/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmInstallTargetGenerator.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmTarget.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmInstallTargetGenerator ::cmInstallTargetGenerator(cmTarget& t, const char* dest, bool implib): Target(&t), Destination(dest), ImportLibrary(implib) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmInstallTargetGenerator ::~cmInstallTargetGenerator() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmInstallTargetGenerator::GenerateScript(std::ostream& os) { // Compute the build tree directory from which to copy the target. std::string fromDir; if(this->Target->NeedRelinkBeforeInstall()) { fromDir = this->Target->GetMakefile()->GetStartOutputDirectory(); fromDir += "/CMakeFiles/CMakeRelink.dir/"; } else { fromDir = this->Target->GetDirectory(); fromDir += "/"; } // Write variable settings to do per-configuration references. this->PrepareInstallReference(os); // Create the per-configuration reference. std::string fromName = this->GetInstallReference(); std::string fromFile = fromDir; fromFile += fromName; // Setup special properties for some target types. std::string props; const char* properties = 0; cmTarget::TargetType type = this->Target->GetType(); switch(type) { case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: { // Add shared library installation properties if this platform // supports them. const char* lib_version = this->Target->GetProperty("VERSION"); const char* lib_soversion = this->Target->GetProperty("SOVERSION"); if(!this->Target->GetMakefile() ->GetDefinition("CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SONAME_C_FLAG")) { // Versioning is supported only for shared libraries and modules, // and then only when the platform supports an soname flag. lib_version = 0; lib_soversion = 0; } if(lib_version) { props += " VERSION "; props += lib_version; } if(lib_soversion) { props += " SOVERSION "; props += lib_soversion; } properties = props.c_str(); } break; case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: { // Add executable installation properties if this platform // supports them. #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) const char* exe_version = 0; #else const char* exe_version = this->Target->GetProperty("VERSION"); #endif if(exe_version) { props += " VERSION "; props += exe_version; properties = props.c_str(); } // Handle OSX Bundles. if(this->Target->GetPropertyAsBool("MACOSX_BUNDLE")) { // Compute the source locations of the bundle executable and // Info.plist file. std::string plist = fromFile; plist += ".app/Contents/Info.plist"; fromFile += ".app/Contents/MacOS/"; fromFile += fromName; // Compute the destination locations of the bundle executable // and Info.plist file. std::string bdest = this->Destination; bdest += "/"; bdest += fromName; std::string pdest = bdest; pdest += ".app/Contents"; bdest += ".app/Contents/MacOS"; // Install the Info.plist file. this->AddInstallRule(os, pdest.c_str(), cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES, plist.c_str()); } } break; case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: // Nothing special for modules or static libraries. break; default: break; } // Write code to install the target file. this->AddInstallRule(os, this->Destination.c_str(), type, fromFile.c_str(), this->ImportLibrary, properties); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmInstallTargetGenerator ::PrepareInstallReference(std::ostream& os) { // If the target name may vary with the configuration type then // store all possible names ahead of time in variables. std::string fname; for(std::vector::const_iterator i = this->ConfigurationTypes->begin(); i != this->ConfigurationTypes->end(); ++i) { // Set a variable with the target name for this configuration. fname = this->Target->GetFullName(i->c_str(), this->ImportLibrary); os << "SET(" << this->Target->GetName() << (this->ImportLibrary? "_IMPNAME_" : "_NAME_") << *i << " \"" << fname << "\")\n"; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string cmInstallTargetGenerator::GetInstallReference() { if(this->ConfigurationTypes->empty()) { return this->Target->GetFullName(this->ConfigurationName, this->ImportLibrary); } else { std::string ref = "${"; ref += this->Target->GetName(); if(this->ImportLibrary) { ref += "_IMPNAME_"; } else { ref += "_NAME_"; } ref += "${CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME}}"; return ref; } }