/*============================================================================ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more information. ============================================================================*/ #include "cmExportCommand.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmake.h" #include #include #include "cmExportBuildFileGenerator.h" #if defined(__HAIKU__) #include #include #endif cmExportCommand::cmExportCommand() :cmCommand() ,ArgumentGroup() ,Targets(&Helper, "TARGETS") ,Append(&Helper, "APPEND", &ArgumentGroup) ,Namespace(&Helper, "NAMESPACE", &ArgumentGroup) ,Filename(&Helper, "FILE", &ArgumentGroup) ,ExportOld(&Helper, "EXPORT_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES", &ArgumentGroup) { // at first TARGETS this->Targets.Follows(0); // and after that the other options in any order this->ArgumentGroup.Follows(&this->Targets); } // cmExportCommand bool cmExportCommand ::InitialPass(std::vector const& args, cmExecutionStatus &) { if(args.size() < 2 ) { this->SetError("called with too few arguments"); return false; } if(args[0] == "PACKAGE") { return this->HandlePackage(args); } std::vector unknownArgs; this->Helper.Parse(&args, &unknownArgs); if (!unknownArgs.empty()) { this->SetError("Unknown arguments."); return false; } if (this->Targets.WasFound() == false) { this->SetError("TARGETS option missing."); return false; } if(!this->Filename.WasFound()) { this->SetError("FILE option missing."); return false; } // Make sure the file has a .cmake extension. if(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(this->Filename.GetCString()) != ".cmake") { cmOStringStream e; e << "FILE option given filename \"" << this->Filename.GetString() << "\" which does not have an extension of \".cmake\".\n"; this->SetError(e.str().c_str()); return false; } // Get the file to write. std::string fname = this->Filename.GetString(); if(cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(fname.c_str())) { if(!this->Makefile->CanIWriteThisFile(fname.c_str())) { cmOStringStream e; e << "FILE option given filename \"" << fname << "\" which is in the source tree.\n"; this->SetError(e.str().c_str()); return false; } } else { // Interpret relative paths with respect to the current build dir. fname = this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); fname += "/"; fname += this->Filename.GetString(); } for(std::vector::const_iterator currentTarget = this->Targets.GetVector().begin(); currentTarget != this->Targets.GetVector().end(); ++currentTarget) { if (this->Makefile->IsAlias(currentTarget->c_str())) { cmOStringStream e; e << "given ALIAS target \"" << *currentTarget << "\" which may not be exported."; this->SetError(e.str().c_str()); return false; } if(cmTarget* target = this->Makefile->GetLocalGenerator()-> GetGlobalGenerator()->FindTarget(0, currentTarget->c_str())) { if(target->GetType() == cmTarget::OBJECT_LIBRARY) { cmOStringStream e; e << "given OBJECT library \"" << *currentTarget << "\" which may not be exported."; this->SetError(e.str().c_str()); return false; } } else { cmOStringStream e; e << "given target \"" << *currentTarget << "\" which is not built by this project."; this->SetError(e.str().c_str()); return false; } } cmGlobalGenerator *gg = this->Makefile->GetLocalGenerator() ->GetGlobalGenerator(); if (this->Append.IsEnabled()) { if (cmExportBuildFileGenerator *ebfg = gg->GetExportedTargetsFile(fname)) { ebfg->AppendTargets(this->Targets.GetVector()); return true; } } // Setup export file generation. cmExportBuildFileGenerator *ebfg = new cmExportBuildFileGenerator; ebfg->SetExportFile(fname.c_str()); ebfg->SetNamespace(this->Namespace.GetCString()); ebfg->SetAppendMode(this->Append.IsEnabled()); ebfg->SetTargets(this->Targets.GetVector()); ebfg->SetMakefile(this->Makefile); ebfg->SetExportOld(this->ExportOld.IsEnabled()); // Compute the set of configurations exported. std::vector configurationTypes; this->Makefile->GetConfigurations(configurationTypes); if(!configurationTypes.empty()) { for(std::vector::const_iterator ci = configurationTypes.begin(); ci != configurationTypes.end(); ++ci) { ebfg->AddConfiguration(ci->c_str()); } } else { ebfg->AddConfiguration(""); } gg->AddBuildExportSet(ebfg); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmExportCommand::HandlePackage(std::vector const& args) { // Parse PACKAGE mode arguments. enum Doing { DoingNone, DoingPackage }; Doing doing = DoingPackage; std::string package; for(unsigned int i=1; i < args.size(); ++i) { if(doing == DoingPackage) { package = args[i]; doing = DoingNone; } else { cmOStringStream e; e << "PACKAGE given unknown argument: " << args[i]; this->SetError(e.str().c_str()); return false; } } // Verify the package name. if(package.empty()) { this->SetError("PACKAGE must be given a package name."); return false; } const char* packageExpr = "^[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+$"; cmsys::RegularExpression packageRegex(packageExpr); if(!packageRegex.find(package.c_str())) { cmOStringStream e; e << "PACKAGE given invalid package name \"" << package << "\". " << "Package names must match \"" << packageExpr << "\"."; this->SetError(e.str().c_str()); return false; } // We store the current build directory in the registry as a value // named by a hash of its own content. This is deterministic and is // unique with high probability. const char* outDir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); std::string hash = cmSystemTools::ComputeStringMD5(outDir); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) this->StorePackageRegistryWin(package, outDir, hash.c_str()); #else this->StorePackageRegistryDir(package, outDir, hash.c_str()); #endif return true; } #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) # include # undef GetCurrentDirectory //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmExportCommand::ReportRegistryError(std::string const& msg, std::string const& key, long err) { cmOStringStream e; e << msg << "\n" << " HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" << key << "\n"; wchar_t winmsg[1024]; if(FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, 0, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), winmsg, 1024, 0) > 0) { e << "Windows reported:\n" << " " << cmsys::Encoding::ToNarrow(winmsg); } this->Makefile->IssueMessage(cmake::WARNING, e.str()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmExportCommand::StorePackageRegistryWin(std::string const& package, const char* content, const char* hash) { std::string key = "Software\\Kitware\\CMake\\Packages\\"; key += package; HKEY hKey; LONG err = RegCreateKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, cmsys::Encoding::ToWide(key).c_str(), 0, 0, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE, 0, &hKey, 0); if(err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { this->ReportRegistryError( "Cannot create/open registry key", key, err); return; } std::wstring wcontent = cmsys::Encoding::ToWide(content); err = RegSetValueExW(hKey, cmsys::Encoding::ToWide(hash).c_str(), 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE const*)wcontent.c_str(), static_cast(wcontent.size()+1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); RegCloseKey(hKey); if(err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { cmOStringStream msg; msg << "Cannot set registry value \"" << hash << "\" under key"; this->ReportRegistryError(msg.str(), key, err); return; } } #else //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmExportCommand::StorePackageRegistryDir(std::string const& package, const char* content, const char* hash) { #if defined(__HAIKU__) char dir[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH]; if (find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, -1, false, dir, sizeof(dir)) != B_OK) { return; } std::string fname = dir; fname += "/cmake/packages/"; fname += package; #else const char* home = cmSystemTools::GetEnv("HOME"); if(!home) { return; } std::string fname = home; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(fname); fname += "/.cmake/packages/"; fname += package; #endif cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(fname.c_str()); fname += "/"; fname += hash; if(!cmSystemTools::FileExists(fname.c_str())) { cmGeneratedFileStream entry(fname.c_str(), true); if(entry) { entry << content << "\n"; } else { cmOStringStream e; e << "Cannot create package registry file:\n" << " " << fname << "\n" << cmSystemTools::GetLastSystemError() << "\n"; this->Makefile->IssueMessage(cmake::WARNING, e.str()); } } } #endif