/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmake.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" cmLocalGenerator::cmLocalGenerator() { m_Makefile = new cmMakefile; m_Makefile->SetLocalGenerator(this); m_ExcludeFromAll = false; m_Parent = 0; m_WindowsShell = false; m_IgnoreLibPrefix = false; m_UseRelativePaths = false; } cmLocalGenerator::~cmLocalGenerator() { delete m_Makefile; } void cmLocalGenerator::Configure() { // set the PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR and PROJECT_BIN_DIR to default values // just in case the project does not include a PROJECT command m_Makefile->AddDefinition("PROJECT_BINARY_DIR", m_Makefile->GetHomeOutputDirectory()); m_Makefile->AddDefinition("PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR", m_Makefile->GetHomeDirectory()); // find & read the list file std::string currentStart = m_Makefile->GetStartDirectory(); currentStart += "/CMakeLists.txt"; m_Makefile->ReadListFile(currentStart.c_str()); } void cmLocalGenerator::SetGlobalGenerator(cmGlobalGenerator *gg) { m_GlobalGenerator = gg; // setup the home directories m_Makefile->SetHomeDirectory( gg->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeDirectory()); m_Makefile->SetHomeOutputDirectory( gg->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeOutputDirectory()); } void cmLocalGenerator::ConfigureFinalPass() { m_Makefile->ConfigureFinalPass(); } void cmLocalGenerator::GenerateInstallRules() { const cmTargets &tgts = m_Makefile->GetTargets(); const char* prefix = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX"); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) std::string prefix_win32; if(!prefix) { if(!cmSystemTools::GetEnv("SystemDrive", prefix_win32)) { prefix_win32 = "C:"; } const char* project_name = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("PROJECT_NAME"); if(project_name && project_name[0]) { prefix_win32 += "/Program Files/"; prefix_win32 += project_name; } else { prefix_win32 += "/InstalledCMakeProject"; } prefix = prefix_win32.c_str(); } #else if (!prefix) { prefix = "/usr/local"; } #endif std::string file = m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); std::string homedir = m_Makefile->GetHomeOutputDirectory(); std::string currdir = m_Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(file); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(homedir); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(currdir); int toplevel_install = 0; if ( currdir == homedir ) { toplevel_install = 1; } file += "/cmake_install.cmake"; cmGeneratedFileStream fout(file.c_str()); fout.SetCopyIfDifferent(true); fout << "# Install script for directory: " << m_Makefile->GetCurrentDirectory() << std::endl << std::endl; const char* cmakeDebugPosfix = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX"); if ( cmakeDebugPosfix ) { fout << "SET(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX \"" << cmakeDebugPosfix << "\")" << std::endl << std::endl; } std::string libOutPath = ""; if (m_Makefile->GetDefinition("LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH")) { libOutPath = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH"); if(libOutPath.size()) { if(libOutPath[libOutPath.size() -1] != '/') { libOutPath += "/"; } } } std::string exeOutPath = ""; if (m_Makefile->GetDefinition("EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH")) { exeOutPath = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH"); if(exeOutPath.size()) { if(exeOutPath[exeOutPath.size() -1] != '/') { exeOutPath += "/"; } } } if ( libOutPath.size() == 0 ) { // LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH not defined libOutPath = currdir + "/"; } if ( exeOutPath.size() == 0 ) { // EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH not defined exeOutPath = currdir + "/"; } std::string destination; for(cmTargets::const_iterator l = tgts.begin(); l != tgts.end(); l++) { const char* preinstall = l->second.GetProperty("PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT"); const char* postinstall = l->second.GetProperty("POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT"); if ( preinstall ) { fout << "INCLUDE(\"" << preinstall << "\")" << std::endl; } if (l->second.GetInstallPath() != "") { destination = prefix + l->second.GetInstallPath(); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(destination); const char* dest = destination.c_str(); int type = l->second.GetType(); std::string fname; const char* files; // now install the target switch (type) { case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: fname = libOutPath; fname += this->GetFullTargetName(l->first.c_str(), l->second); files = fname.c_str(); this->AddInstallRule(fout, dest, type, files); break; case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: { // Special code to handle DLL fname = libOutPath; fname += this->GetFullTargetName(l->first.c_str(), l->second); std::string ext = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameExtension(fname); ext = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(ext); if ( ext == ".dll" ) { std::string libname = libOutPath; libname += cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutExtension(fname); libname += ".lib"; files = libname.c_str(); this->AddInstallRule(fout, dest, cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY, files, true); std::string dlldest = prefix + l->second.GetRuntimeInstallPath(); files = fname.c_str(); this->AddInstallRule(fout, dlldest.c_str(), type, files); } else { files = fname.c_str(); std::string properties; const char* lib_version = l->second.GetProperty("VERSION"); const char* lib_soversion = l->second.GetProperty("SOVERSION"); if(!m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SONAME_C_FLAG")) { // Versioning is supported only for shared libraries and modules, // and then only when the platform supports an soname flag. lib_version = 0; lib_soversion = 0; } if ( lib_version ) { properties += " VERSION "; properties += lib_version; } if ( lib_soversion ) { properties += " SOVERSION "; properties += lib_soversion; } this->AddInstallRule(fout, dest, type, files, false, properties.c_str()); } } break; case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: fname = exeOutPath; fname += this->GetFullTargetName(l->first.c_str(), l->second); files = fname.c_str(); this->AddInstallRule(fout, dest, type, files); break; case cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES: { std::string sourcePath = m_Makefile->GetCurrentDirectory(); std::string binaryPath = m_Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); sourcePath += "/"; binaryPath += "/"; const std::vector &sf = l->second.GetSourceLists(); std::vector::const_iterator i; for (i = sf.begin(); i != sf.end(); ++i) { std::string f = *i; if(f.substr(0, sourcePath.length()) == sourcePath) { f = f.substr(sourcePath.length()); } else if(f.substr(0, binaryPath.length()) == binaryPath) { f = f.substr(binaryPath.length()); } files = i->c_str(); this->AddInstallRule(fout, dest, type, files); } } break; case cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS: { std::string sourcePath = m_Makefile->GetCurrentDirectory(); std::string binaryPath = m_Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); sourcePath += "/"; binaryPath += "/"; const std::vector &sf = l->second.GetSourceLists(); std::vector::const_iterator i; for (i = sf.begin(); i != sf.end(); ++i) { std::string f = *i; if(f.substr(0, sourcePath.length()) == sourcePath) { f = f.substr(sourcePath.length()); } else if(f.substr(0, binaryPath.length()) == binaryPath) { f = f.substr(binaryPath.length()); } files = i->c_str(); this->AddInstallRule(fout, dest, type, files); } } break; case cmTarget::UTILITY: default: break; } } if ( postinstall ) { fout << "INCLUDE(\"" << postinstall << "\")" << std::endl; } } cmMakefile* mf = this->GetMakefile(); if ( !mf->GetSubDirectories().empty() ) { const std::vector >& subdirs = mf->GetSubDirectories(); std::vector >::const_iterator i = subdirs.begin(); for(; i != subdirs.end(); ++i) { std::string odir = mf->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); odir += "/" + (*i).first; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(odir); fout << "INCLUDE(\"" << odir.c_str() << "/cmake_install.cmake\")" << std::endl; } fout << std::endl;; } if ( toplevel_install ) { fout << "FILE(WRITE \"" << homedir.c_str() << "/install_manifest.txt\" " << "\"\")" << std::endl; fout << "FOREACH(file ${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANIFEST_FILES})" << std::endl << " FILE(APPEND \"" << homedir.c_str() << "/install_manifest.txt\" " << "\"${file}\\n\")" << std::endl << "ENDFOREACH(file)" << std::endl; } } void cmLocalGenerator::AddInstallRule(std::ostream& fout, const char* dest, int type, const char* files, bool optional /* = false */, const char* properties /* = 0 */) { std::string sfiles = files; std::string destination = dest; std::string stype; switch ( type ) { case cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS: stype = "PROGRAM"; break; case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: stype = "EXECUTABLE"; break; case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: stype = "STATIC_LIBRARY"; break; case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: stype = "SHARED_LIBRARY"; break; case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: stype = "MODULE"; break; case cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES: default: stype = "FILE"; break; } std::string fname = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(sfiles.c_str()); fout << "MESSAGE(STATUS \"Installing " << destination.c_str() << "/" << fname.c_str() << "\")\n" << "FILE(INSTALL DESTINATION \"" << destination.c_str() << "\" TYPE " << stype.c_str() << (optional?" OPTIONAL":"") ; if ( properties && *properties ) { fout << " PROPERTIES" << properties; } fout << " FILES \"" << sfiles.c_str() << "\")\n"; } std::string cmLocalGenerator::GetFullTargetName(const char* n, const cmTarget& t) { const char* targetPrefix = t.GetProperty("PREFIX"); const char* targetSuffix = t.GetProperty("SUFFIX"); if(!targetSuffix && t.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) { targetSuffix = cmSystemTools::GetExecutableExtension(); } const char* prefixVar = t.GetPrefixVariable(); const char* suffixVar = t.GetSuffixVariable(); const char* ll = t.GetLinkerLanguage(this->GetGlobalGenerator()); // first try language specific suffix if(ll) { if(!targetSuffix) { std::string langSuff = suffixVar + std::string("_") + ll; targetSuffix = m_Makefile->GetDefinition(langSuff.c_str()); } if(!targetPrefix) { std::string langPrefix = prefixVar + std::string("_") + ll; targetPrefix = m_Makefile->GetDefinition(langPrefix.c_str()); } } // if there is no prefix on the target use the cmake definition if(!targetPrefix && prefixVar) { targetPrefix = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(prefixVar); } // if there is no suffix on the target use the cmake definition if(!targetSuffix && suffixVar) { targetSuffix = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(suffixVar); } std::string name = targetPrefix?targetPrefix:""; name += n; name += targetSuffix?targetSuffix:""; return name; } std::string cmLocalGenerator::ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(const char* p) { if ( !m_Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS") ) { return cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(p); } // NOTE, much of this was copied to // cmGlobalXCodeGenerator::ConvertToRelativeOutputPath // fixes here should be made there as well. // copy to a string class std::string pathIn = p; // check to see if the path is already relative, it is // considered relative if one of the following is true // - has no / in it at all // - does not start with / or drive leter : // - starts with a ".." if(pathIn.find('/') == pathIn.npos || (pathIn[0] != '/' && pathIn[1] != ':') || pathIn.find("..") == 0) { return cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(p); } // do not use relative paths for network build trees // the network paths do not work const char* outputDirectory = m_Makefile->GetHomeOutputDirectory(); if ( outputDirectory && *outputDirectory && *(outputDirectory+1) && outputDirectory[0] == '/' && outputDirectory[1] == '/' ) { return cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(p); } // if the path is double quoted remove the double quotes if(pathIn.size() && pathIn[0] == '\"') { pathIn = pathIn.substr(1, pathIn.size()-2); } // The first time this is called // initialize m_CurrentOutputDirectory to contain // the full path to the current output directory // This has to be done here and not in the constructor // because the output directory is not yet set in the constructor. if(m_CurrentOutputDirectory.size() == 0) { m_CurrentOutputDirectory = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(m_Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory()); } // Given that we are in m_CurrentOutputDirectory how to we // get to pathIn with a relative path, store in ret std::string ret = cmSystemTools::RelativePath(m_CurrentOutputDirectory.c_str(), pathIn.c_str()); // If the path is 0 sized make it a . // this happens when pathIn is the same as m_CurrentOutputDirectory if(ret.size() == 0) { ret = "."; } // if there was a trailing / there still is one, and // if there was not one, there still is not one if(ret[ret.size()-1] == '/' && pathIn[pathIn.size()-1] != '/') { ret.erase(ret.size()-1, 1); } if(ret[ret.size()-1] != '/' && pathIn[pathIn.size()-1] == '/') { ret += "/"; } // Now convert the relative path to an output path ret = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(ret.c_str()); // finally return the path // at this point it should be relative and in the correct format // for the native build system. (i.e. \ for windows and / for unix, // and correct escaping/quoting of spaces in the path return ret; } void cmLocalGenerator::AddCustomCommandToCreateObject(const char* ofname, const char* lang, cmSourceFile& source, cmTarget& ) { std::string objectFile = this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(ofname); std::string sourceFile = this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(source.GetFullPath().c_str()); std::string varString = "CMAKE_"; varString += lang; varString += "_COMPILE_OBJECT"; std::vector rules; rules.push_back(m_Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition(varString.c_str())); varString = "CMAKE_"; varString += lang; varString += "_FLAGS"; std::string flags; flags += m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(varString.c_str()); flags += " "; flags += this->GetIncludeFlags(lang); std::vector commands; cmSystemTools::ExpandList(rules, commands); for(std::vector::iterator i = commands.begin(); i != commands.end(); ++i) { this->ExpandRuleVariables(*i, lang, 0, // no objects 0, // no target 0, // no link libs sourceFile.c_str(), objectFile.c_str(), flags.c_str()); } std::vector sourceAndDeps; sourceAndDeps.push_back(sourceFile); if(commands.size() > 1) { cmSystemTools::Error("Currently custom rules can only have one command sorry "); } // Check for extra object-file dependencies. std::vector depends; const char* additionalDeps = source.GetProperty("OBJECT_DEPENDS"); if(additionalDeps) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(additionalDeps, depends); for(std::vector::iterator i = depends.begin(); i != depends.end(); ++i) { sourceAndDeps.push_back(this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(i->c_str())); } } #if 0 std::string command; std::string args; cmSystemTools::SplitProgramFromArgs(commands[0].c_str(), command, args); std::vector argsv; argsv.push_back(args); m_Makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(ofname, command.c_str(), argsv, source.GetFullPath().c_str(), sourceAndDeps, "build from source"); #endif } void cmLocalGenerator::AddBuildTargetRule(const char* llang, cmTarget& target) { cmStdString objs; std::vector objVector; // Add all the sources outputs to the depends of the target std::vector& classes = target.GetSourceFiles(); for(std::vector::iterator i = classes.begin(); i != classes.end(); ++i) { if(!(*i)->GetPropertyAsBool("HEADER_FILE_ONLY") && !(*i)->GetCustomCommand()) { std::string outExt = m_GlobalGenerator->GetLanguageOutputExtensionFromExtension( (*i)->GetSourceExtension().c_str()); if(outExt.size() && !(*i)->GetPropertyAsBool("EXTERNAL_OBJECT") ) { std::string ofname = m_Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); ofname += "/"; ofname += (*i)->GetSourceName() + outExt; objVector.push_back(ofname); this->AddCustomCommandToCreateObject(ofname.c_str(), llang, *(*i), target); objs += this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(ofname.c_str()); objs += " "; } } } std::string createRule = "CMAKE_"; createRule += llang; createRule += target.GetCreateRuleVariable(); std::string targetName = this->GetFullTargetName(target.GetName(), target); // Executable : // Shared Library: // Static Library: // Shared Module: std::string linkLibs; // should be set std::string flags; // should be set std::string linkFlags; // should be set this->GetTargetFlags(linkLibs, flags, linkFlags, target); // Change the type to utility // target.SetType(cmTarget::UTILITY, target.GetName()); std::string rule = m_Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition(createRule.c_str()); this->ExpandRuleVariables(rule, llang, // language objs.c_str(), // objects targetName.c_str(), // target linkLibs.c_str(), // link libs 0, // source 0, // object flags.c_str(), // flags 0, // objects quoted 0, // target base name 0, // target so name, linkFlags.c_str() // link flags ); #if 0 std::string command; std::string args; cmSystemTools::SplitProgramFromArgs(rule.c_str(), command, args); // Just like ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(foo ALL DEPENDS a.o b.o) // Add a custom command for generating each .o file cmCustomCommand cc(command.c_str(), args.c_str(), objVector, targetName.c_str(), 0); target.GetPostBuildCommands().push_back(cc); #endif } void cmLocalGenerator::CreateCustomTargetsAndCommands(std::set const& lang) { cmTargets &tgts = m_Makefile->GetTargets(); for(cmTargets::iterator l = tgts.begin(); l != tgts.end(); l++) { cmTarget& target = l->second; switch(target.GetType()) { case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: { const char* llang = target.GetLinkerLanguage(this->GetGlobalGenerator()); if(!llang) { cmSystemTools::Error("CMake can not determine linker language for target:", target.GetName()); return; } // if the language is not in the set lang then create custom // commands to build the target if(lang.count(llang) == 0) { this->AddBuildTargetRule(llang, target); } } break; case cmTarget::UTILITY: case cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES: case cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS: break; } } } struct RuleVariables { const char* variable; }; // List of variables that are replaced when // rules are expanced. These variables are // replaced in the form with GetSafeDefinition(var). // ${LANG} is replaced in the variable first with all enabled // languages. static const char* ruleReplaceVars[] = { "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_CREATE_${LANG}_FLAGS", "CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_CREATE_${LANG}_FLAGS", "CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_${LANG}_FLAGS", "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_${LANG}_FLAGS", "CMAKE_${LANG}_LINK_FLAGS", "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SONAME_${LANG}_FLAG", "CMAKE_${LANG}_ARCHIVE", "CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER", "CMAKE_AR", "CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR", "CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR", "CMAKE_RANLIB", 0 }; void cmLocalGenerator::ExpandRuleVariables(std::string& s, const char* lang, const char* objects, const char* target, const char* linkLibs, const char* source, const char* object, const char* flags, const char* objectsquoted, const char* targetBase, const char* targetSOName, const char* linkFlags) { std::vector enabledLanguages; m_GlobalGenerator->GetEnabledLanguages(enabledLanguages); if(linkFlags) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, "", linkFlags); } if(flags) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, "", flags); } if(source) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, "", source); } if(object) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, "", object); } if(objects) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, "", objects); } if(objectsquoted) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, "", objectsquoted); } if(target) { std::string targetQuoted = target; if(targetQuoted.size() && targetQuoted[0] != '\"') { targetQuoted = '\"'; targetQuoted += target; targetQuoted += '\"'; } cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, "", targetQuoted.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, "", target); } if(targetBase) { // special case for quoted paths with spaces // if you see .lib then put the .lib inside // the quotes, same for .dll if((strlen(targetBase) > 1) && targetBase[0] == '\"') { std::string base = targetBase; base[base.size()-1] = '.'; std::string baseLib = base + "lib\""; std::string baseDll = base + "dll\""; cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, ".lib", baseLib.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, ".dll", baseDll.c_str()); } cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, "", targetBase); } if(targetSOName) { bool replaced = false; if(lang) { std::string name = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SONAME_"; name += lang; name += "_FLAG"; if(m_Makefile->GetDefinition(name.c_str())) { replaced = true; cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, "", targetSOName); } } if(!replaced) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, "", ""); } } if(linkLibs) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, "", linkLibs); } // loop over language specific replace variables int pos = 0; while(ruleReplaceVars[pos]) { for(std::vector::iterator i = enabledLanguages.begin(); i != enabledLanguages.end(); ++i) { lang = i->c_str(); std::string replace = "<"; replace += ruleReplaceVars[pos]; replace += ">"; std::string replaceWith = ruleReplaceVars[pos]; std::string actualReplace = replace; cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(actualReplace, "${LANG}", lang); std::string actualReplaceWith = replaceWith; cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(actualReplaceWith, "${LANG}", lang); replace = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(actualReplaceWith.c_str()); // if the variable is not a FLAG then treat it like a path if(actualReplaceWith.find("_FLAG") == actualReplaceWith.npos) { replace = this->ConvertToOutputForExisting(replace.c_str()); } if(actualReplace.size()) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(s, actualReplace.c_str(), replace.c_str()); } } pos++; } } std::string cmLocalGenerator::ConvertToOutputForExisting(const char* p) { std::string ret = this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(p); // if there are spaces in the path, then get the short path version // if there is one if(ret.find(' ') != std::string::npos) { if(cmSystemTools::FileExists(p)) { if(!cmSystemTools::GetShortPath(ret.c_str(), ret)) { ret = this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(p); } } } return ret; } const char* cmLocalGenerator::GetIncludeFlags(const char* lang) { if(!lang) { return ""; } if(m_LanguageToIncludeFlags.count(lang)) { return m_LanguageToIncludeFlags[lang].c_str(); } cmOStringStream includeFlags; std::vector includes; this->GetIncludeDirectories(includes); std::vector::iterator i; std::string flagVar = "CMAKE_INCLUDE_FLAG_"; flagVar += lang; const char* includeFlag = m_Makefile->GetDefinition(flagVar.c_str()); flagVar = "CMAKE_INCLUDE_FLAG_SEP_"; flagVar += lang; const char* sep = m_Makefile->GetDefinition(flagVar.c_str()); bool repeatFlag = true; // should the include flag be repeated like ie. -IA -IB if(!sep) { sep = " "; } else { // if there is a separator then the flag is not repeated but is only given once // i.e. -classpath a:b:c repeatFlag = false; } bool flagUsed = false; for(i = includes.begin(); i != includes.end(); ++i) { std::string include = *i; if(!flagUsed || repeatFlag) { includeFlags << includeFlag; flagUsed = true; } includeFlags << this->ConvertToOutputForExisting(i->c_str()) << sep; } std::string flags = includeFlags.str(); // remove trailing separators if((sep[0] != ' ') && flags[flags.size()-1] == sep[0]) { flags[flags.size()-1] = ' '; } flags += m_Makefile->GetDefineFlags(); m_LanguageToIncludeFlags[lang] = flags; return m_LanguageToIncludeFlags[lang].c_str(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalGenerator::GetIncludeDirectories(std::vector& dirs) { // Output Include paths std::set implicitIncludes; // CMake versions below 2.0 would add the source tree to the -I path // automatically. Preserve compatibility. bool includeSourceDir = false; const char* versionValue = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY"); if(versionValue) { int major = 0; int minor = 0; if(sscanf(versionValue, "%d.%d", &major, &minor) == 2 && major < 2) { includeSourceDir = true; } } const char* vtkSourceDir = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("VTK_SOURCE_DIR"); if(vtkSourceDir) { // Special hack for VTK 4.0 - 4.4. const char* vtk_major = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("VTK_MAJOR_VERSION"); const char* vtk_minor = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("VTK_MINOR_VERSION"); vtk_major = vtk_major? vtk_major : "4"; vtk_minor = vtk_minor? vtk_minor : "4"; int major = 0; int minor = 0; if(sscanf(vtk_major, "%d", &major) && sscanf(vtk_minor, "%d", &minor) && major == 4 && minor <= 4) { includeSourceDir = true; } } if(includeSourceDir) { dirs.push_back(m_Makefile->GetStartDirectory()); } // Do not explicitly add the standard include path "/usr/include". // This can cause problems with certain standard library // implementations because the wrong headers may be found first. implicitIncludes.insert("/usr/include"); if(m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES")) { std::string arg = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES"); std::vector implicitIncludeVec; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(arg, implicitIncludeVec); for(unsigned int k =0; k < implicitIncludeVec.size(); k++) { implicitIncludes.insert(implicitIncludeVec[k]); } } // Construct the ordered list. std::vector& includes = m_Makefile->GetIncludeDirectories(); for(std::vector::iterator i = includes.begin(); i != includes.end(); ++i) { if(implicitIncludes.find(*i) == implicitIncludes.end()) { dirs.push_back(*i); } } } void cmLocalGenerator::GetTargetFlags(std::string& linkLibs, std::string& flags, std::string& linkFlags, cmTarget& target) { std::string buildType = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE"); buildType = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(buildType); const char* libraryLinkVariable = "CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS"; // default to shared library switch(target.GetType()) { case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: { const char* targetLinkFlags = target.GetProperty("STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS"); if(targetLinkFlags) { linkFlags += targetLinkFlags; linkFlags += " "; } } break; case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: libraryLinkVariable = "CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS"; case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: { linkFlags = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(libraryLinkVariable); linkFlags += " "; if(buildType.size()) { std::string build = libraryLinkVariable; build += "_"; build += buildType; linkFlags += m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(build.c_str()); linkFlags += " "; } if(m_Makefile->IsOn("WIN32") && !(m_Makefile->IsOn("CYGWIN") || m_Makefile->IsOn("MINGW"))) { const std::vector& sources = target.GetSourceFiles(); for(std::vector::const_iterator i = sources.begin(); i != sources.end(); ++i) { if((*i)->GetSourceExtension() == "def") { linkFlags += m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_LINK_DEF_FILE_FLAG"); linkFlags += this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath((*i)->GetFullPath().c_str()); linkFlags += " "; } } } const char* targetLinkFlags = target.GetProperty("LINK_FLAGS"); if(targetLinkFlags) { linkFlags += targetLinkFlags; linkFlags += " "; } cmOStringStream linklibsStr; this->OutputLinkLibraries(linklibsStr, target.GetName(), target); linkLibs = linklibsStr.str(); } break; case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: { linkFlags += m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS"); linkFlags += " "; if(buildType.size()) { std::string build = "CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_"; build += buildType; linkFlags += m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(build.c_str()); linkFlags += " "; } const char* linkLanguage = target.GetLinkerLanguage(this->GetGlobalGenerator()); if(!linkLanguage) { cmSystemTools::Error("CMake can not determine linker language for target:", target.GetName()); return; } std::string langVar = "CMAKE_"; langVar += linkLanguage; std::string flagsVar = langVar + "_FLAGS"; std::string sharedFlagsVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_"; sharedFlagsVar += linkLanguage; sharedFlagsVar += "_FLAGS"; flags += m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(flagsVar.c_str()); flags += " "; flags += m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(sharedFlagsVar.c_str()); flags += " "; cmOStringStream linklibs; this->OutputLinkLibraries(linklibs, 0, target); linkLibs = linklibs.str(); if(cmSystemTools::IsOn(m_Makefile->GetDefinition("BUILD_SHARED_LIBS"))) { std::string sFlagVar = std::string("CMAKE_SHARED_BUILD_") + linkLanguage + std::string("_FLAGS"); linkFlags += m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(sFlagVar.c_str()); linkFlags += " "; } if ( target.GetPropertyAsBool("WIN32_EXECUTABLE") ) { linkFlags += m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_CREATE_WIN32_EXE"); linkFlags += " "; } else { linkFlags += m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_CREATE_CONSOLE_EXE"); linkFlags += " "; } const char* targetLinkFlags = target.GetProperty("LINK_FLAGS"); if(targetLinkFlags) { linkFlags += targetLinkFlags; linkFlags += " "; } } break; case cmTarget::UTILITY: case cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES: case cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS: break; } } /** * Output the linking rules on a command line. For executables, * targetLibrary should be a NULL pointer. For libraries, it should point * to the name of the library. This will not link a library against itself. */ void cmLocalGenerator::OutputLinkLibraries(std::ostream& fout, const char* targetLibrary, const cmTarget &tgt) { // Try to emit each search path once std::set emitted; // Embed runtime search paths if possible and if required. bool outputRuntime = true; std::string runtimeFlag; std::string runtimeSep; std::vector runtimeDirs; std::string buildType = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE"); buildType = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(buildType); const char* linkLanguage = tgt.GetLinkerLanguage(this->GetGlobalGenerator()); if(!linkLanguage) { cmSystemTools::Error("CMake can not determine linker language for target:", tgt.GetName()); return; } std::string runTimeFlagVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_RUNTIME_"; runTimeFlagVar += linkLanguage; runTimeFlagVar += "_FLAG"; std::string runTimeFlagSepVar = runTimeFlagVar + "_SEP"; runtimeFlag = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(runTimeFlagVar.c_str()); runtimeSep = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(runTimeFlagSepVar.c_str()); // concatenate all paths or no? bool runtimeConcatenate = ( runtimeSep!="" ); if(runtimeFlag == "" || m_Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH") ) { outputRuntime = false; } // Some search paths should never be emitted emitted.insert(""); emitted.insert("/usr/lib"); std::string libPathFlag = m_Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition("CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH_FLAG"); std::string libLinkFlag = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG"); // collect all the flags needed for linking libraries std::string linkLibs; // Flags to link an executable to shared libraries. std::string linkFlagsVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_LINK_"; linkFlagsVar += linkLanguage; linkFlagsVar += "_FLAGS"; if( tgt.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE ) { linkLibs = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(linkFlagsVar.c_str()); linkLibs += " "; } const std::vector& libdirs = tgt.GetLinkDirectories(); for(std::vector::const_iterator libDir = libdirs.begin(); libDir != libdirs.end(); ++libDir) { std::string libpath = this->ConvertToOutputForExisting(libDir->c_str()); if(emitted.insert(libpath).second) { std::string fullLibPath; if(!m_WindowsShell && m_UseRelativePaths) { fullLibPath = "\"`cd "; } fullLibPath += libpath; if(!m_WindowsShell && m_UseRelativePaths) { fullLibPath += ";pwd`\""; } std::string::size_type pos = libDir->find(libPathFlag.c_str()); if((pos == std::string::npos || pos > 0) && libDir->find("${") == std::string::npos) { linkLibs += libPathFlag; if(outputRuntime) { runtimeDirs.push_back( fullLibPath ); } } linkLibs += fullLibPath; linkLibs += " "; } } std::string linkSuffix = m_Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_SUFFIX"); std::string regexp = ".*\\"; regexp += linkSuffix; regexp += "$"; cmsys::RegularExpression hasSuffix(regexp.c_str()); std::string librariesLinked; const cmTarget::LinkLibraries& libs = tgt.GetLinkLibraries(); for(cmTarget::LinkLibraries::const_iterator lib = libs.begin(); lib != libs.end(); ++lib) { // Don't link the library against itself! if(targetLibrary && (lib->first == targetLibrary)) continue; // use the correct lib for the current configuration if (lib->second == cmTarget::DEBUG && buildType != "DEBUG") { continue; } if (lib->second == cmTarget::OPTIMIZED && buildType == "DEBUG") { continue; } // skip zero size library entries, this may happen // if a variable expands to nothing. if (lib->first.size() == 0) continue; // if it is a full path break it into -L and -l cmsys::RegularExpression reg("^([ \t]*\\-[lWRB])|([ \t]*\\-framework)|(\\${)|([ \t]*\\-pthread)|([ \t]*`)"); if(lib->first.find('/') != std::string::npos && !reg.find(lib->first)) { std::string dir, file; cmSystemTools::SplitProgramPath(lib->first.c_str(), dir, file); std::string libpath = this->ConvertToOutputForExisting(dir.c_str()); if(emitted.insert(libpath).second) { linkLibs += libPathFlag; linkLibs += libpath; linkLibs += " "; if(outputRuntime) { runtimeDirs.push_back( libpath ); } } cmsys::RegularExpression libname("^lib([^/]*)(\\.so|\\.lib|\\.dll|\\.sl|\\.a|\\.dylib).*"); cmsys::RegularExpression libname_noprefix("([^/]*)(\\.so|\\.lib|\\.dll|\\.sl|\\.a|\\.dylib).*"); if(libname.find(file)) { // Library had "lib" prefix. librariesLinked += libLinkFlag; file = libname.match(1); // if ignore libprefix is on, // then add the lib prefix back into the name if(m_IgnoreLibPrefix) { file = "lib" + file; } librariesLinked += file; if(linkSuffix.size() && !hasSuffix.find(file)) { librariesLinked += linkSuffix; } librariesLinked += " "; } else if(libname_noprefix.find(file)) { // Library had no "lib" prefix. librariesLinked += libLinkFlag; file = libname_noprefix.match(1); librariesLinked += file; if(linkSuffix.size() && !hasSuffix.find(file)) { librariesLinked += linkSuffix; } librariesLinked += " "; } else { // Error parsing the library name. Just use the full path. // The linker will give an error if it is invalid. librariesLinked += lib->first; librariesLinked += " "; } } // not a full path, so add -l name else { if(!reg.find(lib->first)) { librariesLinked += libLinkFlag; } librariesLinked += lib->first; if(linkSuffix.size() && !hasSuffix.find(lib->first)) { librariesLinked += linkSuffix; } librariesLinked += " "; } } linkLibs += librariesLinked; fout << linkLibs; if(outputRuntime && runtimeDirs.size()>0) { // For the runtime search directories, do a "-Wl,-rpath,a:b:c" or // a "-R a -R b -R c" type link line fout << runtimeFlag; std::vector::iterator itr = runtimeDirs.begin(); fout << *itr; ++itr; for( ; itr != runtimeDirs.end(); ++itr ) { if(runtimeConcatenate) { fout << runtimeSep << *itr; } else { fout << " " << runtimeFlag << *itr; } } fout << " "; } if(m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_STANDARD_LIBRARIES")) { fout << m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_STANDARD_LIBRARIES") << " "; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalGenerator::AddLanguageFlags(std::string& flags, const char* lang) { // Add language-specific flags. std::string flagsVar = "CMAKE_"; flagsVar += lang; flagsVar += "_FLAGS"; this->AddConfigVariableFlags(flags, flagsVar.c_str()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalGenerator::AddSharedFlags(std::string& flags, const char* lang, bool shared) { std::string flagsVar; // Add flags for dealing with shared libraries for this language. if(shared) { flagsVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_"; flagsVar += lang; flagsVar += "_FLAGS"; this->AppendFlags(flags, m_Makefile->GetDefinition(flagsVar.c_str())); } // Add flags specific to shared builds. if(cmSystemTools::IsOn(m_Makefile->GetDefinition("BUILD_SHARED_LIBS"))) { flagsVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_BUILD_"; flagsVar += lang; flagsVar += "_FLAGS"; this->AppendFlags(flags, m_Makefile->GetDefinition(flagsVar.c_str())); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalGenerator::AddConfigVariableFlags(std::string& flags, const char* var) { // Add the flags from the variable itself. std::string flagsVar = var; this->AppendFlags(flags, m_Makefile->GetDefinition(flagsVar.c_str())); // Add the flags from the build-type specific variable. const char* buildType = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE"); if(buildType && *buildType) { flagsVar += "_"; flagsVar += cmSystemTools::UpperCase(buildType); this->AppendFlags(flags, m_Makefile->GetDefinition(flagsVar.c_str())); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalGenerator::AppendFlags(std::string& flags, const char* newFlags) { if(newFlags && *newFlags) { if(flags.size()) { flags += " "; } flags += newFlags; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmLocalGenerator::ConstructScript(const cmCustomCommandLines& commandLines, const char* newline) { // Store the script in a string. std::string script; // Write each command on a single line. for(cmCustomCommandLines::const_iterator cl = commandLines.begin(); cl != commandLines.end(); ++cl) { // Start with the command name. const cmCustomCommandLine& commandLine = *cl; script += this->ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(commandLine[0].c_str()); // Add the arguments. for(unsigned int j=1;j < commandLine.size(); ++j) { script += " "; script += cmSystemTools::EscapeSpaces(commandLine[j].c_str()); } // End the line. script += newline; } return script; }