# Leave the first line of this file empty so this module will not be # included in the documentation. # This script is invoked from Windows-cl.cmake and passed the TARGET # variable on the command line. # Conditionally embed the manifest in the executable if it exists. IF(EXISTS "${TARGET}.manifest") # Construct the manifest embedding command. SET(CMD mt ${CMAKE_CL_NOLOGO} /manifest ${TARGET}.manifest /outputresource:${TARGET} ) # Run the embedding command. EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${CMD}\;\#2 RESULT_VARIABLE RESULT) # Check whether the command failed. IF(NOT "${RESULT}" MATCHES "^0$") # The embedding failed remove the target and the manifest. FILE(REMOVE ${TARGET} ${TARGET}.manifest) # Describe the failure in a message. STRING(REGEX REPLACE ";" " " CMD "${CMD}") MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to embed manifest in ${TARGET} using command \"${CMD};#2\"" ) ENDIF(NOT "${RESULT}" MATCHES "^0$") ENDIF(EXISTS "${TARGET}.manifest")