ctest_submit ------------ Submit results to a dashboard server. :: ctest_submit([PARTS ...] [FILES ...] [RETRY_COUNT count] [RETRY_DELAY delay] [RETURN_VALUE res] ) By default all available parts are submitted if no PARTS or FILES are specified. The PARTS option lists a subset of parts to be submitted. Valid part names are: :: Start = nothing Update = ctest_update results, in Update.xml Configure = ctest_configure results, in Configure.xml Build = ctest_build results, in Build.xml Test = ctest_test results, in Test.xml Coverage = ctest_coverage results, in Coverage.xml MemCheck = ctest_memcheck results, in DynamicAnalysis.xml Notes = Files listed by CTEST_NOTES_FILES, in Notes.xml ExtraFiles = Files listed by CTEST_EXTRA_SUBMIT_FILES Upload = Files prepared for upload by ctest_upload(), in Upload.xml Submit = nothing The FILES option explicitly lists specific files to be submitted. Each individual file must exist at the time of the call. The RETRY_DELAY option specifies how long in seconds to wait after a timed-out submission before attempting to re-submit. The RETRY_COUNT option specifies how many times to retry a timed-out submission.