#.rst: # FindPackageHandleStandardArgs # ----------------------------- # # # # FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS( ... ) # # This function is intended to be used in FindXXX.cmake modules files. # It handles the REQUIRED, QUIET and version-related arguments to # find_package(). It also sets the _FOUND variable. The # package is considered found if all variables ... listed contain # valid results, e.g. valid filepaths. # # There are two modes of this function. The first argument in both # modes is the name of the Find-module where it is called (in original # casing). # # The first simple mode looks like this: # # :: # # FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS( (DEFAULT_MSG|"Custom failure message") ... ) # # If the variables to are all valid, then # _FOUND will be set to TRUE. If DEFAULT_MSG is given # as second argument, then the function will generate itself useful # success and error messages. You can also supply a custom error # message for the failure case. This is not recommended. # # The second mode is more powerful and also supports version checking: # # :: # # FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(NAME [FOUND_VAR ] # [REQUIRED_VARS ...] # [VERSION_VAR ] # [HANDLE_COMPONENTS] # [CONFIG_MODE] # [FAIL_MESSAGE "Custom failure message"] ) # # # # In this mode, the name of the result-variable can be set either to # either _FOUND or _FOUND using the # FOUND_VAR option. Other names for the result-variable are not # allowed. So for a Find-module named FindFooBar.cmake, the two # possible names are FooBar_FOUND and FOOBAR_FOUND. It is recommended # to use the original case version. If the FOUND_VAR option is not # used, the default is _FOUND. # # As in the simple mode, if through are all valid, # _FOUND will be set to TRUE. After REQUIRED_VARS the # variables which are required for this package are listed. Following # VERSION_VAR the name of the variable can be specified which holds the # version of the package which has been found. If this is done, this # version will be checked against the (potentially) specified required # version used in the find_package() call. The EXACT keyword is also # handled. The default messages include information about the required # version and the version which has been actually found, both if the # version is ok or not. If the package supports components, use the # HANDLE_COMPONENTS option to enable handling them. In this case, # find_package_handle_standard_args() will report which components have # been found and which are missing, and the _FOUND variable # will be set to FALSE if any of the required components (i.e. not the # ones listed after OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS) are missing. Use the option # CONFIG_MODE if your FindXXX.cmake module is a wrapper for a # find_package(... NO_MODULE) call. In this case VERSION_VAR will be # set to _VERSION and the macro will automatically check whether # the Config module was found. Via FAIL_MESSAGE a custom failure # message can be specified, if this is not used, the default message # will be displayed. # # Example for mode 1: # # :: # # find_package_handle_standard_args(LibXml2 DEFAULT_MSG LIBXML2_LIBRARY LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR) # # # # LibXml2 is considered to be found, if both LIBXML2_LIBRARY and # LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR are valid. Then also LIBXML2_FOUND is set to # TRUE. If it is not found and REQUIRED was used, it fails with # FATAL_ERROR, independent whether QUIET was used or not. If it is # found, success will be reported, including the content of . On # repeated Cmake runs, the same message won't be printed again. # # Example for mode 2: # # :: # # find_package_handle_standard_args(LibXslt FOUND_VAR LibXslt_FOUND # REQUIRED_VARS LibXslt_LIBRARIES LibXslt_INCLUDE_DIRS # VERSION_VAR LibXslt_VERSION_STRING) # # In this case, LibXslt is considered to be found if the variable(s) # listed after REQUIRED_VAR are all valid, i.e. LibXslt_LIBRARIES and # LibXslt_INCLUDE_DIRS in this case. The result will then be stored in # LibXslt_FOUND . Also the version of LibXslt will be checked by using # the version contained in LibXslt_VERSION_STRING. Since no # FAIL_MESSAGE is given, the default messages will be printed. # # Another example for mode 2: # # :: # # find_package(Automoc4 QUIET NO_MODULE HINTS /opt/automoc4) # find_package_handle_standard_args(Automoc4 CONFIG_MODE) # # In this case, FindAutmoc4.cmake wraps a call to find_package(Automoc4 # NO_MODULE) and adds an additional search directory for automoc4. Here # the result will be stored in AUTOMOC4_FOUND. The following # FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS() call produces a proper # success/error message. #============================================================================= # Copyright 2007-2009 Kitware, Inc. # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/FindPackageMessage.cmake) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CMakeParseArguments.cmake) # internal helper macro macro(_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE _msg) if (${_NAME}_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "${_msg}") else () if (NOT ${_NAME}_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "${_msg}") endif () endif () endmacro() # internal helper macro to generate the failure message when used in CONFIG_MODE: macro(_FPHSA_HANDLE_FAILURE_CONFIG_MODE) # _CONFIG is set, but FOUND is false, this means that some other of the REQUIRED_VARS was not found: if(${_NAME}_CONFIG) _FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE("${FPHSA_FAIL_MESSAGE}: missing: ${MISSING_VARS} (found ${${_NAME}_CONFIG} ${VERSION_MSG})") else() # If _CONSIDERED_CONFIGS is set, the config-file has been found, but no suitable version. # List them all in the error message: if(${_NAME}_CONSIDERED_CONFIGS) set(configsText "") list(LENGTH ${_NAME}_CONSIDERED_CONFIGS configsCount) math(EXPR configsCount "${configsCount} - 1") foreach(currentConfigIndex RANGE ${configsCount}) list(GET ${_NAME}_CONSIDERED_CONFIGS ${currentConfigIndex} filename) list(GET ${_NAME}_CONSIDERED_VERSIONS ${currentConfigIndex} version) set(configsText "${configsText} ${filename} (version ${version})\n") endforeach() if (${_NAME}_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE) set(configsText "${configsText} Reason given by package: ${${_NAME}_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE}\n") endif() _FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE("${FPHSA_FAIL_MESSAGE} ${VERSION_MSG}, checked the following files:\n${configsText}") else() # Simple case: No Config-file was found at all: _FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE("${FPHSA_FAIL_MESSAGE}: found neither ${_NAME}Config.cmake nor ${_NAME_LOWER}-config.cmake ${VERSION_MSG}") endif() endif() endmacro() function(FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS _NAME _FIRST_ARG) # set up the arguments for CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS and check whether we are in # new extended or in the "old" mode: set(options CONFIG_MODE HANDLE_COMPONENTS) set(oneValueArgs FAIL_MESSAGE VERSION_VAR FOUND_VAR) set(multiValueArgs REQUIRED_VARS) set(_KEYWORDS_FOR_EXTENDED_MODE ${options} ${oneValueArgs} ${multiValueArgs} ) list(FIND _KEYWORDS_FOR_EXTENDED_MODE "${_FIRST_ARG}" INDEX) if(${INDEX} EQUAL -1) set(FPHSA_FAIL_MESSAGE ${_FIRST_ARG}) set(FPHSA_REQUIRED_VARS ${ARGN}) set(FPHSA_VERSION_VAR) else() CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(FPHSA "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${_FIRST_ARG} ${ARGN}) if(FPHSA_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown keywords given to FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(): \"${FPHSA_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}\"") endif() if(NOT FPHSA_FAIL_MESSAGE) set(FPHSA_FAIL_MESSAGE "DEFAULT_MSG") endif() endif() # now that we collected all arguments, process them if("x${FPHSA_FAIL_MESSAGE}" STREQUAL "xDEFAULT_MSG") set(FPHSA_FAIL_MESSAGE "Could NOT find ${_NAME}") endif() # In config-mode, we rely on the variable _CONFIG, which is set by find_package() # when it successfully found the config-file, including version checking: if(FPHSA_CONFIG_MODE) list(INSERT FPHSA_REQUIRED_VARS 0 ${_NAME}_CONFIG) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES FPHSA_REQUIRED_VARS) set(FPHSA_VERSION_VAR ${_NAME}_VERSION) endif() if(NOT FPHSA_REQUIRED_VARS) message(FATAL_ERROR "No REQUIRED_VARS specified for FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS()") endif() list(GET FPHSA_REQUIRED_VARS 0 _FIRST_REQUIRED_VAR) string(TOUPPER ${_NAME} _NAME_UPPER) string(TOLOWER ${_NAME} _NAME_LOWER) if(FPHSA_FOUND_VAR) if(FPHSA_FOUND_VAR MATCHES "^${_NAME}_FOUND$" OR FPHSA_FOUND_VAR MATCHES "^${_NAME_UPPER}_FOUND$") set(_FOUND_VAR ${FPHSA_FOUND_VAR}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "The argument for FOUND_VAR is \"${FPHSA_FOUND_VAR}\", but only \"${_NAME}_FOUND\" and \"${_NAME_UPPER}_FOUND\" are valid names.") endif() else() set(_FOUND_VAR ${_NAME_UPPER}_FOUND) endif() # collect all variables which were not found, so they can be printed, so the # user knows better what went wrong (#6375) set(MISSING_VARS "") set(DETAILS "") # check if all passed variables are valid unset(${_FOUND_VAR}) foreach(_CURRENT_VAR ${FPHSA_REQUIRED_VARS}) if(NOT ${_CURRENT_VAR}) set(${_FOUND_VAR} FALSE) set(MISSING_VARS "${MISSING_VARS} ${_CURRENT_VAR}") else() set(DETAILS "${DETAILS}[${${_CURRENT_VAR}}]") endif() endforeach() if(NOT "${${_FOUND_VAR}}" STREQUAL "FALSE") set(${_FOUND_VAR} TRUE) endif() # component handling unset(FOUND_COMPONENTS_MSG) unset(MISSING_COMPONENTS_MSG) if(FPHSA_HANDLE_COMPONENTS) foreach(comp ${${_NAME}_FIND_COMPONENTS}) if(${_NAME}_${comp}_FOUND) if(NOT DEFINED FOUND_COMPONENTS_MSG) set(FOUND_COMPONENTS_MSG "found components: ") endif() set(FOUND_COMPONENTS_MSG "${FOUND_COMPONENTS_MSG} ${comp}") else() if(NOT DEFINED MISSING_COMPONENTS_MSG) set(MISSING_COMPONENTS_MSG "missing components: ") endif() set(MISSING_COMPONENTS_MSG "${MISSING_COMPONENTS_MSG} ${comp}") if(${_NAME}_FIND_REQUIRED_${comp}) set(${_FOUND_VAR} FALSE) set(MISSING_VARS "${MISSING_VARS} ${comp}") endif() endif() endforeach() set(COMPONENT_MSG "${FOUND_COMPONENTS_MSG} ${MISSING_COMPONENTS_MSG}") set(DETAILS "${DETAILS}[c${COMPONENT_MSG}]") endif() # version handling: set(VERSION_MSG "") set(VERSION_OK TRUE) set(VERSION ${${FPHSA_VERSION_VAR}}) # check with DEFINED here as the requested or found version may be "0" if (DEFINED ${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION) if(DEFINED ${FPHSA_VERSION_VAR}) if(${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION_EXACT) # exact version required # count the dots in the version string string(REGEX REPLACE "[^.]" "" _VERSION_DOTS "${VERSION}") # add one dot because there is one dot more than there are components string(LENGTH "${_VERSION_DOTS}." _VERSION_DOTS) if (_VERSION_DOTS GREATER ${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION_COUNT) # Because of the C++ implementation of find_package() ${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION_COUNT # is at most 4 here. Therefore a simple lookup table is used. if (${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION_COUNT EQUAL 1) set(_VERSION_REGEX "[^.]*") elseif (${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION_COUNT EQUAL 2) set(_VERSION_REGEX "[^.]*\\.[^.]*") elseif (${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION_COUNT EQUAL 3) set(_VERSION_REGEX "[^.]*\\.[^.]*\\.[^.]*") else () set(_VERSION_REGEX "[^.]*\\.[^.]*\\.[^.]*\\.[^.]*") endif () string(REGEX REPLACE "^(${_VERSION_REGEX})\\..*" "\\1" _VERSION_HEAD "${VERSION}") unset(_VERSION_REGEX) if (NOT ${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL _VERSION_HEAD) set(VERSION_MSG "Found unsuitable version \"${VERSION}\", but required is exact version \"${${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION}\"") set(VERSION_OK FALSE) else () set(VERSION_MSG "(found suitable exact version \"${VERSION}\")") endif () unset(_VERSION_HEAD) else () if (NOT "${${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION}" VERSION_EQUAL "${VERSION}") set(VERSION_MSG "Found unsuitable version \"${VERSION}\", but required is exact version \"${${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION}\"") set(VERSION_OK FALSE) else () set(VERSION_MSG "(found suitable exact version \"${VERSION}\")") endif () endif () unset(_VERSION_DOTS) else() # minimum version specified: if ("${${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION}" VERSION_GREATER "${VERSION}") set(VERSION_MSG "Found unsuitable version \"${VERSION}\", but required is at least \"${${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION}\"") set(VERSION_OK FALSE) else () set(VERSION_MSG "(found suitable version \"${VERSION}\", minimum required is \"${${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION}\")") endif () endif() else() # if the package was not found, but a version was given, add that to the output: if(${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION_EXACT) set(VERSION_MSG "(Required is exact version \"${${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION}\")") else() set(VERSION_MSG "(Required is at least version \"${${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION}\")") endif() endif() else () if(VERSION) set(VERSION_MSG "(found version \"${VERSION}\")") endif() endif () if(VERSION_OK) set(DETAILS "${DETAILS}[v${VERSION}(${${_NAME}_FIND_VERSION})]") else() set(${_FOUND_VAR} FALSE) endif() # print the result: if (${_FOUND_VAR}) FIND_PACKAGE_MESSAGE(${_NAME} "Found ${_NAME}: ${${_FIRST_REQUIRED_VAR}} ${VERSION_MSG} ${COMPONENT_MSG}" "${DETAILS}") else () if(FPHSA_CONFIG_MODE) _FPHSA_HANDLE_FAILURE_CONFIG_MODE() else() if(NOT VERSION_OK) _FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE("${FPHSA_FAIL_MESSAGE}: ${VERSION_MSG} (found ${${_FIRST_REQUIRED_VAR}})") else() _FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE("${FPHSA_FAIL_MESSAGE} (missing: ${MISSING_VARS}) ${VERSION_MSG}") endif() endif() endif () set(${_FOUND_VAR} ${${_FOUND_VAR}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()