/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmCTestCoverageHandler.h" #include "cmCTest.h" #include "cmake.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmGlob.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define SAFEDIV(x,y) (((y)!=0)?((x)/(y)):(0)) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- cmCTestCoverageHandler::cmCTestCoverageHandler() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmCTestCoverageHandler::Initialize() { this->Superclass::Initialize(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmCTestCoverageHandler::StartCoverageLogFile(cmGeneratedFileStream& covLogFile, int logFileCount) { char covLogFilename[1024]; sprintf(covLogFilename, "CoverageLog-%d", logFileCount); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, "Open file: " << covLogFilename << std::endl); if (!this->StartResultingXML(covLogFilename, covLogFile) ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Cannot open log file: " << covLogFilename << std::endl); return false; } std::string local_start_time = m_CTest->CurrentTime(); m_CTest->StartXML(covLogFile); covLogFile << "" << std::endl << "\t" << local_start_time << "" << std::endl; return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmCTestCoverageHandler::EndCoverageLogFile(cmGeneratedFileStream& ostr, int logFileCount) { std::string local_end_time = m_CTest->CurrentTime(); ostr << "\t" << local_end_time << "" << std::endl << "" << std::endl; m_CTest->EndXML(ostr); char covLogFilename[1024]; sprintf(covLogFilename, "CoverageLog-%d.xml", logFileCount); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, "Close file: " << covLogFilename << std::endl); ostr.close(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmCTestCoverageHandler::ShouldIDoCoverage(const char* file, const char* srcDir, const char* binDir) { std::string fSrcDir = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(srcDir); std::string fBinDir = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(binDir); std::string fFile = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(file); bool sourceSubDir = cmSystemTools::IsSubDirectory(fFile.c_str(), fSrcDir.c_str()); bool buildSubDir = cmSystemTools::IsSubDirectory(fFile.c_str(), fBinDir.c_str()); // Always check parent directory of the file. std::string fileDir = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(fFile.c_str()); std::string checkDir; // We also need to check the binary/source directory pair. if ( sourceSubDir && buildSubDir ) { if ( fSrcDir.size() > fBinDir.size() ) { checkDir = fSrcDir; } else { checkDir = fBinDir; } } else if ( sourceSubDir ) { checkDir = fSrcDir; } else if ( buildSubDir ) { checkDir = fBinDir; } std::string ndc = cmSystemTools::FileExistsInParentDirectories(".NoDartCoverage", fFile.c_str(), checkDir.c_str()); if ( ndc.size() ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, "Found: " << ndc.c_str() << " so skip coverage of " << file << std::endl); return false; } // By now checkDir should be set to parent directory of the file. // Get the relative path to the file an apply it to the opposite directory. // If it is the same as fileDir, then ignore, otherwise check. std::string relPath = cmSystemTools::RelativePath(checkDir.c_str(), fFile.c_str()); if ( checkDir == fSrcDir ) { checkDir = fBinDir; } else { checkDir = fSrcDir; } fFile = checkDir + "/" + relPath; fFile = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(fFile.c_str()); if ( fileDir == fFile ) { // This is in-source build, so we trust the previous check. return true; } ndc = cmSystemTools::FileExistsInParentDirectories(".NoDartCoverage", fFile.c_str(), checkDir.c_str()); if ( ndc.size() ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, "Found: " << ndc.c_str() << " so skip coverage of: " << file << std::endl); return false; } // Ok, nothing in source tree, nothing in binary tree return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //clearly it would be nice if this were broken up into a few smaller //functions and commented... int cmCTestCoverageHandler::ProcessHandler() { int error = 0; std::string sourceDir = m_CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("SourceDirectory"); std::string binaryDir = m_CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("BuildDirectory"); std::string gcovCommand = m_CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("CoverageCommand"); cmGeneratedFileStream ofs; double elapsed_time_start = cmSystemTools::GetTime(); if ( !this->StartLogFile("Coverage", ofs) ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Cannot create LastCoverage.log file" << std::endl); } ofs << "Performing coverage: " << elapsed_time_start << std::endl; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(sourceDir); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(binaryDir); //std::string asfGlob = sourceDir + "/*"; //std::string abfGlob = binaryDir + "/*"; std::string daGlob = binaryDir + "/*.da"; std::string gcovOutputRex = "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+% of [0-9]+ (source |)lines executed in file (.*)$"; std::string gcovOutputRex2 = "^Creating (.*\\.gcov)\\."; cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "Performing coverage" << std::endl); std::string coverage_start_time = m_CTest->CurrentTime(); std::string testingDir = m_CTest->GetBinaryDir() + "/Testing"; std::string tempDir = testingDir + "/CoverageInfo"; std::string currentDirectory = cmSystemTools::GetCurrentWorkingDirectory(); cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(tempDir.c_str()); cmSystemTools::ChangeDirectory(tempDir.c_str()); cmGlob gl; gl.RecurseOn(); gl.FindFiles(daGlob); std::vector files = gl.GetFiles(); std::vector::iterator it; if ( files.size() == 0 ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, " Cannot find any coverage files." << std::endl); // No coverage files is a valid thing, so the exit code is 0 return 0; } // Regular expressions for output of gcov cmsys::RegularExpression re(gcovOutputRex.c_str()); cmsys::RegularExpression re2(gcovOutputRex2.c_str()); typedef std::vector singleFileCoverageVector; typedef std::map totalCoverageMap; totalCoverageMap totalCoverage; std::string cfile = ""; for ( it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++ it ) { std::string fileDir = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(it->c_str()); std::string command = "\"" + gcovCommand + "\" -l -o \"" + fileDir + "\" \"" + *it + "\""; cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, command.c_str() << std::endl); std::string output = ""; std::string errors = ""; int retVal = 0; ofs << "* Run coverage for: " << fileDir.c_str() << std::endl; ofs << " Command: " << command.c_str() << std::endl; int res = m_CTest->RunCommand(command.c_str(), &output, &errors, &retVal, tempDir.c_str(), 0 /*m_TimeOut*/); ofs << " Output: " << output.c_str() << std::endl; ofs << " Errors: " << errors.c_str() << std::endl; if ( ! res ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Problem running coverage on file: " << it->c_str() << std::endl); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Command produced error: " << error << std::endl); error ++; continue; } if ( retVal != 0 ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Coverage command returned: " << retVal << " while processing: " << it->c_str() << std::endl); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Command produced error: " << error << std::endl); } std::vector lines; std::vector::iterator line; cmSystemTools::Split(output.c_str(), lines); for ( line = lines.begin(); line != lines.end(); ++line) { if ( re.find(line->c_str()) ) { cfile = ""; std::string file = re.match(2); // Is it in the source dir? if ( file.size() > sourceDir.size() && file.substr(0, sourceDir.size()) == sourceDir && file[sourceDir.size()] == '/' ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, " produced s: " << file.c_str() << std::endl); ofs << " produced in source dir: " << file.c_str() << std::endl; cfile = file; } // Binary dir? if ( file.size() > binaryDir.size() && file.substr(0, binaryDir.size()) == binaryDir && file[binaryDir.size()] == '/' ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, " produce b: " << file.c_str() << std::endl); ofs << " produced in binary dir: " << file.c_str() << std::endl; cfile = file; } if ( cfile.empty() ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Something went wrong" << std::endl); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "File: [" << file << "]" << std::endl); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "s: [" << file.substr(0, sourceDir.size()) << "]" << std::endl); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "b: [" << file.substr(0, binaryDir.size()) << "]" << std::endl); ofs << " Something went wrong. Cannot find: " << file.c_str() << " in source dir: " << sourceDir.c_str() << " or binary dir: " << binaryDir.c_str() << std::endl; } } else if ( re2.find(line->c_str() ) ) { std::string fname = re2.match(1); if ( cfile.size() ) { singleFileCoverageVector* vec = &totalCoverage[cfile]; cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_VERBOSE_OUTPUT, " in file: " << fname << std::endl); ofs << " In file: " << fname << std::endl; std::ifstream ifile(fname.c_str()); if ( ! ifile ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Cannot open file: " << fname << std::endl); } else { long cnt = -1; std::string nl; while ( cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(ifile, nl) ) { cnt ++; if ( vec->size() <= static_cast(cnt) ) { vec->push_back(-1); } //TODO: Handle gcov 3.0 non-coverage lines // Skip empty lines if ( !nl.size() ) { continue; } // Skip unused lines if ( nl[0] == '\t' || nl.size() < 12 ) { continue; } std::string prefix = nl.substr(0, 12); int cov = atoi(prefix.c_str()); (*vec)[cnt] += cov; } } } } else { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Unknown line: " << line->c_str() << std::endl); ofs << " Unknown line: " << line->c_str() << std::endl; error ++; } } } cmGeneratedFileStream covSumFile; cmGeneratedFileStream covLogFile; if (!this->StartResultingXML("Coverage", covSumFile)) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Cannot open coverage summary file." << std::endl); return -1; } m_CTest->StartXML(covSumFile); // Produce output xml files covSumFile << "" << std::endl << "\t" << coverage_start_time << "" << std::endl; int logFileCount = 0; if ( !this->StartCoverageLogFile(covLogFile, logFileCount) ) { return -1; } totalCoverageMap::iterator fileIterator; int cnt = 0; long total_tested = 0; long total_untested = 0; //std::string fullSourceDir = sourceDir + "/"; //std::string fullBinaryDir = binaryDir + "/"; for ( fileIterator = totalCoverage.begin(); fileIterator != totalCoverage.end(); ++fileIterator ) { if ( cnt == 100 ) { cnt = 0; this->EndCoverageLogFile(covLogFile, logFileCount); logFileCount ++; if ( !this->StartCoverageLogFile(covLogFile, logFileCount) ) { return -1; } } const std::string fullFileName = fileIterator->first; const std::string fileName = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(fullFileName.c_str()); std::string fullFilePath = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(fullFileName.c_str()); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Process file: " << fullFileName << std::endl); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(fullFilePath); if ( !cmSystemTools::FileExists(fullFileName.c_str()) ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Cannot find file: " << fullFileName.c_str() << std::endl); continue; } bool shouldIDoCoverage = this->ShouldIDoCoverage(fullFileName.c_str(), sourceDir.c_str(), binaryDir.c_str()); if ( !shouldIDoCoverage ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, ".NoDartCoverage found, so skip coverage check for: " << fullFileName.c_str() << std::endl); continue; } const singleFileCoverageVector& fcov = fileIterator->second; covLogFile << "\tMakeXMLSafe(fileName.c_str()) << "\" FullPath=\"" << m_CTest->MakeXMLSafe(m_CTest->GetShortPathToFile( fileIterator->first.c_str())) << "\">" << std::endl << "\t\t" << std::endl; std::ifstream ifs(fullFileName.c_str()); if ( !ifs) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Cannot open source file: " << fullFileName.c_str() << std::endl); error ++; continue; } int tested = 0; int untested = 0; singleFileCoverageVector::size_type cc; std::string line; for ( cc= 0; cc < fcov.size(); cc ++ ) { if ( !cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(ifs, line) ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Problem reading source file: " << fullFileName.c_str() << " line:" << cc << std::endl); error ++; break; } covLogFile << "\t\t" << m_CTest->MakeXMLSafe(line.c_str()) << "" << std::endl; if ( fcov[cc] == 0 ) { untested ++; } else if ( fcov[cc] > 0 ) { tested ++; } } if ( cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(ifs, line) ) { cmCTestLog(m_CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, "Looks like there are more lines in the file: " << line << std::endl); } float cper = 0; float cmet = 0; if ( tested + untested > 0 ) { cper = (100 * SAFEDIV(static_cast(tested), static_cast(tested + untested))); cmet = ( SAFEDIV(static_cast(tested + 10), static_cast(tested + untested + 10))); } total_tested += tested; total_untested += untested; covLogFile << "\t\t" << std::endl << "\t" << std::endl; covSumFile << "\tMakeXMLSafe(fileName) << "\" FullPath=\"" << m_CTest->MakeXMLSafe( m_CTest->GetShortPathToFile(fullFileName.c_str())) << "\" Covered=\"" << (cmet>0?"true":"false") << "\">\n" << "\t\t" << tested << "\n" << "\t\t" << untested << "\n" << "\t\t"; covSumFile.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield); covSumFile.precision(2); covSumFile << (cper) << "\n" << "\t\t"; covSumFile.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield); covSumFile.precision(2); covSumFile << (cmet) << "\n" << "\t" << std::endl; cnt ++; } this->EndCoverageLogFile(covLogFile, logFileCount); int total_lines = total_tested + total_untested; float percent_coverage = 100 * SAFEDIV(static_cast(total_tested), static_cast(total_lines)); if ( total_lines == 0 ) { percent_coverage = 0; } std::string end_time = m_CTest->CurrentTime(); covSumFile << "\t" << total_tested << "\n" << "\t" << total_untested << "\n" << "\t" << total_lines << "\n" << "\t"; covSumFile.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield); covSumFile.precision(2); covSumFile << (percent_coverage)<< "\n" << "\t" << end_time << "\n"; covSumFile << "" << static_cast((cmSystemTools::GetTime() - elapsed_time_start)/6)/10.0 << "" << "" << std::endl; m_CTest->EndXML(covSumFile); cmCTestLog(m_CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, "\tCovered LOC: " << total_tested << std::endl << "\tNot covered LOC: " << total_untested << std::endl << "\tTotal LOC: " << total_lines << std::endl << "\tPercentage Coverage: " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(2) << (percent_coverage) << "%" << std::endl); ofs << "\tCovered LOC: " << total_tested << std::endl << "\tNot covered LOC: " << total_untested << std::endl << "\tTotal LOC: " << total_lines << std::endl << "\tPercentage Coverage: " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(2) << (percent_coverage) << "%" << std::endl; cmSystemTools::ChangeDirectory(currentDirectory.c_str()); if ( error ) { return -1; } return 0; }