#============================================================================= # Copyright 2009 Kitware, Inc. # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distributed this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) # Function parse implicit linker options. # This is used internally by CMake and should not be included by user # code. function(CMAKE_PARSE_IMPLICIT_LINK_INFO text lib_var dir_var) set(implicit_libs "") set(implicit_dirs_tmp) # Parse implicit linker arguments. set(linker "CMAKE_LINKER-NOTFOUND") if(CMAKE_LINKER) get_filename_component(linker ${CMAKE_LINKER} NAME) endif() set(linker_regex "^( *|.*/)(${linker}|ld|collect2)") string(REGEX REPLACE "\r?\n" ";" output_lines "${text}") foreach(line IN LISTS output_lines) set(cmd) if("${line}" MATCHES "${linker_regex}") if(UNIX) separate_arguments(args UNIX_COMMAND "${line}") else() separate_arguments(args WINDOWS_COMMAND "${line}") endif() list(GET args 0 cmd) endif() if("${cmd}" MATCHES "${linker_regex}") string(REGEX REPLACE ";-([LYz]);" ";-\\1" args "${args}") foreach(arg IN LISTS args) if("${arg}" MATCHES "^-L(.:)?[/\\]") # Unix search path. string(REGEX REPLACE "^-L" "" dir "${arg}") list(APPEND implicit_dirs_tmp ${dir}) elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^-l[^:]") # Unix library. string(REGEX REPLACE "^-l" "" lib "${arg}") list(APPEND implicit_libs ${lib}) elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^(.:)?[/\\].*\\.a$") # Unix library full path. list(APPEND implicit_libs ${arg}) elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^-Y(P,)?") # Sun search path. string(REGEX REPLACE "^-Y(P,)?" "" dirs "${arg}") string(REPLACE ":" ";" dirs "${dirs}") list(APPEND implicit_dirs_tmp ${dirs}) elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^-l:") # HP named library. list(APPEND implicit_libs ${arg}) elseif("${arg}" MATCHES "^-z(all|default|weak)extract") # Link editor option. list(APPEND implicit_libs ${arg}) endif() endforeach() break() elseif("${line}" MATCHES "LPATH(=| is:? )") # HP search path. string(REGEX REPLACE ".*LPATH(=| is:? *)" "" paths "${line}") string(REPLACE ":" ";" paths "${paths}") list(APPEND implicit_dirs_tmp ${paths}) endif() endforeach() # Cleanup list of directories. set(implicit_dirs "") foreach(d IN LISTS implicit_dirs_tmp) get_filename_component(dir "${d}" ABSOLUTE) list(APPEND implicit_dirs "${dir}") endforeach() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES implicit_dirs) # Return results. set(${lib_var} "${implicit_libs}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(${dir_var} "${implicit_dirs}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()