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    <font size=5>The following example </font> demonstrates some key ideas
    of CMake. (You may wish to download this
    <a href="/CMake/HTML/cmakeExample.tar.gz">example code</a> and try it
    out for yourself.) Make sure that you have CMake installed prior to
    running this example (go <a href="/CMake/HTML/Install.html">here</a>
    for instructions).
    There are three directories involved. The top level directory has two
    subdirectories called ./Demo and ./Hello. In the directory ./Hello, a
    library is built. In the directory ./Demo, an executable is built by
    linking to the library. A total of three CMakeList.txt files are 
    created: one for each directory.
    The first, top-level directory contains the following CMakeLists.txt file.
# The name of our project is "HELLO".  CMakeLists files in this project can
# refer to the root source directory of the project as ${HELLO_SOURCE_DIR} and
# to the root binary directory of the project as ${HELLO_BINARY_DIR}.

# Recurse into the "Hello" and "Demo" subdirectories.  This does not actually
# cause another cmake executable to run.  The same process will walk through
# the project's entire directory structure.
SUBDIRS(Hello Demo)
    Then for each subdirectory listed in the SUBDIRS command, CMakeLists.txt 
    files are created. In the ./Hello directory, the following CMakeLists.txt
    file is created:
# Create a library called "Hello" which includes the source file "hello.cxx".
# The extension is already found.  Any number of sources could be listed here.
ADD_LIBRARY(Hello hello)
    Finally, in the ./Demo directory, the third and final CMakeLists.txt file
    is created:
# Make sure the compiler can find include files from our Hello library.

# Make sure the linker can find the Hello library once it is built.

# Add executable called "helloDemo" that is built from the source files
# "demo.cxx" and "demo_b.cxx".  The extensions are automatically found.
ADD_EXECUTABLE(helloDemo demo demo_b)

# Link the executable to the Hello library.
    CMake when executed in the top-level directory will process the 
    CMakeLists.txt file and then descend into the listed subdirectories.
    Variables, include paths, library paths, etc. are inherited. Depending
    on the system, makefiles (Unix) or workspaces/projects (MSVC) will be 
    built. These can then be used in the usual way to build the code.


