/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmExportInstallFileGenerator.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmInstallExportGenerator.h" #include "cmInstallTargetGenerator.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmExportInstallFileGenerator ::cmExportInstallFileGenerator(cmInstallExportGenerator* iegen): InstallExportGenerator(iegen) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmExportInstallFileGenerator::GenerateMainFile(std::ostream& os) { // Create all the imported targets. for(std::vector::const_iterator tei = this->ExportSet->begin(); tei != this->ExportSet->end(); ++tei) { cmTargetExport* te = *tei; this->ExportedTargets.insert(te->Target); this->GenerateImportTargetCode(os, te->Target); } // Now load per-configuration properties for them. os << "# Load information for each installed configuration.\n" << "GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_DIR \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}\" PATH)\n" << "FILE(GLOB CONFIG_FILES \"${_DIR}/" << this->FileBase << "-*" << this->FileExt << "\")\n" << "FOREACH(f ${CONFIG_FILES})\n" << " INCLUDE(${f})\n" << "ENDFOREACH(f)\n" << "\n"; // Generate an import file for each configuration. bool result = true; for(std::vector::const_iterator ci = this->Configurations.begin(); ci != this->Configurations.end(); ++ci) { if(!this->GenerateImportFileConfig(ci->c_str())) { result = false; } } return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmExportInstallFileGenerator::GenerateImportFileConfig(const char* config) { // Skip configurations not enabled for this export. if(!this->InstallExportGenerator->InstallsForConfig(config)) { return true; } // Construct the name of the file to generate. std::string fileName = this->FileDir; fileName += "/"; fileName += this->FileBase; fileName += "-"; if(config && *config) { fileName += cmSystemTools::LowerCase(config); } else { fileName += "noconfig"; } fileName += this->FileExt; // Open the output file to generate it. cmGeneratedFileStream exportFileStream(fileName.c_str(), true); if(!exportFileStream) { std::string se = cmSystemTools::GetLastSystemError(); cmOStringStream e; e << "cannot write to file \"" << fileName.c_str() << "\": " << se; cmSystemTools::Error(e.str().c_str()); return false; } std::ostream& os = exportFileStream; // Start with the import file header. this->GenerateImportHeaderCode(os, config); // Generate the per-config target information. this->GenerateImportConfig(os, config); // End with the import file footer. this->GenerateImportFooterCode(os); // Record this per-config import file. this->ConfigImportFiles[config] = fileName; return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmExportInstallFileGenerator ::GenerateImportTargetsConfig(std::ostream& os, const char* config, std::string const& suffix) { // Add code to compute the installation prefix relative to the // import file location. const char* installDest = this->InstallExportGenerator->GetDestination(); if(!cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(installDest)) { std::string dest = installDest; os << "# Compute the installation prefix relative to this file.\n" << "GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_IMPORT_PREFIX " << "\"${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}\" PATH)\n"; while(!dest.empty()) { os << "GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_IMPORT_PREFIX \"${_IMPORT_PREFIX}\" PATH)\n"; dest = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(dest); } os << "\n"; // Import location properties may reference this variable. this->ImportPrefix = "${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/"; } // Add each target in the set to the export. for(std::vector::const_iterator tei = this->ExportSet->begin(); tei != this->ExportSet->end(); ++tei) { // Collect import properties for this target. cmTargetExport* te = *tei; ImportPropertyMap properties; this->SetImportLocationProperty(config, suffix, te->ArchiveGenerator, properties); this->SetImportLocationProperty(config, suffix, te->LibraryGenerator, properties); this->SetImportLocationProperty(config, suffix, te->RuntimeGenerator, properties); this->SetImportLocationProperty(config, suffix, te->FrameworkGenerator, properties); this->SetImportLocationProperty(config, suffix, te->BundleGenerator, properties); // If any file location was set for the target add it to the // import file. if(!properties.empty()) { // Get the rest of the target details. this->SetImportDetailProperties(config, suffix, te->Target, properties); // TOOD: PUBLIC_HEADER_LOCATION // This should wait until the build feature propagation stuff // is done. Then this can be a propagated include directory. // this->GenerateImportProperty(config, te->HeaderGenerator, // properties); // Generate code in the export file. this->GenerateImportPropertyCode(os, config, te->Target, properties); } } // Cleanup the import prefix variable. if(!this->ImportPrefix.empty()) { os << "# Cleanup temporary variables.\n" << "SET(_IMPORT_PREFIX)\n" << "\n"; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmExportInstallFileGenerator ::SetImportLocationProperty(const char* config, std::string const& suffix, cmInstallTargetGenerator* itgen, ImportPropertyMap& properties) { // Skip rules that do not match this configuration. if(!(itgen && itgen->InstallsForConfig(config))) { return; } { // Construct the property name. std::string prop = (itgen->IsImportLibrary()? "IMPORTED_IMPLIB" : "IMPORTED_LOCATION"); prop += suffix; // Construct the installed location of the target. std::string dest = itgen->GetDestination(); std::string value; if(!cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(dest.c_str())) { // The target is installed relative to the installation prefix. if(this->ImportPrefix.empty()) { this->ComplainAboutImportPrefix(itgen); } value = this->ImportPrefix; } value += dest; value += "/"; // Append the installed file name. std::string fname = itgen->GetInstallFilename(config); value += fname; // Fix name for frameworks and bundles. if(itgen->GetTarget()->IsFrameworkOnApple()) { value += ".framework/"; value += fname; } else if(itgen->GetTarget()->IsAppBundleOnApple()) { value += ".app/Contents/MacOS/"; value += fname; } // Store the property. properties[prop] = value; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmExportInstallFileGenerator ::ComplainAboutImportPrefix(cmInstallTargetGenerator* itgen) { const char* installDest = this->InstallExportGenerator->GetDestination(); cmOStringStream e; e << "INSTALL(EXPORT \"" << this->Name << "\") given absolute " << "DESTINATION \"" << installDest << "\" but the export " << "references an installation of target \"" << itgen->GetTarget()->GetName() << "\" which has relative " << "DESTINATION \"" << itgen->GetDestination() << "\"."; cmSystemTools::Error(e.str().c_str()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmExportInstallFileGenerator ::ComplainAboutMissingTarget(cmTarget* depender, cmTarget* dependee) { cmOStringStream e; e << "INSTALL(EXPORT \"" << this->Name << "\" ...) " << "includes target \"" << depender->GetName() << "\" which requires target \"" << depender->GetName() << "\" that is not in the export set."; cmSystemTools::Error(e.str().c_str()); }