/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator.h" #include "cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.h" #include "cmXMLParser.h" #include #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmSourceFile.h" #include "cmCacheManager.h" #include "cmake.h" #include #include // for isspace //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator() { this->Version = 7; this->PlatformName = "Win32"; } cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::~cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator() { } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::Generate() { std::set lang; lang.insert("C"); lang.insert("CXX"); lang.insert("RC"); lang.insert("IDL"); lang.insert("DEF"); this->CreateCustomTargetsAndCommands(lang); this->FixGlobalTargets(); this->OutputVCProjFile(); } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::FixGlobalTargets() { // Visual Studio .NET 2003 Service Pack 1 will not run post-build // commands for targets in which no sources are built. Add dummy // rules to force these targets to build. cmTargets &tgts = this->Makefile->GetTargets(); for(cmTargets::iterator l = tgts.begin(); l != tgts.end(); l++) { cmTarget& tgt = l->second; if(tgt.GetType() == cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET) { std::vector no_depends; cmCustomCommandLine force_command; force_command.push_back(";"); cmCustomCommandLines force_commands; force_commands.push_back(force_command); const char* no_main_dependency = 0; std::string force = this->Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); force += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory(); force += "/"; force += tgt.GetName(); force += "_force"; this->Makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(force.c_str(), no_depends, no_main_dependency, force_commands, " ", 0, true); if(cmSourceFile* file = this->Makefile->GetSourceFileWithOutput(force.c_str())) { tgt.GetSourceFiles().push_back(file); } } } } // TODO // for CommandLine= need to repleace quotes with " // write out configurations void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::OutputVCProjFile() { // If not an in source build, then create the output directory if(strcmp(this->Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(), this->Makefile->GetHomeDirectory()) != 0) { if(!cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory (this->Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory())) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error creating directory ", this->Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory()); } } // Create the VCProj or set of VCProj's for libraries and executables // clear project names this->CreatedProjectNames.clear(); // Call TraceVSDependencies on all targets cmTargets &tgts = this->Makefile->GetTargets(); for(cmTargets::iterator l = tgts.begin(); l != tgts.end(); l++) { // Add a rule to regenerate the build system when the target // specification source changes. const char* suppRegenRule = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_SUPPRESS_REGENERATION"); if (!cmSystemTools::IsOn(suppRegenRule) && (strcmp(l->first.c_str(), CMAKE_CHECK_BUILD_SYSTEM_TARGET) != 0)) { this->AddVCProjBuildRule(l->second); } // INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT command only affects the workspace // so don't build a projectfile for it if ((l->second.GetType() != cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES) && (l->second.GetType() != cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS) && (strncmp(l->first.c_str(), "INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT", 26) != 0)) { cmTarget& target = l->second; target.TraceVSDependencies(target.GetName(), this->Makefile); } } for(cmTargets::iterator l = tgts.begin(); l != tgts.end(); l++) { // INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT command only affects the workspace // so don't build a projectfile for it if ((l->second.GetType() != cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES) && (l->second.GetType() != cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS) && (strncmp(l->first.c_str(), "INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT", 26) != 0)) { this->CreateSingleVCProj(l->first.c_str(),l->second); } } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator ::CreateSingleVCProj(const char *lname, cmTarget &target) { // add to the list of projects std::string pname = lname; this->CreatedProjectNames.push_back(pname); // create the dsp.cmake file std::string fname; fname = this->Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); fname += "/"; fname += lname; fname += ".vcproj"; // save the name of the real dsp file std::string realVCProj = fname; fname += ".cmake"; std::ofstream fout(fname.c_str()); if(!fout) { cmSystemTools::Error("Error Writing ", fname.c_str()); } this->WriteVCProjFile(fout,lname,target); fout.close(); // if the dsp file has changed, then write it. cmSystemTools::CopyFileIfDifferent(fname.c_str(), realVCProj.c_str()); } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::AddVCProjBuildRule(cmTarget& tgt) { std::string dspname = tgt.GetName(); dspname += ".vcproj.cmake"; const char* dsprule = this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition("CMAKE_COMMAND"); cmCustomCommandLine commandLine; commandLine.push_back(dsprule); std::string makefileIn = this->Makefile->GetStartDirectory(); makefileIn += "/"; makefileIn += "CMakeLists.txt"; makefileIn = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(makefileIn.c_str()); std::string comment = "Building Custom Rule "; comment += makefileIn; std::string args; args = "-H"; args += this->Convert(this->Makefile->GetHomeDirectory(), START_OUTPUT, UNCHANGED, true); commandLine.push_back(args); args = "-B"; args += this->Convert(this->Makefile->GetHomeOutputDirectory(), START_OUTPUT, UNCHANGED, true); commandLine.push_back(args); std::string configFile = this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition("CMAKE_ROOT"); configFile += "/Templates/CMakeWindowsSystemConfig.cmake"; std::vector listFiles = this->Makefile->GetListFiles(); bool found = false; for(std::vector::iterator i = listFiles.begin(); i != listFiles.end(); ++i) { if(*i == configFile) { found = true; } } if(!found) { listFiles.push_back(configFile); } cmCustomCommandLines commandLines; commandLines.push_back(commandLine); const char* no_working_directory = 0; this->Makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(dspname.c_str(), listFiles, makefileIn.c_str(), commandLines, comment.c_str(), no_working_directory, true); if(cmSourceFile* file = this->Makefile->GetSource(makefileIn.c_str())) { tgt.GetSourceFiles().push_back(file); } else { cmSystemTools::Error("Error adding rule for ", makefileIn.c_str()); } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteConfigurations(std::ostream& fout, const char *libName, cmTarget &target) { std::vector *configs = static_cast (this->GlobalGenerator)->GetConfigurations(); fout << "\t\n"; for( std::vector::iterator i = configs->begin(); i != configs->end(); ++i) { this->WriteConfiguration(fout, i->c_str(), libName, target); } fout << "\t\n"; } // This is a table mapping XML tag IDE names to command line options struct cmVS7FlagTable { const char* IDEName; // name used in the IDE xml file const char* commandFlag; // command line flag const char* comment; // comment const char* value; // string value unsigned int special; // flags for special handling requests enum { UserValue = (1<<0), // flag contains a user-specified value UserIgnored = (1<<1), // ignore any user value UserRequired = (1<<2), // match only when user value is non-empty Continue = (1<<3), // continue looking for matching entries UserValueIgnored = UserValue | UserIgnored, UserValueRequired = UserValue | UserRequired }; }; // fill the table here currently the comment field is not used for // anything other than documentation NOTE: Make sure the longer // commandFlag comes FIRST! cmVS7FlagTable cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorFlagTable[] = { // option flags (some flags map to the same option) {"BasicRuntimeChecks", "GZ", "Stack frame checks", "1", 0}, {"BasicRuntimeChecks", "RTCsu", "Both stack and uninitialized checks", "3", 0}, {"BasicRuntimeChecks", "RTCs", "Stack frame checks", "1", 0}, {"BasicRuntimeChecks", "RTCu", "Uninitialized Variables ", "2", 0}, {"BasicRuntimeChecks", "RTC1", "Both stack and uninitialized checks", "3", 0}, {"DebugInformationFormat", "Z7", "debug format", "1", 0}, {"DebugInformationFormat", "Zd", "debug format", "2", 0}, {"DebugInformationFormat", "Zi", "debug format", "3", 0}, {"DebugInformationFormat", "ZI", "debug format", "4", 0}, {"EnableEnhancedInstructionSet", "arch:SSE2", "Use sse2 instructions", "2", 0}, {"EnableEnhancedInstructionSet", "arch:SSE", "Use sse instructions", "1", 0}, {"FavorSizeOrSpeed", "Ot", "Favor fast code", "1", 0}, {"FavorSizeOrSpeed", "Os", "Favor small code", "2", 0}, {"CompileAs", "TC", "Compile as c code", "1", 0}, {"CompileAs", "TP", "Compile as c++ code", "2", 0}, {"Optimization", "Od", "Non Debug", "0", 0}, {"Optimization", "O1", "Min Size", "1", 0}, {"Optimization", "O2", "Max Speed", "2", 0}, {"Optimization", "Ox", "Max Optimization", "3", 0}, {"OptimizeForProcessor", "GB", "Blended processor mode", "0", 0}, {"OptimizeForProcessor", "G5", "Pentium", "1", 0}, {"OptimizeForProcessor", "G6", "PPro PII PIII", "2", 0}, {"OptimizeForProcessor", "G7", "Pentium 4 or Athlon", "3", 0}, {"InlineFunctionExpansion", "Ob0", "no inlines", "0", 0}, {"InlineFunctionExpansion", "Ob1", "when inline keyword", "1", 0}, {"InlineFunctionExpansion", "Ob2", "any time you can inline", "2", 0}, {"RuntimeLibrary", "MTd", "Multithreded debug", "1", 0}, {"RuntimeLibrary", "MT", "Multithreded", "0", 0}, {"RuntimeLibrary", "MDd", "Multithreded dll debug", "3", 0}, {"RuntimeLibrary", "MD", "Multithreded dll", "2", 0}, {"RuntimeLibrary", "MLd", "Sinble Thread debug", "5", 0}, {"RuntimeLibrary", "ML", "Sinble Thread", "4", 0}, {"StructMemberAlignment", "Zp16", "struct align 16 byte ", "5", 0}, {"StructMemberAlignment", "Zp1", "struct align 1 byte ", "1", 0}, {"StructMemberAlignment", "Zp2", "struct align 2 byte ", "2", 0}, {"StructMemberAlignment", "Zp4", "struct align 4 byte ", "3", 0}, {"StructMemberAlignment", "Zp8", "struct align 8 byte ", "4", 0}, {"WarningLevel", "W1", "Warning level", "1", 0}, {"WarningLevel", "W2", "Warning level", "2", 0}, {"WarningLevel", "W3", "Warning level", "3", 0}, {"WarningLevel", "W4", "Warning level", "4", 0}, // Precompiled header and related options. Note that the // UsePrecompiledHeader entries are marked as "Continue" so that the // corresponding PrecompiledHeaderThrough entry can be found. {"UsePrecompiledHeader", "Yc", "Create Precompiled Header", "1", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueIgnored | cmVS7FlagTable::Continue}, {"PrecompiledHeaderThrough", "Yc", "Precompiled Header Name", "", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueRequired}, {"UsePrecompiledHeader", "YX", "Automatically Generate", "2", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueIgnored | cmVS7FlagTable::Continue}, {"PrecompiledHeaderThrough", "YX", "Precompiled Header Name", "", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueRequired}, {"UsePrecompiledHeader", "Yu", "Use Precompiled Header", "3", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueIgnored | cmVS7FlagTable::Continue}, {"PrecompiledHeaderThrough", "Yu", "Precompiled Header Name", "", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueRequired}, {"PrecompiledHeaderFile", "Fp", "Generated Precompiled Header", "", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue}, {"ForcedIncludeFiles", "FI", "Forced include files", "", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueRequired}, // boolean flags {"BufferSecurityCheck", "GS", "Buffer security check", "TRUE", 0}, {"EnableFibreSafeOptimization", "GT", "OmitFramePointers", "TRUE", 0}, {"EnableFunctionLevelLinking", "Gy", "EnableFunctionLevelLinking", "TRUE", 0}, {"EnableIntrinsicFunctions", "Oi", "EnableIntrinsicFunctions", "TRUE", 0}, {"ExceptionHandling", "EHsc", "enable c++ exceptions", "TRUE", 0}, {"ExceptionHandling", "EHa", "enable c++ exceptions", "2", 0}, {"ExceptionHandling", "GX", "enable c++ exceptions", "TRUE", 0}, {"GlobalOptimizations", "Og", "Global Optimize", "TRUE", 0}, {"ImproveFloatingPointConsistency", "Op", "ImproveFloatingPointConsistency", "TRUE", 0}, {"MinimalRebuild", "Gm", "minimal rebuild", "TRUE", 0}, {"OmitFramePointers", "Oy", "OmitFramePointers", "TRUE", 0}, {"OptimizeForWindowsApplication", "GA", "Optimize for windows", "TRUE", 0}, {"RuntimeTypeInfo", "GR", "Turn on Run time type information for c++", "TRUE", 0}, {"SmallerTypeCheck", "RTCc", "smaller type check", "TRUE", 0}, {"SuppressStartupBanner", "nologo", "SuppressStartupBanner", "TRUE", 0}, {"WarnAsError", "WX", "Treat warnings as errors", "TRUE", 0}, {0,0,0,0,0} }; cmVS7FlagTable cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorLinkFlagTable[] = { // option flags (some flags map to the same option) {"GenerateManifest", "MANIFEST:NO", "disable manifest generation", "FALSE", 0}, {"GenerateManifest", "MANIFEST", "enable manifest generation", "TRUE", 0}, {"LinkIncremental", "INCREMENTAL:NO", "link incremental", "1", 0}, {"LinkIncremental", "INCREMENTAL:YES", "link incremental", "2", 0}, {"IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames", "NODEFAULTLIB:", "default libs to ignore", "", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue}, {"IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries", "NODEFAULTLIB", "ignore all default libs", "TRUE", 0}, {0,0,0,0,0} }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions { public: // Construct an options table for a given tool. enum Tool { Compiler, Linker }; cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions(Tool tool); // Store options from command line flags. void Parse(const char* flags); // Fix the ExceptionHandling option to default to off. void FixExceptionHandlingDefault(); // Store options for verbose builds. void SetVerboseMakefile(bool verbose); // Store definitions and flags. void AddDefine(const std::string& define); void AddFlag(const char* flag, const char* value); // Check for specific options. bool UsingUnicode(); bool UsingDebugPDB(); // Write options to output. void OutputPreprocessorDefinitions(std::ostream& fout, const char* prefix, const char* suffix); void OutputFlagMap(std::ostream& fout, const char* indent); void OutputAdditionalOptions(std::ostream& fout, const char* prefix, const char* suffix); private: // create a map of xml tags to the values they should have in the output // for example, "BufferSecurityCheck" = "TRUE" // first fill this table with the values for the configuration // Debug, Release, etc, // Then parse the command line flags specified in CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS // and CMAKE_C_FLAGS // and overwrite or add new values to this map std::map FlagMap; // Preprocessor definitions. std::vector Defines; // Unrecognized flags that get no special handling. cmStdString FlagString; bool DoingDefine; cmVS7FlagTable const* FlagTable; void HandleFlag(const char* flag); }; void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteConfiguration(std::ostream& fout, const char* configName, const char *libName, cmTarget &target) { const char* mfcFlag = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_MFC_FLAG"); if(!mfcFlag) { mfcFlag = "0"; } fout << "\t\tPlatformName << "\"\n" << "\t\t\tOutputDirectory=\"" << configName << "\"\n"; // This is an internal type to Visual Studio, it seems that: // 4 == static library // 2 == dll // 1 == executable // 10 == utility const char* configType = "10"; switch(target.GetType()) { case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: configType = "4"; break; case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: configType = "2"; break; case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: configType = "1"; break; case cmTarget::UTILITY: case cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET: configType = "10"; default: break; } std::string flags; if(strcmp(configType, "10") != 0) { const char* linkLanguage = target.GetLinkerLanguage(this->GetGlobalGenerator()); if(!linkLanguage) { cmSystemTools::Error ("CMake can not determine linker language for target:", target.GetName()); return; } if(strcmp(linkLanguage, "C") == 0 || strcmp(linkLanguage, "CXX") == 0) { std::string baseFlagVar = "CMAKE_"; baseFlagVar += linkLanguage; baseFlagVar += "_FLAGS"; flags = this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition(baseFlagVar.c_str()); std::string flagVar = baseFlagVar + std::string("_") + cmSystemTools::UpperCase(configName); flags += " "; flags += this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition(flagVar.c_str()); } // set the correct language if(strcmp(linkLanguage, "C") == 0) { flags += " /TC "; } if(strcmp(linkLanguage, "CXX") == 0) { flags += " /TP "; } } // Add the target-specific flags. if(const char* targetFlags = target.GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS")) { flags += " "; flags += targetFlags; } // Get preprocessor definitions for this directory. std::string defineFlags = this->Makefile->GetDefineFlags(); // Construct a set of build options for this target. Options targetOptions(Options::Compiler); targetOptions.FixExceptionHandlingDefault(); targetOptions.Parse(flags.c_str()); targetOptions.Parse(defineFlags.c_str()); targetOptions.SetVerboseMakefile( this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE")); // Add a definition for the configuration name. std::string configDefine = "CMAKE_INTDIR=\\\""; configDefine += configName; configDefine += "\\\""; targetOptions.AddDefine(configDefine); // Add a definition for the export macro. if(target.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY || target.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) { std::string exportSymbol; if(const char* custom_export_name = target.GetProperty("DEFINE_SYMBOL")) { exportSymbol = custom_export_name; } else { std::string id = libName; id += "_EXPORTS"; exportSymbol = cmSystemTools::MakeCindentifier(id.c_str()); } targetOptions.AddDefine(exportSymbol); } // The intermediate directory name consists of a directory for the // target and a subdirectory for the configuration name. std::string intermediateDir = this->GetTargetDirectory(target); intermediateDir += "/"; intermediateDir += configName; fout << "\t\t\tIntermediateDirectory=\"" << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(intermediateDir.c_str()) << "\"\n" << "\t\t\tConfigurationType=\"" << configType << "\"\n" << "\t\t\tUseOfMFC=\"" << mfcFlag << "\"\n" << "\t\t\tATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage=\"FALSE\"\n"; // If unicode is enabled change the character set to unicode, if not // then default to MBCS. if(targetOptions.UsingUnicode()) { fout << "\t\t\tCharacterSet=\"1\">\n"; } else { fout << "\t\t\tCharacterSet=\"2\">\n"; } fout << "\t\t\t includes; this->GetIncludeDirectories(includes); std::vector::iterator i = includes.begin(); for(;i != includes.end(); ++i) { std::string ipath = this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(i->c_str()); fout << ipath << ";"; } fout << "\"\n"; targetOptions.OutputFlagMap(fout, "\t\t\t\t"); targetOptions.OutputPreprocessorDefinitions(fout, "\t\t\t\t", "\n"); fout << "\t\t\t\tAssemblerListingLocation=\"" << configName << "\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tObjectFile=\"$(IntDir)\\\"\n"; if(targetOptions.UsingDebugPDB() && (target.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE || target.GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY || target.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY || target.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY)) { fout << "\t\t\t\tProgramDataBaseFileName=\"" << target.GetDirectory(configName) << "/" << target.GetPDBName(configName) << "\"\n"; } fout << "/>\n"; // end of \n"; fout << "\t\t\tConvertToXMLOutputPath(i->c_str()); fout << ipath << ";"; } // add the -D flags to the RC tool fout << "\""; targetOptions.OutputPreprocessorDefinitions(fout, "\n\t\t\t\t", ""); fout << "/>\n"; fout << "\t\t\tPlatformName == "x64" ) { fout << "\t\t\t\tTargetEnvironment=\"3\"\n"; } else if( this->PlatformName == "ia64" ) { fout << "\t\t\t\tTargetEnvironment=\"2\"\n"; } else { fout << "\t\t\t\tTargetEnvironment=\"1\"\n"; } fout << "\t\t\t\tGenerateStublessProxies=\"TRUE\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tTypeLibraryName=\"$(InputName).tlb\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tOutputDirectory=\"$(IntDir)\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tHeaderFileName=\"$(InputName).h\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tDLLDataFileName=\"\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tInterfaceIdentifierFileName=\"$(InputName)_i.c\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tProxyFileName=\"$(InputName)_p.c\"/>\n"; // end of Version == 8 ) { fout << "\t\t\t\n"; } this->OutputTargetRules(fout, target, libName); this->OutputBuildTool(fout, configName, target); fout << "\t\t\n"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator ::GetBuildTypeLinkerFlags(std::string rootLinkerFlags, const char* configName) { std::string configTypeUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(configName); std::string extraLinkOptionsBuildTypeDef = rootLinkerFlags + "_" + configTypeUpper; std::string extraLinkOptionsBuildType = this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition (extraLinkOptionsBuildTypeDef.c_str()); return extraLinkOptionsBuildType; } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::OutputBuildTool(std::ostream& fout, const char* configName, cmTarget &target) { std::string temp; std::string extraLinkOptions; if(target.GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE) { extraLinkOptions = this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition("CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS") + std::string(" ") + GetBuildTypeLinkerFlags("CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS", configName); } if(target.GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY) { extraLinkOptions = this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition("CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS") + std::string(" ") + GetBuildTypeLinkerFlags("CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS", configName); } if(target.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) { extraLinkOptions = this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition("CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS") + std::string(" ") + GetBuildTypeLinkerFlags("CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS", configName); } const char* targetLinkFlags = target.GetProperty("LINK_FLAGS"); if(targetLinkFlags) { extraLinkOptions += " "; extraLinkOptions += targetLinkFlags; } std::string configTypeUpper = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(configName); std::string linkFlagsConfig = "LINK_FLAGS_"; linkFlagsConfig += configTypeUpper; targetLinkFlags = target.GetProperty(linkFlagsConfig.c_str()); if(targetLinkFlags) { extraLinkOptions += " "; extraLinkOptions += targetLinkFlags; } Options linkOptions(Options::Linker); linkOptions.Parse(extraLinkOptions.c_str()); switch(target.GetType()) { case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: { std::string targetNameFull = target.GetFullName(configName); std::string libpath = target.GetDirectory(configName); libpath += "/"; libpath += targetNameFull; fout << "\t\t\tConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(libpath.c_str()) << "\"/>\n"; break; } case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: { std::string targetName; std::string targetNameSO; std::string targetNameFull; std::string targetNameImport; std::string targetNamePDB; target.GetLibraryNames(targetName, targetNameSO, targetNameFull, targetNameImport, targetNamePDB, configName); // VS does not distinguish between shared libraries and module // libraries so it still wants to be given the name of an import // library for modules. if(targetNameImport.empty() && target.GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY) { targetNameImport = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(targetNameFull); targetNameImport += ".lib"; } // Compute the link library and directory information. std::vector linkLibs; std::vector linkDirs; this->ComputeLinkInformation(target, configName, linkLibs, linkDirs); // Get the language to use for linking. const char* linkLanguage = target.GetLinkerLanguage(this->GetGlobalGenerator()); if(!linkLanguage) { cmSystemTools::Error ("CMake can not determine linker language for target:", target.GetName()); return; } // Compute the variable name to lookup standard libraries for this // language. std::string standardLibsVar = "CMAKE_"; standardLibsVar += linkLanguage; standardLibsVar += "_STANDARD_LIBRARIES"; fout << "\t\t\tMakefile->GetSafeDefinition(standardLibsVar.c_str()) << " "; this->OutputLibraries(fout, linkLibs); fout << "\"\n"; temp = target.GetDirectory(configName); temp += "/"; temp += targetNameFull; fout << "\t\t\t\tOutputFile=\"" << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(temp.c_str()) << "\"\n"; this->WriteTargetVersionAttribute(fout, target); linkOptions.OutputFlagMap(fout, "\t\t\t\t"); fout << "\t\t\t\tAdditionalLibraryDirectories=\""; this->OutputLibraryDirectories(fout, linkDirs); fout << "\"\n"; this->OutputModuleDefinitionFile(fout, target); temp = target.GetDirectory(configName); temp += "/"; temp += targetNamePDB; fout << "\t\t\t\tProgramDataBaseFile=\"" << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(temp.c_str()) << "\"\n"; if(strcmp(configName, "Debug") == 0 || strcmp(configName, "RelWithDebInfo") == 0) { fout << "\t\t\t\tGenerateDebugInformation=\"TRUE\"\n"; } std::string stackVar = "CMAKE_"; stackVar += linkLanguage; stackVar += "_STACK_SIZE"; const char* stackVal = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(stackVar.c_str()); if(stackVal) { fout << "\t\t\t\tStackReserveSize=\"" << stackVal << "\"\n"; } temp = target.GetDirectory(configName, true); temp += "/"; temp += targetNameImport; fout << "\t\t\t\tImportLibrary=\"" << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(temp.c_str()) << "\"/>\n"; } break; case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: { std::string targetName; std::string targetNameFull; std::string targetNamePDB; target.GetExecutableNames(targetName, targetNameFull, targetNamePDB, configName); // Compute the link library and directory information. std::vector linkLibs; std::vector linkDirs; this->ComputeLinkInformation(target, configName, linkLibs, linkDirs); // Get the language to use for linking. const char* linkLanguage = target.GetLinkerLanguage(this->GetGlobalGenerator()); if(!linkLanguage) { cmSystemTools::Error ("CMake can not determine linker language for target:", target.GetName()); return; } // Compute the variable name to lookup standard libraries for this // language. std::string standardLibsVar = "CMAKE_"; standardLibsVar += linkLanguage; standardLibsVar += "_STANDARD_LIBRARIES"; fout << "\t\t\tMakefile->GetSafeDefinition(standardLibsVar.c_str()) << " "; this->OutputLibraries(fout, linkLibs); fout << "\"\n"; temp = target.GetDirectory(configName); temp += "/"; temp += targetNameFull; fout << "\t\t\t\tOutputFile=\"" << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(temp.c_str()) << "\"\n"; this->WriteTargetVersionAttribute(fout, target); linkOptions.OutputFlagMap(fout, "\t\t\t\t"); fout << "\t\t\t\tAdditionalLibraryDirectories=\""; this->OutputLibraryDirectories(fout, linkDirs); fout << "\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\tProgramDataBaseFile=\"" << target.GetDirectory(configName) << "/" << targetNamePDB << "\"\n"; if(strcmp(configName, "Debug") == 0 || strcmp(configName, "RelWithDebInfo") == 0) { fout << "\t\t\t\tGenerateDebugInformation=\"TRUE\"\n"; } if ( target.GetPropertyAsBool("WIN32_EXECUTABLE") ) { fout << "\t\t\t\tSubSystem=\"2\"\n"; } else { fout << "\t\t\t\tSubSystem=\"1\"\n"; } std::string stackVar = "CMAKE_"; stackVar += linkLanguage; stackVar += "_STACK_SIZE"; const char* stackVal = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(stackVar.c_str()); if(stackVal) { fout << "\t\t\t\tStackReserveSize=\"" << stackVal << "\""; } fout << "/>\n"; break; } case cmTarget::UTILITY: case cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET: break; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator ::WriteTargetVersionAttribute(std::ostream& fout, cmTarget& target) { int major; int minor; target.GetTargetVersion(major, minor); fout << "\t\t\t\tVersion=\"" << major << "." << minor << "\"\n"; } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator ::OutputModuleDefinitionFile(std::ostream& fout, cmTarget &target) { std::vector const& classes = target.GetSourceFiles(); for(std::vector::const_iterator i = classes.begin(); i != classes.end(); i++) { if(cmSystemTools::UpperCase((*i)->GetSourceExtension()) == "DEF") { fout << "\t\t\t\tModuleDefinitionFile=\"" << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath((*i)->GetFullPath().c_str()) << "\"\n"; return; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator ::OutputLibraries(std::ostream& fout, std::vector const& libs) { for(std::vector::const_iterator l = libs.begin(); l != libs.end(); ++l) { fout << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(l->c_str()) << " "; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator ::OutputLibraryDirectories(std::ostream& fout, std::vector const& dirs) { const char* comma = ""; for(std::vector::const_iterator d = dirs.begin(); d != dirs.end(); ++d) { // Remove any trailing slash and skip empty paths. std::string dir = *d; if(dir[dir.size()-1] == '/') { dir = dir.substr(0, dir.size()-1); } if(dir.empty()) { continue; } // Switch to a relative path specification if it is shorter. if(cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(dir.c_str())) { std::string rel = this->Convert(dir.c_str(), START_OUTPUT, UNCHANGED); if(rel.size() < dir.size()) { dir = rel; } } // First search a configuration-specific subdirectory and then the // original directory. fout << comma << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath((dir+"/$(OutDir)").c_str()) << "," << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(dir.c_str()); comma = ","; } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteVCProjFile(std::ostream& fout, const char *libName, cmTarget &target) { // get the configurations std::vector *configs = static_cast (this->GlobalGenerator)->GetConfigurations(); // trace the visual studio dependencies std::string name = libName; name += ".vcproj.cmake"; // We may be modifying the source groups temporarily, so make a copy. std::vector sourceGroups = this->Makefile->GetSourceGroups(); // get the classes from the source lists then add them to the groups std::vector & classes = target.GetSourceFiles(); for(std::vector::const_iterator i = classes.begin(); i != classes.end(); i++) { // Add the file to the list of sources. std::string source = (*i)->GetFullPath(); if(cmSystemTools::UpperCase((*i)->GetSourceExtension()) == "DEF") { this->ModuleDefinitionFile = (*i)->GetFullPath(); } cmSourceGroup& sourceGroup = this->Makefile->FindSourceGroup(source.c_str(), sourceGroups); sourceGroup.AssignSource(*i); } // Compute which sources need unique object computation. this->ComputeObjectNameRequirements(sourceGroups); // open the project this->WriteProjectStart(fout, libName, target, sourceGroups); // write the configuration information this->WriteConfigurations(fout, libName, target); fout << "\t\n"; // Loop through every source group. for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sourceGroups.size(); ++i) { cmSourceGroup sg = sourceGroups[i]; this->WriteGroup(&sg, target, fout, libName, configs); } //} fout << "\t\n"; // Write the VCProj file's footer. this->WriteVCProjFooter(fout); } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator ::WriteGroup(const cmSourceGroup *sg, cmTarget target, std::ostream &fout, const char *libName, std::vector *configs) { const std::vector &sourceFiles = sg->GetSourceFiles(); // If the group is empty, don't write it at all. if(sourceFiles.empty() && sg->GetGroupChildren().empty()) { return; } // If the group has a name, write the header. std::string name = sg->GetName(); if(name != "") { this->WriteVCProjBeginGroup(fout, name.c_str(), ""); } // Loop through each source in the source group. std::string objectName; for(std::vector::const_iterator sf = sourceFiles.begin(); sf != sourceFiles.end(); ++sf) { std::string source = (*sf)->GetFullPath(); const cmCustomCommand *command = (*sf)->GetCustomCommand(); std::string compileFlags; std::string additionalDeps; if(this->NeedObjectName.find(*sf) != this->NeedObjectName.end()) { objectName = this->GetObjectFileNameWithoutTarget(*(*sf)); } else { objectName = ""; } // Add per-source flags. const char* cflags = (*sf)->GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS"); if(cflags) { compileFlags += " "; compileFlags += cflags; } const char* lang = this->GlobalGenerator->GetLanguageFromExtension ((*sf)->GetSourceExtension().c_str()); const char* sourceLang = this->GetSourceFileLanguage(*(*sf)); const char* linkLanguage = target.GetLinkerLanguage (this->GetGlobalGenerator()); bool needForceLang = false; // source file does not match its extension language if(lang && sourceLang && strcmp(lang, sourceLang) != 0) { needForceLang = true; lang = sourceLang; } // If lang is set, the compiler will generate code automatically. // If HEADER_FILE_ONLY is set, we must suppress this generation in // the project file bool excludedFromBuild = (lang && (*sf)->GetPropertyAsBool("HEADER_FILE_ONLY")); // if the source file does not match the linker language // then force c or c++ if(needForceLang || (linkLanguage && lang && strcmp(lang, linkLanguage) != 0)) { if(strcmp(lang, "CXX") == 0) { // force a C++ file type compileFlags += " /TP "; } else if(strcmp(lang, "C") == 0) { // force to c compileFlags += " /TC "; } } // Check for extra object-file dependencies. const char* deps = (*sf)->GetProperty("OBJECT_DEPENDS"); if(deps) { std::vector depends; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(deps, depends); if(!depends.empty()) { std::vector::iterator i = depends.begin(); additionalDeps = this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(i->c_str()); for(++i;i != depends.end(); ++i) { additionalDeps += ";"; additionalDeps += this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(i->c_str()); } } } if (source != libName || target.GetType() == cmTarget::UTILITY || target.GetType() == cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET ) { fout << "\t\t\tConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(source.c_str()); // Tell MS-Dev what the source is. If the compiler knows how to // build it, then it will. fout << "\t\t\t\tRelativePath=\"" << d << "\">\n"; if (command) { // Construct the entire set of commands in one string. std::string script = this->ConstructScript(command->GetCommandLines(), command->GetWorkingDirectory(), command->GetEscapeOldStyle(), command->GetEscapeAllowMakeVars()); std::string comment = this->ConstructComment(*command); const char* flags = compileFlags.size() ? compileFlags.c_str(): 0; this->WriteCustomRule(fout, source.c_str(), script.c_str(), comment.c_str(), command->GetDepends(), command->GetOutputs(), flags); } else if(compileFlags.size() || additionalDeps.length() || objectName.size() || excludedFromBuild) { const char* aCompilerTool = "VCCLCompilerTool"; std::string ext = (*sf)->GetSourceExtension(); ext = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(ext); if(ext == "idl") { aCompilerTool = "VCMIDLTool"; } if(ext == "rc") { aCompilerTool = "VCResourceCompilerTool"; } if(ext == "def") { aCompilerTool = "VCCustomBuildTool"; } for(std::vector::iterator i = configs->begin(); i != configs->end(); ++i) { fout << "\t\t\t\tPlatformName << "\""; if(excludedFromBuild) { fout << " ExcludedFromBuild=\"true\""; } fout << ">\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\t\t\n" << "\t\t\t\t\n"; } } fout << "\t\t\t\n"; } } std::vector children = sg->GetGroupChildren(); for(unsigned int i=0;iWriteGroup(&children[i], target, fout, libName, configs); } // If the group has a name, write the footer. if(name != "") { this->WriteVCProjEndGroup(fout); } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator:: WriteCustomRule(std::ostream& fout, const char* source, const char* command, const char* comment, const std::vector& depends, const std::vector& outputs, const char* compileFlags) { // Write the rule for each configuration. std::vector::iterator i; std::vector *configs = static_cast (this->GlobalGenerator)->GetConfigurations(); for(i = configs->begin(); i != configs->end(); ++i) { fout << "\t\t\t\tPlatformName << "\">\n"; if(compileFlags) { fout << "\t\t\t\t\tEscapeForXML(compileFlags) << "\"/>\n"; } fout << "\t\t\t\t\tEscapeForXML(comment) << "\"\n" << "\t\t\t\t\tCommandLine=\"" << this->EscapeForXML(command) << "\"\n" << "\t\t\t\t\tAdditionalDependencies=\""; if(depends.empty()) { // There are no real dependencies. Produce an artificial one to // make sure the rule runs reliably. if(!cmSystemTools::FileExists(source)) { std::ofstream depout(source); depout << "Artificial dependency for a custom command.\n"; } fout << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(source); } else { // Write out the dependencies for the rule. std::string temp; for(std::vector::const_iterator d = depends.begin(); d != depends.end(); ++d) { // Get the real name of the dependency in case it is a CMake target. std::string dep = this->GetRealDependency(d->c_str(), i->c_str()); fout << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPath(dep.c_str()) << ";"; } } fout << "\"\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\t\tOutputs=\""; if(outputs.empty()) { fout << source << "_force"; } else { // Write a rule for the output generated by this command. const char* sep = ""; for(std::vector::const_iterator o = outputs.begin(); o != outputs.end(); ++o) { fout << sep << this->ConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(o->c_str()); sep = ";"; } } fout << "\"/>\n"; fout << "\t\t\t\t\n"; } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteVCProjBeginGroup(std::ostream& fout, const char* group, const char* ) { fout << "\t\t\n"; } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteVCProjEndGroup(std::ostream& fout) { fout << "\t\t\n"; } // look for custom rules on a target and collect them together void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator ::OutputTargetRules(std::ostream& fout, cmTarget &target, const char * /*libName*/) { if (target.GetType() > cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET) { return; } // add the pre build rules fout << "\t\t\t::const_iterator cr = target.GetPreBuildCommands().begin(); cr != target.GetPreBuildCommands().end(); ++cr) { if(!init) { fout << "\nCommandLine=\""; init = true; } else { fout << this->EscapeForXML("\n"); } std::string script = this->ConstructScript(cr->GetCommandLines(), cr->GetWorkingDirectory(), cr->GetEscapeOldStyle(), cr->GetEscapeAllowMakeVars()); fout << this->EscapeForXML(script.c_str()).c_str(); } if (init) { fout << "\""; } fout << "/>\n"; // add the pre Link rules fout << "\t\t\t::const_iterator cr = target.GetPreLinkCommands().begin(); cr != target.GetPreLinkCommands().end(); ++cr) { if(!init) { fout << "\nCommandLine=\""; init = true; } else { fout << this->EscapeForXML("\n"); } std::string script = this->ConstructScript(cr->GetCommandLines(), cr->GetWorkingDirectory(), cr->GetEscapeOldStyle(), cr->GetEscapeAllowMakeVars()); fout << this->EscapeForXML(script.c_str()).c_str(); } if (init) { fout << "\""; } fout << "/>\n"; // add the PostBuild rules fout << "\t\t\t::const_iterator cr = target.GetPostBuildCommands().begin(); cr != target.GetPostBuildCommands().end(); ++cr) { if(!init) { fout << "\nCommandLine=\""; init = true; } else { fout << this->EscapeForXML("\n"); } std::string script = this->ConstructScript(cr->GetCommandLines(), cr->GetWorkingDirectory(), cr->GetEscapeOldStyle(), cr->GetEscapeAllowMakeVars()); fout << this->EscapeForXML(script.c_str()).c_str(); } if (init) { fout << "\""; } fout << "/>\n"; } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteProjectStart(std::ostream& fout, const char *libName, cmTarget & target, std::vector &) { fout << "\n" << "Version == 71) { fout << "\tVersion=\"7.10\"\n"; } else { if (this->Version == 8) { fout << "\tVersion=\"8.00\"\n"; } else { fout << "\tVersion=\"7.00\"\n"; } } const char* projLabel = target.GetProperty("PROJECT_LABEL"); if(!projLabel) { projLabel = libName; } const char* keyword = target.GetProperty("VS_KEYWORD"); if(!keyword) { keyword = "Win32Proj"; } cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator* gg = static_cast(this->GlobalGenerator); fout << "\tName=\"" << projLabel << "\"\n"; if(this->Version == 8) { fout << "\tProjectGUID=\"{" << gg->GetGUID(libName) << "}\"\n"; } fout << "\tSccProjectName=\"\"\n" << "\tSccLocalPath=\"\"\n" << "\tKeyword=\"" << keyword << "\">\n" << "\t\n" << "\t\tPlatformName << "\"/>\n" << "\t\n"; } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteVCProjFooter(std::ostream& fout) { fout << "\t\n" << "\t\n" << "\n"; } std::string cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorEscapeForXML(const char* s) { std::string ret = s; cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, "&", "&"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, "\"", """); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, "<", "<"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, ">", ">"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, "\n", " "); return ret; } std::string cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::EscapeForXML(const char* s) { return cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorEscapeForXML(s); } std::string cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator ::ConvertToXMLOutputPath(const char* path) { std::string ret = this->ConvertToOptionallyRelativeOutputPath(path); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, "&", "&"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, "\"", """); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, "<", "<"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, ">", ">"); return ret; } std::string cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator ::ConvertToXMLOutputPathSingle(const char* path) { std::string ret = this->ConvertToOptionallyRelativeOutputPath(path); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, "\"", ""); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, "&", "&"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, "<", "<"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(ret, ">", ">"); return ret; } // This class is used to parse an existing vs 7 project // and extract the GUID class cmVS7XMLParser : public cmXMLParser { public: virtual void EndElement(const char* /* name */) { } virtual void StartElement(const char* name, const char** atts) { // once the GUID is found do nothing if(this->GUID.size()) { return; } int i =0; if(strcmp("VisualStudioProject", name) == 0) { while(atts[i]) { if(strcmp(atts[i], "ProjectGUID") == 0) { if(atts[i+1]) { this->GUID = atts[i+1]; this->GUID = this->GUID.substr(1, this->GUID.size()-2); } else { this->GUID = ""; } return; } ++i; } } } int InitializeParser() { int ret = cmXMLParser::InitializeParser(); if(ret == 0) { return ret; } // visual studio projects have a strange encoding, but it is // really utf-8 XML_SetEncoding(static_cast(this->Parser), "utf-8"); return 1; } std::string GUID; }; void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::ReadAndStoreExternalGUID( const char* name, const char* path) { cmVS7XMLParser parser; parser.ParseFile(path); // if we can not find a GUID then create one if(parser.GUID.size() == 0) { cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator* gg = static_cast(this->GlobalGenerator); gg->CreateGUID(name); return; } std::string guidStoreName = name; guidStoreName += "_GUID_CMAKE"; // save the GUID in the cache this->GlobalGenerator->GetCMakeInstance()-> AddCacheEntry(guidStoreName.c_str(), parser.GUID.c_str(), "Stored GUID", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL); } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::ConfigureFinalPass() { cmLocalGenerator::ConfigureFinalPass(); cmTargets &tgts = this->Makefile->GetTargets(); cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator* gg = static_cast(this->GlobalGenerator); for(cmTargets::iterator l = tgts.begin(); l != tgts.end(); l++) { if (strncmp(l->first.c_str(), "INCLUDE_EXTERNAL_MSPROJECT", 26) == 0) { cmCustomCommand cc = l->second.GetPostBuildCommands()[0]; const cmCustomCommandLines& cmds = cc.GetCommandLines(); std::string project_name = cmds[0][0]; this->ReadAndStoreExternalGUID(project_name.c_str(), cmds[0][1].c_str()); } else { gg->CreateGUID(l->first.c_str()); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator ::GetTargetDirectory(cmTarget& target) { std::string dir; dir += target.GetName(); dir += ".dir"; return dir; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions ::cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions(Tool tool): DoingDefine(false), FlagTable(0) { // Choose the flag table for the requested tool. switch(tool) { case Compiler: this->FlagTable = cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorFlagTable; break; case Linker: this->FlagTable = cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorLinkFlagTable; break; default: break; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions::FixExceptionHandlingDefault() { // Exception handling is on by default because the platform file has // "/EHsc" in the flags. Normally, that will override this // initialization to off, but the user has the option of removing // the flag to disable exception handling. When the user does // remove the flag we need to override the IDE default of on. this->FlagMap["ExceptionHandling"] = "FALSE"; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions::SetVerboseMakefile(bool verbose) { // If verbose makefiles have been requested and the /nologo option // was not given explicitly in the flags we want to add an attribute // to the generated project to disable logo suppression. Otherwise // the GUI default is to enable suppression. if(verbose && this->FlagMap.find("SuppressStartupBanner") == this->FlagMap.end()) { this->FlagMap["SuppressStartupBanner"] = "FALSE"; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions::AddDefine(const std::string& def) { this->Defines.push_back(def); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions::AddFlag(const char* flag, const char* value) { this->FlagMap[flag] = value; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions::UsingUnicode() { // Look for the a _UNICODE definition. for(std::vector::const_iterator di = this->Defines.begin(); di != this->Defines.end(); ++di) { if(*di == "_UNICODE") { return true; } } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions::UsingDebugPDB() { std::map::iterator mi = this->FlagMap.find("DebugInformationFormat"); if(mi != this->FlagMap.end() && mi->second != "1") { return true; } else { return false; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions::Parse(const char* flags) { // Parse the input string as a windows command line since the string // is intended for writing directly into the build files. std::vector args; cmSystemTools::ParseWindowsCommandLine(flags, args); // Process flags that need to be represented specially in the IDE // project file. for(std::vector::iterator ai = args.begin(); ai != args.end(); ++ai) { this->HandleFlag(ai->c_str()); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions::HandleFlag(const char* flag) { // If the last option was -D then this option is the definition. if(this->DoingDefine) { this->DoingDefine = false; this->Defines.push_back(flag); return; } // Look for known arguments. if(flag[0] == '-' || flag[0] == '/') { if(flag[1] == 'D') { if(flag[2] == '\0') { // The next argument will have the definition. this->DoingDefine = true; } else { // Store this definition. this->Defines.push_back(flag+2); } return; } else if(this->FlagTable) { // Look for an entry in the flag table matching this flag. bool flag_handled = false; for(cmVS7FlagTable const* entry = this->FlagTable; entry->IDEName; ++entry) { bool entry_found = false; if(entry->special & cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue) { // This flag table entry accepts a user-specified value. If // the entry specifies UserRequired we must match only if a // non-empty value is given. int n = static_cast(strlen(entry->commandFlag)); if(strncmp(flag+1, entry->commandFlag, n) == 0 && (!(entry->special & cmVS7FlagTable::UserRequired) || static_cast(strlen(flag+1)) > n)) { if(entry->special & cmVS7FlagTable::UserIgnored) { // Ignore the user-specified value. this->FlagMap[entry->IDEName] = entry->value; } else { // Use the user-specified value. this->FlagMap[entry->IDEName] = flag+1+n; } entry_found = true; } } else if(strcmp(flag+1, entry->commandFlag) == 0) { // This flag table entry provides a fixed value. this->FlagMap[entry->IDEName] = entry->value; entry_found = true; } // If the flag has been handled by an entry not requesting a // search continuation we are done. if(entry_found && !(entry->special & cmVS7FlagTable::Continue)) { return; } // If the entry was found the flag has been handled. flag_handled = flag_handled || entry_found; } // If any map entry handled the flag we are done. if(flag_handled) { return; } } } // This option is not known. Store it in the output flags. this->FlagString += " "; this->FlagString += cmSystemTools::EscapeWindowsShellArgument(flag, cmsysSystem_Shell_Flag_VSIDE); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions ::OutputPreprocessorDefinitions(std::ostream& fout, const char* prefix, const char* suffix) { if(this->Defines.empty()) { return; } fout << prefix << "PreprocessorDefinitions=\""; const char* comma = ""; for(std::vector::const_iterator di = this->Defines.begin(); di != this->Defines.end(); ++di) { // Escape this flag for the IDE. std::string define = cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorEscapeForXML(di->c_str()); // Old comment: // Double-quotes in the value of the definition must be escaped // with a backslash. The entire definition should be quoted in // the generated xml attribute to avoid confusing the VS parser. // Write this flag. Quote it if the definition is not // alphanumeric. if(define.find_first_not_of( "-_abcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890ABCDEFGHIGKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") != define.npos) { fout << comma << """ << define << """; } else { fout << comma << define; } comma = ","; } fout << "\"" << suffix; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions ::OutputFlagMap(std::ostream& fout, const char* indent) { for(std::map::iterator m = this->FlagMap.begin(); m != this->FlagMap.end(); ++m) { fout << indent << m->first << "=\"" << m->second << "\"\n"; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorOptions ::OutputAdditionalOptions(std::ostream& fout, const char* prefix, const char* suffix) { if(!this->FlagString.empty()) { fout << prefix << "AdditionalOptions=\""; fout << cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorEscapeForXML(this->FlagString.c_str()); fout << "\"" << suffix; } } void cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator:: GetTargetObjectFileDirectories(cmTarget* target, std::vector& dirs) { std::string dir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); dir += "/"; dir += this->GetTargetDirectory(*target); dir += "/"; dir += this->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetCMakeCFGInitDirectory(); std::cerr << dir << "\n"; dirs.push_back(dir); } // return the source name for the object file std::string cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator::GetSourceObjectName(cmSourceFile& sf ) { std::string ret = sf.GetSourceName(); std::string::size_type pos = ret.find("/"); if(pos == ret.npos) { return ret; } return ret.substr(pos+1); }