Use the CPack DragNDrop generator instead of the deprecated PackageMaker tool to package CMake itself. This provides an installation experience that is more consistent with other products on OS X and allows users to select the destination directory easily. It also avoids installing "/private/var/db/receipts/com.Kitware.CMake.*" receipts that must be removed by "pkgutil --forget com.Kitware.CMake" before another version of CMake can be installed. The DragNDrop installer does not support a post-flight script, so drop our configuration of it. The cmake-gui has an option for installing symbolic links to enable command-line use. In practice users may simply add "/Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin" to their PATH instead.
To create a cmake release, make sure the "release" tag is pointing to the expected git commit: http://cmake.org/gitweb?p=cmake.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/release Then as kitware@hythloth, using an up-to-date CMake: cd ~/CMakeReleases/cmake/Utilities/Release mkdir 283rc1 cd 283rc1 ~/CMakeReleases/build/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_CREATE_VERSION=release -P ../create-cmake-release.cmake ./create-release.sh create-cmake-release.cmake: script to run to create release sh scripts Add or remove machines in create-cmake-release.cmake. Cygwin -> directory that contains cpack cygwin package files used in CMakeCPack.cmake machine_release.cmake : config files for each machine