#include "cmStandardIncludes.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cmSystemTools.h"
#include "cmParseCacheCoverage.h"
#include <cmsys/Directory.hxx>
#include <cmsys/Glob.hxx>
#include <cmsys/FStream.hxx>

  cmCTestCoverageHandlerContainer& cont,
  cmCTest* ctest)
  :cmParseMumpsCoverage(cont, ctest)

bool cmParseCacheCoverage::LoadCoverageData(const char* d)
  // load all the .mcov files in the specified directory
  cmsys::Directory dir;
    return false;
  size_t numf;
  unsigned int i;
  numf = dir.GetNumberOfFiles();
  for (i = 0; i < numf; i++)
    std::string file = dir.GetFile(i);
    if(file != "." && file != ".."
       && !cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(file))
      std::string path = d;
      path += "/";
      path += file;
      if(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(path) == ".cmcov")
          return false;
  return true;

// not currently used, but leave it in case we want it in the future
void cmParseCacheCoverage::RemoveUnCoveredFiles()
  // loop over the coverage data computed and remove all files
  // that only have -1 or 0 for the lines.
  cmCTestCoverageHandlerContainer::TotalCoverageMap::iterator ci =
  while(ci != this->Coverage.TotalCoverage.end())
    cmCTestCoverageHandlerContainer::SingleFileCoverageVector& v =
    bool nothing = true;
    for(cmCTestCoverageHandlerContainer::SingleFileCoverageVector::iterator i=
          v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i)
      if(*i > 0)
        nothing = false;
      cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT,
                 "No coverage found in: " << ci->first
                 << std::endl);

bool cmParseCacheCoverage::SplitString(std::vector<std::string>& args,
                                       std::string const& line)
  std::string::size_type pos1 = 0;
  std::string::size_type pos2 = line.find(',', 0);
  if(pos2 == std::string::npos)
    return false;
  std::string arg;
  while(pos2 != std::string::npos)
    arg = line.substr(pos1, pos2-pos1);
    pos1 = pos2+1;
    pos2 = line.find(',',pos1);
  arg = line.substr(pos1);
  return true;

bool cmParseCacheCoverage::ReadCMCovFile(const char* file)
  cmsys::ifstream in(file);
    cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE,
               "Can not open : "
               << file << "\n");
    return false;
  std::string line;
  std::vector<std::string> separateLine;
  if(!cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(in, line))
    cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE,
               "Empty file : "
               << file << "  referenced in this line of cmcov data:\n"
               "[" << line << "]\n");
    return false;
  this->SplitString(separateLine, line);
  if(separateLine.size() !=4 || separateLine[0] != "Routine"
     || separateLine[1] != "Line" || separateLine[2] != "RtnLine"
     || separateLine[3] != "Code")
    cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE,
               "Bad first line of cmcov file : "
               << file << "  line:\n"
               "[" << line << "]\n");
  std::string routine;
  std::string filepath;
  while(cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(in, line))
    // clear out line argument vector
    // parse the comma separated line
    this->SplitString(separateLine, line);
    // might have more because code could have a quoted , in it
    // but we only care about the first 3 args anyway
    if(separateLine.size() < 4)
      cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE,
                 "Bad line of cmcov file expected at least 4 found: "
                 << separateLine.size() << " "
                 << file << "  line:\n"
                 "[" << line << "]\n");
      for(std::string::size_type i = 0; i < separateLine.size(); ++i)
        cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE,""
                   << separateLine[1] << " ");
      cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "\n");
      return false;
    // if we do not have a routine yet, then it should be
    // the first argument in the vector
    if(routine.size() == 0)
      routine = separateLine[0];
      // Find the full path to the file
      if(!this->FindMumpsFile(routine, filepath))
        cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE,
                   "Could not find mumps file for routine: "
                   << routine << "\n");
        filepath = "";
        continue; // move to next line
    // if we have a routine name, check for end of routine
      // Totals in arg 0 marks the end of a routine
      if(separateLine[0].substr(0, 6) == "Totals")
        routine = ""; // at the end of this routine
        filepath = "";
        continue; // move to next line
    // if the file path was not found for the routine
    // move to next line. We should have already warned
    // after the call to FindMumpsFile that we did not find
    // it, so don't report again to cut down on output
    if(filepath.size() == 0)
    // now we are ready to set the coverage from the line of data
      coverageVector = this->Coverage.TotalCoverage[filepath];
    std::string::size_type linenumber = atoi(separateLine[1].c_str()) -1;
    int count = atoi(separateLine[2].c_str());
    if(linenumber > coverageVector.size())
      cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE,
                 "Parse error line is greater than number of lines in file: "
                 << linenumber << " " << filepath << "\n");
      continue; // skip setting count to avoid crash
    // now add to count for linenumber
    // for some reason the cache coverage adds extra lines to the
    // end of the file in some cases. Since they do not exist, we will
    // mark them as non executable
    while(linenumber >= coverageVector.size())
    // Accounts for lines that were previously marked
    // as non-executable code (-1). if the parser comes back with
    // a non-zero count, increase the count by 1 to push the line
    // into the executable code set in addition to the count found.
    if(coverageVector[linenumber] == -1 &&
        count > 0)
        coverageVector[linenumber] += count+1;
        coverageVector[linenumber] += count;
  return true;