/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmCacheManager.h" #include cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator() { } cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::~cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator() { } void cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::Generate(bool /* fromTheTop */) { this->OutputDSPFile(); } void cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::OutputDSPFile() { // If not an in source build, then create the output directory if(strcmp(m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(), m_Makefile->GetHomeDirectory()) != 0) { if(!cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory())) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error creating directory ", m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory()); } } // Setup /I and /LIBPATH options for the resulting DSP file std::vector& includes = m_Makefile->GetIncludeDirectories(); std::vector::iterator i; for(i = includes.begin(); i != includes.end(); ++i) { m_IncludeOptions += " /I "; std::string tmp = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(i->c_str()); // quote if not already quoted if (tmp[0] != '"') { m_IncludeOptions += "\""; m_IncludeOptions += tmp; m_IncludeOptions += "\""; } else { m_IncludeOptions += tmp; } } // Create the DSP or set of DSP's for libraries and executables // clear project names m_CreatedProjectNames.clear(); // expand vars for custom commands m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInCustomCommands(); // build any targets cmTargets &tgts = m_Makefile->GetTargets(); for(cmTargets::iterator l = tgts.begin(); l != tgts.end(); l++) { switch(l->second.GetType()) { case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: this->SetBuildType(STATIC_LIBRARY, l->first.c_str(), l->second); break; case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: this->SetBuildType(DLL, l->first.c_str(), l->second); break; case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: this->SetBuildType(EXECUTABLE,l->first.c_str(), l->second); break; case cmTarget::WIN32_EXECUTABLE: this->SetBuildType(WIN32_EXECUTABLE,l->first.c_str(), l->second); break; case cmTarget::UTILITY: this->SetBuildType(UTILITY, l->first.c_str(), l->second); break; case cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES: break; case cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS: break; default: cmSystemTools::Error("Bad target type", l->first.c_str()); break; } // INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT command only affects the workspace // so don't build a projectfile for it if ((l->second.GetType() != cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES) && (l->second.GetType() != cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS) && (strncmp(l->first.c_str(), "INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT", 26) != 0)) { // check to see if the dsp is going into a sub-directory std::string::size_type pos = l->first.rfind('/'); if(pos != std::string::npos) { std::string dir = m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); dir += "/"; dir += l->first.substr(0, pos); if(!cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(dir.c_str())) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error creating directory ", dir.c_str()); } } this->CreateSingleDSP(l->first.c_str(),l->second); } } } void cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::CreateSingleDSP(const char *lname, cmTarget &target) { // add to the list of projects std::string pname = lname; m_CreatedProjectNames.push_back(pname); // create the dsp.cmake file std::string fname; fname = m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); fname += "/"; fname += lname; fname += ".dsp"; // save the name of the real dsp file std::string realDSP = fname; fname += ".cmake"; std::ofstream fout(fname.c_str()); if(!fout) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error Writing ", fname.c_str()); } this->WriteDSPFile(fout,lname,target); fout.close(); // if the dsp file has changed, then write it. cmSystemTools::CopyFileIfDifferent(fname.c_str(), realDSP.c_str()); } void cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::AddDSPBuildRule() { std::string dspname = *(m_CreatedProjectNames.end()-1); if(dspname == "ALL_BUILD") { return; } dspname += ".dsp.cmake"; std::string makefileIn = m_Makefile->GetStartDirectory(); makefileIn += "/"; makefileIn += "CMakeLists.txt"; makefileIn = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(makefileIn.c_str()); std::string dsprule = "${CMAKE_COMMAND}"; m_Makefile->ExpandVariablesInString(dsprule); dsprule = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(dsprule.c_str()); std::vector argv; argv.push_back(makefileIn); makefileIn = m_Makefile->GetStartDirectory(); makefileIn += "/"; makefileIn += "CMakeLists.txt"; std::string args; args = "-H"; args += cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(m_Makefile->GetHomeDirectory()); argv.push_back(args); args = "-S"; args += cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(m_Makefile->GetStartDirectory()); argv.push_back(args); args = "-O"; args += cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory()); argv.push_back(args); args = "-B"; args += cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(m_Makefile->GetHomeOutputDirectory()); argv.push_back(args); std::string configFile = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_ROOT"); configFile += "/Templates/CMakeWindowsSystemConfig.cmake"; std::vector listFiles = m_Makefile->GetListFiles(); bool found = false; for(std::vector::iterator i = listFiles.begin(); i != listFiles.end(); ++i) { if(*i == configFile) { found = true; } } if(!found) { listFiles.push_back(configFile); } m_Makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(dspname.c_str(), dsprule.c_str(), argv, makefileIn.c_str(), listFiles, NULL, true); } void cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::WriteDSPFile(std::ostream& fout, const char *libName, cmTarget &target) { // if we should add regen rule then... const char *suppRegenRule = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_SUPPRESS_REGENERATION"); if (!cmSystemTools::IsOn(suppRegenRule)) { this->AddDSPBuildRule(); } // for utility targets need custom command since post build doesn't // do anything (Visual Studio 7 seems to do this correctly without // the hack) if (target.GetType() == cmTarget::UTILITY && target.GetPostBuildCommands().size()) { int count = 1; for (std::vector::const_iterator cr = target.GetPostBuildCommands().begin(); cr != target.GetPostBuildCommands().end(); ++cr) { cmCustomCommand cc(*cr); cc.ExpandVariables(*m_Makefile); char *output = new char [ strlen(m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory()) + strlen(libName) + 30]; sprintf(output,"%s/%s_force_%i", m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(), libName, count); std::vector args; args.push_back(cc.GetArguments()); m_Makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(output, cc.GetCommand().c_str(), args, 0, cc.GetDepends()); cmSourceFile* outsf = m_Makefile->GetSourceFileWithOutput(output); target.GetSourceFiles().push_back(outsf); count++; delete [] output; } } // trace the visual studio dependencies std::string name = libName; name += ".dsp.cmake"; target.TraceVSDependencies(name, m_Makefile); // We may be modifying the source groups temporarily, so make a copy. std::vector sourceGroups = m_Makefile->GetSourceGroups(); // get the classes from the source lists then add them to the groups std::vector & classes = target.GetSourceFiles(); // now all of the source files have been properly assigned to the target // now stick them into source groups using the reg expressions for(std::vector::iterator i = classes.begin(); i != classes.end(); i++) { // Add the file to the list of sources. std::string source = (*i)->GetFullPath(); cmSourceGroup& sourceGroup = m_Makefile->FindSourceGroup(source.c_str(), sourceGroups); sourceGroup.AssignSource(*i); // while we are at it, if it is a .rule file then for visual studio 6 we // must generate it if ((*i)->GetSourceExtension() == "rule") { if(!cmSystemTools::FileExists(source.c_str())) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(source, "$(IntDir)/", ""); #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) std::ofstream fout(source.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); #else std::ofstream fout(source.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); #endif if(fout) { fout.write("# generated from CMake",22); fout.flush(); fout.close(); } } } } // Write the DSP file's header. this->WriteDSPHeader(fout, libName, target, sourceGroups); // Loop through every source group. for(std::vector::const_iterator sg = sourceGroups.begin(); sg != sourceGroups.end(); ++sg) { const std::vector &sourceFiles = sg->GetSourceFiles(); // If the group is empty, don't write it at all. if(sourceFiles.empty()) { continue; } // If the group has a name, write the header. std::string name = sg->GetName(); if(name != "") { this->WriteDSPBeginGroup(fout, name.c_str(), ""); } // Loop through each source in the source group. for(std::vector::const_iterator sf = sourceFiles.begin(); sf != sourceFiles.end(); ++sf) { std::string source = (*sf)->GetFullPath(); const cmCustomCommand *command = (*sf)->GetCustomCommand(); std::string compileFlags; std::vector depends; const char* cflags = (*sf)->GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS"); if(cflags) { compileFlags = cflags; } if(cmSystemTools::GetFileFormat((*sf)->GetSourceExtension().c_str()) == cmSystemTools::CXX_FILE_FORMAT) { // force a C++ file type compileFlags += " /TP "; } // Check for extra object-file dependencies. const char* dependsValue = (*sf)->GetProperty("OBJECT_DEPENDS"); if(dependsValue) { cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(dependsValue, depends); } if (source != libName || target.GetType() == cmTarget::UTILITY) { fout << "# Begin Source File\n\n"; // Tell MS-Dev what the source is. If the compiler knows how to // build it, then it will. fout << "SOURCE=" << cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(source.c_str()) << "\n\n"; if(!depends.empty()) { // Write out the dependencies for the rule. fout << "USERDEP__HACK="; for(std::vector::const_iterator d = depends.begin(); d != depends.end(); ++d) { fout << "\\\n\t" << cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(d->c_str()); } fout << "\n"; } if (command) { std::string totalCommandStr; totalCommandStr = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(command->GetCommand().c_str()); totalCommandStr += " "; totalCommandStr += command->GetArguments(); totalCommandStr += "\n"; const char* comment = command->GetComment().c_str(); const char* flags = compileFlags.size() ? compileFlags.c_str(): 0; this->WriteCustomRule(fout, source.c_str(), totalCommandStr.c_str(), (*comment?comment:"Custom Rule"), command->GetDepends(), command->GetOutput().c_str(), flags); } else if(compileFlags.size()) { for(std::vector::iterator i = m_Configurations.begin(); i != m_Configurations.end(); ++i) { if (i == m_Configurations.begin()) { fout << "!IF \"$(CFG)\" == " << i->c_str() << std::endl; } else { fout << "!ELSEIF \"$(CFG)\" == " << i->c_str() << std::endl; } fout << "\n# ADD CPP " << compileFlags << "\n\n"; } fout << "!ENDIF\n\n"; } fout << "# End Source File\n"; } } // If the group has a name, write the footer. if(name != "") { this->WriteDSPEndGroup(fout); } } // Write the DSP file's footer. this->WriteDSPFooter(fout); } void cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::WriteCustomRule(std::ostream& fout, const char* source, const char* command, const char* comment, const std::vector& depends, const char *output, const char* flags ) { std::vector::iterator i; for(i = m_Configurations.begin(); i != m_Configurations.end(); ++i) { if (i == m_Configurations.begin()) { fout << "!IF \"$(CFG)\" == " << i->c_str() << std::endl; } else { fout << "!ELSEIF \"$(CFG)\" == " << i->c_str() << std::endl; } if(flags) { fout << "\n# ADD CPP " << flags << "\n\n"; } // Write out the dependencies for the rule. fout << "USERDEP__HACK="; for(std::vector::const_iterator d = depends.begin(); d != depends.end(); ++d) { std::string dep = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(*d); if (cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(dep) == ".exe") { dep = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(dep); } std::string libPath = dep + "_CMAKE_PATH"; const char* cacheValue = m_Makefile->GetDefinition(libPath.c_str()); if (cacheValue) { std::string exePath = ""; if (m_Makefile->GetDefinition("EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH")) { exePath = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH"); } if(exePath.size()) { libPath = exePath; } else { libPath = cacheValue; } libPath += "/"; libPath += "$(INTDIR)/"; libPath += dep; libPath += ".exe"; fout << "\\\n\t" << cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(libPath.c_str()); } else { fout << "\\\n\t" << cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(d->c_str()); } } fout << "\n"; fout << "# PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1\n"; fout << "# Begin Custom Build - Building " << comment << " $(InputPath)\n\n"; if(output == 0) { fout << source << "_force : \"$(SOURCE)\" \"$(INTDIR)\" \"$(OUTDIR)\"\n\t"; fout << command << "\n\n"; } // Write a rule for every output generated by this command. fout << cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(output) << " : \"$(SOURCE)\" \"$(INTDIR)\" \"$(OUTDIR)\"\n\t"; fout << command << "\n\n"; fout << "# End Custom Build\n\n"; } fout << "!ENDIF\n\n"; } void cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::WriteDSPBeginGroup(std::ostream& fout, const char* group, const char* filter) { fout << "# Begin Group \"" << group << "\"\n" "# PROP Default_Filter \"" << filter << "\"\n"; } void cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::WriteDSPEndGroup(std::ostream& fout) { fout << "# End Group\n"; } void cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::SetBuildType(BuildType b, const char* libName, const cmTarget& target) { std::string root= m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_ROOT"); const char *def= m_Makefile->GetDefinition( "MSPROJECT_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY"); std::string exportSymbol; if (const char* custom_export_name = target.GetProperty("DEFINE_SYMBOL")) { exportSymbol = custom_export_name; } else { std::string in = libName; in += "_EXPORTS"; exportSymbol = cmSystemTools::MakeCindentifier(in.c_str()); } if( def) { root = def; } else { root += "/Templates"; } switch(b) { case STATIC_LIBRARY: m_DSPHeaderTemplate = root; m_DSPHeaderTemplate += "/staticLibHeader.dsptemplate"; m_DSPFooterTemplate = root; m_DSPFooterTemplate += "/staticLibFooter.dsptemplate"; break; case DLL: m_DSPHeaderTemplate = root; m_DSPHeaderTemplate += "/DLLHeader.dsptemplate"; m_DSPFooterTemplate = root; m_DSPFooterTemplate += "/DLLFooter.dsptemplate"; break; case EXECUTABLE: m_DSPHeaderTemplate = root; m_DSPHeaderTemplate += "/EXEHeader.dsptemplate"; m_DSPFooterTemplate = root; m_DSPFooterTemplate += "/EXEFooter.dsptemplate"; break; case WIN32_EXECUTABLE: m_DSPHeaderTemplate = root; m_DSPHeaderTemplate += "/EXEWinHeader.dsptemplate"; m_DSPFooterTemplate = root; m_DSPFooterTemplate += "/EXEFooter.dsptemplate"; break; case UTILITY: m_DSPHeaderTemplate = root; m_DSPHeaderTemplate += "/UtilityHeader.dsptemplate"; m_DSPFooterTemplate = root; m_DSPFooterTemplate += "/UtilityFooter.dsptemplate"; break; } // once the build type is set, determine what configurations are // possible std::ifstream fin(m_DSPHeaderTemplate.c_str()); cmsys::RegularExpression reg("# Name "); if(!fin) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error Reading ", m_DSPHeaderTemplate.c_str()); } // reset m_Configurations m_Configurations.erase(m_Configurations.begin(), m_Configurations.end()); // now add all the configurations possible std::string line; while(cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(fin, line)) { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "OUTPUT_LIBNAME_EXPORTS", exportSymbol.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "OUTPUT_LIBNAME",libName); if (reg.find(line)) { m_Configurations.push_back(line.substr(reg.end())); } } } // look for custom rules on a target and collect them together std::string cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::CreateTargetRules(const cmTarget &target, const char * /* libName */) { std::string customRuleCode = ""; if (target.GetType() >= cmTarget::UTILITY) { return customRuleCode; } // are there any rules? if (target.GetPreBuildCommands().size() + target.GetPreLinkCommands().size() + target.GetPostBuildCommands().size() == 0) { return customRuleCode; } customRuleCode = "# Begin Special Build Tool\n"; // Do the PreBuild and PreLink (VS6 does not support both) bool init = false; for (std::vector::const_iterator cr = target.GetPreBuildCommands().begin(); cr != target.GetPreBuildCommands().end(); ++cr) { cmCustomCommand cc(*cr); cc.ExpandVariables(*m_Makefile); if (!init) { // header stuff customRuleCode += "PreLink_Cmds="; init = true; } else { customRuleCode += "\t"; } customRuleCode += cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(cc.GetCommand().c_str()) + " " + cc.GetArguments(); } for (std::vector::const_iterator cr = target.GetPreLinkCommands().begin(); cr != target.GetPreLinkCommands().end(); ++cr) { cmCustomCommand cc(*cr); cc.ExpandVariables(*m_Makefile); if (!init) { // header stuff customRuleCode += "PreLink_Cmds="; init = true; } else { customRuleCode += "\t"; } customRuleCode += cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(cc.GetCommand().c_str()) + " " + cc.GetArguments(); } // do the post build rules init = false; for (std::vector::const_iterator cr = target.GetPostBuildCommands().begin(); cr != target.GetPostBuildCommands().end(); ++cr) { cmCustomCommand cc(*cr); cc.ExpandVariables(*m_Makefile); if (!init) { // header stuff customRuleCode += "PostBuild_Cmds="; init = true; } else { customRuleCode += "\t"; } customRuleCode += cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(cc.GetCommand().c_str()) + " " + cc.GetArguments(); } customRuleCode += "\n# End Special Build Tool\n"; return customRuleCode; } inline std::string removeQuotes(const std::string& s) { if(s[0] == '\"' && s[s.size()-1] == '\"') { return s.substr(1, s.size()-2); } return s; } void cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::WriteDSPHeader(std::ostream& fout, const char *libName, const cmTarget &target, std::vector &) { std::set pathEmitted; // determine the link directories std::string libOptions; std::string libDebugOptions; std::string libOptimizedOptions; std::string libMultiLineOptions; std::string libMultiLineDebugOptions; std::string libMultiLineOptimizedOptions; // suppoirt override in output directory std::string libPath = ""; if (m_Makefile->GetDefinition("LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH")) { libPath = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH"); } std::string exePath = ""; if (m_Makefile->GetDefinition("EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH")) { exePath = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH"); } if(libPath.size()) { // make sure there is a trailing slash if(libPath[libPath.size()-1] != '/') { libPath += "/"; } std::string lpath = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(libPath.c_str()); std::string lpathIntDir = libPath + "$(INTDIR)"; lpathIntDir = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(lpathIntDir.c_str()); if(pathEmitted.insert(lpath).second) { libOptions += " /LIBPATH:"; libOptions += lpathIntDir; libOptions += " "; libOptions += " /LIBPATH:"; libOptions += lpath; libOptions += " "; libMultiLineOptions += "# ADD LINK32 /LIBPATH:"; libMultiLineOptions += lpathIntDir; libMultiLineOptions += " "; libMultiLineOptions += " /LIBPATH:"; libMultiLineOptions += lpath; libMultiLineOptions += " \n"; } } if(exePath.size()) { // make sure there is a trailing slash if(exePath[exePath.size()-1] != '/') { exePath += "/"; } std::string lpath = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(exePath.c_str()); std::string lpathIntDir = exePath + "$(INTDIR)"; lpathIntDir = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(lpathIntDir.c_str()); if(pathEmitted.insert(lpath).second) { libOptions += " /LIBPATH:"; libOptions += lpathIntDir; libOptions += " "; libOptions += " /LIBPATH:"; libOptions += lpath; libOptions += " "; libMultiLineOptions += "# ADD LINK32 /LIBPATH:"; libMultiLineOptions += lpathIntDir; libMultiLineOptions += " "; libMultiLineOptions += " /LIBPATH:"; libMultiLineOptions += lpath; libMultiLineOptions += " \n"; } } std::vector::const_iterator i; const std::vector& libdirs = target.GetLinkDirectories(); for(i = libdirs.begin(); i != libdirs.end(); ++i) { std::string path = *i; if(path[path.size()-1] != '/') { path += "/"; } std::string lpath = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(path.c_str()); std::string lpathIntDir = path + "$(INTDIR)"; lpathIntDir = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(lpathIntDir.c_str()); if(pathEmitted.insert(lpath).second) { libOptions += " /LIBPATH:"; libOptions += lpathIntDir; libOptions += " "; libOptions += " /LIBPATH:"; libOptions += lpath; libOptions += " "; libMultiLineOptions += "# ADD LINK32 /LIBPATH:"; libMultiLineOptions += lpathIntDir; libMultiLineOptions += " "; libMultiLineOptions += " /LIBPATH:"; libMultiLineOptions += lpath; libMultiLineOptions += " \n"; } } // find link libraries const cmTarget::LinkLibraries& libs = target.GetLinkLibraries(); cmTarget::LinkLibraries::const_iterator j; for(j = libs.begin(); j != libs.end(); ++j) { // add libraries to executables and dlls (but never include // a library in a library, bad recursion) if ((target.GetType() != cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY && target.GetType() != cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY && target.GetType() != cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) || (target.GetType()==cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY && libName != j->first) || (target.GetType()==cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY && libName != j->first)) { std::string lib = j->first; if(j->first.find(".lib") == std::string::npos) { lib += ".lib"; } lib = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(lib.c_str()); if (j->second == cmTarget::GENERAL) { libOptions += " "; libOptions += lib; libMultiLineOptions += "# ADD LINK32 "; libMultiLineOptions += lib; libMultiLineOptions += "\n"; } if (j->second == cmTarget::DEBUG) { libDebugOptions += " "; libDebugOptions += lib; libMultiLineDebugOptions += "# ADD LINK32 "; libMultiLineDebugOptions += lib; libMultiLineDebugOptions += "\n"; } if (j->second == cmTarget::OPTIMIZED) { libOptimizedOptions += " "; libOptimizedOptions += lib; libMultiLineOptimizedOptions += "# ADD LINK32 "; libMultiLineOptimizedOptions += lib; libMultiLineOptimizedOptions += "\n"; } } } std::string extraLinkOptions; if(target.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) { extraLinkOptions = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS"); } if(target.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) { extraLinkOptions = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS"); } if(target.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) { extraLinkOptions = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS"); } if(extraLinkOptions.size()) { libOptions += " "; libOptions += extraLinkOptions; libOptions += " "; libMultiLineOptions += "# ADD LINK32 "; libMultiLineOptions += extraLinkOptions; libMultiLineOptions += " \n"; } if(const char* targetLinkFlags = target.GetProperty("LINK_FLAGS")) { libOptions += " "; libOptions += targetLinkFlags; libOptions += " "; libMultiLineOptions += "# ADD LINK32 "; libMultiLineOptions += targetLinkFlags; libMultiLineOptions += " \n"; } // are there any custom rules on the target itself // only if the target is a lib or exe std::string customRuleCode = this->CreateTargetRules(target, libName); std::ifstream fin(m_DSPHeaderTemplate.c_str()); if(!fin) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error Reading ", m_DSPHeaderTemplate.c_str()); } std::string line; while(cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(fin, line)) { const char* mfcFlag = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_MFC_FLAG"); if(!mfcFlag) { mfcFlag = "0"; } cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CMAKE_CUSTOM_RULE_CODE", customRuleCode.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CMAKE_MFC_FLAG", mfcFlag); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CM_LIBRARIES", libOptions.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CM_DEBUG_LIBRARIES", libDebugOptions.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CM_OPTIMIZED_LIBRARIES", libOptimizedOptions.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CM_MULTILINE_LIBRARIES", libMultiLineOptions.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CM_MULTILINE_DEBUG_LIBRARIES", libMultiLineDebugOptions.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CM_MULTILINE_OPTIMIZED_LIBRARIES", libMultiLineOptimizedOptions.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "BUILD_INCLUDES", m_IncludeOptions.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "OUTPUT_LIBNAME",libName); // because LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH and EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH // are already quoted in the template file, // we need to remove the quotes here, we still need // to convert to output path for unix to win32 conversion cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH", removeQuotes( cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(libPath.c_str())).c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH", removeQuotes( cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(exePath.c_str())).c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "EXTRA_DEFINES", m_Makefile->GetDefineFlags()); cmGlobalGenerator* gen = this->GetGlobalGenerator(); // store flags for each configuration std::string flags = " "; std::string flagsRelease = " "; std::string flagsMinSize = " "; std::string flagsDebug = " "; std::string flagsDebugRel = " "; // if CXX is on and the target contains cxx code then add the cxx flags if ( gen->GetLanguageEnabled("CXX") && target.HasCxx() ) { flagsRelease = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE"); flagsRelease += " -DCMAKE_INTDIR=\\\"Release\\\" "; flagsMinSize = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL"); flagsMinSize += " -DCMAKE_INTDIR=\\\"MinSizeRel\\\" "; flagsDebug = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG"); flagsDebug += " -DCMAKE_INTDIR=\\\"Debug\\\" "; flagsDebugRel = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO"); flagsDebugRel += " -DCMAKE_INTDIR=\\\"RelWithDebInfo\\\" "; flags = " "; flags = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS"); } // if C and the target is not CXX else if(gen->GetLanguageEnabled("C") && !target.HasCxx()) { flagsRelease += m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE"); flagsRelease += " -DCMAKE_INTDIR=\\\"Release\\\""; flagsMinSize += m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL"); flagsMinSize += " -DCMAKE_INTDIR=\\\"MinSizeRel\\\""; flagsDebug += m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG"); flagsDebug += " -DCMAKE_INTDIR=\\\"Debug\\\""; flagsDebugRel += m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO"); flagsDebugRel += " -DCMAKE_INTDIR=\\\"RelWithDebInfo\\\""; flags = " "; flags = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_C_FLAGS"); } // if unicode is not found, then add -D_MBCS if(flags.find("D_UNICODE") == flags.npos) { flags += " /D \"_MBCS\""; } // The template files have CXX FLAGS in them, that need to be replaced. // There are not separate CXX and C template files, so we use the same // variable names. The previous code sets up flags* variables to contain // the correct C or CXX flags cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE", flagsRelease.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL", flagsMinSize.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG", flagsDebug.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line,"CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO", flagsDebugRel.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(line, "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS", flags.c_str()); fout << line.c_str() << std::endl; } } void cmLocalVisualStudio6Generator::WriteDSPFooter(std::ostream& fout) { std::ifstream fin(m_DSPFooterTemplate.c_str()); if(!fin) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error Reading ", m_DSPFooterTemplate.c_str()); } std::string line; while(cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(fin, line)) { fout << line << std::endl; } }