/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator.h" #include "cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator.h" #include "cmTarget.h" #include "cmComputeLinkInformation.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions.h" #include "cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.h" #include "cmVS10CLFlagTable.h" #include "cmVS10LinkFlagTable.h" #include "cmVS10LibFlagTable.h" #include static std::string cmVS10EscapeXML(std::string arg) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(arg, "&", "&"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(arg, "<", "<"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(arg, ">", ">"); return arg; } static std::string cmVS10EscapeComment(std::string comment) { // MSBuild takes the CDATA of a element and just // does "echo $CDATA" with no escapes. We must encode the string. // http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc772462%28WS.10%29.aspx std::string echoable; for(std::string::iterator c = comment.begin(); c != comment.end(); ++c) { switch (*c) { case '\r': break; case '\n': echoable += '\t'; break; case '"': /* no break */ case '|': /* no break */ case '&': /* no break */ case '<': /* no break */ case '>': /* no break */ case '^': echoable += '^'; /* no break */ default: echoable += *c; break; } } return echoable; } cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator:: cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator(cmTarget* target, cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg) { this->GlobalGenerator = gg; this->Target = target; this->Makefile = target->GetMakefile(); this->LocalGenerator = (cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator*) this->Makefile->GetLocalGenerator(); this->Name = this->Target->GetName(); this->GlobalGenerator->CreateGUID(this->Name.c_str()); this->GUID = this->GlobalGenerator->GetGUID(this->Name.c_str()); this->Platform = gg->GetPlatformName(); this->ComputeObjectNames(); this->BuildFileStream = 0; } cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::~cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator() { for(OptionsMap::iterator i = this->ClOptions.begin(); i != this->ClOptions.end(); ++i) { delete i->second; } if(!this->BuildFileStream) { return; } if (this->BuildFileStream->Close()) { this->GlobalGenerator ->FileReplacedDuringGenerate(this->PathToVcxproj); } delete this->BuildFileStream; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WritePlatformConfigTag( const char* tag, const char* config, int indentLevel, const char* attribute, const char* end, std::ostream* stream) { if(!stream) { stream = this->BuildFileStream; } stream->fill(' '); stream->width(indentLevel*2 ); (*stream ) << ""; (*stream ) << "<" << tag << " Condition=\"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='"; (*stream ) << config << "|" << this->Platform << "'\""; if(attribute) { (*stream ) << attribute; } // close the tag (*stream ) << ">"; if(end) { (*stream ) << end; } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteString(const char* line, int indentLevel) { this->BuildFileStream->fill(' '); this->BuildFileStream->width(indentLevel*2 ); // write an empty string to get the fill level indent to print (*this->BuildFileStream ) << ""; (*this->BuildFileStream ) << line; } #define VS10_USER_PROPS "$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::Generate() { // do not generate external ms projects if(this->Target->GetProperty("EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT")) { return; } // Tell the global generator the name of the project file this->Target->SetProperty("GENERATOR_FILE_NAME",this->Name.c_str()); this->Target->SetProperty("GENERATOR_FILE_NAME_EXT", ".vcxproj"); if(this->Target->GetType() <= cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) { if(!this->ComputeClOptions()) { return; } } cmMakefile* mf = this->Target->GetMakefile(); std::string path = mf->GetStartOutputDirectory(); path += "/"; path += this->Name; path += ".vcxproj"; this->BuildFileStream = new cmGeneratedFileStream(path.c_str()); this->PathToVcxproj = path; this->BuildFileStream->SetCopyIfDifferent(true); // Write the encoding header into the file char magic[] = {0xEF,0xBB, 0xBF}; this->BuildFileStream->write(magic, 3); this->WriteString("\n",0); this->WriteString("\n", 0); this->WriteProjectConfigurations(); this->WriteString("\n", 1); this->WriteString("", 2); (*this->BuildFileStream) << "{" << this->GUID << "}\n"; this->WriteString("\n", 2); this->WriteString("\n", 2); this->WriteString("Win32Proj\n", 2); this->WriteString("", 2); (*this->BuildFileStream) << this->Platform << "\n"; const char* projLabel = this->Target->GetProperty("PROJECT_LABEL"); if(!projLabel) { projLabel = this->Name.c_str(); } this->WriteString("", 2); (*this->BuildFileStream) << projLabel << "\n"; this->WriteString("\n", 1); this->WriteString("\n", 1); this->WriteProjectConfigurationValues(); this->WriteString( "\n", 1); this->WriteString("\n", 1); this->WriteString("\n", 1); this->WriteString("\n", 1); this->WriteString("", 2); this->WriteString("\n", 1); this->WriteString("\n", 1); this->WritePathAndIncrementalLinkOptions(); this->WriteItemDefinitionGroups(); this->WriteCustomCommands(); this->WriteObjSources(); this->WriteCLSources(); this->WriteProjectReferences(); this->WriteString( "\n", 1); this->WriteString("\n", 1); this->WriteString("\n", 1); this->WriteString("", 0); // The groups are stored in a separate file for VS 10 this->WriteGroups(); } // ConfigurationType Application, Utility StaticLibrary DynamicLibrary void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteProjectConfigurations() { this->WriteString("\n", 1); std::vector *configs = static_cast (this->GlobalGenerator)->GetConfigurations(); for(std::vector::iterator i = configs->begin(); i != configs->end(); ++i) { this->WriteString("BuildFileStream ) << *i << "|" << this->Platform << "\">\n"; this->WriteString("", 3); (*this->BuildFileStream ) << *i << "\n"; this->WriteString("", 3); (*this->BuildFileStream) << this->Platform << "\n"; this->WriteString("\n", 2); } this->WriteString("\n", 1); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteProjectConfigurationValues() { cmGlobalVisualStudio10Generator* gg = static_cast(this->GlobalGenerator); std::vector *configs = static_cast (this->GlobalGenerator)->GetConfigurations(); for(std::vector::iterator i = configs->begin(); i != configs->end(); ++i) { this->WritePlatformConfigTag("PropertyGroup", i->c_str(), 1, " Label=\"Configuration\"", "\n"); std::string configType = ""; switch(this->Target->GetType()) { case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: configType += "DynamicLibrary"; break; case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: configType += "StaticLibrary"; break; case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: configType += "Application"; break; case cmTarget::UTILITY: configType += "Utility"; break; } configType += "\n"; this->WriteString(configType.c_str(), 2); const char* mfcFlag = this->Target->GetMakefile()->GetDefinition("CMAKE_MFC_FLAG"); if(mfcFlag) { this->WriteString("true\n", 2); } else { this->WriteString("false\n", 2); } if(this->Target->GetType() <= cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY && this->ClOptions[*i]->UsingUnicode()) { this->WriteString("Unicode\n", 2); } else { this->WriteString("MultiByte\n", 2); } if(const char* toolset = gg->GetPlatformToolset()) { std::string pts = ""; pts += toolset; pts += "\n"; this->WriteString(pts.c_str(), 2); } this->WriteString("\n", 1); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCustomCommands() { this->SourcesVisited.clear(); std::vector const& sources = this->Target->GetSourceFiles(); for(std::vector::const_iterator source = sources.begin(); source != sources.end(); ++source) { cmSourceFile* sf = *source; this->WriteCustomCommand(sf); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCustomCommand(cmSourceFile* sf) { if(this->SourcesVisited.insert(sf).second) { if(std::vector const* depends = this->Target->GetSourceDepends(sf)) { for(std::vector::const_iterator di = depends->begin(); di != depends->end(); ++di) { this->WriteCustomCommand(*di); } } if(cmCustomCommand const* command = sf->GetCustomCommand()) { this->WriteString("\n", 1); this->WriteCustomRule(sf, *command); this->WriteString("\n", 1); } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCustomRule(cmSourceFile* source, cmCustomCommand const & command) { std::string sourcePath = source->GetFullPath(); // the rule file seems to need to exist for vs10 if (source->GetExtension() == "rule") { if(!cmSystemTools::FileExists(sourcePath.c_str())) { std::ofstream fout(sourcePath.c_str()); if(fout) { fout << "# generated from CMake\n"; fout.flush(); fout.close(); } } } cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator* lg = this->LocalGenerator; std::string comment = lg->ConstructComment(command); comment = cmVS10EscapeComment(comment); std::vector *configs = static_cast (this->GlobalGenerator)->GetConfigurations(); this->WriteString("ConvertToWindowsSlash(path); (*this->BuildFileStream ) << path << "\">\n"; for(std::vector::iterator i = configs->begin(); i != configs->end(); ++i) { std::string script = cmVS10EscapeXML(lg->ConstructScript(command, i->c_str())); this->WritePlatformConfigTag("Message",i->c_str(), 3); (*this->BuildFileStream ) << cmVS10EscapeXML(comment) << "\n"; this->WritePlatformConfigTag("Command", i->c_str(), 3); (*this->BuildFileStream ) << script << "\n"; this->WritePlatformConfigTag("AdditionalInputs", i->c_str(), 3); (*this->BuildFileStream ) << source->GetFullPath(); for(std::vector::const_iterator d = command.GetDepends().begin(); d != command.GetDepends().end(); ++d) { std::string dep; if(this->LocalGenerator->GetRealDependency(d->c_str(), i->c_str(), dep)) { this->ConvertToWindowsSlash(dep); (*this->BuildFileStream ) << ";" << dep; } } (*this->BuildFileStream ) << ";%(AdditionalInputs)\n"; this->WritePlatformConfigTag("Outputs", i->c_str(), 3); const char* sep = ""; for(std::vector::const_iterator o = command.GetOutputs().begin(); o != command.GetOutputs().end(); ++o) { std::string out = *o; this->ConvertToWindowsSlash(out); (*this->BuildFileStream ) << sep << out; sep = ";"; } (*this->BuildFileStream ) << ";%(Outputs)\n"; } this->WriteString("\n", 2); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ConvertToWindowsSlash(std::string& s) { // first convert all of the slashes std::string::size_type pos = 0; while((pos = s.find('/', pos)) != std::string::npos) { s[pos] = '\\'; pos++; } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteGroups() { // collect up group information std::vector sourceGroups = this->Makefile->GetSourceGroups(); std::vector classes = this->Target->GetSourceFiles(); std::set groupsUsed; std::vector clCompile; std::vector customBuild; std::vector none; std::vector headers; std::vector idls; std::vector resource; for(std::vector::const_iterator s = classes.begin(); s != classes.end(); s++) { cmSourceFile* sf = *s; std::string const& source = sf->GetFullPath(); cmSourceGroup& sourceGroup = this->Makefile->FindSourceGroup(source.c_str(), sourceGroups); groupsUsed.insert(&sourceGroup); const char* lang = sf->GetLanguage(); bool header = (*s)->GetPropertyAsBool("HEADER_FILE_ONLY") || this->GlobalGenerator->IgnoreFile ((*s)->GetExtension().c_str()); std::string ext = cmSystemTools::LowerCase((*s)->GetExtension()); if(!lang) { lang = "None"; } if(header) { headers.push_back(sf); } else if(lang[0] == 'C') { clCompile.push_back(sf); } else if(strcmp(lang, "RC") == 0) { resource.push_back(sf); } else if(sf->GetCustomCommand()) { customBuild.push_back(sf); } else if(ext == "idl") { idls.push_back(sf); } else { none.push_back(sf); } } this->AddMissingSourceGroups(groupsUsed, sourceGroups); // Write out group file std::string path = this->Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); path += "/"; path += this->Name; path += ".vcxproj.filters"; cmGeneratedFileStream fout(path.c_str()); fout.SetCopyIfDifferent(true); char magic[] = {0xEF,0xBB, 0xBF}; fout.write(magic, 3); cmGeneratedFileStream* save = this->BuildFileStream; this->BuildFileStream = & fout; this->WriteString("\n" "\n", 0); this->WriteGroupSources("ClCompile", clCompile, sourceGroups); this->WriteGroupSources("ClInclude", headers, sourceGroups); this->WriteGroupSources("ResourceCompile", resource, sourceGroups); this->WriteGroupSources("Midl", idls, sourceGroups); this->WriteGroupSources("CustomBuild", customBuild, sourceGroups); this->WriteString("\n", 1); for(std::set::iterator g = groupsUsed.begin(); g != groupsUsed.end(); ++g) { cmSourceGroup* sg = *g; const char* name = sg->GetFullName(); if(strlen(name) != 0) { this->WriteString("BuildFileStream) << name << "\">\n"; std::string guidName = "SG_Filter_"; guidName += name; this->GlobalGenerator->CreateGUID(guidName.c_str()); this->WriteString("", 3); std::string guid = this->GlobalGenerator->GetGUID(guidName.c_str()); (*this->BuildFileStream) << "{" << guid << "}" << "\n"; this->WriteString("\n", 2); } } this->WriteString("\n", 1); this->WriteGroupSources("None", none, sourceGroups); this->WriteString("\n", 0); // restore stream pointer this->BuildFileStream = save; if (fout.Close()) { this->GlobalGenerator->FileReplacedDuringGenerate(path); } } // Add to groupsUsed empty source groups that have non-empty children. void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::AddMissingSourceGroups( std::set& groupsUsed, const std::vector& allGroups ) { for(std::vector::const_iterator current = allGroups.begin(); current != allGroups.end(); ++current) { std::vector const& children = current->GetGroupChildren(); if(children.empty()) { continue; // the group is really empty } this->AddMissingSourceGroups(groupsUsed, children); cmSourceGroup* current_ptr = const_cast(&(*current)); if(groupsUsed.find(current_ptr) != groupsUsed.end()) { continue; // group has already been added to set } // check if it least one of the group's descendants is not empty // (at least one child must already have been added) std::vector::const_iterator child_it = children.begin(); while(child_it != children.end()) { cmSourceGroup* child_ptr = const_cast(&(*child_it)); if(groupsUsed.find(child_ptr) != groupsUsed.end()) { break; // found a child that was already added => add current group too } child_it++; } if(child_it == children.end()) { continue; // no descendants have source files => ignore this group } groupsUsed.insert(current_ptr); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator:: WriteGroupSources(const char* name, std::vector const& sources, std::vector& sourceGroups) { this->WriteString("\n", 1); for(std::vector::const_iterator s = sources.begin(); s != sources.end(); ++s) { cmSourceFile* sf = *s; if(sf->GetExtension() == "obj") { continue; } std::string const& source = sf->GetFullPath(); cmSourceGroup& sourceGroup = this->Makefile->FindSourceGroup(source.c_str(), sourceGroups); const char* filter = sourceGroup.GetFullName(); this->WriteString("<", 2); std::string path = source; this->ConvertToWindowsSlash(path); (*this->BuildFileStream) << name << " Include=\"" << path; if(strlen(filter)) { (*this->BuildFileStream) << "\">\n"; this->WriteString("", 3); (*this->BuildFileStream) << filter << "\n"; this->WriteString("BuildFileStream) << name << ">\n"; } else { (*this->BuildFileStream) << "\" />\n"; } } this->WriteString("\n", 1); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteObjSources() { if(this->Target->GetType() > cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) { return; } bool first = true; std::vectorconst & sources = this->Target->GetSourceFiles(); for(std::vector::const_iterator source = sources.begin(); source != sources.end(); ++source) { std::string ext = cmSystemTools::LowerCase((*source)->GetExtension()); if(ext == "obj" || ext == "o") { if(first) { this->WriteString("\n", 1); first = false; } // If an object file is generated, then vs10 // will use it in the build, and we have to list // it as None instead of Object if((*source)->GetPropertyAsBool("GENERATED")) { this->WriteString("WriteString("BuildFileStream ) << (*source)->GetFullPath() << "\" />\n"; } } if(!first) { this->WriteString("\n", 1); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteCLSources() { if(this->Target->GetType() > cmTarget::UTILITY) { return; } this->WriteString("\n", 1); std::vectorconst& sources = this->Target->GetSourceFiles(); for(std::vector::const_iterator source = sources.begin(); source != sources.end(); ++source) { std::string ext = cmSystemTools::LowerCase((*source)->GetExtension()); if((*source)->GetCustomCommand() || ext == "o" || ext == "obj") { continue; } // If it is not a custom command and it is not a pre-built obj file, // then add it as a source (c/c++/header/rc/idl) file bool header = (*source)->GetPropertyAsBool("HEADER_FILE_ONLY") || this->GlobalGenerator->IgnoreFile(ext.c_str()); const char* lang = (*source)->GetLanguage(); bool cl = lang && (strcmp(lang, "C") == 0 || strcmp(lang, "CXX") ==0); bool rc = lang && (strcmp(lang, "RC") == 0); bool idl = ext == "idl"; std::string sourceFile = (*source)->GetFullPath(); this->ConvertToWindowsSlash(sourceFile); // output the source file if(header) { this->WriteString("WriteString("WriteString("WriteString("WriteString("BuildFileStream ) << sourceFile << "\""; // ouput any flags specific to this source file if(!header && cl && this->OutputSourceSpecificFlags(*source)) { // if the source file has specific flags the tag // is ended on a new line this->WriteString("\n", 2); } else if(!header && rc && this->OutputSourceSpecificFlags(*source)) { this->WriteString("\n", 2); } else { (*this->BuildFileStream ) << " />\n"; } } this->WriteString("\n", 1); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeObjectNames() { // We may be modifying the source groups temporarily, so make a copy. std::vector sourceGroups = this->Makefile->GetSourceGroups(); // get the classes from the source lists then add them to the groups std::vectorconst & classes = this->Target->GetSourceFiles(); for(std::vector::const_iterator i = classes.begin(); i != classes.end(); i++) { // Add the file to the list of sources. std::string source = (*i)->GetFullPath(); if(cmSystemTools::UpperCase((*i)->GetExtension()) == "DEF") { this->ModuleDefinitionFile = (*i)->GetFullPath(); } cmSourceGroup& sourceGroup = this->Makefile->FindSourceGroup(source.c_str(), sourceGroups); sourceGroup.AssignSource(*i); } // Compute which sources need unique object computation. this->LocalGenerator->ComputeObjectNameRequirements(sourceGroups); } bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::OutputSourceSpecificFlags( cmSourceFile* source) { cmSourceFile& sf = *source; cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator* lg = this->LocalGenerator; // Compute the maximum length full path to the intermediate // files directory for any configuration. This is used to construct // object file names that do not produce paths that are too long. std::string dir_max; lg->ComputeMaxDirectoryLength(dir_max, *this->Target); std::string objectName; if(lg->NeedObjectName.find(&sf) != lg->NeedObjectName.end()) { objectName = lg->GetObjectFileNameWithoutTarget(sf, dir_max); } std::string flags; std::string defines; if(const char* cflags = sf.GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS")) { flags += cflags; } if(const char* cdefs = sf.GetProperty("COMPILE_DEFINITIONS")) { defines += cdefs; } const char* lang = this->GlobalGenerator->GetLanguageFromExtension (sf.GetExtension().c_str()); const char* sourceLang = this->LocalGenerator->GetSourceFileLanguage(sf); const char* linkLanguage = this->Target->GetLinkerLanguage(); bool needForceLang = false; // source file does not match its extension language if(lang && sourceLang && strcmp(lang, sourceLang) != 0) { needForceLang = true; lang = sourceLang; } // if the source file does not match the linker language // then force c or c++ if(needForceLang || (linkLanguage && lang && strcmp(lang, linkLanguage) != 0)) { if(strcmp(lang, "CXX") == 0) { // force a C++ file type flags += " /TP "; } else if(strcmp(lang, "C") == 0) { // force to c flags += " /TC "; } } bool hasFlags = false; // for the first time we need a new line if there is something // produced here. const char* firstString = ">\n"; if(objectName.size()) { (*this->BuildFileStream ) << firstString; firstString = ""; hasFlags = true; this->WriteString("", 3); (*this->BuildFileStream ) << "$(IntDir)/" << objectName << "\n"; } std::vector *configs = static_cast (this->GlobalGenerator)->GetConfigurations(); for( std::vector::iterator config = configs->begin(); config != configs->end(); ++config) { std::string configUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(*config); std::string configDefines = defines; std::string defPropName = "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_"; defPropName += configUpper; if(const char* ccdefs = sf.GetProperty(defPropName.c_str())) { if(configDefines.size()) { configDefines += ";"; } configDefines += ccdefs; } // if we have flags or defines for this config then // use them if(flags.size() || configDefines.size()) { (*this->BuildFileStream ) << firstString; firstString = ""; // only do firstString once hasFlags = true; cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions clOptions(this->LocalGenerator, 10, cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions::Compiler, cmVS10CLFlagTable, 0, this); clOptions.Parse(flags.c_str()); clOptions.AddDefines(configDefines.c_str()); clOptions.SetConfiguration((*config).c_str()); clOptions.OutputAdditionalOptions(*this->BuildFileStream, " ", ""); clOptions.OutputFlagMap(*this->BuildFileStream, " "); clOptions.OutputPreprocessorDefinitions(*this->BuildFileStream, " ", "\n", lang); } } return hasFlags; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WritePathAndIncrementalLinkOptions() { cmTarget::TargetType ttype = this->Target->GetType(); if(ttype > cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET) { return; } this->WriteString("\n", 2); this->WriteString("<_ProjectFileVersion>10.0.20506.1" "\n", 3); std::vector *configs = static_cast (this->GlobalGenerator)->GetConfigurations(); for(std::vector::iterator config = configs->begin(); config != configs->end(); ++config) { if(ttype >= cmTarget::UTILITY) { this->WritePlatformConfigTag("IntDir", config->c_str(), 3); *this->BuildFileStream << "$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)\\$(ProjectName)\\" << "\n"; } else { std::string targetNameFull = this->Target->GetFullName(config->c_str()); std::string intermediateDir = this->LocalGenerator-> GetTargetDirectory(*this->Target); intermediateDir += "/"; intermediateDir += *config; intermediateDir += "/"; this->ConvertToWindowsSlash(intermediateDir); std::string outDir = this->Target->GetDirectory(config->c_str()); this->ConvertToWindowsSlash(outDir); this->WritePlatformConfigTag("OutDir", config->c_str(), 3); *this->BuildFileStream << outDir << "\\" << "\n"; this->WritePlatformConfigTag("IntDir", config->c_str(), 3); *this->BuildFileStream << intermediateDir << "\n"; this->WritePlatformConfigTag("TargetName", config->c_str(), 3); *this->BuildFileStream << cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension( targetNameFull.c_str()) << "\n"; this->WritePlatformConfigTag("TargetExt", config->c_str(), 3); *this->BuildFileStream << cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(targetNameFull.c_str()) << "\n"; this->OutputLinkIncremental(*config); } } this->WriteString("\n", 2); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator:: OutputLinkIncremental(std::string const& configName) { std::string CONFIG = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(configName); // static libraries and things greater than modules do not need // to set this option if(this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY || this->Target->GetType() > cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) { return; } const char* linkType = "SHARED"; if(this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) { linkType = "EXE"; } // assume incremental linking const char* incremental = "true"; const char* linkLanguage = this->Target->GetLinkerLanguage(configName.c_str()); if(!linkLanguage) { cmSystemTools::Error ("CMake can not determine linker language for target:", this->Name.c_str()); return; } std::string linkFlagVarBase = "CMAKE_"; linkFlagVarBase += linkType; linkFlagVarBase += "_LINKER_FLAGS"; std::string flags = this-> Target->GetMakefile()->GetRequiredDefinition(linkFlagVarBase.c_str()); std::string linkFlagVar = linkFlagVarBase + "_" + CONFIG; flags += this-> Target->GetMakefile()->GetRequiredDefinition(linkFlagVar.c_str()); if(strcmp(linkLanguage, "C") == 0 || strcmp(linkLanguage, "CXX") == 0 || strcmp(linkLanguage, "Fortran") == 0) { std::string baseFlagVar = "CMAKE_"; baseFlagVar += linkLanguage; baseFlagVar += "_FLAGS"; flags += this-> Target->GetMakefile()->GetRequiredDefinition(baseFlagVar.c_str()); std::string flagVar = baseFlagVar + std::string("_") + CONFIG; flags += Target->GetMakefile()->GetRequiredDefinition(flagVar.c_str()); } const char* targetLinkFlags = this->Target->GetProperty("LINK_FLAGS"); if(targetLinkFlags) { flags += " "; flags += targetLinkFlags; } std::string flagsProp = "LINK_FLAGS_"; flagsProp += CONFIG; if(const char* flagsConfig = this->Target->GetProperty(flagsProp.c_str())) { flags += " "; flags += flagsConfig; } if(flags.find("INCREMENTAL:NO") != flags.npos) { incremental = "false"; } this->WritePlatformConfigTag("LinkIncremental", configName.c_str(), 3); *this->BuildFileStream << incremental << "\n"; const char* manifest = "true"; if(flags.find("MANIFEST:NO") != flags.npos) { manifest = "false"; } this->WritePlatformConfigTag("GenerateManifest", configName.c_str(), 3); *this->BuildFileStream << manifest << "\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeClOptions() { std::vector const* configs = this->GlobalGenerator->GetConfigurations(); for(std::vector::const_iterator i = configs->begin(); i != configs->end(); ++i) { if(!this->ComputeClOptions(*i)) { return false; } } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::ComputeClOptions( std::string const& configName) { // much of this was copied from here: // copied from cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.cxx 805 // TODO: Integrate code below with cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator. cmsys::auto_ptr pOptions( new Options(this->LocalGenerator, 10, Options::Compiler, cmVS10CLFlagTable)); Options& clOptions = *pOptions; std::string flags; // collect up flags for if(this->Target->GetType() < cmTarget::UTILITY) { const char* linkLanguage = this->Target->GetLinkerLanguage(configName.c_str()); if(!linkLanguage) { cmSystemTools::Error ("CMake can not determine linker language for target:", this->Name.c_str()); return false; } if(strcmp(linkLanguage, "C") == 0 || strcmp(linkLanguage, "CXX") == 0 || strcmp(linkLanguage, "Fortran") == 0) { std::string baseFlagVar = "CMAKE_"; baseFlagVar += linkLanguage; baseFlagVar += "_FLAGS"; flags = this-> Target->GetMakefile()->GetRequiredDefinition(baseFlagVar.c_str()); std::string flagVar = baseFlagVar + std::string("_") + cmSystemTools::UpperCase(configName); flags += " "; flags += this-> Target->GetMakefile()->GetRequiredDefinition(flagVar.c_str()); } // set the correct language if(strcmp(linkLanguage, "C") == 0) { flags += " /TC "; } if(strcmp(linkLanguage, "CXX") == 0) { flags += " /TP "; } } // Add the target-specific flags. if(const char* targetFlags = this->Target->GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS")) { flags += " "; flags += targetFlags; } std::string configUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(configName); std::string defPropName = "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_"; defPropName += configUpper; // Get preprocessor definitions for this directory. std::string defineFlags = this->Target->GetMakefile()->GetDefineFlags(); clOptions.FixExceptionHandlingDefault(); clOptions.Parse(flags.c_str()); clOptions.Parse(defineFlags.c_str()); clOptions.AddDefines (this->Makefile->GetProperty("COMPILE_DEFINITIONS")); clOptions.AddDefines(this->Target->GetProperty("COMPILE_DEFINITIONS")); clOptions.AddDefines(this->Makefile->GetProperty(defPropName.c_str())); clOptions.AddDefines(this->Target->GetProperty(defPropName.c_str())); clOptions.SetVerboseMakefile( this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE")); // Add a definition for the configuration name. std::string configDefine = "CMAKE_INTDIR=\""; configDefine += configName; configDefine += "\""; clOptions.AddDefine(configDefine); if(const char* exportMacro = this->Target->GetExportMacro()) { clOptions.AddDefine(exportMacro); } this->ClOptions[configName] = pOptions.release(); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteClOptions( std::string const& configName, std::vector const& includes) { Options& clOptions = *(this->ClOptions[configName]); this->WriteString("\n", 2); clOptions.OutputAdditionalOptions(*this->BuildFileStream, " ", ""); this->OutputIncludes(includes); clOptions.OutputFlagMap(*this->BuildFileStream, " "); // If not in debug mode, write the DebugInformationFormat field // without value so PDBs don't get generated uselessly. if(!clOptions.IsDebug()) { this->WriteString("" "\n", 3); } clOptions.OutputPreprocessorDefinitions(*this->BuildFileStream, " ", "\n", "CXX"); this->WriteString("", 3); *this->BuildFileStream << configName << "\n"; this->WriteString("$(IntDir)\n", 3); this->WriteString("", 3); *this->BuildFileStream << this->Target->GetDirectory(configName.c_str()) << "/" << this->Target->GetPDBName(configName.c_str()) << "\n"; this->WriteString("\n", 2); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator:: OutputIncludes(std::vector const & includes) { this->WriteString("", 3); for(std::vector::const_iterator i = includes.begin(); i != includes.end(); ++i) { *this->BuildFileStream << *i << ";"; } this->WriteString("%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)" "\n", 0); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator:: WriteRCOptions(std::string const& configName, std::vector const & includes) { this->WriteString("\n", 2); Options& clOptions = *(this->ClOptions[configName]); clOptions.OutputPreprocessorDefinitions(*this->BuildFileStream, " ", "\n", "RC"); this->OutputIncludes(includes); this->WriteString("\n", 2); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteLibOptions(std::string const& config) { if(this->Target->GetType() != cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY) { return; } const char* libflags = this->Target->GetProperty("STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS"); std::string flagsConfigVar = "STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS_"; flagsConfigVar += cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); const char* libflagsConfig = this->Target->GetProperty(flagsConfigVar.c_str()); if(libflags || libflagsConfig) { this->WriteString("\n", 2); cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions libOptions(this->LocalGenerator, 10, cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions::Linker, cmVS10LibFlagTable, 0, this); libOptions.Parse(libflags?libflags:""); libOptions.Parse(libflagsConfig?libflagsConfig:""); libOptions.OutputAdditionalOptions(*this->BuildFileStream, " ", ""); libOptions.OutputFlagMap(*this->BuildFileStream, " "); this->WriteString("\n", 2); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteLinkOptions(std::string const& config) { // static libraries and things greater than modules do not need // to set this option if(this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY || this->Target->GetType() > cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) { return; } const char* linkLanguage = this->Target->GetLinkerLanguage(config.c_str()); if(!linkLanguage) { cmSystemTools::Error ("CMake can not determine linker language for target:", this->Name.c_str()); return; } this->WriteString("\n", 2); std::string CONFIG = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(config); const char* linkType = "SHARED"; if(this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) { linkType = "MODULE"; } if(this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) { linkType = "EXE"; } std::string stackVar = "CMAKE_"; stackVar += linkLanguage; stackVar += "_STACK_SIZE"; const char* stackVal = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(stackVar.c_str()); std::string flags; if(stackVal) { flags += " "; flags += stackVal; } // assume incremental linking std::string linkFlagVarBase = "CMAKE_"; linkFlagVarBase += linkType; linkFlagVarBase += "_LINKER_FLAGS"; flags += " "; flags += this-> Target->GetMakefile()->GetRequiredDefinition(linkFlagVarBase.c_str()); std::string linkFlagVar = linkFlagVarBase + "_" + CONFIG; flags += " "; flags += this-> Target->GetMakefile()->GetRequiredDefinition(linkFlagVar.c_str()); const char* targetLinkFlags = this->Target->GetProperty("LINK_FLAGS"); if(targetLinkFlags) { flags += " "; flags += targetLinkFlags; } std::string flagsProp = "LINK_FLAGS_"; flagsProp += CONFIG; if(const char* flagsConfig = this->Target->GetProperty(flagsProp.c_str())) { flags += " "; flags += flagsConfig; } cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions linkOptions(this->LocalGenerator, 10, cmVisualStudioGeneratorOptions::Linker, cmVS10LinkFlagTable, 0, this); if ( this->Target->GetPropertyAsBool("WIN32_EXECUTABLE") ) { flags += " /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS"; } else { flags += " /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE"; } cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(flags, "/INCREMENTAL:YES", ""); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(flags, "/INCREMENTAL:NO", ""); std::string standardLibsVar = "CMAKE_"; standardLibsVar += linkLanguage; standardLibsVar += "_STANDARD_LIBRARIES"; std::string libs = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(standardLibsVar.c_str()); // Remove trailing spaces from libs std::string::size_type pos = libs.size()-1; if(libs.size() != 0) { while(libs[pos] == ' ') { pos--; } } if(pos != libs.size()-1) { libs = libs.substr(0, pos+1); } // Replace spaces in libs with ; cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(libs, " ", ";"); cmComputeLinkInformation* pcli = this->Target->GetLinkInformation(config.c_str()); if(!pcli) { cmSystemTools::Error ("CMake can not compute cmComputeLinkInformation for target:", this->Name.c_str()); return; } // add the libraries for the target to libs string cmComputeLinkInformation& cli = *pcli; this->AddLibraries(cli, libs); linkOptions.AddFlag("AdditionalDependencies", libs.c_str()); std::vector const& ldirs = cli.GetDirectories(); const char* sep = ""; std::string linkDirs; for(std::vector::const_iterator d = ldirs.begin(); d != ldirs.end(); ++d) { // first just full path linkDirs += sep; linkDirs += *d; sep = ";"; linkDirs += sep; // next path with configuration type Debug, Release, etc linkDirs += *d; linkDirs += "/$(Configuration)"; linkDirs += sep; } linkDirs += "%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)"; linkOptions.AddFlag("AdditionalLibraryDirectories", linkDirs.c_str()); linkOptions.AddFlag("AdditionalDependencies", libs.c_str()); linkOptions.AddFlag("Version", ""); if(linkOptions.IsDebug() || flags.find("/debug") != flags.npos) { linkOptions.AddFlag("GenerateDebugInformation", "true"); } else { linkOptions.AddFlag("GenerateDebugInformation", "false"); } std::string targetName; std::string targetNameSO; std::string targetNameFull; std::string targetNameImport; std::string targetNamePDB; if(this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) { this->Target->GetExecutableNames(targetName, targetNameFull, targetNameImport, targetNamePDB, config.c_str()); } else { this->Target->GetLibraryNames(targetName, targetNameSO, targetNameFull, targetNameImport, targetNamePDB, config.c_str()); } std::string dir = this->Target->GetDirectory(config.c_str()); dir += "/"; std::string pdb = dir; pdb += targetNamePDB; std::string imLib = this->Target->GetDirectory(config.c_str(), true); imLib += "/"; imLib += targetNameImport; linkOptions.AddFlag("ImportLibrary", imLib.c_str()); linkOptions.AddFlag("ProgramDataBaseFileName", pdb.c_str()); linkOptions.Parse(flags.c_str()); if(!this->ModuleDefinitionFile.empty()) { linkOptions.AddFlag("ModuleDefinitionFile", this->ModuleDefinitionFile.c_str()); } linkOptions.RemoveFlag("GenerateManifest"); linkOptions.OutputAdditionalOptions(*this->BuildFileStream, " ", ""); linkOptions.OutputFlagMap(*this->BuildFileStream, " "); this->WriteString("\n", 2); if(!this->GlobalGenerator->NeedLinkLibraryDependencies(*this->Target)) { this->WriteString("\n", 2); this->WriteString( " false\n", 2); this->WriteString("\n", 2); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::AddLibraries( cmComputeLinkInformation& cli, std::string& libstring) { typedef cmComputeLinkInformation::ItemVector ItemVector; ItemVector libs = cli.GetItems(); const char* sep = ";"; for(ItemVector::const_iterator l = libs.begin(); l != libs.end(); ++l) { if(l->IsPath) { std::string path = this->LocalGenerator-> Convert(l->Value.c_str(), cmLocalGenerator::START_OUTPUT, cmLocalGenerator::UNCHANGED); this->ConvertToWindowsSlash(path); libstring += sep; libstring += path; } else { libstring += sep; libstring += l->Value; } } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator:: WriteMidlOptions(std::string const& /*config*/, std::vector const & includes) { this->WriteString("\n", 2); this->OutputIncludes(includes); this->WriteString("$(IntDir)\n", 3); this->WriteString("%(Filename).h\n", 3); this->WriteString( "%(Filename).tlb\n", 3); this->WriteString( "" "%(Filename)_i.c\n", 3); this->WriteString("%(Filename)_p.c\n",3); this->WriteString("\n", 2); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteItemDefinitionGroups() { std::vector *configs = static_cast (this->GlobalGenerator)->GetConfigurations(); std::vector includes; this->LocalGenerator->GetIncludeDirectories(includes); for(std::vector::iterator i = configs->begin(); i != configs->end(); ++i) { this->WritePlatformConfigTag("ItemDefinitionGroup", i->c_str(), 1); *this->BuildFileStream << "\n"; // output cl compile flags if(this->Target->GetType() <= cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) { this->WriteClOptions(*i, includes); // output rc compile flags this->WriteRCOptions(*i, includes); } // output midl flags this->WriteMidlOptions(*i, includes); // write events this->WriteEvents(*i); // output link flags this->WriteLinkOptions(*i); // output lib flags this->WriteLibOptions(*i); this->WriteString("\n", 1); } } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteEvents(std::string const& configName) { this->WriteEvent("PreLinkEvent", this->Target->GetPreLinkCommands(), configName); this->WriteEvent("PreBuildEvent", this->Target->GetPreBuildCommands(), configName); this->WriteEvent("PostBuildEvent", this->Target->GetPostBuildCommands(), configName); } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteEvent( const char* name, std::vector & commands, std::string const& configName) { if(commands.size() == 0) { return; } this->WriteString("<", 2); (*this->BuildFileStream ) << name << ">\n"; cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator* lg = this->LocalGenerator; std::string script; const char* pre = ""; std::string comment; for(std::vector::iterator i = commands.begin(); i != commands.end(); ++i) { cmCustomCommand& command = *i; comment += pre; comment += lg->ConstructComment(command); script += pre; pre = "\n"; script += cmVS10EscapeXML(lg->ConstructScript(command, configName.c_str())); } comment = cmVS10EscapeComment(comment); this->WriteString("",3); (*this->BuildFileStream ) << cmVS10EscapeXML(comment) << "\n"; this->WriteString("", 3); (*this->BuildFileStream ) << script; (*this->BuildFileStream ) << "" << "\n"; this->WriteString("BuildFileStream ) << name << ">\n"; } void cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteProjectReferences() { cmGlobalGenerator::TargetDependSet const& unordered = this->GlobalGenerator->GetTargetDirectDepends(*this->Target); typedef cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::OrderedTargetDependSet OrderedTargetDependSet; OrderedTargetDependSet depends(unordered); this->WriteString("\n", 1); for( OrderedTargetDependSet::const_iterator i = depends.begin(); i != depends.end(); ++i) { cmTarget* dt = *i; this->WriteString("GetMakefile(); std::string name = dt->GetName(); std::string path; const char* p = dt->GetProperty("EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT"); if(p) { path = p; } else { path = mf->GetStartOutputDirectory(); path += "/"; path += dt->GetName(); path += ".vcxproj"; } (*this->BuildFileStream) << path << "\">\n"; this->WriteString("", 3); (*this->BuildFileStream) << this->GlobalGenerator->GetGUID(name.c_str()) << "\n"; this->WriteString("\n", 2); } this->WriteString("\n", 1); }