Note that it is not advisable to populate the |INTERFACE_PROPERTY_LINK| of a target with paths for dependencies. That would hard-code into installed packages the include directory paths for dependencies **as found on the machine the package was made on**. That is, code like this is incorrect for targets which will be used to generate :manual:`cmake-packages(7)`: .. code-block:: cmake target_link_libraries(mylib INTERFACE ${Boost_LIBRARIES};${OtherDep_LIBRARIES} ) Dependencies must provide their own :ref:`IMPORTED targets ` which have their own :prop_tgt:`IMPORTED_LOCATION` populated appropriately. That way, when a consumer uses the installed package, the consumer will run the appropriate :command:`find_package` command to find the dependencies on their own machine and populate the :ref:`IMPORTED targets ` with appropriate paths. See :ref:`Creating Packages` for more. Note that many modules currently shipped with CMake do not currently provide :ref:`IMPORTED targets `.