cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) project(Framework) add_library(foo SHARED foo.cxx foo.h foo2.h fooExtensionlessResource fooPublic.h fooPublicExtensionlessHeader fooPrivate.h fooPrivateExtensionlessHeader fooNeither.h fooBoth.h test.lua fooDeepPublic.h ) set_property(SOURCE fooDeepPublic.h PROPERTY MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION Headers/Deep ) set(foo_ver ver4) set_target_properties(foo PROPERTIES FRAMEWORK TRUE FRAMEWORK_VERSION ${foo_ver} PRIVATE_HEADER "fooPrivate.h;fooBoth.h;fooPrivateExtensionlessHeader" PUBLIC_HEADER "foo.h;foo2.h;fooPublic.h;fooBoth.h;fooPublicExtensionlessHeader" RESOURCE "fooExtensionlessResource;test.lua" INSTALL_NAME_DIR "@executable_path/../../../Library/Frameworks" DEBUG_POSTFIX -d ) # fooBoth.h is listed as both public and private... (private wins...) # fooNeither.h is listed as neither public nor private... add_executable(bar bar.cxx) target_link_libraries(bar foo) install(TARGETS foo bar RUNTIME DESTINATION Applications/CMakeTestsFramework/bin FRAMEWORK DESTINATION Library/Frameworks LIBRARY DESTINATION lib ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib # These are ignored on the Mac... and things are automatically placed in # their appropriate Framework sub-folder at build time. (And then the built # framework is copied recursively when it is installed.) PRIVATE_HEADER DESTINATION share/foo-${foo_ver}/PrivateHeaders PUBLIC_HEADER DESTINATION include/foo-${foo_ver} RESOURCE DESTINATION share/foo-${foo_ver}/Resources # But they are required to be present so that installing a framework on other # other platforms will install the pieces of the framework without having to # duplicate install rules for the pieces of the framework. ) # test that framework post-build commands run add_custom_command(TARGET foo POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch foo-post-build) add_custom_target(fooCustom ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy foo-post-build foo-custom) add_dependencies(fooCustom foo) # Make a static library and apply the framework properties to it to verify # that everything still builds correctly, but it will not actually produce # a framework... The framework properties only apply when the library type # is SHARED. # add_library(fooStatic STATIC foo.cxx foo.h foo2.h fooExtensionlessResource fooPublic.h fooPublicExtensionlessHeader fooPrivate.h fooPrivateExtensionlessHeader fooNeither.h fooBoth.h test.lua fooDeepPublic.h ) set_target_properties(fooStatic PROPERTIES FRAMEWORK TRUE FRAMEWORK_VERSION none ) add_executable(barStatic bar.cxx) target_link_libraries(barStatic fooStatic) include(CPack)