# # Create exe. # ADD_EXECUTABLE(complex complex) SET(COMPLEX_LIBS CMakeTestLibrary;CMakeTestLibraryShared) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(complex ${COMPLEX_LIBS}) # # Link to CMake lib # FIND_LIBRARY(CMAKE_LIB CMakeLib ${Complex_BINARY_DIR}/../../Source ${Complex_BINARY_DIR}/../../Source/Debug ${Complex_BINARY_DIR}/../../Source/Release ${Complex_BINARY_DIR}/../../Source/MinSizeRel ${Complex_BINARY_DIR}/../../Source/RelWithDebInfo) # Specify the same one for debug/optimized to increase coverage TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(complex ${CMAKE_LIB} debug ${CMAKE_LIB} optimized ${CMAKE_LIB}) # # Output the files required by 'complex' to a file. # # This test has been moved to the 'required' subdir so that it # has no side-effects on the current Makefile (duplicated source file # due to source list expansion done twice). # SUBDIRS(Temp) # # Extra coverage.Not used. # INSTALL_TARGETS(/tmp complex) INSTALL_PROGRAMS(/tmp complex) SOURCE_GROUP(A_GROUP ".cxx")