#include "cmBorlandMakefileGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmStandardIncludes.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmMakeDepend.h" #include "cmCacheManager.h" #include using namespace std; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmBorlandMakefileGenerator::cmBorlandMakefileGenerator() { m_CacheOnly = false; m_Recurse = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmBorlandMakefileGenerator::GenerateMakefile() { if (m_CacheOnly) { // Generate the cache only stuff this->GenerateCacheOnly(); // if recurse then generate for all sub- makefiles if (m_Recurse) { this->RecursiveGenerateCacheOnly(); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmBorlandMakefileGenerator::GenerateCacheOnly() { cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory()); string dest = m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); dest += "/makefile.mak"; this->OutputMakefile(dest.c_str()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmBorlandMakefileGenerator::RecursiveGenerateCacheOnly() { vector makefiles; m_Makefile->FindSubDirectoryCMakeListsFiles(makefiles); for (vector::iterator i=makefiles.begin(); i!=makefiles.end(); ++i) { cmMakefile* mf = *i; cmBorlandMakefileGenerator* gen = new cmBorlandMakefileGenerator; gen->SetCacheOnlyOn(); gen->SetRecurseOff(); mf->SetMakefileGenerator(gen); mf->GenerateMakefile(); } // CLEAN up the makefiles created for (unsigned int i=0; i& auxSourceDirs = m_Makefile->GetAuxSourceDirectories(); if ( auxSourceDirs.size() ) { // For the case when this is running as a remote build // on unix, make the directory for (vector::iterator i=auxSourceDirs.begin(); i!=auxSourceDirs.end(); ++i) { cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(i->c_str()); } } ostrstream fout; // // Begin writing to makefile.mak // fout << "# CMAKE Borland (win32) makefile : Edit with Caution \n\n"; // // Turn on Autodependency chaecking // fout << ".autodepend \n\n"; // // Define all our compile and make flags/variables // string replace; // Careful with these directory paths....\ vs / replace = "BCBBINPATH = @BCB_BIN_PATH@ \n"; fout << m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace); replace = "BCB = $(BCBBINPATH)/.. \n"; fout << m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace); replace = "OUTDIRLIB = @LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH@ \n"; fout << cmSystemTools::ConvertToWindowsSlashes(m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace)); replace = "OUTDIREXE = @EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH@ \n"; fout << m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace); replace = "USERDEFINES = @DEFS_USER@ \n"; fout << m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace); replace = "SYSDEFINES = @DEFS_SYS@ \n"; fout << m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace); replace = "CMAKE_COMMAND = ${CMAKE_COMMAND} \n"; fout << m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace); replace = "CPP = \"$(BCBBINPATH)/BCC32.exe\" +CPP_PROJ.CFG \n"; fout << m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace); replace = "CPPFLAGS_DEBUG = @FLAGS_CPP_DEBUG@ \n" "CPPFLAGS_RELEASE = @FLAGS_CPP_RELEASE@ \n" "CPPFLAGS_WARNING = @FLAGS_CPP_WARNING@ \n" "LINKFLAGS_DLL = @FLAGS_LINK_DLL@ \n" "LINKFLAGS_BPL = @FLAGS_LINK_BPL@ \n" "LINKFLAGS_EXE = @FLAGS_LINK_EXE@ \n" "LINKFLAGS_DEBUG = @FLAGS_LINK_DEBUG@ \n"; fout << m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace); replace = "LINKFLAGS_STATIC = @FLAGS_LINK_STATIC@ \n"; fout << m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace); fout << "CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE = " << m_Makefile->GetStartDirectory() << "\n"; fout << "CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY = " << m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory() << "\n"; fout << "OBJDIR = " << m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory() << "\n"; fout << "CMAKEDEFINES = " << m_Makefile->GetDefineFlags() << "\n"; fout << "LINK_LIB = \\ \n"; fout << " import32.lib \\ \n"; fout << " cw32mti.lib \n\n"; // // create a make variable with all of the sources for this makefile for depend purposes. // vector lfiles = m_Makefile->GetListFiles(); // sort the array sort(lfiles.begin(), lfiles.end(), less()); // remove duplicates vector::iterator new_end = unique(lfiles.begin(), lfiles.end()); lfiles.erase(new_end, lfiles.end()); fout << "CMAKE_MAKEFILE_SOURCES = \\ \n"; string dir; for (vector::const_iterator i=lfiles.begin(); i!=lfiles.end(); ++i) { dir = *i; cmSystemTools::ConvertToWindowsSlashes(dir); fout << " " << dir << " \\\n"; } dir = m_Makefile->GetHomeOutputDirectory(); dir += "/CMakeCache.txt"; cmSystemTools::ConvertToWindowsSlashes(dir); fout << " " << dir << "\n\n"; // // Output Include paths // vector& includes = m_Makefile->GetIncludeDirectories(); fout << "INCLUDEPATH ="; for (vector::iterator i=includes.begin(); i!=includes.end(); ++i) { string include = *i; fout << "-I" << cmSystemTools::EscapeSpaces(i->c_str()) << "; \\\n "; } fout << "-I" << cmSystemTools::EscapeSpaces(m_Makefile->GetStartDirectory()) << "\n\n"; // // for each target add to the list of targets // fout << "TARGETS = "; const cmTargets &tgts = m_Makefile->GetTargets(); // list libraries first for (cmTargets::const_iterator l=tgts.begin(); l!=tgts.end(); l++) { if ((l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) && l->second.IsInAll()) { fout << " \\\n $(OUTDIRLIB)\\" << l->first.c_str() << ".lib"; } if ((l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) && l->second.IsInAll()) { fout << " \\\n $(OUTDIRLIB)\\" << l->first.c_str() << ".dll"; } if ((l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) && l->second.IsInAll()) { fout << " \\\n $(OUTDIRLIB)\\" << l->first.c_str() << ".bpl"; } } // executables for (cmTargets::const_iterator l=tgts.begin(); l!=tgts.end(); l++) { if ((l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE || l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::WIN32_EXECUTABLE) && l->second.IsInAll()) { fout << " \\\n " << l->first.c_str() << ".exe"; } } // list utilities last for (cmTargets::const_iterator l=tgts.begin(); l!=tgts.end(); l++) { if (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::UTILITY && l->second.IsInAll()) { fout << " \\\n " << l->first.c_str(); } } fout << "\n\n"; // // Now create the source file groups for each target // for (cmTargets::const_iterator l=tgts.begin(); l!=tgts.end(); l++) { vector classes = l->second.GetSourceFiles(); if (classes.begin() != classes.end()) { fout << l->first << "_SRC_OBJS = "; for (vector::iterator i=classes.begin(); i!=classes.end(); i++) { string ext = i->GetSourceExtension(); if (!i->IsAHeaderFileOnly() && (ext!="def" && ext!="rc")) { fout << " \\\n " << cmSystemTools::ConvertToWindowsSlashes(i->GetSourceName()) << ".obj "; } } fout << "\n\n"; } } // // Create the link lib list for each target // // do .lib files string libname; for (cmTargets::const_iterator t=tgts.begin(); t!=tgts.end(); t++) { cmTarget::LinkLibraries& libs = t->second.GetLinkLibraries(); if ((t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::WIN32_EXECUTABLE)) { fout << t->first << "_LINK_LIB = "; for (cmTarget::LinkLibraries::const_iterator l=libs.begin(); l!=libs.end(); l++) { if ((t->first!=l->first) && (t->second.GetType()!=cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES || t->second.GetType()!=cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS)) { // if this lib is not a target then don't add OUTDIRLIB to it if (tgts.find(l->first)==tgts.end()) libname = l->first; else libname = "$(OUTDIRLIB)\\" + l->first; if (libname.find(".bpi")!=string::npos) continue; cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(libname, ".lib", ""); libname += ".lib"; fout << " \\\n " << cmSystemTools::EscapeSpaces(libname.c_str()); } } fout << "\n\n"; } } // do .bpi package files for (cmTargets::const_iterator t=tgts.begin(); t!=tgts.end(); t++) { cmTarget::LinkLibraries& libs = t->second.GetLinkLibraries(); if ((t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) || (t->second.GetType() == cmTarget::WIN32_EXECUTABLE)) { fout << t->first << "_LINK_BPI = "; for (cmTarget::LinkLibraries::const_iterator l=libs.begin(); l!=libs.end(); l++) { if ((t->first!=l->first) && (t->second.GetType()!=cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES || t->second.GetType()!=cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS)) { // if this lib is not a target then don't add OUTDIRLIB to it if (tgts.find(l->first)==tgts.end()) libname = l->first; else libname = "$(OUTDIRLIB)\\" + l->first; if (libname.find(".bpi")==string::npos) continue; fout << " \\\n " << cmSystemTools::EscapeSpaces(libname.c_str()); } } fout << "\n\n"; } } // // Create the link dir list - use same for all targets // vector dirs = m_Makefile->GetLinkDirectories(); fout << "LINK_DIR ="; for (vector::const_iterator d=dirs.begin(); d!=dirs.end(); d++) { string temp = cmSystemTools::EscapeSpaces(d->c_str()); fout << temp << ";"; } fout << "$(OUTDIRLIB)\n\n"; // // The project rule - Build All targets // fout << "DEFAULT : \n"; fout << " @$(MAKE) makefile.mak \n"; fout << " @$(MAKE) ALL \n\n"; // // Create a rule to allow us to setup the compiler and output dir // fout << "PREPARE : \n"; fout << " @if not exist \"$(OBJDIR)/.\" md \"$(OBJDIR)\" \n"; fout << " @copy &&| \n"; fout << " $(SYSDEFINES) $(CMAKEDEFINES) $(USERDEFINES)\n"; fout << " $(CPPFLAGS_DEBUG) $(CPPFLAGS_WARNING) \n"; fout << " $(INCLUDEPATH) \n"; fout << " -I\"$(BCB)/include\";\"$(BCB)/include/rw\";\"$(BCB)/include/vcl\"; \n"; fout << "| CPP_PROJ.CFG \n\n"; // this->OutputDependencies(fout); this->OutputTargets(fout); this->OutputSubDirectoryRules(fout); // this->OutputCustomRules(fout); this->OutputMakeRules(fout); // // We'll omit current dir in path where possible string fullname, outpath = m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); outpath += "/"; // for (cmTargets::const_iterator l=tgts.begin(); l!=tgts.end(); l++) { vector classes = l->second.GetSourceFiles(); if (classes.begin() != classes.end()) { for (vector::iterator i=classes.begin(); i!=classes.end(); i++) { if (!i->IsAHeaderFileOnly()) { fullname = i->GetFullPath(); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(fullname, outpath.c_str(), ""); fout << "" << cmSystemTools::ConvertToWindowsSlashes(i->GetSourceName()) << ".obj : " << fullname << "\n"; } } } } // // // ofstream ffout(file); if (!ffout) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error can not open for write: ", file); return; } string makefileastext = fout.str(); // cmSystemTools::CleanUpWindowsSlashes(makefileastext); // makefileastext = StringReplace(makefileastext.c_str(), "¬", "/", TReplaceFlags()< emitted; // // Output/Search the list of libraries that will be linked into the executable // fout << "DEPEND_LIBS = "; cmTarget::LinkLibraries& libs = m_Makefile->GetLinkLibraries(); emitted.clear(); for (cmTarget::LinkLibraries::const_iterator lib2=libs.begin(); lib2!=libs.end(); ++lib2) { // loop over the list of directories that the libraries might // be in, looking for an ADD_LIBRARY(lib...) line. This would // be stored in the cache if( ! emitted.insert(lib2->first).second ) continue; const char* cacheValue = m_Makefile->GetDefinition(lib2->first.c_str()); if (cacheValue) { fout << "\\\n $(OUTDIRLIB)\\" << lib2->first << ".lib "; } } fout << "\n\n"; // // Same list, but this time output a rule to rebuild if they are out of date // emitted.clear(); for (cmTarget::LinkLibraries::const_iterator lib2=libs.begin(); lib2!=libs.end(); ++lib2) { // loop over the list of directories that the libraries might // be in, looking for an ADD_LIBRARY(lib...) line. This would // be stored in the cache if ( ! emitted.insert(lib2->first).second ) continue; // const char* cacheValue = cmCacheManager::GetInstance()->GetCacheValue(lib2->first.c_str()); // if (cacheValue) { // // put out a rule to build the library if it does not exist // fout << "$(OUTDIRLIB)/" << lib2->first << ".lib : " << "$(OUTDIRLIB)/" << lib2->first << ".dll \n"; // fout << " @implib -w " << "$(OUTDIRLIB)/" << lib2->first << ".lib " << "$(OUTDIRLIB)/" << lib2->first << ".dll \n\n"; // } } // fout << "\n"; } void cmBorlandMakefileGenerator::OutputTargets(ostream& fout) { // Do Libraries first as executables may depend on them const cmTargets &tgts = m_Makefile->GetTargets(); for (cmTargets::const_iterator l=tgts.begin(); l!=tgts.end(); l++) { if (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) { // // at the moment, static and shared are treated the same // WARNING. TLIB fails with Unix style Forward slashes - use $(OUTDIRLIB)\\ // WARNING. IMPLIB works better with Forward slashes - use $(OUTDIRLIB)\\ // fout << "# this should be a static library \n"; fout << "$(OUTDIRLIB)\\" << l->first << ".lib : ${" << l->first << "_SRC_OBJS} \n"; string Libname = "$(OUTDIRLIB)\\" + l->first + ".lib"; fout << " TLib.exe $(LINKFLAGS_STATIC) /u " << Libname.c_str() << " @&&| \n"; fout << " $? \n"; fout << "| \n\n"; } if (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) { fout << "# this should be a shared (DLL) library \n"; fout << "$(OUTDIRLIB)\\" << l->first << ".dll : ${" << l->first << "_SRC_OBJS} \n"; fout << " @ilink32.exe @&&| \n"; fout << " -L\"$(BCB)/lib\" -L$(LINK_DIR) $(LINKFLAGS_DLL) $(LINKFLAGS_DEBUG) \"$(BCB)/lib/c0d32.obj\" "; fout << "$(" << l->first << "_SRC_OBJS) "; fout << "$(" << l->first << "_LINK_BPI) , $<, $*, "; fout << "$(" << l->first << "_LINK_LIB) $(LINK_LIB) \n"; fout << "| \n"; fout << " @implib -w " << "$(OUTDIRLIB)\\" << l->first << ".lib " << "$(OUTDIRLIB)\\" << l->first << ".dll \n\n"; } if (l->second.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) { fout << "# this should be a Borland Package library \n"; fout << "$(OUTDIRLIB)\\" << l->first << ".bpl : ${" << l->first << "_SRC_OBJS} \n"; fout << " @ilink32.exe @&&| \n"; fout << " -L\"$(BCB)/lib\" -L$(LINK_DIR) $(LINKFLAGS_BPL) $(LINKFLAGS_DEBUG) \"$(BCB)/lib/c0pkg32.obj\" "; fout << "$(" << l->first << "_SRC_OBJS) "; fout << "$(" << l->first << "_LINK_BPI) , $<, $*, "; fout << "$(" << l->first << "_LINK_LIB) $(LINK_LIB) \n"; fout << "| \n"; } } // Do Executables for (cmTargets::const_iterator l=tgts.begin(); l!=tgts.end(); l++) { if (l->second.GetType()==cmTarget::WIN32_EXECUTABLE) { fout << l->first << ".exe : ${" << l->first << "_SRC_OBJS} \n"; fout << " @ilink32.exe @&&| \n"; fout << " -L\"$(BCB)/lib\" -L$(LINK_DIR) $(LINKFLAGS_EXE) $(LINKFLAGS_DEBUG) \"$(BCB)/lib/c0w32.obj\" "; fout << "$(" << l->first << "_SRC_OBJS) "; fout << "$(" << l->first << "_LINK_BPI) , $<, $*, "; fout << "$(" << l->first << "_LINK_LIB) $(LINK_LIB) \n"; fout << "| \n\n"; } else if (l->second.GetType()==cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) { fout << l->first << ".exe : ${" << l->first << "_SRC_OBJS} \n"; fout << " @ilink32.exe @&&| \n"; fout << " -L\"$(BCB)/lib\" -L$(LINK_DIR) $(LINKFLAGS_EXE) $(LINKFLAGS_DEBUG) \"$(BCB)/lib/c0x32.obj\" "; fout << "$(" << l->first << "_SRC_OBJS) , $<, $*, "; fout << "$(" << l->first << "_LINK_LIB) $(LINK_LIB) \n"; fout << "| \n\n"; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmBorlandMakefileGenerator::OutputSubDirectoryRules(ostream& fout) { // output rules for decending into sub directories const vector& SubDirectories = m_Makefile->GetSubDirectories(); // if ( SubDirectories.size() == 0) { return; } // this->OutputSubDirectoryVars(fout, "SUBDIR_BUILD", "build", 0, 0, SubDirectories); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // fix up names of directories so they can be used // as targets in makefiles. inline string FixDirectoryName(const char* dir) { string s = dir; // replace ../ with 3 under bars size_t pos = s.find("../"); if (pos != string::npos) { s.replace(pos, 3, "___"); } // replace / directory separators with a single under bar pos = s.find("/"); while(pos != string::npos) { s.replace(pos, 1, "_"); pos = s.find("/"); } return s; } void cmBorlandMakefileGenerator::OutputSubDirectoryVars(ostream& fout, const char* var, const char* target, const char* target1, const char* target2, const vector& SubDirectories) { if (!SubDirectories.size()) return; // fout << "# Variable for making " << target << " in subdirectories.\n"; fout << var << " = \\\n"; unsigned int i; for (i =0; i < SubDirectories.size(); i++) { string subdir = FixDirectoryName(SubDirectories[i].c_str()); fout << " " << target << "_" << subdir.c_str(); if (i == SubDirectories.size()-1) { fout << " \n\n"; } else { fout << " \\\n"; } } // fout << "# Targets for making " << target << " in subdirectories.\n"; for (unsigned int i=0; iGetStartOutputDirectory() << "/" << SubDirectories[i] << " \n"; fout << " make -fmakefile.mak \n\n"; } } // Output each custom rule in the following format: // output: source depends... // (tab) command... // This routine is copied direct from unix makefile generator void cmBorlandMakefileGenerator::OutputCustomRules(ostream& fout) { // We may be modifying the source groups temporarily, so make a copy. std::vector sourceGroups = m_Makefile->GetSourceGroups(); const cmTargets &tgts = m_Makefile->GetTargets(); for(cmTargets::const_iterator tgt = tgts.begin(); tgt != tgts.end(); ++tgt) { // add any custom rules to the source groups for (std::vector::const_iterator cr = tgt->second.GetCustomCommands().begin(); cr != tgt->second.GetCustomCommands().end(); ++cr) { cmSourceGroup& sourceGroup = m_Makefile->FindSourceGroup(cr->GetSourceName().c_str(), sourceGroups); cmCustomCommand cc(*cr); cc.ExpandVariables(*m_Makefile); sourceGroup.AddCustomCommand(cc); } } // Loop through every source group. for(std::vector::const_iterator sg = sourceGroups.begin(); sg != sourceGroups.end(); ++sg) { const cmSourceGroup::BuildRules& buildRules = sg->GetBuildRules(); if(buildRules.empty()) { continue; } std::string name = sg->GetName(); if(name != "") { fout << "# Start of source group \"" << name.c_str() << "\"\n"; } // Loop through each source in the source group. for(cmSourceGroup::BuildRules::const_iterator cc = buildRules.begin(); cc != buildRules.end(); ++ cc) { std::string source = cc->first; const cmSourceGroup::Commands& commands = cc->second; // Loop through every command generating code from the current source. for(cmSourceGroup::Commands::const_iterator c = commands.begin(); c != commands.end(); ++c) { std::string command = c->first; const cmSourceGroup::CommandFiles& commandFiles = c->second; // if the command has no outputs, then it is a utility command // with no outputs if(commandFiles.m_Outputs.size() == 0) { fout << source.c_str() << ": "; // Write out all the dependencies for this rule. for(std::set::const_iterator d = commandFiles.m_Depends.begin(); d != commandFiles.m_Depends.end(); ++d) { std::string dep = cmSystemTools::EscapeSpaces(d->c_str()); fout << " " << dep.c_str(); } fout << "\n\t" << command.c_str() << "\n\n"; } // Write a rule for every output generated by this command. for(std::set::const_iterator output = commandFiles.m_Outputs.begin(); output != commandFiles.m_Outputs.end(); ++output) { std::string src = cmSystemTools::EscapeSpaces(source.c_str()); fout << output->c_str() << ": " << src.c_str(); // Write out all the dependencies for this rule. for(std::set::const_iterator d = commandFiles.m_Depends.begin(); d != commandFiles.m_Depends.end(); ++d) { std::string dep = cmSystemTools::EscapeSpaces(d->c_str()); fout << " " << dep.c_str(); } fout << "\n\t" << command.c_str() << "\n\n"; } } } if(name != "") { fout << "# End of source group \"" << name.c_str() << "\"\n\n"; } } fout << "# End Custom Rules \n"; } void cmBorlandMakefileGenerator::OutputMakeRules(ostream& fout) { this->OutputMakeRule(fout, "Rule to build c file(s)", ".c.obj", 0, "$(CPP) -n$(OBJDIR) {$< }"); this->OutputMakeRule(fout, "Rule to build cpp file(s)", ".cpp.obj", 0, "$(CPP) -n$(OBJDIR) {$< }"); this->OutputMakeRule(fout, "Rule to build cxx file(s)", ".cxx.obj", 0, "$(CPP) -Pcxx -n$(OBJDIR) {$< }"); this->OutputMakeRule(fout, "The project ALL rule", "ALL", "PREPARE ${TARGETS} ${SUBDIR_BUILD} ${CMAKE_COMMAND}", 0); this->OutputMakeRule(fout, "Rule to build the makefile", "makefile.mak", "${CMAKE_COMMAND} ${CMAKE_MAKEFILE_SOURCES} ", "${CMAKE_COMMAND} " "-H${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} -B${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}"); this->OutputMakeRule(fout, "Rebuild the cache", "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeCache.txt", 0, "${CMAKE_COMMAND} " "-H${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} -B${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}"); this->OutputMakeRule(fout, "Rebuild cmake dummy rule", "${CMAKE_COMMAND}", 0, "echo \"cmake might be out of date\""); } void cmBorlandMakefileGenerator::OutputMakeRule(ostream& fout, const char* comment, const char* target, const char* depends, const char* command) { string replace; if (comment) { replace = comment; m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace); fout << "# " << comment << " \n"; } // replace = target; m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace); fout << replace.c_str() << ": "; if (depends) { replace = depends; m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace); fout << replace.c_str(); } fout << "\n"; // if (command) { replace = command; m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(replace); fout << " " << replace.c_str() << " \n"; } fout << "\n"; } void cmBorlandMakefileGenerator::SetLocal (bool local) { if (local) { m_CacheOnly = false; m_Recurse = false; } else { m_CacheOnly = true; m_Recurse = true; } } void cmBorlandMakefileGenerator::ComputeSystemInfo() { // now load the settings if (!m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_ROOT")) { cmSystemTools::Error("CMAKE_ROOT has not been defined, bad GUI or driver program"); return; } string fpath = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_ROOT"); fpath += "/Templates/CMakeWindowsBorlandConfig.cmake"; m_Makefile->ReadListFile(NULL,fpath.c_str()); }