PROJECT(BundleTest) SET(MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_STRING "bundle_info_string") # Test building a bundle linking to a shared library. ADD_LIBRARY(BundleTestLib SHARED BundleLib.cxx) ADD_EXECUTABLE(BundleTest MACOSX_BUNDLE BundleTest.cxx) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(BundleTest BundleTestLib) # Test bundle installation. INSTALL(TARGETS BundleTestLib DESTINATION Application/ INSTALL(TARGETS BundleTest DESTINATION Application) # Test whether bundles respect the output name. Since the library is # installed into a location that uses this output name this will fail if the # bundle does not respect the name. Also the executable will not be found by # the test driver if this does not work. SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(BundleTest PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME BundleTestExe) # Test executable versioning if it is supported. IF(NOT XCODE) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(BundleTest PROPERTIES VERSION 1) ENDIF(NOT XCODE) # Make sure the executable can find its installed library. SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(BundleTestLib PROPERTIES INSTALL_NAME_DIR "@executable_path/../Plugins")