# This CMakeLists file is *sometimes expected* to result in a configure error. # # expect this to succeed: # ../bin/Release/cmake -G Xcode # ../../CMake/Tests/CMakeCommands/build_command # # expect this to fail: # ../bin/Release/cmake -DTEST_ERROR_CONDITIONS:BOOL=ON -G Xcode # ../../CMake/Tests/CMakeCommands/build_command # # This project exists merely to test the CMake command 'build_command'... # ...even purposefully calling it with known-bad argument lists to cover # error handling code. # set(cmd "initial") message("0. begin") if(TEST_ERROR_CONDITIONS) # Test with no arguments (an error): build_command() message("1. cmd='${cmd}'") # Test with unknown arguments (also an error): build_command(cmd BOGUS STUFF) message("2. cmd='${cmd}'") build_command(cmd STUFF BOGUS) message("3. cmd='${cmd}'") else() message("(skipping cases 1, 2 and 3 because TEST_ERROR_CONDITIONS is OFF)") endif() # Test the one arg signature with none of the optional KEYWORD arguments: build_command(cmd) message("4. cmd='${cmd}'") # Test the two-arg legacy signature: build_command(legacy_cmd ${CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL}) message("5. legacy_cmd='${legacy_cmd}'") message(" CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL='${CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL}'") # Test the optional KEYWORDs: build_command(cmd CONFIGURATION hoohaaConfig) message("6. cmd='${cmd}'") build_command(cmd PROJECT_NAME hoohaaProject) message("7. cmd='${cmd}'") build_command(cmd TARGET hoohaaTarget) message("8. cmd='${cmd}'") set(cmd "final") message("9. cmd='${cmd}'")