ba Include cmAlgorithms where it is used.
331 lines
8.4 KiB
331 lines
8.4 KiB
CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator
Copyright 2015 Stephen Kelly <steveire@gmail.com>
Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
See the License for more information.
#ifndef cmAlgorithms_h
#define cmAlgorithms_h
#include "cmStandardIncludes.h"
inline bool cmHasLiteralPrefixImpl(const std::string &str1,
const char *str2,
size_t N)
return strncmp(str1.c_str(), str2, N) == 0;
inline bool cmHasLiteralPrefixImpl(const char* str1,
const char *str2,
size_t N)
return strncmp(str1, str2, N) == 0;
inline bool cmHasLiteralSuffixImpl(const std::string &str1,
const char *str2,
size_t N)
size_t len = str1.size();
return len >= N && strcmp(str1.c_str() + len - N, str2) == 0;
inline bool cmHasLiteralSuffixImpl(const char* str1,
const char* str2,
size_t N)
size_t len = strlen(str1);
return len >= N && strcmp(str1 + len - N, str2) == 0;
template<typename T, size_t N>
const T* cmArrayBegin(const T (&a)[N]) { return a; }
template<typename T, size_t N>
const T* cmArrayEnd(const T (&a)[N]) { return a + N; }
template<typename T, size_t N>
size_t cmArraySize(const T (&)[N]) { return N; }
template<typename T, size_t N>
bool cmHasLiteralPrefix(T str1, const char (&str2)[N])
return cmHasLiteralPrefixImpl(str1, str2, N - 1);
template<typename T, size_t N>
bool cmHasLiteralSuffix(T str1, const char (&str2)[N])
return cmHasLiteralSuffixImpl(str1, str2, N - 1);
struct cmStrCmp {
cmStrCmp(const char *test) : m_test(test) {}
cmStrCmp(const std::string &test) : m_test(test) {}
bool operator()(const std::string& input) const
return m_test == input;
bool operator()(const char * input) const
return strcmp(input, m_test.c_str()) == 0;
const std::string m_test;
template<typename FwdIt>
FwdIt cmRotate(FwdIt first, FwdIt middle, FwdIt last)
const typename std::iterator_traits<FwdIt>::difference_type dist =
std::distance(middle, last);
std::rotate(first, middle, last);
std::advance(first, dist);
return first;
namespace ContainerAlgorithms {
template<typename T>
struct cmIsPair
enum { value = false };
template<typename K, typename V>
struct cmIsPair<std::pair<K, V> >
enum { value = true };
template<typename Range,
bool valueTypeIsPair = cmIsPair<typename Range::value_type>::value>
struct DefaultDeleter
void operator()(typename Range::value_type value) const {
delete value;
template<typename Range>
struct DefaultDeleter<Range, /* valueTypeIsPair = */ true>
void operator()(typename Range::value_type value) const {
delete value.second;
template<typename const_iterator_>
struct Range
typedef const_iterator_ const_iterator;
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<const_iterator>::value_type value_type;
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<const_iterator>::difference_type
Range(const_iterator begin_, const_iterator end_)
: Begin(begin_), End(end_) {}
const_iterator begin() const { return Begin; }
const_iterator end() const { return End; }
bool empty() const { return std::distance(Begin, End) == 0; }
difference_type size() const { return std::distance(Begin, End); }
Range& advance(cmIML_INT_intptr_t amount)
std::advance(Begin, amount);
return *this;
Range& retreat(cmIML_INT_intptr_t amount)
std::advance(End, -amount);
return *this;
const_iterator Begin;
const_iterator End;
template<typename FwdIt>
FwdIt RemoveN(FwdIt i1, FwdIt i2, size_t n)
FwdIt m = i1;
std::advance(m, n);
return cmRotate(i1, m, i2);
template<typename Range>
struct BinarySearcher
typedef typename Range::value_type argument_type;
BinarySearcher(Range const& r)
: m_range(r)
bool operator()(argument_type const& item) const
return std::binary_search(m_range.begin(), m_range.end(), item);
Range const& m_range;
template<typename Iter1, typename Iter2>
ContainerAlgorithms::Range<Iter1> cmRange(Iter1 begin, Iter2 end)
return ContainerAlgorithms::Range<Iter1>(begin, end);
template<typename Range>
ContainerAlgorithms::Range<typename Range::const_iterator>
cmRange(Range const& range)
return ContainerAlgorithms::Range<typename Range::const_iterator>(
range.begin(), range.end());
template<typename Range>
void cmDeleteAll(Range const& r)
std::for_each(r.begin(), r.end(),
template<typename Range>
std::string cmJoin(Range const& r, const char* delimiter)
if (r.empty())
return std::string();
std::ostringstream os;
typedef typename Range::value_type ValueType;
typedef typename Range::const_iterator InputIt;
const InputIt first = r.begin();
InputIt last = r.end();
std::copy(first, last,
std::ostream_iterator<ValueType>(os, delimiter));
os << *last;
return os.str();
template<typename Range>
std::string cmJoin(Range const& r, std::string delimiter)
return cmJoin(r, delimiter.c_str());
template<typename Range>
typename Range::const_iterator cmRemoveN(Range& r, size_t n)
return ContainerAlgorithms::RemoveN(r.begin(), r.end(), n);
template<typename Range, typename InputRange>
typename Range::const_iterator cmRemoveIndices(Range& r, InputRange const& rem)
typename InputRange::const_iterator remIt = rem.begin();
typename InputRange::const_iterator remEnd = rem.end();
const typename Range::iterator rangeEnd = r.end();
if (remIt == remEnd)
return rangeEnd;
typename Range::iterator writer = r.begin();
std::advance(writer, *remIt);
typename Range::iterator pivot = writer;
typename InputRange::value_type prevRem = *remIt;
size_t count = 1;
for ( ; writer != rangeEnd && remIt != remEnd; ++count, ++remIt)
std::advance(pivot, *remIt - prevRem);
prevRem = *remIt;
writer = ContainerAlgorithms::RemoveN(writer, pivot, count);
return ContainerAlgorithms::RemoveN(writer, rangeEnd, count);
template<typename Range, typename MatchRange>
typename Range::const_iterator cmRemoveMatching(Range &r, MatchRange const& m)
return std::remove_if(r.begin(), r.end(),
template<typename Range>
typename Range::const_iterator cmRemoveDuplicates(Range& r)
typedef std::vector<typename Range::value_type> UniqueVector;
UniqueVector unique;
std::vector<size_t> indices;
size_t count = 0;
const typename Range::const_iterator end = r.end();
for(typename Range::const_iterator it = r.begin();
it != end; ++it, ++count)
const typename UniqueVector::iterator low =
std::lower_bound(unique.begin(), unique.end(), *it);
if (low == unique.end() || *low != *it)
unique.insert(low, *it);
if (indices.empty())
return end;
return cmRemoveIndices(r, indices);
template<typename Range>
std::string cmWrap(std::string prefix, Range const& r, std::string suffix,
std::string sep)
if (r.empty())
return std::string();
return prefix + cmJoin(r, (suffix + sep + prefix).c_str()) + suffix;
template<typename Range>
std::string cmWrap(char prefix, Range const& r, char suffix, std::string sep)
return cmWrap(std::string(1, prefix), r, std::string(1, suffix), sep);
template<typename Range, typename T>
typename Range::const_iterator cmFindNot(Range const& r, T const& t)
return std::find_if(r.begin(), r.end(),
std::bind1st(std::not_equal_to<T>(), t));
template<typename Range>
ContainerAlgorithms::Range<typename Range::const_reverse_iterator>
cmReverseRange(Range const& range)
return ContainerAlgorithms::Range<typename Range::const_reverse_iterator>(
range.rbegin(), range.rend());