# - Find Ruby # This module finds if Ruby is installed and determines where the include files # and libraries are. It also determines what the name of the library is. This # code sets the following variables: # # RUBY_INCLUDE_PATH = path to where ruby.h can be found # RUBY_EXECUTABLE = full path to the ruby binary # RUBY_LIBRARY = full path to the ruby library # Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. # See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. # RUBY_ARCHDIR=`$RUBY -r rbconfig -e 'printf("%s",Config::CONFIG@<:@"archdir"@:>@)'` # RUBY_SITEARCHDIR=`$RUBY -r rbconfig -e 'printf("%s",Config::CONFIG@<:@"sitearchdir"@:>@)'` # RUBY_SITEDIR=`$RUBY -r rbconfig -e 'printf("%s",Config::CONFIG@<:@"sitelibdir"@:>@)'` # RUBY_LIBDIR=`$RUBY -r rbconfig -e 'printf("%s",Config::CONFIG@<:@"libdir"@:>@)'` # RUBY_LIBRUBYARG=`$RUBY -r rbconfig -e 'printf("%s",Config::CONFIG@<:@"LIBRUBYARG_SHARED"@:>@)'` FIND_PROGRAM(RUBY_EXECUTABLE NAMES ruby ruby1.8 ruby18 ruby1.9 ruby19) IF(RUBY_EXECUTABLE AND NOT RUBY_ARCH_DIR) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['archdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_ARCH_DIR) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['libdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['rubylibdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_RUBY_LIB_DIR) # site_ruby EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['sitearchdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_SITEARCH_DIR) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['sitelibdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_SITELIB_DIR) # vendor_ruby available ? EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r vendor-specific -e "print 'true'" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_HAS_VENDOR_RUBY ERROR_QUIET) IF(RUBY_HAS_VENDOR_RUBY) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['vendorlibdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_VENDORLIB_DIR) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${RUBY_EXECUTABLE} -r rbconfig -e "print Config::CONFIG['vendorarchdir']" OUTPUT_VARIABLE RUBY_VENDORARCH_DIR) ENDIF(RUBY_HAS_VENDOR_RUBY) # save the results in the cache so we don't have to run ruby the next time again SET(RUBY_ARCH_DIR ${RUBY_ARCH_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby arch dir") SET(RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR ${RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby lib dir") SET(RUBY_RUBY_LIB_DIR ${RUBY_RUBY_LIB_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby ruby-lib dir") SET(RUBY_SITEARCH_DIR ${RUBY_SITEARCH_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby site arch dir") SET(RUBY_SITELIB_DIR ${RUBY_SITELIB_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby site lib dir") SET(RUBY_HAS_VENDOR_RUBY ${RUBY_HAS_VENDOR_RUBY} CACHE BOOL "Vendor Ruby is available") SET(RUBY_VENDORARCH_DIR ${RUBY_VENDORARCH_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby vendor arch dir") SET(RUBY_VENDORLIB_DIR ${RUBY_VENDORLIB_DIR} CACHE PATH "The Ruby vendor lib dir") ENDIF(RUBY_EXECUTABLE AND NOT RUBY_ARCH_DIR) # for compatibility SET(RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_PATH ${RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR}) SET(RUBY_RUBY_LIB_PATH ${RUBY_RUBY_LIB_DIR}) FIND_PATH(RUBY_INCLUDE_PATH NAMES ruby.h PATHS ${RUBY_ARCH_DIR} /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i586-linux-gnu/ ) # search the ruby library, the version for MSVC can have the "msvc" prefix and the "static" suffix FIND_LIBRARY(RUBY_LIBRARY NAMES ruby ruby1.8 ruby1.9 msvcrt-ruby18 msvcrt-ruby19 msvcrt-ruby18-static msvcrt-ruby19-static PATHS ${RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR} ) MARK_AS_ADVANCED( RUBY_EXECUTABLE RUBY_LIBRARY RUBY_INCLUDE_PATH RUBY_ARCH_DIR RUBY_POSSIBLE_LIB_DIR RUBY_RUBY_LIB_DIR RUBY_SITEARCH_DIR RUBY_SITELIB_DIR RUBY_HAS_VENDOR_RUBY RUBY_VENDORARCH_DIR RUBY_VENDORLIB_DIR )