/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmWXMainFrame.h" #include "cmCacheManager.h" #include "cmWXCacheProperty.h" #include "cmWXCommandLineInfo.h" #include "cmake.h" #ifdef __linux__ #include "CMakeIcon.xpm" #endif cmMainFrame::cmMainFrame(const wxString& title, const wxSize& size) : wxFrame((wxFrame*)NULL, cmMainFrame::ID_MainFrame, title, wxDefaultPosition, size) { #ifdef __linux__ this->SetIcon( wxICON(CMakeIcon) ); #endif cmSystemTools::SetErrorCallback(cmMainFrame::MessageCallback, this); this->m_Clean = true; this->m_BuildPathChanged = false; this->m_WhereSource = ""; this->m_WhereBuild = ""; this->m_CMakeInstance = new cmake; // force a register of generators this->m_Update = false; this->m_Valid = false; this->m_EntryRemoved = false; this->m_CursorChanged = false; this->m_CacheEntries = new cmMainFrame::CacheMapType; this->CreateStatusBar(1); this->SetStatusText("Welcome to CMakeSetup"); this->m_MainPanel = new wxPanel(this, -1); this->SetBackgroundColour(this->m_MainPanel->GetBackgroundColour()); this->m_TopMostSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); this->m_TopMostSizer->Add( this->m_MainPanel, 1, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); wxFlexGridSizer* msizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(1, 5, 5); msizer->AddGrowableRow(2); msizer->AddGrowableCol(0); this->m_MainSizer = msizer; wxFlexGridSizer* tgrid = new wxFlexGridSizer(7, 2, 2); tgrid->AddGrowableCol(2); tgrid->AddGrowableCol(6); this->m_TopGrid = tgrid; this->m_TextSource = new wxStaticText(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "Where is the source code:"); this->m_PathSource = new wxComboBox(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "PathSource"); this->m_BrowseSource = new wxButton(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "Browse..."); tgrid = new wxFlexGridSizer(3, 2, 2); tgrid->AddGrowableCol(2); this->m_GeneratorFrame = tgrid; this->m_BuildFor = new wxStaticText(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "Build For:"); this->m_GeneratorMenu = new wxComboBox(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, 0, wxCB_READONLY); this->m_GeneratorFrame->Add(this->m_BuildFor, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT); this->m_GeneratorFrame->Add(5,5,0); this->m_GeneratorFrame->Add(this->m_GeneratorMenu, 1, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT ); this->m_TextBinary = new wxStaticText(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "Where to build the binaries:"); this->m_PathBinary = new wxComboBox(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "PathBinary"); this->m_BrowseBinary = new wxButton(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "Browse..."); this->m_ShowAdvancedValues = new wxCheckBox(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "Show Advanced Values"); this->m_TopGrid->Add(this->m_TextSource, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); this->m_TopGrid->Add(5, 5, 0); this->m_TopGrid->Add(this->m_PathSource, 1, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT ); this->m_TopGrid->Add(5, 5, 0); this->m_TopGrid->Add(this->m_BrowseSource, 1, 0); this->m_TopGrid->Add(5, 5, 0); this->m_TopGrid->Add(this->m_GeneratorFrame, 1, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT); this->m_TopGrid->Add(this->m_TextBinary, 1, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); this->m_TopGrid->Add(5, 5, 0); this->m_TopGrid->Add(this->m_PathBinary, 1, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT ); this->m_TopGrid->Add(5, 5, 0); this->m_TopGrid->Add(this->m_BrowseBinary, 1, 0); this->m_TopGrid->Add(5, 5, 0); this->m_TopGrid->Add(this->m_ShowAdvancedValues, 1, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); this->m_MainSizer->Add(5, 5, 0); this->m_MainSizer->Add(this->m_TopGrid, 1, wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10 ); this->m_CacheValuesBox = new wxStaticBox(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "Cache Values"); //this->m_CacheValuesBox->SetBackgroundColour(*wxWHITE); this->m_CacheValuesFrame = new wxStaticBoxSizer(this->m_CacheValuesBox, wxVERTICAL); this->m_CacheValuesScroll = new wxScrolledWindow(this->m_MainPanel, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxVSCROLL); this->m_CacheValuesScroll->SetBackgroundColour(*wxWHITE); this->m_CacheValuesFrame->Add(this->m_CacheValuesScroll, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0 ); this->m_CacheValuesPanel = new wxPanel(this->m_CacheValuesScroll, -1); this->m_CacheValuesPanel->SetBackgroundColour(wxColor(150, 150, 150)); wxFlexGridSizer* csizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 1, 1); csizer->AddGrowableCol(0); csizer->AddGrowableCol(1); this->m_CacheValuesSizer = csizer; this->m_CacheValuesPanel->SetAutoLayout( TRUE ); this->m_CacheValuesPanel->SetSizer(this->m_CacheValuesSizer); //this->m_CacheValuesPanel->SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(10,10,10)); this->m_CacheValuesSizer->Fit(this->m_CacheValuesPanel); this->m_CacheValuesSizer->SetSizeHints(this->m_CacheValuesPanel); //this->m_CacheValuesScroll->SetScrollbars(0, 20, 0, 50); //wxSize framesize = this->m_CacheValuesBox->GetSize(); //this->m_CacheValuesBox->SetSize(framesize.GetWidth(), 100); this->SetSizeHints(580, 340); this->m_MainSizer->Add(this->m_CacheValuesFrame, 1, wxGROW | wxALL ); wxString helpTextData = ""; helpTextData.append ("Right click on a cache value for additional options " "(delete, ignore, and help).\n" "Press Configure to update and display new values in red.\n" "Press OK to generate selected build files and exit."); this->m_HelpText = new wxStaticText(this->m_MainPanel, -1, helpTextData, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE); this->m_MainSizer->Add(5, 5, 0); this->m_MainSizer->Add(this->m_HelpText, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 10); this->m_BottomButtonsFrame = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); //this->m_VersionText = new wxStaticText(this->m_MainPanel, -1, //"Version 1.5 - development"); this->m_ConfigureButton = new wxButton(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "Configure"); this->m_OKButton = new wxButton(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "OK"); this->m_CancelButton = new wxButton(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "Cancel"); this->m_HelpButton = new wxButton(this->m_MainPanel, -1, "Help"); this->m_BottomButtonsFrame->Add(m_ConfigureButton, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT, 10); this->m_BottomButtonsFrame->Add(5, 5, 0); this->m_BottomButtonsFrame->Add(m_OKButton, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT, 10); this->m_BottomButtonsFrame->Add(5, 5, 0); this->m_BottomButtonsFrame->Add(m_CancelButton, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT, 10); this->m_BottomButtonsFrame->Add(5, 5, 0); this->m_BottomButtonsFrame->Add(m_HelpButton, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT, 10); this->m_MainSizer->Add(5, 5, 0); this->m_MainSizer->Add(m_BottomButtonsFrame, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 10); this->m_MainSizer->Add(5, 5, 0); this->m_MainPanel->SetAutoLayout( TRUE ); this->m_MainPanel->SetSizer(this->m_MainSizer); this->m_MainSizer->Fit(this->m_MainPanel); this->m_MainSizer->SetSizeHints(this->m_MainPanel); this->SetAutoLayout( TRUE ); this->SetSizer(this->m_TopMostSizer); this->m_TopMostSizer->Fit(this); this->m_TopMostSizer->SetSizeHints(this); // Setup statusbar callbacks this->SetupStatusBarBinding(this->m_ConfigureButton); this->SetupStatusBarBinding(this->m_OKButton); this->SetupStatusBarBinding(this->m_CancelButton); this->SetupStatusBarBinding(this->m_HelpButton); this->SetupStatusBarBinding(this->m_PathSource); this->SetupStatusBarBinding(this->m_BrowseSource); this->SetupStatusBarBinding(this->m_PathBinary); this->SetupStatusBarBinding(this->m_BrowseBinary); this->SetupStatusBarBinding(this->m_GeneratorMenu); this->SetupStatusBarBinding(this->m_ShowAdvancedValues); // Setup other callbacks this->ConnectEvent( this->m_CancelButton, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnCancel ); this->ConnectEvent( this->m_OKButton, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnOk ); this->ConnectEvent( this->m_HelpButton, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnHelp ); this->ConnectEvent( this->m_ConfigureButton, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnConfigure ); this->ConnectEvent( this, wxEVT_SIZE, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnResize ); this->ConnectEvent( this->m_ShowAdvancedValues, wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnShowAdvancedValues ); this->ConnectEvent( this->m_BrowseSource, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnBrowseSource ); this->ConnectEvent( this->m_BrowseBinary, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnBrowseBinary ); this->ConnectEvent( this->m_PathSource, wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnSourceSelected ); this->ConnectEvent( this->m_PathSource, wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnSourceUpdated ); this->ConnectEvent( this->m_PathBinary, wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnBinarySelected ); this->ConnectEvent( this->m_PathBinary, wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnBinaryUpdated ); this->ConnectEvent( this->m_PathBinary, wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnBinaryAccepted ); this->ConnectEvent( this->m_GeneratorMenu, wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnGeneratorSelected ); this->ConnectEvent( this->m_GeneratorMenu, wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnGeneratorSelected ); this->ConnectEvent( this, wxEVT_TIMER, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnExitTimer ); this->Connect(cmCacheProperty::Menu_Popup_Ignore, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnPopupMenuIgnore); this->Connect(cmCacheProperty::Menu_Popup_Delete, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnPopupMenuDelete); this->Connect(cmCacheProperty::Menu_Popup_Help, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnPopupMenuHelp); this->m_CMakeInstance->SetProgressCallback(&cmMainFrame::ProgressCallback, this); } cmMainFrame::~cmMainFrame() { cmMainFrame::CacheMapType* items = this->m_CacheEntries; for(cmMainFrame::CacheMapType::iterator i = items->begin(); i != items->end(); ++i) { cmCacheProperty* item = i->second; delete item; } delete this->m_CacheEntries; delete this->m_CMakeInstance; } void cmMainFrame::MessageCallback(const char* m, const char* title, bool& nomore, void* clientData) { if ( clientData ) { cmMainFrame* self = static_cast<cmMainFrame*>( clientData ); self->DisplayMessage(m, title, nomore); } else { std::string message = "The following error happen without frame being set:\n\n"; message += m; message += "\n\n(Press Cancel to suppress any further messages.)"; if(::wxMessageBox(message.c_str(), title, wxICON_WARNING | wxOK | wxCANCEL ) == wxCANCEL) { nomore = true; } } } void cmMainFrame::ProgressCallback(const char* m, float prog, void* clientData) { if ( clientData ) { cmMainFrame* self = static_cast<cmMainFrame*>( clientData ); char tmp[1024]; if (prog >= 0) { sprintf(tmp,"%s %i%%",m,(int)(100*prog)); } else { sprintf(tmp,"%s",m); } self->SetStatusText(tmp); wxYield(); } } void cmMainFrame::DisplayMessage(const char* m, const char* title, bool& nomore) { this->CursorNormal(false); std::string message = m; message += "\n\n(Press Cancel to suppress any further messages.)"; if(::wxMessageBox(message.c_str(), title, wxICON_WARNING | wxOK | wxCANCEL ) == wxCANCEL) { nomore = true; } if ( this->m_CursorChanged ) { this->CursorBusy(false); } } void cmMainFrame::ConnectEvent(wxWindow* win, wxEventType et, wxObjectEventFunction func) { // this->Connect((win?win->GetId():-1), et, func); // } void cmMainFrame::ConnectEventTo(wxWindow* win, wxEventType et, wxObjectEventFunction func) { // win->Connect(-1, et, func); // } void cmMainFrame::OnStatusBar(wxEvent& event) { wxControl* eobject = static_cast<wxControl*>(event.GetEventObject()); if ( eobject && eobject->GetClientData() ) { cmMainFrame* self = static_cast<cmMainFrame*>(eobject->GetClientData()); if ( eobject == self->m_OKButton ) { self->SetStatusText("Press OK to generate selected build files and exit."); } else if ( eobject == self->m_CancelButton ) { self->SetStatusText("Press Cancel to lose the changes and exit."); } else if ( eobject == self->m_ConfigureButton ) { self->SetStatusText("Press Configure to update and display new values in red."); } else if ( eobject == self->m_HelpButton ) { self->SetStatusText("Press Help to display help."); } else if ( eobject == self->m_ShowAdvancedValues ) { self->SetStatusText("Toggle between regular and advanced cache values."); } else if ( eobject == self->m_GeneratorMenu ) { self->SetStatusText("Set the generator to generate the build files."); } else if ( eobject == self->m_PathSource ) { self->SetStatusText("Enter the path to the source files."); } else if ( eobject == self->m_BrowseSource ) { self->SetStatusText("Browse the path to the source files."); } else if ( eobject == self->m_PathBinary ) { self->SetStatusText("Enter the path to the build files."); } else if ( eobject == self->m_BrowseBinary ) { self->SetStatusText("Browse the path to the build files."); } else { self->SetStatusText("CMakeSetup"); } } } void cmMainFrame::OnCacheStatusBar(wxEvent& event) { wxControl* eobject = static_cast<wxControl*>(event.GetEventObject()); if ( eobject && eobject->GetClientData() ) { cmCacheProperty* cprop = static_cast<cmCacheProperty*>(eobject->GetClientData()); cprop->GetMainFrame()->SetStatusText(cprop->GetHelp().c_str(), 0); } } void cmMainFrame::OnPopupMenu(wxMouseEvent& event) { // wxControl* eobject = static_cast<wxControl*>(event.GetEventObject()); if ( eobject && eobject->GetClientData() ) { wxMenu menu; menu.Append(cmCacheProperty::Menu_Popup_Ignore, "Ignore Cache Entry"); menu.Append(cmCacheProperty::Menu_Popup_Delete, "Delete Cache Entry"); menu.Append(cmCacheProperty::Menu_Popup_Help, "Help for Cache Entry"); cmCacheProperty* cprop = static_cast<cmCacheProperty*>(eobject->GetClientData()); cmMainFrame* self = cprop->GetMainFrame(); menu.SetClientData(eobject->GetClientData()); this->PopupMenu(&menu, event.GetPosition()); if ( self->m_EntryRemoved ) { self->UpdateCacheValuesDisplay(); self->m_EntryRemoved = false; } } } void cmMainFrame::OnPopupMenuIgnore(wxEvent& event) { // this->OnPopupMenuEntry(event, 0); // } void cmMainFrame::OnPopupMenuDelete(wxEvent& event) { // this->OnPopupMenuEntry(event, 1); // } void cmMainFrame::OnPopupMenuHelp(wxEvent& event) { // this->OnPopupMenuEntry(event, 2); // } void cmMainFrame::OnPopupMenuEntry(wxEvent& event, int idx) { wxMenu* eobject = static_cast<wxMenu*>(event.GetEventObject()); if ( eobject && eobject->GetClientData() ) { cmCacheProperty* cprop = static_cast<cmCacheProperty*>(eobject->GetClientData()); switch ( idx ) { case 0: this->IgnoreCacheEntry(cprop->GetName().c_str()); break; case 1: this->RemoveCacheEntry(cprop); break; case 2: this->HelpCacheEntry(cprop->GetName().c_str(), cprop->GetHelp().c_str()); break; } } } void cmMainFrame::OnOk(wxCommandEvent&) { // enable error messages each time configure is pressed cmSystemTools::EnableMessages(); this->ClearDirty(); this->RunCMake(true); cmMainFrame::Close(TRUE); } void cmMainFrame::OnCancel(wxCommandEvent&) { if ( this->IsDirty() ) { // Display dialog if ( wxMessageBox( "You have changed options but not rebuild, " "are you sure you want to exit?", "Confirm Exit", wxICON_WARNING | wxYES_NO ) != wxYES ) { return; } } cmMainFrame::Close(TRUE); } void cmMainFrame::OnConfigure(wxCommandEvent&) { // enable error messages each time configure is pressed cmSystemTools::EnableMessages(); this->m_Update = true; this->RunCMake(false); } void cmMainFrame::OnHelp(wxCommandEvent&) { std::string message = "CMake is used to configure and generate build files for software projects. The basic steps for configuring a\n" "project are as follows:\n\n" "1. Select the source directory for the project. This should contain the CMakeLists.txt files for the project.\n\n" "2. Select the build directory for the project. This is the directory where the project will be built. It can\n" "be the same or a different directory than the source directory. For easy clean up, a separate build directory\n" "is recommended. CMake will create the directory if it does not exist.\n\n" "3. Once the source and binary directories are selected, it is time to press the Configure button. This will cause\n" "CMake to read all of the input files and discover all the variables used by the project. The first time a\n" "variable is displayed it will be in Red. Users should inspect red variables making sure the values are correct.\n" "For some projects the Configure process can be iterative, so continue to press the Configure button until there\n" " are no longer red entries.\n\n" "4. Once there are no longer red entries, you should click the OK button. This will write the build files to the\n" "build directory and exit CMake."; ::wxMessageBox(message.c_str(), "CMake Help", wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK ); } void cmMainFrame::OnPropertyChanged(wxEvent& event) { this->SetDirty(); wxControl* eobject = static_cast<wxControl*>(event.GetEventObject()); if ( eobject && eobject->GetClientData() ) { cmCacheProperty* property = static_cast<cmCacheProperty*>( eobject->GetClientData() ); property->OnPropertyChanged(event); } } void cmMainFrame::OnResize(wxSizeEvent& event) { this->wxFrame::OnSize(event); // Expand inner pannel when window resizes this->ResizeInternal(); } void cmMainFrame::OnExitTimer(wxEvent&) { this->Close(); this->Refresh(); } void cmMainFrame::ResizeInternal() { // Expand inner pannel when window resizes int x, y; this->m_CacheValuesScroll->GetClientSize(&x, &y); wxSize size1 = this->m_CacheValuesPanel->GetSize(); this->m_CacheValuesPanel->SetSize(wxSize(x, size1.GetHeight())); //this->m_CacheValuesSizer->SetDimension(0,0,x,size1.GetHeight()); } void cmMainFrame::OnBrowseSource(wxCommandEvent&) { std::string path = this->m_PathSource->GetValue().c_str(); if ( path == "PathSource" ) { path = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(this->m_PathToExecutable.c_str()); } wxDirDialog dialog ( this, _T("Select path"), path.c_str() ); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { this->SetSourceDir(dialog.GetPath()); } } void cmMainFrame::OnBrowseBinary(wxCommandEvent&) { std::string path = this->m_PathBinary->GetValue().c_str(); if ( path == "PathBinary" ) { path = this->m_PathSource->GetValue().c_str(); if ( path == "PathSource" ) { path = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(this->m_PathToExecutable.c_str()); } } wxDirDialog dialog ( this, _T("Select path"), path.c_str() ); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { if ( this->SetBinaryDir(dialog.GetPath()) ) { this->m_Update = true; this->ChangeWhereBuild(); } } } void cmMainFrame::Initialize(cmCommandLineInfo* cmdInfo) { this->m_PathToExecutable = cmdInfo->GetPathToExecutable(); this->LoadFromRegistry(); std::vector<std::string> names; this->m_CMakeInstance->GetRegisteredGenerators(names); int cc = 0; for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = names.begin(); i != names.end(); ++i) { this->m_GeneratorMenu->Append(i->c_str()); if ( *i == "Unix Makefiles" ) { this->m_GeneratorMenu->SetSelection(cc); } cc ++; } //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CMakeSetupDialog) // Get the parameters from the command line info // If an unknown parameter is found, try to interpret it too, since it // is likely to be a file dropped on the shortcut :) if (cmdInfo->m_LastUnknownParameter.empty()) { if ( cmdInfo->m_WhereSource.size() > 0 ) { this->SetSourceDir( cmdInfo->m_WhereSource.c_str() ); } if ( cmdInfo->m_WhereBuild.size() > 0 ) { this->SetBinaryDir( cmdInfo->m_WhereBuild.c_str() ); } if ( this->m_GeneratorMenu->GetSelection() >= 0 && this->m_GeneratorMenu->GetValue().size() > 0 ) { this->SetGenerator(this->m_GeneratorMenu->GetValue().c_str()); } this->m_ShowAdvancedValues->SetValue(cmdInfo->m_AdvancedValues); } else { this->m_ShowAdvancedValues->SetValue(FALSE); this->ChangeDirectoriesFromFile(cmdInfo->m_LastUnknownParameter.c_str()); } /* this->UpdateSourceBuildMenus(); */ this->LoadCacheFromDiskToGUI(); if ( cmdInfo->m_ExitAfterLoad ) { this->m_ExitTimer = new wxTimer(this, this->GetId()); this->m_ExitTimer->Start(3000); } } //! Set the current generator void cmMainFrame::SetGenerator(const char* generator) { if ( strlen(generator) > 0 ) { int pos = this->m_GeneratorMenu->FindString(generator); if ( pos >= 0 ) { this->m_GeneratorMenu->SetSelection(pos); } } } //! Load cache file from m_WhereBuild and display in GUI editor void cmMainFrame::LoadCacheFromDiskToGUI() { cmCacheManager *cachem = this->m_CMakeInstance->GetCacheManager(); if(this->GetBinaryDir().size() > 0 ) { cachem->LoadCache(this->m_WhereBuild.c_str()); this->UpdateCacheValuesDisplay(); cmCacheManager::CacheIterator it = cachem->NewIterator(); if(it.Find("CMAKE_GENERATOR")) { std::string curGen = it.GetValue(); if(this->m_GeneratorMenu->GetSelection() < 0 || std::string(this->m_GeneratorMenu->GetValue().c_str()) != curGen) { this->SetGenerator(curGen.c_str()); } } } } // copy from the cache manager to the cache edit list box void cmMainFrame::FillCacheGUIFromCacheManager() { //size_t size = 0; //size_t size = this->m_CacheEntriesList.GetItems().size(); //bool reverseOrder = false; // if there are already entries in the cache, then // put the new ones in the top, so they show up first /* if(size) { reverseOrder = true; } */ this->UpdateCacheValuesDisplay(); } void cmMainFrame::OnGeneratorSelected(wxEvent&) { } void cmMainFrame::OnShowAdvancedValues(wxCommandEvent&) { this->m_Update = false; this->UpdateCacheValuesDisplay(); } // Handle param or single dropped file. // If the dropped file is a build directory or any file in a // build directory, set the source dir from the cache file, // otherwise set the source and build dirs to this file (or dir). void cmMainFrame::ChangeDirectoriesFromFile(const char* buffer) { // Get the path to this file std::string path = buffer; if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(path.c_str())) { path = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(path); } else { cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(path); } // Check if it's a build dir and grab the cache std::string cache_file = path; cache_file += "/CMakeCache.txt"; cmCacheManager *cache = this->m_CMakeInstance->GetCacheManager(); cmCacheManager::CacheIterator it = cache->GetCacheIterator("CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY"); if (cmSystemTools::FileExists(cache_file.c_str()) && cache->LoadCache(path.c_str()) && !it.IsAtEnd()) { path = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(path.c_str()); this->SetBinaryDir(path.c_str()); path = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(it.GetValue()); this->SetSourceDir(path.c_str()); } else { path = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(path.c_str()); this->SetSourceDir(path.c_str()); this->SetBinaryDir(path.c_str()); } } void cmMainFrame::UpdateSourceBuildMenus() { } void cmMainFrame::RunCMake(bool generateProjectFiles) { if(this->m_GeneratorMenu->GetSelection() < 0 || std::string(this->m_GeneratorMenu->GetValue().c_str()) == "") { std::string bindir = this->GetBinaryDir(); if ( bindir.find("-") != bindir.npos ) { std::string message = "Generator not specified. Please specify the generator for\n" "building the project."; wxMessageBox(message.c_str(), "CMake Error", wxICON_ERROR | wxOK ); return; } } if(std::string(this->m_GeneratorMenu->GetValue().c_str()) == "Borland Makefiles") { std::string bindir = this->GetBinaryDir(); if ( bindir.find("-") != bindir.npos ) { std::string message = "The Borland command line tools do not support path names\n" "that have - in them. Please re-name your output directory\n" "and use _ instead of -."; wxMessageBox(message.c_str(), "CMake Error", wxICON_ERROR | wxOK ); return; } } if(!cmSystemTools::FileExists(this->GetBinaryDir().c_str())) { std::string message = "Build directory does not exist, should I create it?\n\n" "Directory: "; message += this->GetBinaryDir(); if(wxMessageBox(message.c_str(), "Create Directory", wxICON_WARNING | wxOK | wxCANCEL) == wxOK) { cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(this->GetBinaryDir().c_str()); } else { (void)wxMessageBox("Build Project aborted, nothing done.", "CMake Aborted", wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK); return; } } // set the wait cursor this->CursorBusy(true); // get all the info from the dialog //this->UpdateData(); // always save the current gui values to disk this->SaveCacheFromGUI(); // Make sure we are working from the cache on disk this->LoadCacheFromDiskToGUI(); // this->m_Valid = true; this->m_OKButton->Enable(false); // setup the cmake instance if (generateProjectFiles) { if(this->m_CMakeInstance->Generate() != 0) { cmSystemTools::Error( "Error in generation process, project files may be invalid"); } } else { this->m_CMakeInstance->SetHomeDirectory(this->GetSourceDir().c_str()); this->m_CMakeInstance->SetStartDirectory(this->GetSourceDir().c_str()); this->m_CMakeInstance->SetHomeOutputDirectory(this->GetBinaryDir().c_str()); this->m_CMakeInstance->SetStartOutputDirectory(this->GetBinaryDir().c_str()); this->m_CMakeInstance->SetGlobalGenerator( this-> m_CMakeInstance->CreateGlobalGenerator( this->m_GeneratorMenu->GetValue().c_str())); this->m_CMakeInstance->SetCMakeCommand(this->m_PathToExecutable.c_str()); this->m_CMakeInstance->LoadCache(); if(this->m_CMakeInstance->Configure() != 0) { cmSystemTools::Error( "Error in configuration process, project files may be invalid"); } // update the GUI with any new values in the caused by the // generation process this->LoadCacheFromDiskToGUI(); } // save source and build paths to registry this->SaveToRegistry(); // path is up-to-date now this->m_BuildPathChanged = false; // put the cursor back this->CursorNormal(true); cmSystemTools::ResetErrorOccuredFlag(); } //! Save GUI values to cmCacheManager and then save to disk. void cmMainFrame::SaveCacheFromGUI() { cmCacheManager *cachem = this->m_CMakeInstance->GetCacheManager(); this->FillCacheManagerFromCacheGUI(); if(this->GetBinaryDir() != "") { cachem->SaveCache(this->GetBinaryDir().c_str()); } } // copy from the list box to the cache manager void cmMainFrame::FillCacheManagerFromCacheGUI() { cmMainFrame::CacheMapType *items = this->m_CacheEntries; for(cmMainFrame::CacheMapType::iterator i = items->begin(); i != items->end(); ++i) { cmCacheProperty* item = i->second; cmCacheManager *cachem = this->m_CMakeInstance->GetCacheManager(); cmCacheManager::CacheIterator it = cachem->GetCacheIterator(item->GetName().c_str()); if (!it.IsAtEnd()) { // if value is enclosed in single quotes ('foo') then remove them // they were used to enforce the fact that it had 'invisible' // trailing stuff std::string str = item->GetValue(); if (str.size() >= 2 && str[0] == '\'' && str[str.size() - 1] == '\'') { it.SetValue(str.substr(1,str.size() - 2).c_str()); } else { it.SetValue(str.c_str()); } } } } void cmMainFrame::UpdateCacheValuesDisplay() { cmCacheManager *cachem = this->m_CMakeInstance->GetCacheManager(); this->m_CacheValuesScroll->Scroll(0,0); if ( this->m_Update ) { // all the current values are not new any more cmMainFrame::CacheMapType* uitems = this->m_CacheEntries; for(cmMainFrame::CacheMapType::iterator i = uitems->begin(); i != uitems->end(); ++i) { cmCacheProperty* item = i->second; item->SetNewFlag( false ); } } // redraw the list this->m_CacheValuesPanel->SetBackgroundColour(*wxWHITE); cmMainFrame::CacheMapType* nitems = this->m_CacheEntries; for(cmMainFrame::CacheMapType::iterator i = nitems->begin(); i != nitems->end(); ++i) { cmCacheProperty* item = i->second; item->Remove(this->m_CacheValuesSizer, this->m_CacheValuesPanel); } //this->m_CacheValuesPanel->SetSize(5,5); //this->m_CacheValuesPanel->Fit(); bool showadvancedvalues = this->m_ShowAdvancedValues->GetValue(); int x, y; this->m_CacheValuesPanel->GetSize(&x, &y); for(cmCacheManager::CacheIterator i = cachem->NewIterator(); !i.IsAtEnd(); i.Next()) { const char* key = i.GetName(); cmMainFrame::CacheMapType::iterator cprop = this->m_CacheEntries->find(key); cmCacheProperty *property = 0; if ( cprop != this->m_CacheEntries->end() ) { property = cprop->second; } std::string value = i.GetValue(); // if value has trailing space or tab, enclose it in single quotes // to enforce the fact that it has 'invisible' trailing stuff if (value.size() && (value[value.size() - 1] == ' ' || value[value.size() - 1] == '\t')) { value = '\'' + value + '\''; } if ( i.GetType() != cmCacheManager::BOOL && i.GetType() != cmCacheManager::FILEPATH && i.GetType() != cmCacheManager::PATH && i.GetType() != cmCacheManager::STRING || !showadvancedvalues && i.GetPropertyAsBool("ADVANCED") ) { continue; } if ( !property ) { property = new cmCacheProperty(this, key); property->SetHelp( i.GetProperty("HELPSTRING") ); (*this->m_CacheEntries)[key] = property; } if(i.GetPropertyAsBool("ADVANCED")) { property->MarkAdvanced(); } if ( !property->IsRemoved() ) { property->SetValue(value); switch(i.GetType() ) { case cmCacheManager::BOOL: if(cmSystemTools::IsOn(value.c_str())) { property->SetValue("ON"); } else { property->SetValue("OFF"); } property->SetItemType( cmCacheProperty::CHECKBOX ); break; case cmCacheManager::PATH: property->SetItemType( cmCacheProperty::PATH ); break; case cmCacheManager::FILEPATH: property->SetItemType( cmCacheProperty::FILE ); break; case cmCacheManager::STRING: property->SetItemType( cmCacheProperty::EDIT ); break; default: property->MarkRemoved(); } } } if(this->m_CacheEntries->size() > 0 && !cmSystemTools::GetErrorOccuredFlag()) { bool enable = true; cmMainFrame::CacheMapType* eitems = this->m_CacheEntries; for(cmMainFrame::CacheMapType::iterator i = eitems->begin(); i != eitems->end(); i++) { cmCacheProperty* item = i->second; if(item && item->GetNewFlag() && !item->IsRemoved()) { // if one new value then disable to OK button enable = false; this->m_Valid = false; break; } } this->m_OKButton->Enable(this->m_Valid); this->m_CacheValuesPanel->SetBackgroundColour(wxColor(150, 150, 150)); } else { this->m_CacheValuesPanel->SetBackgroundColour(*wxWHITE); } if ( this->m_Valid ) { this->ClearDirty(); } else { this->SetDirty(); } int max = 0; int count = 0; wxSize size1 = this->m_CacheValuesPanel->GetSize(); size1.SetHeight(1); this->m_CacheValuesPanel->SetSize(size1); int height = 0; // redraw the list cmMainFrame::CacheMapType::iterator nexti; for(cmMainFrame::CacheMapType::iterator i = nitems->begin(); i != nitems->end(); i = nexti) { cmCacheProperty* item = i->second; nexti = i; nexti++; if ( item->IsRemoved() ) { delete item; nitems->erase(i); } } for(cmMainFrame::CacheMapType::iterator i = nitems->begin(); i != nitems->end(); i++) { cmCacheProperty* item = i->second; if((showadvancedvalues || !item->IsAdvanced()) && !item->GetNewFlag() ) { int nm = item->Display(this->m_CacheValuesSizer, this->m_CacheValuesPanel); height += nm + 1; count ++; if ( nm > max ) { max = nm; } } } for(cmMainFrame::CacheMapType::reverse_iterator i = nitems->rbegin(); i != nitems->rend(); i++) { cmCacheProperty* item = i->second; if((showadvancedvalues || !item->IsAdvanced()) && item->GetNewFlag()) { int nm = item->Display(this->m_CacheValuesSizer, this->m_CacheValuesPanel); height += nm + 1; count ++; if ( nm > max ) { max = nm; } } } if ( count > 0 ) { this->m_CacheValuesPanel->SetBackgroundColour(wxColor(150, 150, 150)); } else { this->m_CacheValuesPanel->SetBackgroundColour(*wxWHITE); this->ClearDirty(); } this->m_CacheValuesSizer->Layout(); //max += 1; // Fix size int sx, sy; this->m_CacheValuesScroll->GetClientSize(&sx, &sy); wxSize size2 = this->m_CacheValuesPanel->GetSize(); sy = size2.GetHeight(); this->m_CacheValuesPanel->SetSize(wxSize(sx, height)); this->m_CacheValuesSizer->Layout(); this->m_CacheValuesScroll->SetScrollbars(0, 2, 0, height/2); this->ResizeInternal(); } void cmMainFrame::RemoveAdvancedValues() { cmCacheManager *cachem = this->m_CMakeInstance->GetCacheManager(); cmMainFrame::CacheMapType* items = this->m_CacheEntries; for(cmCacheManager::CacheIterator i = cachem->NewIterator(); !i.IsAtEnd(); i.Next()) { const char* key = i.GetName(); //const cmCacheManager::CacheEntry& value = i.GetEntry(); if(i.GetPropertyAsBool("ADVANCED")) { cmCacheProperty* property = (*items)[key]; property->Remove(this->m_CacheValuesSizer, this->m_CacheValuesPanel); } } } void cmMainFrame::ChangeWhereBuild() { std::string path(this->m_PathBinary->GetValue().c_str()); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(path); std::string cache_file = path; cache_file += "/CMakeCache.txt"; if ( !this->m_CMakeInstance ) { return; } cmCacheManager *cache = this->m_CMakeInstance->GetCacheManager(); cmCacheManager::CacheIterator it = cache->NewIterator(); if (cmSystemTools::FileExists(cache_file.c_str()) && cache->LoadCache(path.c_str()) && it.Find("CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY")) { path = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(it.GetValue()); if ( this->SetSourceDir(path.c_str()) ) { this->ChangeWhereSource(); } } this->ClearCache(); this->LoadCacheFromDiskToGUI(); this->m_BuildPathChanged = true; } void cmMainFrame::ChangeWhereSource() { } bool cmMainFrame::SetSourceDir(const char* dir) { if ( this->m_WhereSource == dir || strlen(dir) == 0 ) { return false; } if ( this->m_PathSource->FindString(dir) < 0 ) { this->m_PathSource->Append(dir); } this->m_PathSource->SetValue(dir); this->m_WhereSource = dir; this->m_Valid = false; return true; } bool cmMainFrame::SetBinaryDir(const char* dir) { if ( this->m_WhereBuild == dir || strlen(dir) == 0 ) { return false; } if ( this->m_PathBinary->FindString(dir) < 0 ) { this->m_PathBinary->Append(dir); } this->m_PathBinary->SetValue(dir); this->m_WhereBuild = dir; this->m_Valid = false; return true; } void cmMainFrame::ClearCache() { cmMainFrame::CacheMapType* items = this->m_CacheEntries; for(cmMainFrame::CacheMapType::iterator i = items->begin(); i != items->end(); ++i) { cmCacheProperty* item = i->second; item->Remove(this->m_CacheValuesSizer, this->m_CacheValuesPanel); } items->erase(items->begin(), items->end()); } void cmMainFrame::OnBinaryAccepted(wxCommandEvent&) { std::cout << "Pressed enter in binary field" << std::endl; } void cmMainFrame::OnBinarySelected(wxCommandEvent&) { if ( this->BuildDirectoryChanged() ) { this->m_WhereBuild = this->GetBinaryDir(); this->ChangeWhereBuild(); } //this->OnConfigure(e); } void cmMainFrame::OnSourceSelected(wxCommandEvent&) { if ( this->SourceDirectoryChanged() ) { this->m_WhereSource = this->GetSourceDir(); } } std::string cmMainFrame::GetBinaryDir() { return std::string(this->m_PathBinary->GetValue().c_str()); } std::string cmMainFrame::GetSourceDir() { return std::string(this->m_PathSource->GetValue().c_str()); } bool cmMainFrame::SourceDirectoryChanged() { return (this->m_WhereSource != this->GetSourceDir()); } bool cmMainFrame::BuildDirectoryChanged() { return (this->m_WhereBuild != this->GetBinaryDir()); } void cmMainFrame::OnRandomEvent(wxEvent& event) { if ( event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_UPDATE_UI ) { } else { std::cout << "Random event: " << event.GetEventType() << std::endl; } } void cmMainFrame::IgnoreCacheEntry(const char* key) { std::cout << "IgnoreCacheEntry " << key << std::endl; } void cmMainFrame::RemoveCacheEntry(cmCacheProperty* cprop) { this->m_Valid = false; this->m_CMakeInstance->GetCacheManager()->RemoveCacheEntry(cprop->GetName().c_str()); cprop->MarkRemoved(); this->m_EntryRemoved = true; } void cmMainFrame::HelpCacheEntry(const char* key, const char* help) { wxMessageBox( help, key, wxICON_INFORMATION | wxOK ); } void cmMainFrame::LoadFromRegistry() { //wxConfigBase *conf = (wxConfigBase*) wxConfigBase::Get();//new wxConfig("CMakeSetup"); wxConfig *conf = new wxConfig("CMakeSetup"); conf->SetPath("Settings/StartPath"); int cc; char keyName[1024]; wxString regvalue; for ( cc = 1; cc <= 10; cc ++ ) { sprintf(keyName, "WhereSource%i", cc); regvalue = ""; conf->Read(keyName, ®value); if ( regvalue.size() > 0 ) { if ( cc == 1 ) { this->SetSourceDir(regvalue.c_str()); } else { this->m_PathSource->Append(regvalue); } } sprintf(keyName, "WhereBuild%i", cc); regvalue = ""; conf->Read(keyName, ®value); if ( regvalue.size() > 0 ) { if ( cc == 1 ) { this->SetBinaryDir(regvalue.c_str()); } else { this->m_PathBinary->Append(regvalue); } } } delete conf; } void cmMainFrame::SaveToRegistry() { //wxConfigBase *conf = (wxConfigBase*) wxConfigBase::Get();//new wxConfig("CMakeSetup"); wxConfig *conf = new wxConfig("CMakeSetup"); conf->SetPath("Settings/StartPath"); wxString regvalue; if ( !conf->Read("WhereSource1", ®value) ) { regvalue = ""; } int shiftEnd = 9; if(this->m_WhereSource != regvalue.c_str()) { char keyName[1024]; char keyName2[1024]; int i; for (i = 2; i < 10; ++i) { regvalue = ""; sprintf(keyName,"WhereSource%i",i); conf->Read(keyName, ®value); // check for short circuit, if the new value is already in // the list then we stop if (this->m_WhereSource == regvalue.c_str()) { shiftEnd = i - 1; } } for (i = shiftEnd; i; --i) { regvalue = ""; sprintf(keyName,"WhereSource%i",i); sprintf(keyName2,"WhereSource%i",i+1); conf->Read(keyName, ®value); if (strlen(regvalue.c_str())) { conf->Write(keyName2, wxString(regvalue.c_str())); } } conf->Write("WhereSource1", wxString(this->m_WhereSource.c_str())); } conf->Read("WhereBuild1", ®value); if(m_WhereBuild != regvalue.c_str()) { int i; char keyName[1024]; char keyName2[1024]; for (i = 2; i < 10; ++i) { regvalue = ""; sprintf(keyName,"WhereBuild%i",i); conf->Read(keyName, ®value); // check for short circuit, if the new value is already in // the list then we stop if (m_WhereBuild == regvalue.c_str()) { shiftEnd = i - 1; } } for (i = shiftEnd; i; --i) { regvalue = ""; sprintf(keyName,"WhereBuild%i",i); sprintf(keyName2,"WhereBuild%i",i+1); conf->Read(keyName, ®value); if (strlen(regvalue.c_str())) { conf->Write(keyName2, wxString(regvalue.c_str())); } } conf->Write("WhereBuild1", wxString(this->m_WhereBuild.c_str())); } delete conf; } void cmMainFrame::SetupStatusBarBinding(wxWindow* win) { win->SetClientData(this); this->ConnectEventTo(win, wxEVT_MOTION, (wxObjectEventFunction) &cmMainFrame::OnStatusBar); } void cmMainFrame::SetStatusText(const wxString& text, int number) { this->wxFrame::SetStatusText("________________________________________________"); this->wxFrame::SetStatusText(text, number); } void cmMainFrame::CursorBusy(bool s) { wxSetCursor(*wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR); if ( s ) { this->m_CursorChanged = true; } wxYield(); } void cmMainFrame::CursorNormal(bool s) { wxSetCursor(*wxSTANDARD_CURSOR); if ( s ) { this->m_CursorChanged = false; } wxYield(); } void cmMainFrame::OnSourceUpdated(wxCommandEvent& event) { this->OnSourceSelected(event); } void cmMainFrame::OnBinaryUpdated(wxCommandEvent&) { if ( this->BuildDirectoryChanged() ) { this->m_WhereBuild = this->GetBinaryDir(); this->ChangeWhereBuild(); } }