# Dashboard is opened for submissions for a 24 hour period starting at # the specified NIGHLY_START_TIME. Time is specified in 24 hour format. SET (NIGHTLY_START_TIME "22:00:00 EDT") # Dart server to submit results (used by client) SET (DROP_SITE "public.kitware.com") SET (DROP_LOCATION "/incoming") SET (DROP_SITE_USER "ftpuser") SET (DROP_SITE_PASSWORD "public") SET (TRIGGER_SITE "http://${DROP_SITE}/cgi-bin/Submit-CMake-TestingResults.pl") # Project Home Page SET (PROJECT_URL "http://www.cmake.org/") # Dart server configuration SET (CVS_WEB_URL "http://${DROP_SITE}/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/CMake/") SET (CVS_WEB_CVSROOT "CMake") SET (USE_DOXYGEN "On") SET (DOXYGEN_URL "http://www.cmake.org/doc/nightly/html/" ) OPTION(BUILD_DOXYGEN "Build source documentation using doxygen" "Off") SET (DOXYGEN_CONFIG "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/doxygen.config" ) SET (USE_GNATS "Off") SET (GNATS_WEB_URL "http://${DROP_SITE}/cgi-bin/gnatsweb.pl/CMake/")