# Add a target that requires step1 to run first but enforces # it only by target-level ordering dependency. add_custom_command( OUTPUT step2.txt COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy step1.txt step2.txt ) add_custom_target(step2 DEPENDS step2.txt) add_dependencies(step2 step1) # Add a target that requires step1 and step2 to work, # only depends on step1 transitively through step2, but # also gets a copy of step2's custom command. # The Ninja generator in particular must be careful with # this case because it needs to compute the proper set of # target ordering dependencies for the step2 custom command # even though it appears in both the step2 and step3 # targets due to dependency propagation. add_custom_command( OUTPUT step3.txt COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy step1.txt step3-1.txt COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy step2.txt step3.txt DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/step2.txt ) add_custom_target(step3 ALL DEPENDS step3.txt) add_dependencies(step3 step2) # We want this target to always run first. Add it last so # that serial builds require dependencies to order it first. add_custom_target(step1 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch step1.txt )