ZZCOVTST;OSEHRA/JPS -- Test routine for Coverage Parsing;4/28/2014 ; (tab) This is series of comments ; (tab) it should all be not executable ; (spaces) one of these sets might be a problem ; (spaces) we will have to see. EN ; This entry point shouldn't be found without fixing N D S D=1 ;An executable line D T1^ZZCOVTST I '$$T5 W "RETURNED FROM t5",! Q ; This line not executable ; T1 ; This line should always be found N D S D=2 W !,D,!,"This is the second entry point",! D T2^ZZCOVTST(D) Q ; T2(EQ) ; This is debatable and only called with ENT^ROU notation N D S D=3 W !,D,!,EQ,"This is the third entry point",! D T3^ZZCOVTST Q ; T3 N D S D=4 W D,!,"Fourth Entry point",! Q ; T4 N D S D=5 W "Shouldn't be executed" W "Lots to not do" Q T5(EQ) ;this entry point is called with a $$ notation W "THIS IS THE $$ NOTATION!",! Q 0 ;