# This function calls the ${scriptname} file to execute one test case: # function(execute_one_script_test scriptname testname expected_result) message("execute_one_script_test") message("testname=[${testname}]") execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -D "testname:STRING=${testname}" -P "${scriptname}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE out ERROR_VARIABLE err RESULT_VARIABLE result OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) message("out=[${out}]") message("err=[${err}]") if(expected_result STREQUAL "fail") # case expected to fail, result should be non-0... # error if it's 0 if("${result}" STREQUAL "0") message(SEND_ERROR "script failed: testname='${testname}' [${result}] actually passed, but expected to fail...") endif() else() # case expected to pass, result should be 0... # error if it's non-0 if(NOT "${result}" STREQUAL "0") message(SEND_ERROR "script failed: testname='${testname}' [${result}] actually failed, but expected to pass...") endif() endif() message("") endfunction() # This function reads the script file and calls execute_one_script_test for # each testname case listed in the script. To add new cases, simply edit the # script file and add an elseif() clause that matches 'regex' below. # function(execute_all_script_tests scriptname result) file(READ "${scriptname}" script) string(REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" script "${script}") string(REPLACE "\n" "E;" script "${script}") set(count 0) set(regex "^ *(if|elseif) *\\( *testname +STREQUAL +\\\"*([^\\\"\\)]+)\\\"* *\\) *# *(fail|pass) *E$") foreach(line ${script}) if(line MATCHES "${regex}") math(EXPR count "${count} + 1") string(REGEX REPLACE "${regex}" "\\2" testname "${line}") string(REGEX REPLACE "${regex}" "\\3" expected_result "${line}") execute_one_script_test(${scriptname} ${testname} ${expected_result}) endif() endforeach() set(${result} ${count} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()