#============================================================================= # Copyright 2015-2016 Kitware, Inc. # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) # When CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME is "Android", CMakeDetermineSystem loads this module. # This module detects platform-wide information about the Android target # in order to store it in "CMakeSystem.cmake". # Support for NVIDIA Nsight Tegra Visual Studio Edition was previously # implemented in the CMake VS IDE generators. Avoid interfering with # that functionality for now. Later we may try to integrate this. if(CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME STREQUAL "Tegra-Android") return() endif() # Find the Android NDK. if(CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK) if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Android: The NDK root directory specified by CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK:\n" " ${CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK}\n" "does not exist." ) endif() else() if(IS_DIRECTORY "$ENV{ANDROID_NDK_ROOT}") file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{ANDROID_NDK_ROOT}" CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK) endif() # TODO: Search harder for the NDK. endif() if(NOT CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK) message(FATAL_ERROR "Android: The NDK root directory was not found.") endif() # Select an API. if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION) set(_ANDROID_API_VAR CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION) elseif(CMAKE_ANDROID_API) set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION "${CMAKE_ANDROID_API}") set(_ANDROID_API_VAR CMAKE_ANDROID_API) endif() if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION) if(CMAKE_ANDROID_API AND NOT "x${CMAKE_ANDROID_API}" STREQUAL "x${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Android: The API specified by CMAKE_ANDROID_API='${CMAKE_ANDROID_API}' is not consistent with CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION='${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}'." ) endif() if(CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK AND NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/android-${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Android: The API specified by ${_ANDROID_API_VAR}='${${_ANDROID_API_VAR}}' does not exist in the NDK. " "The directory:\n" " ${CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/android-${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}\n" "does not exist." ) endif() elseif(CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK) file(GLOB _ANDROID_APIS_1 RELATIVE "${CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK}/platforms" "${CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/android-[0-9]") file(GLOB _ANDROID_APIS_2 RELATIVE "${CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK}/platforms" "${CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/android-[0-9][0-9]") list(SORT _ANDROID_APIS_1) list(SORT _ANDROID_APIS_2) set(_ANDROID_APIS ${_ANDROID_APIS_1} ${_ANDROID_APIS_2}) unset(_ANDROID_APIS_1) unset(_ANDROID_APIS_2) if(_ANDROID_APIS STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Android: No APIs found in the NDK. No\n" " ${CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/android-*\n" "directories exist." ) endif() string(REPLACE "android-" "" _ANDROID_APIS "${_ANDROID_APIS}") list(REVERSE _ANDROID_APIS) list(GET _ANDROID_APIS 0 CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION) unset(_ANDROID_APIS) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION MATCHES "^[0-9]+$") message(FATAL_ERROR "Android: The API specified by CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION='${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}' is not an integer.") endif() # Save the Android-specific information in CMakeSystem.cmake. set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_CUSTOM_CODE " set(CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK \"${CMAKE_ANDROID_NDK}\") ") # Report the chosen architecture. message(STATUS "Android: Targeting API '${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}'")