project(Assembler) set(SRCS) # if no file has been set as source and we are on linux with an x86 processor try to use the gas/as assembler if(NOT SRCS AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES Linux AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "[ix].?86$") message(STATUS "Trying to enable ASM-ATT for Linux/x86") enable_language(ASM-ATT) if(CMAKE_ASM-ATT_COMPILER_WORKS) message(STATUS "Trying to enable ASM-ATT for Linux/x86 - succeeded") # this assembler file was created using gcc -S main.c set(SRCS main-linux-x86-gas.s) endif(CMAKE_ASM-ATT_COMPILER_WORKS) endif(NOT SRCS AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES Linux AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "[ix].?86$") if(NOT SRCS) message(STATUS "No assembler enabled, using C") set(SRCS main.c) endif(NOT SRCS) add_executable(HelloAsm ${SRCS}) set_target_properties(HelloAsm PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE C)