# - Create custom targets to build projects in external trees # The 'ep_add' function creates a custom target to drive download, # update/patch, configure, build, and install steps of an external # project: # ep_add( # Name for custom target # [DEPENDS projects...] # Targets on which the project depends # [PREFIX dir] # Root dir for entire project # [LIST_SEPARATOR sep] # Sep to be replaced by ; in cmd lines # [TMP_DIR dir] # Directory to store temporary files # [STAMP_DIR dir] # Directory to store step timestamps # #--Download step-------------- # [DOWNLOAD_DIR dir] # Directory to store downloaded files # [DOWNLOAD_COMMAND cmd...] # Command to download source tree # [CVS_REPOSITORY cvsroot] # CVSROOT of CVS repository # [CVS_MODULE mod] # Module to checkout from CVS repo # [CVS_TAG tag] # Tag to checkout from CVS repo # [SVN_REPOSITORY url] # URL of Subversion repo # [SVN_TAG tag] # Tag to checkout from Subversion repo # [URL /.../src.tgz] # Full path or URL of source # #--Update/Patch step---------- # [UPDATE_COMMAND cmd...] # Source work-tree update command # [PATCH_COMMAND cmd...] # Command to patch downloaded source # #--Configure step------------- # [SOURCE_DIR dir] # Source dir to be used for build # [CONFIGURE_COMMAND cmd...] # Build tree configuration command # [CMAKE_COMMAND /.../cmake] # Specify alternative cmake executable # [CMAKE_GENERATOR gen] # Specify generator for native build # [CMAKE_ARGS args...] # Arguments to CMake command line # #--Build step----------------- # [BINARY_DIR dir] # Specify build dir location # [BUILD_COMMAND cmd...] # Command to drive the native build # [BUILD_IN_SOURCE 1] # Use source dir for build dir # #--Install step--------------- # [INSTALL_DIR dir] # Installation prefix # [INSTALL_COMMAND cmd...] # Command to drive install after build # ) # The *_DIR options specify directories for the project, with default # directories computed as follows. # If the PREFIX option is given to ep_add() or the EP_PREFIX directory # property is set, then an external project is built and installed # under the specified prefix: # TMP_DIR = /tmp # STAMP_DIR = /src/-stamp # DOWNLOAD_DIR = /src # SOURCE_DIR = /src/ # BINARY_DIR = /src/-build # INSTALL_DIR = # Otherwise, if the EP_BASE directory property is set then components # of an external project are stored under the specified base: # TMP_DIR = /tmp/ # STAMP_DIR = /Stamp/ # DOWNLOAD_DIR = /Download/ # SOURCE_DIR = /Source/ # BINARY_DIR = /Build/ # INSTALL_DIR = /Install/ # If no PREFIX, EP_PREFIX, or EP_BASE is specified then the default # is to set PREIFX to "-prefix". # Relative paths are interpreted with respect to the build directory # corresponding to the source directory in which ep_add is invoked. # # If SOURCE_DIR is explicitly set to an existing directory the project # will be built from it. # Otherwise a download step must be specified using one of the # DOWNLOAD_COMMAND, CVS_*, SVN_*, or URL options. # The URL option may refer locally to a directory or source tarball, # or refer to a remote tarball (e.g. http://.../src.tgz). # # The 'ep_add_step' function adds a custom steps to an external project: # ep_add_step( # Names of project and custom step # [COMMAND cmd...] # Command line invoked by this step # [COMMENT "text..."] # Text printed when step executes # [DEPENDEES steps...] # Steps on which this step depends # [DEPENDERS steps...] # Steps that depend on this step # [DEPENDS files...] # Files on which this step depends # [ALWAYS 1] # No stamp file, step always runs # [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir] # Working directory for command # ) # The command line, comment, and working directory of every standard # and custom step is processed to replace tokens # , # , # , # and # with corresponding property values. # # The 'ep_get' function retrieves external project target properties: # ep_get( [prop1 [prop2 [...]]]) # It stores property values in variables of the same name. # Property names correspond to the keyword argument names of 'ep_add'. # Pre-compute a regex to match documented keywords for each command. file(STRINGS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" lines LIMIT_COUNT 100 REGEX "^# ( \\[[A-Z_]+ [^]]*\\] +#.*$|[a-z_]+\\()") foreach(line IN LISTS lines) if("${line}" MATCHES "^# [a-z_]+\\(") if(_ep_func) set(_ep_keywords_${_ep_func} "${_ep_keywords_${_ep_func}})$") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "^# ([a-z_]+)\\(.*" "\\1" _ep_func "${line}") #message("function [${_ep_func}]") set(_ep_keywords_${_ep_func} "^(") set(_ep_keyword_sep) else() string(REGEX REPLACE "^# \\[([A-Z_]+) .*" "\\1" _ep_key "${line}") #message(" keyword [${_ep_key}]") set(_ep_keywords_${_ep_func} "${_ep_keywords_${_ep_func}}${_ep_keyword_sep}${_ep_key}") set(_ep_keyword_sep "|") endif() endforeach() if(_ep_func) set(_ep_keywords_${_ep_func} "${_ep_keywords_${_ep_func}})$") endif() function(_ep_parse_arguments f name ns args) # Transfer the arguments to this function into target properties for the # new custom target we just added so that we can set up all the build steps # correctly based on target properties. # # We loop through ARGN and consider the namespace starting with an # upper-case letter followed by at least two more upper-case letters # or underscores to be keywords. set(key) foreach(arg IN LISTS args) if(arg MATCHES "^[A-Z][A-Z_][A-Z_]+$" AND NOT ((arg STREQUAL "${key}") AND (key STREQUAL "COMMAND")) AND NOT arg MATCHES "^(TRUE|FALSE)$") # Keyword set(key "${arg}") if(_ep_keywords_${f} AND NOT key MATCHES "${_ep_keywords_${f}}") message(AUTHOR_WARNING "unknown ${f} keyword: ${key}") endif() elseif(key) # Value if(NOT arg STREQUAL "") set_property(TARGET ${name} APPEND PROPERTY ${ns}${key} "${arg}") else() get_property(have_key TARGET ${name} PROPERTY ${ns}${key} SET) if(have_key) get_property(value TARGET ${name} PROPERTY ${ns}${key}) set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY ${ns}${key} "${value};${arg}") else() set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY ${ns}${key} "${arg}") endif() endif() else() # Missing Keyword message(AUTHOR_WARNING "value with no keyword in ${f}") endif() endforeach() endfunction(_ep_parse_arguments) define_property(DIRECTORY PROPERTY "EP_BASE" INHERITED BRIEF_DOCS "Base directory for External Project storage." FULL_DOCS "See documentation of the ep_add() function in the " "ExternalProject module." ) define_property(DIRECTORY PROPERTY "EP_PREFIX" INHERITED BRIEF_DOCS "Top prefix for External Project storage." FULL_DOCS "See documentation of the ep_add() function in the " "ExternalProject module." ) function(_ep_set_directories name) get_property(prefix TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_PREFIX) if(NOT prefix) get_property(prefix DIRECTORY PROPERTY EP_PREFIX) if(NOT prefix) get_property(base DIRECTORY PROPERTY EP_BASE) if(NOT base) set(prefix "${name}-prefix") endif() endif() endif() if(prefix) set(tmp_default "${prefix}/tmp") set(download_default "${prefix}/src") set(source_default "${prefix}/src/${name}") set(binary_default "${prefix}/src/${name}-build") set(stamp_default "${prefix}/src/${name}-stamp") set(install_default "${prefix}") else() # assert(base) set(tmp_default "${base}/tmp/${name}") set(download_default "${base}/Download/${name}") set(source_default "${base}/Source/${name}") set(binary_default "${base}/Build/${name}") set(stamp_default "${base}/Stamp/${name}") set(install_default "${base}/Install/${name}") endif() get_property(build_in_source TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_BUILD_IN_SOURCE) if(build_in_source) get_property(have_binary_dir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_BINARY_DIR SET) if(have_binary_dir) message(FATAL_ERROR "External project ${name} has both BINARY_DIR and BUILD_IN_SOURCE!") endif() endif() set(top "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") set(places stamp download source binary install tmp) foreach(var ${places}) string(TOUPPER "${var}" VAR) get_property(${var}_dir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${VAR}_DIR) if(NOT ${var}_dir) set(${var}_dir "${${var}_default}") endif() if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${${var}_dir}") get_filename_component(${var}_dir "${top}/${${var}_dir}" ABSOLUTE) endif() set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${VAR}_DIR "${${var}_dir}") endforeach() if(build_in_source) get_property(source_dir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SOURCE_DIR) set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_BINARY_DIR "${source_dir}") endif() # Make the directories at CMake configure time *and* add a custom command # to make them at build time. They need to exist at makefile generation # time for Borland make and wmake so that CMake may generate makefiles # with "cd C:\short\paths\with\no\spaces" commands in them. # # Additionally, the add_custom_command is still used in case somebody # removes one of the necessary directories and tries to rebuild without # re-running cmake. foreach(var ${places}) string(TOUPPER "${var}" VAR) get_property(dir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${VAR}_DIR) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${dir}") if(NOT EXISTS "${dir}") message(FATAL_ERROR "dir '${dir}' does not exist after file(MAKE_DIRECTORY)") endif() endforeach() endfunction(_ep_set_directories) function(ep_get name) foreach(var ${ARGN}) string(TOUPPER "${var}" VAR) get_property(${var} TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${VAR}) if(NOT ${var}) message(FATAL_ERROR "External project \"${name}\" has no ${var}") endif() set(${var} "${${var}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endfunction(ep_get) function(_ep_get_configure_command_id name cfg_cmd_id_var) get_target_property(cmd ${name} _EP_CONFIGURE_COMMAND) if(cmd STREQUAL "") # Explicit empty string means no configure step for this project set(${cfg_cmd_id_var} "none" PARENT_SCOPE) else() if(NOT cmd) # Default is "use cmake": set(${cfg_cmd_id_var} "cmake" PARENT_SCOPE) else() # Otherwise we have to analyze the value: if(cmd MATCHES "^[^;]*/configure") set(${cfg_cmd_id_var} "configure" PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(cmd MATCHES "^[^;]*/cmake" AND NOT cmd MATCHES ";-[PE];") set(${cfg_cmd_id_var} "cmake" PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(cmd MATCHES "config") set(${cfg_cmd_id_var} "configure" PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${cfg_cmd_id_var} "unknown:${cmd}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endif() endfunction(_ep_get_configure_command_id) function(_ep_get_build_command name step cmd_var) set(cmd "${${cmd_var}}") if(NOT cmd) set(args) _ep_get_configure_command_id(${name} cfg_cmd_id) if(cfg_cmd_id STREQUAL "cmake") # CMake project. Select build command based on generator. get_target_property(cmake_generator ${name} _EP_CMAKE_GENERATOR) if("${cmake_generator}" MATCHES "Make" AND "${cmake_generator}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_GENERATOR}") # The project uses the same Makefile generator. Use recursive make. set(cmd "$(MAKE)") if(step STREQUAL "INSTALL") set(args install) endif() else() # Drive the project with "cmake --build". get_target_property(cmake_command ${name} _EP_CMAKE_COMMAND) if(cmake_command) set(cmd "${cmake_command}") else() set(cmd "${CMAKE_COMMAND}") endif() set(args --build ${binary_dir} --config ${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}) if(step STREQUAL "INSTALL") list(APPEND args --target install) endif() endif() else() # if(cfg_cmd_id STREQUAL "configure") # Non-CMake project. Guess "make" and "make install". set(cmd "make") if(step STREQUAL "INSTALL") set(args install) endif() endif() # Use user-specified arguments instead of default arguments, if any. get_property(have_args TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_ARGS SET) if(have_args) get_target_property(args ${name} _EP_${step}_ARGS) endif() list(APPEND cmd ${args}) endif() set(${cmd_var} "${cmd}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(_ep_get_build_command) function(ep_add_step name step) set(cmf_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles) ep_get(${name} stamp_dir) add_custom_command(APPEND OUTPUT ${cmf_dir}/${name}-complete DEPENDS ${stamp_dir}/${name}-${step} ) _ep_parse_arguments(ep_add_step ${name} _EP_${step}_ "${ARGN}") # Steps depending on this step. get_property(dependers TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_DEPENDERS) foreach(depender IN LISTS dependers) add_custom_command(APPEND OUTPUT ${stamp_dir}/${name}-${depender} DEPENDS ${stamp_dir}/${name}-${step} ) endforeach() # Dependencies on files. get_property(depends TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_DEPENDS) # Dependencies on steps. get_property(dependees TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_DEPENDEES) foreach(dependee IN LISTS dependees) list(APPEND depends ${stamp_dir}/${name}-${dependee}) endforeach() # The command to run. get_property(command TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_COMMAND) if(command) set(comment "Performing ${step} step for '${name}'") else() set(comment "No ${step} step for '${name}'") endif() get_property(work_dir TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_WORKING_DIRECTORY) # Replace list separators. get_property(sep TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LIST_SEPARATOR) if(sep AND command) string(REPLACE "${sep}" "\\;" command "${command}") endif() # Replace location tags. foreach(var comment command work_dir) if(${var}) foreach(dir SOURCE_DIR BINARY_DIR INSTALL_DIR TMP_DIR) get_property(val TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${dir}) string(REPLACE "<${dir}>" "${val}" ${var} "${${var}}") endforeach() endif() endforeach() # Custom comment? get_property(comment_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_COMMENT SET) if(comment_set) get_property(comment TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_COMMENT) endif() # Run every time? get_property(always TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_${step}_ALWAYS) if(always) set_property(SOURCE ${stamp_dir}/${name}-${step} PROPERTY SYMBOLIC 1) set(touch) else() set(touch ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${stamp_dir}/${name}-${step}) endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${stamp_dir}/${name}-${step} COMMENT ${comment} COMMAND ${command} COMMAND ${touch} DEPENDS ${depends} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${work_dir} VERBATIM ) endfunction(ep_add_step) function(_ep_add_mkdir_command name) ep_get(${name} source_dir binary_dir install_dir stamp_dir download_dir tmp_dir) ep_add_step(${name} mkdir COMMENT "Creating directories for '${name}'" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${source_dir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${binary_dir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${install_dir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${tmp_dir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${stamp_dir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${download_dir} ) endfunction(_ep_add_mkdir_command) function(_ep_add_download_command name) ep_get(${name} source_dir stamp_dir download_dir tmp_dir) get_property(cmd_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_DOWNLOAD_COMMAND SET) get_property(cmd TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_DOWNLOAD_COMMAND) get_property(cvs_repository TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CVS_REPOSITORY) get_property(svn_repository TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_REPOSITORY) get_property(url TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_URL) # TODO: Perhaps file:// should be copied to download dir before extraction. string(REGEX REPLACE "^file://" "" url "${url}") set(depends) set(comment) set(work_dir) if(cmd_set) set(work_dir ${download_dir}) elseif(cvs_repository) find_package(CVS) if(NOT CVS_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find cvs for checkout of ${name}") endif() get_target_property(cvs_module ${name} _EP_CVS_MODULE) if(NOT cvs_module) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: no CVS_MODULE") endif() get_property(cvs_tag TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CVS_TAG) set(repository ${cvs_repository}) set(module ${cvs_module}) set(tag ${cvs_tag}) configure_file( "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/RepositoryInfo.txt.in" "${stamp_dir}/${name}-cvsinfo.txt" @ONLY ) get_filename_component(src_name "${source_dir}" NAME) get_filename_component(work_dir "${source_dir}" PATH) set(comment "Performing download step (CVS checkout) for '${name}'") set(cmd ${CVS_EXECUTABLE} -d ${cvs_repository} -q co ${cvs_tag} -d ${src_name} ${cvs_module}) list(APPEND depends ${stamp_dir}/${name}-cvsinfo.txt) elseif(svn_repository) find_package(Subversion) if(NOT Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find svn for checkout of ${name}") endif() get_property(svn_tag TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_TAG) set(repository ${svn_repository}) set(module) set(tag ${svn_tag}) configure_file( "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/RepositoryInfo.txt.in" "${stamp_dir}/${name}-svninfo.txt" @ONLY ) get_filename_component(src_name "${source_dir}" NAME) get_filename_component(work_dir "${source_dir}" PATH) set(comment "Performing download step (SVN checkout) for '${name}'") set(cmd ${Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE} co ${svn_repository} ${svn_tag} ${src_name}) list(APPEND depends ${stamp_dir}/${name}-svninfo.txt) elseif(url) get_filename_component(work_dir "${source_dir}" PATH) set(repository "external project URL") set(module "${url}") set(tag "") configure_file( "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/RepositoryInfo.txt.in" "${stamp_dir}/${name}-urlinfo.txt" @ONLY ) list(APPEND depends ${stamp_dir}/${name}-urlinfo.txt) if(IS_DIRECTORY "${url}") get_filename_component(abs_dir "${url}" ABSOLUTE) set(comment "Performing download step (DIR copy) for '${name}'") set(cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory ${source_dir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${abs_dir} ${source_dir}) else() if("${url}" MATCHES "^[a-z]+://") # TODO: Should download and extraction be different steps? string(REGEX MATCH "\\.(tar|tgz|tar\\.gz)" ext "${url}") set(file ${download_dir}/${name}${ext}) set(cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -Dremote=${url} -Dlocal=${file} -P ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/DownloadFile.cmake COMMAND) set(comment "Performing download step (download and extract) for '${name}'") else() set(file "${url}") set(comment "Performing download step (extract) for '${name}'") endif() # TODO: Support other archive formats. list(APPEND cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -Dfilename=${file} -Dtmp=${tmp_dir} -Ddirectory=${source_dir} -P ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/UntarFile.cmake) endif() else() message(SEND_ERROR "error: no download info for '${name}'") endif() ep_add_step(${name} download COMMENT ${comment} COMMAND ${cmd} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${work_dir} DEPENDS ${depends} DEPENDEES mkdir ) endfunction(_ep_add_download_command) function(_ep_add_update_command name) ep_get(${name} source_dir) get_property(cmd TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_UPDATE_COMMAND) get_property(cvs_repository TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CVS_REPOSITORY) get_property(svn_repository TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_REPOSITORY) set(work_dir) set(comment) set(always) if(cmd) set(work_dir ${source_dir}) elseif(cvs_repository) if(NOT CVS_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find cvs for update of ${name}") endif() set(work_dir ${source_dir}) set(comment "Performing update step (CVS update) for '${name}'") get_property(cvs_tag TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CVS_TAG) set(cmd ${CVS_EXECUTABLE} -d ${cvs_repository} -q up -dP ${cvs_tag}) set(always 1) elseif(svn_repository) if(NOT Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "error: could not find svn for update of ${name}") endif() set(work_dir ${source_dir}) set(comment "Performing update step (SVN update) for '${name}'") get_property(svn_tag TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_SVN_TAG) set(cmd ${Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE} up ${svn_tag}) set(always 1) endif() ep_add_step(${name} update COMMENT ${comment} COMMAND ${cmd} ALWAYS ${always} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${work_dir} DEPENDEES download ) endfunction(_ep_add_update_command) function(_ep_add_patch_command name) ep_get(${name} source_dir) set(work_dir) get_property(cmd TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_PATCH_COMMAND) if(cmd) set(work_dir ${source_dir}) endif() ep_add_step(${name} patch COMMAND ${cmd} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${work_dir} DEPENDEES download ) endfunction(_ep_add_patch_command) # TODO: Make sure external projects use the proper compiler function(_ep_add_configure_command name) ep_get(${name} source_dir binary_dir) # Depend on other external projects (file-level). set(file_deps) get_property(deps TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_DEPENDS) foreach(dep IN LISTS deps) get_property(dep_stamp_dir TARGET ${dep} PROPERTY _EP_STAMP_DIR) list(APPEND file_deps ${dep_stamp_dir}/${dep}-done) endforeach() get_property(cmd_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CONFIGURE_COMMAND SET) if(cmd_set) get_property(cmd TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CONFIGURE_COMMAND) else() get_target_property(cmake_command ${name} _EP_CMAKE_COMMAND) if(cmake_command) set(cmd "${cmake_command}") else() set(cmd "${CMAKE_COMMAND}") endif() get_property(cmake_args TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_CMAKE_ARGS) list(APPEND cmd ${cmake_args}) get_target_property(cmake_generator ${name} _EP_CMAKE_GENERATOR) if(cmake_generator) list(APPEND cmd "-G${cmake_generator}" "${source_dir}") endif() endif() ep_add_step(${name} configure COMMAND ${cmd} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${binary_dir} DEPENDEES update patch DEPENDS ${file_deps} ) endfunction(_ep_add_configure_command) function(_ep_add_build_command name) ep_get(${name} binary_dir) get_property(cmd_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_BUILD_COMMAND SET) if(cmd_set) get_property(cmd TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_BUILD_COMMAND) else() _ep_get_build_command(${name} BUILD cmd) endif() ep_add_step(${name} build COMMAND ${cmd} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${binary_dir} DEPENDEES configure ) endfunction(_ep_add_build_command) function(_ep_add_install_command name) ep_get(${name} binary_dir) get_property(cmd_set TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_INSTALL_COMMAND SET) if(cmd_set) get_property(cmd TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_INSTALL_COMMAND) else() _ep_get_build_command(${name} INSTALL cmd) endif() ep_add_step(${name} install COMMAND ${cmd} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${binary_dir} DEPENDEES build ) endfunction(_ep_add_install_command) function(ep_add name) # Add a custom target for the external project. set(cmf_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles) add_custom_target(${name} ALL DEPENDS ${cmf_dir}/${name}-complete) set_property(TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_IS_EXTERNAL_PROJECT 1) _ep_parse_arguments(ep_add ${name} _EP_ "${ARGN}") _ep_set_directories(${name}) ep_get(${name} stamp_dir) # The 'complete' step depends on all other steps and creates a # 'done' mark. A dependent external project's 'configure' step # depends on the 'done' mark so that it rebuilds when this project # rebuilds. It is important that 'done' is not the output of any # custom command so that CMake does not propagate build rules to # other external project targets. add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${cmf_dir}/${name}-complete COMMENT "Completed '${name}'" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${cmf_dir}/${name}-complete COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${stamp_dir}/${name}-done DEPENDS ${stamp_dir}/${name}-install VERBATIM ) # Depend on other external projects (target-level). get_property(deps TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_DEPENDS) foreach(arg IN LISTS deps) add_dependencies(${name} ${arg}) endforeach() # Set up custom build steps based on the target properties. # Each step depends on the previous one. # # The target depends on the output of the final step. # (Already set up above in the DEPENDS of the add_custom_target command.) # _ep_add_mkdir_command(${name}) _ep_add_download_command(${name}) _ep_add_update_command(${name}) _ep_add_patch_command(${name}) _ep_add_configure_command(${name}) _ep_add_build_command(${name}) _ep_add_install_command(${name}) endfunction(ep_add)