/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc. Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "cmCTestGIT.h" #include "cmCTest.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmXMLSafe.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmCTestGIT::cmCTestGIT(cmCTest* ct, std::ostream& log): cmCTestGlobalVC(ct, log) { this->PriorRev = this->Unknown; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmCTestGIT::~cmCTestGIT() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class cmCTestGIT::OneLineParser: public cmCTestVC::LineParser { public: OneLineParser(cmCTestGIT* git, const char* prefix, std::string& l): Line1(l) { this->SetLog(&git->Log, prefix); } private: std::string& Line1; virtual bool ProcessLine() { // Only the first line is of interest. this->Line1 = this->Line; return false; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmCTestGIT::GetWorkingRevision() { // Run plumbing "git rev-list" to get work tree revision. const char* git = this->CommandLineTool.c_str(); const char* git_rev_list[] = {git, "rev-list", "-n", "1", "HEAD", 0}; std::string rev; OneLineParser out(this, "rl-out> ", rev); OutputLogger err(this->Log, "rl-err> "); this->RunChild(git_rev_list, &out, &err); return rev; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmCTestGIT::NoteOldRevision() { this->OldRevision = this->GetWorkingRevision(); cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Old revision of repository is: " << this->OldRevision << "\n"); this->PriorRev.Rev = this->OldRevision; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmCTestGIT::NoteNewRevision() { this->NewRevision = this->GetWorkingRevision(); cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " New revision of repository is: " << this->NewRevision << "\n"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmCTestGIT::UpdateImpl() { // Use "git pull" to update the working tree. std::vector git_pull; git_pull.push_back(this->CommandLineTool.c_str()); git_pull.push_back("pull"); // TODO: if(this->CTest->GetTestModel() == cmCTest::NIGHTLY) // Add user-specified update options. std::string opts = this->CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("UpdateOptions"); if(opts.empty()) { opts = this->CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("GITUpdateOptions"); } std::vector args = cmSystemTools::ParseArguments(opts.c_str()); for(std::vector::const_iterator ai = args.begin(); ai != args.end(); ++ai) { git_pull.push_back(ai->c_str()); } // Sentinel argument. git_pull.push_back(0); OutputLogger out(this->Log, "pull-out> "); OutputLogger err(this->Log, "pull-err> "); return this->RunUpdateCommand(&git_pull[0], &out, &err); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Diff format: :src-mode dst-mode src-sha1 dst-sha1 status\0 src-path\0 [dst-path\0] The format is repeated for every file changed. The [dst-path\0] line appears only for lines with status 'C' or 'R'. See 'git help diff-tree' for details. */ class cmCTestGIT::DiffParser: public cmCTestVC::LineParser { public: DiffParser(cmCTestGIT* git, const char* prefix): LineParser('\0', false), GIT(git), DiffField(DiffFieldNone) { this->SetLog(&git->Log, prefix); } typedef cmCTestGIT::Change Change; std::vector Changes; protected: cmCTestGIT* GIT; enum DiffFieldType { DiffFieldNone, DiffFieldChange, DiffFieldSrc, DiffFieldDst }; DiffFieldType DiffField; Change CurChange; void DiffReset() { this->DiffField = DiffFieldNone; this->Changes.clear(); } virtual bool ProcessLine() { if(this->Line[0] == ':') { this->DiffField = DiffFieldChange; this->CurChange = Change(); } if(this->DiffField == DiffFieldChange) { // :src-mode dst-mode src-sha1 dst-sha1 status if(this->Line[0] != ':') { this->DiffField = DiffFieldNone; return true; } const char* src_mode_first = this->Line.c_str()+1; const char* src_mode_last = this->ConsumeField(src_mode_first); const char* dst_mode_first = this->ConsumeSpace(src_mode_last); const char* dst_mode_last = this->ConsumeField(dst_mode_first); const char* src_sha1_first = this->ConsumeSpace(dst_mode_last); const char* src_sha1_last = this->ConsumeField(src_sha1_first); const char* dst_sha1_first = this->ConsumeSpace(src_sha1_last); const char* dst_sha1_last = this->ConsumeField(dst_sha1_first); const char* status_first = this->ConsumeSpace(dst_sha1_last); const char* status_last = this->ConsumeField(status_first); if(status_first != status_last) { this->CurChange.Action = *status_first; this->DiffField = DiffFieldSrc; } else { this->DiffField = DiffFieldNone; } } else if(this->DiffField == DiffFieldSrc) { // src-path if(this->CurChange.Action == 'C') { // Convert copy to addition of destination. this->CurChange.Action = 'A'; this->DiffField = DiffFieldDst; } else if(this->CurChange.Action == 'R') { // Convert rename to deletion of source and addition of destination. this->CurChange.Action = 'D'; this->CurChange.Path = this->Line; this->Changes.push_back(this->CurChange); this->CurChange = Change('A'); this->DiffField = DiffFieldDst; } else { this->CurChange.Path = this->Line; this->Changes.push_back(this->CurChange); this->DiffField = this->DiffFieldNone; } } else if(this->DiffField == DiffFieldDst) { // dst-path this->CurChange.Path = this->Line; this->Changes.push_back(this->CurChange); this->DiffField = this->DiffFieldNone; } return true; } const char* ConsumeSpace(const char* c) { while(*c && isspace(*c)) { ++c; } return c; } const char* ConsumeField(const char* c) { while(*c && !isspace(*c)) { ++c; } return c; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Commit format: commit ...\n tree ...\n parent ...\n author ...\n committer ...\n \n Log message indented by (4) spaces\n (even blank lines have the spaces)\n \n [Diff format] The header may have more fields. See 'git help diff-tree'. */ class cmCTestGIT::CommitParser: public cmCTestGIT::DiffParser { public: CommitParser(cmCTestGIT* git, const char* prefix): DiffParser(git, prefix), Section(SectionHeader) { this->Separator = SectionSep[this->Section]; } private: typedef cmCTestGIT::Revision Revision; enum SectionType { SectionHeader, SectionBody, SectionDiff, SectionCount }; static char const SectionSep[SectionCount]; SectionType Section; Revision Rev; struct Person { std::string Name; std::string EMail; unsigned long Time; long TimeZone; Person(): Name(), EMail(), Time(0), TimeZone(0) {} }; void ParsePerson(const char* str, Person& person) { // Person Name 1234567890 +0000 const char* c = str; while(*c && isspace(*c)) { ++c; } const char* name_first = c; while(*c && *c != '<') { ++c; } const char* name_last = c; while(name_last != name_first && isspace(*(name_last-1))) { --name_last; } person.Name.assign(name_first, name_last-name_first); const char* email_first = *c? ++c : c; while(*c && *c != '>') { ++c; } const char* email_last = *c? c++ : c; person.EMail.assign(email_first, email_last-email_first); person.Time = strtoul(c, (char**)&c, 10); person.TimeZone = strtol(c, (char**)&c, 10); } virtual bool ProcessLine() { if(this->Line.empty()) { this->NextSection(); } else { switch(this->Section) { case SectionHeader: this->DoHeaderLine(); break; case SectionBody: this->DoBodyLine(); break; case SectionDiff: this->DiffParser::ProcessLine(); break; case SectionCount: break; // never happens } } return true; } void NextSection() { this->Section = SectionType((this->Section+1) % SectionCount); this->Separator = SectionSep[this->Section]; if(this->Section == SectionHeader) { this->GIT->DoRevision(this->Rev, this->Changes); this->Rev = Revision(); this->DiffReset(); } } void DoHeaderLine() { // Look for header fields that we need. if(strncmp(this->Line.c_str(), "commit ", 7) == 0) { this->Rev.Rev = this->Line.c_str()+7; } else if(strncmp(this->Line.c_str(), "author ", 7) == 0) { Person author; this->ParsePerson(this->Line.c_str()+7, author); this->Rev.Author = author.Name; // Convert the time to a human-readable format that is also easy // to machine-parse: "CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss". time_t seconds = static_cast(author.Time); struct tm* t = gmtime(&seconds); char dt[1024]; sprintf(dt, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", t->tm_year+1900, t->tm_mon+1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec); this->Rev.Date = dt; // Add the time-zone field "+zone" or "-zone". char tz[32]; if(author.TimeZone >= 0) { sprintf(tz, " +%04ld", author.TimeZone); } else { sprintf(tz, " -%04ld", -author.TimeZone); } this->Rev.Date += tz; } } void DoBodyLine() { // Commit log lines are indented by 4 spaces. if(this->Line.size() >= 4) { this->Rev.Log += this->Line.substr(4); } this->Rev.Log += "\n"; } }; char const cmCTestGIT::CommitParser::SectionSep[SectionCount] = {'\n', '\n', '\0'}; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmCTestGIT::LoadRevisions() { // Use 'git rev-list ... | git diff-tree ...' to get revisions. std::string range = this->OldRevision + ".." + this->NewRevision; const char* git = this->CommandLineTool.c_str(); const char* git_rev_list[] = {git, "rev-list", "--reverse", range.c_str(), "--", 0}; const char* git_diff_tree[] = {git, "diff-tree", "--stdin", "--always", "-z", "-r", "--pretty=raw", "--encoding=utf-8", 0}; this->Log << this->ComputeCommandLine(git_rev_list) << " | " << this->ComputeCommandLine(git_diff_tree) << "\n"; cmsysProcess* cp = cmsysProcess_New(); cmsysProcess_AddCommand(cp, git_rev_list); cmsysProcess_AddCommand(cp, git_diff_tree); cmsysProcess_SetWorkingDirectory(cp, this->SourceDirectory.c_str()); CommitParser out(this, "dt-out> "); OutputLogger err(this->Log, "dt-err> "); this->RunProcess(cp, &out, &err); // Send one extra zero-byte to terminate the last record. out.Process("", 1); cmsysProcess_Delete(cp); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmCTestGIT::LoadModifications() { // Use 'git diff-index' to get modified files. const char* git = this->CommandLineTool.c_str(); const char* git_diff_index[] = {git, "diff-index", "-z", "HEAD", 0}; DiffParser out(this, "di-out> "); OutputLogger err(this->Log, "di-err> "); this->RunChild(git_diff_index, &out, &err); for(std::vector::const_iterator ci = out.Changes.begin(); ci != out.Changes.end(); ++ci) { this->DoModification(PathModified, ci->Path); } }