/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmCPackDebGenerator.h" #include "cmSystemTools.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" #include "cmCPackLog.h" #include #include //---------------------------------------------------------------------- cmCPackDebGenerator::cmCPackDebGenerator() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- cmCPackDebGenerator::~cmCPackDebGenerator() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int cmCPackDebGenerator::CompressFiles(const char* outFileName, const char* toplevel, const std::vector& files) { const char* arExecutable = this->GetOption("AR_EXECUTABLE"); const char* cmakeExecutable = this->GetOption("CMAKE_COMMAND"); // debian-binary file std::string dbfilename; dbfilename = toplevel; dbfilename += "/debian-binary"; { // the scope is needed for cmGeneratedFileStream cmGeneratedFileStream out(dbfilename.c_str()); out << "2.0"; out << std::endl; // required for valid debian package } // control file std::string ctlfilename; ctlfilename = toplevel; ctlfilename += "/control"; // debian policy enforce lower case for package name std::string debian_pkg_name = cmsys::SystemTools::LowerCase( this->GetOption("DEBIAN_PACKAGE_NAME") ); const char* debian_pkg_version = this->GetOption("DEBIAN_PACKAGE_VERSION"); const char* debian_pkg_arch = this->GetOption("DEBIAN_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE"); const char* debian_pkg_dep = this->GetOption("DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DEPENDS"); const char* maintainer = this->GetOption("DEBIAN_PACKAGE_MAINTAINER"); const char* desc = this->GetOption("DEBIAN_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION"); { // the scope is needed for cmGeneratedFileStream cmGeneratedFileStream out(ctlfilename.c_str()); out << "Package: " << debian_pkg_name << "\n"; out << "Version: " << debian_pkg_version << "\n"; out << "Section: devel\n"; out << "Priority: optional\n"; out << "Architecture: " << debian_pkg_arch << "\n"; out << "Depends: " << debian_pkg_dep << " \n"; out << "Maintainer: " << maintainer << "\n"; out << "Description: " << desc << "\n"; out << " " << debian_pkg_name << " was packaged by CMake.\n"; out << std::endl; } std::string cmd = cmakeExecutable; cmd += " -E tar cfz data.tar.gz ./usr"; std::string output; int retVal = -1; int res = cmSystemTools::RunSingleCommand(cmd.c_str(), &output, &retVal, toplevel, this->GeneratorVerbose, 0); if ( !res || retVal ) { std::string tmpFile = this->GetOption("CPACK_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY"); tmpFile += "/Deb.log"; cmGeneratedFileStream ofs(tmpFile.c_str()); ofs << "# Run command: " << cmd.c_str() << std::endl << "# Output:" << std::endl << output.c_str() << std::endl; cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_ERROR, "Problem running tar command: " << cmd.c_str() << std::endl << "Please check " << tmpFile.c_str() << " for errors" << std::endl); return 0; } std::string md5filename; md5filename = toplevel; md5filename += "/md5sums"; { // the scope is needed for cmGeneratedFileStream cmGeneratedFileStream out(md5filename.c_str()); std::vector::const_iterator fileIt; for ( fileIt = files.begin(); fileIt != files.end(); ++ fileIt ) { cmd = cmakeExecutable; cmd += " -E md5sum "; cmd += *fileIt; //std::string output; //int retVal = -1; res = cmSystemTools::RunSingleCommand(cmd.c_str(), &output, &retVal, toplevel, this->GeneratorVerbose, 0); out << output; } out << std::endl; } cmd = cmakeExecutable; cmd += " -E tar cfz control.tar.gz ./control ./md5sums"; res = cmSystemTools::RunSingleCommand(cmd.c_str(), &output, &retVal, toplevel, this->GeneratorVerbose, 0); if ( !res || retVal ) { std::string tmpFile = this->GetOption("CPACK_TOPLEVEL_DIRECTORY"); tmpFile += "/Deb.log"; cmGeneratedFileStream ofs(tmpFile.c_str()); ofs << "# Run command: " << cmd.c_str() << std::endl << "# Output:" << std::endl << output.c_str() << std::endl; cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_ERROR, "Problem running tar command: " << cmd.c_str() << std::endl << "Please check " << tmpFile.c_str() << " for errors" << std::endl); return 0; } // ar -r your-package-name.deb debian-binary control.tar.gz data.tar.gz cmd = arExecutable; cmd += " -r \""; cmd += outFileName; cmd += "\" debian-binary control.tar.gz data.tar.gz"; res = cmSystemTools::RunSingleCommand(cmd.c_str(), &output, &retVal, toplevel, this->GeneratorVerbose, 0); return 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int cmCPackDebGenerator::InitializeInternal() { this->ReadListFile("CPackDeb.cmake"); if (!this->IsSet("AR_EXECUTABLE")) { cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_ERROR, "Cannot find ar" << std::endl); return 0; } return this->Superclass::InitializeInternal(); }