/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmFindPackageCommand.h" #include #ifdef CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE #include "cmVariableWatch.h" #endif void cmFindPackageNeedBackwardsCompatibility(const std::string& variable, int access_type, void*, const char* newValue, const cmMakefile*) { (void)newValue; #ifdef CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE if(access_type == cmVariableWatch::UNKNOWN_VARIABLE_READ_ACCESS) { std::string message = "An attempt was made to access a variable: "; message += variable; message += " that has not been defined. This variable is created by the " "FIND_PACKAGE command. CMake version 1.6 always converted the " "variable name to upper-case, but this behavior is no longer the " "case. To fix this you might need to set the cache value of " "CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY to 1.6 or less. If you are writing a " "CMake listfile, you should change the variable reference to use " "the case of the argument to FIND_PACKAGE."; cmSystemTools::Error(message.c_str()); } #else (void)variable; (void)access_type; #endif } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmFindPackageCommand::cmFindPackageCommand() { cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(this->GenericDocumentationRootPath, "CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_XXX", "CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PACKAGE"); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(this->GenericDocumentationPathsOrder, "FIND_ARGS_XXX", ""); cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(this->GenericDocumentationPathsOrder, "FIND_XXX", "find_package"); this->CMakePathName = "PACKAGE"; this->Quiet = false; this->Required = false; this->NoBuilds = false; this->NoModule = false; this->DebugMode = false; this->UseLib64Paths = false; this->VersionMajor = 0; this->VersionMinor = 0; this->VersionPatch = 0; this->VersionCount = 0; this->VersionExact = false; this->VersionFoundMajor = 0; this->VersionFoundMinor = 0; this->VersionFoundPatch = 0; this->VersionFoundCount = 0; this->CommandDocumentation = " find_package( [major[.minor[.patch]]] [EXACT] [QUIET]\n" " [[REQUIRED|COMPONENTS] [components...]])\n" "Finds and loads settings from an external project. " "_FOUND will be set to indicate whether the package was found. " "When the package is found package-specific information is provided " "through variables documented by the package itself. " "The QUIET option disables messages if the package cannot be found. " "The REQUIRED option stops processing with an error message if the " "package cannot be found. " "A package-specific list of components may be listed after the " "REQUIRED option or after the COMPONENTS option if no REQUIRED " "option is given. " "The \"[major[.minor[.patch]]]\" version argument specifies a desired " "version with which the package found should be compatible. " "The EXACT option requests that the version be matched exactly. " "Version support is currently provided only on a package-by-package " "basis (details below).\n" "User code should generally look for packages using the above simple " "signature. The remainder of this command documentation specifies the " "full command signature and details of the search process. Project " "maintainers wishing to provide a package to be found by this command " "are encouraged to read on.\n" "The command has two modes by which it searches for packages: " "\"Module\" mode and \"Config\" mode. " "Module mode is available when the command is invoked with the above " "reduced signature. " "CMake searches for a file called \"Find.cmake\" in " "the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH followed by the CMake installation. " "If the file is found, it is read and processed by CMake. " "It is responsible for finding the package, checking the version, " "and producing any needed messages. " "Many find-modules provide limited or no support for versioning; " "check the module documentation. " "If no module is found the command proceeds to Config mode.\n" "The complete Config mode command signature is:\n" " find_package( [major[.minor[.patch]]] [EXACT] [QUIET]\n" " [[REQUIRED|COMPONENTS] [components...]] [NO_MODULE]\n" " [NAMES name1 [name2 ...]]\n" " [CONFIGS config1 [config2 ...]]\n" " [HINTS path1 [path2 ... ]]\n" " [PATHS path1 [path2 ... ]]\n" " [PATH_SUFFIXES suffix1 [suffix2 ...]]\n" " [NO_DEFAULT_PATH]\n" " [NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH]\n" " [NO_CMAKE_PATH]\n" " [NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH]\n" " [NO_CMAKE_BUILDS_PATH]\n" " [NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH]\n" " [CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH |\n" " ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH |\n" " NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH])\n" "The NO_MODULE option may be used to skip Module mode explicitly. " "It is also implied by use of options not specified in the reduced " "signature. " "\n" "Config mode attempts to locate a configuration file provided by the " "package to be found. A cache entry called _DIR is created to " "hold the directory containing the file. " "By default the command searches for a package with the name . " "If the NAMES option is given the names following it are used instead " "of . " "The command searches for a file called \"Config.cmake\" or " "\"-config.cmake\" for each name specified. " "A replacement set of possible configuration file names may be given " "using the CONFIGS option. " "The search procedure is specified below. Once found, the configuration " "file is read and processed by CMake. Since the file is provided by the " "package it already knows the location of package contents. " "The full path to the configuration file is stored in the cmake " "variable _CONFIG." "\n" "If the package configuration file cannot be found CMake " "will generate an error describing the problem unless the QUIET " "argument is specified. If REQUIRED is specified and the package " "is not found a fatal error is generated and the configure step stops " "executing. If _DIR has been set to a directory not containing " "a configuration file a fatal error is always generated because user " "intervention is required." "\n" "When the \"[major[.minor[.patch]]]\" version argument is specified " "Config mode will only find a version of the package that claims " "compatibility with the requested version. " "If the EXACT option is given only a version of the package claiming " "an exact match of the requested version may be found. " "CMake does not establish any convention for the meaning of version " "numbers. " "Package version numbers are checked by \"version\" files provided by " "the packages themselves. " "For a candidate package confguration file \".cmake\" the " "corresponding version file is located next to it and named either " "\"-version.cmake\" or \"Version.cmake\". " "If no such version file is available then the configuration file " "is assumed to not be compatible with any requested version. " "When a version file is found it is loaded to check the requested " "version number. " "The version file is loaded in a nested scope in which the following " "variables have been defined:\n" " PACKAGE_FIND_NAME = the name\n" " PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION = full requested version string\n" " PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_MAJOR = requested major version, if any\n" " PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_MINOR = requested minor version, if any\n" " PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_PATCH = requested patch version, if any\n" "The version file checks whether it satisfies the requested version " "and sets these variables:\n" " PACKAGE_VERSION = package version (major[.minor[.patch]])\n" " PACKAGE_VERSION_EXACT = true if version is exact match\n" " PACKAGE_VERSION_COMPATIBLE = true if version is compatible\n" "These variables are checked by the find_package command to determine " "whether the configuration file provides an acceptable version. " "They are not available after the find_package call returns. " "If the version is acceptable the following variables are set:\n" " _VERSION = package version (major[.minor[.patch]])\n" " _VERSION_MAJOR = major from major[.minor[.patch]], if any\n" " _VERSION_MINOR = minor from major[.minor[.patch]], if any\n" " _VERSION_PATCH = patch from major[.minor[.patch]], if any\n" "and the corresponding package configuration file is loaded. " "When multiple package configuration files are available whose version " "files claim compatibility with the version requested it is unspecified " "which one is chosen. " "No attempt is made to choose a highest or closest version number." "\n" "Config mode provides an elaborate interface and search procedure. " "Much of the interface is provided for completeness and for use " "internally by find-modules loaded by Module mode. " "Most user code should simply call\n" " find_package( [major[.minor]] [EXACT] [REQUIRED|QUIET])\n" "in order to find a package. Package maintainers providing CMake " "package configuration files are encouraged to name and install " "them such that the procedure outlined below will find them " "without requiring use of additional options." "\n" "CMake constructs a set of possible installation prefixes for the " "package. Under each prefix several directories are searched for a " "configuration file. The tables below show the directories searched. " "Each entry is meant for installation trees following Windows (W), " "UNIX (U), or Apple (A) conventions.\n" " / (W)\n" " /(cmake|CMake)/ (W)\n" " /(share|lib)/*/ (U)\n" " /(share|lib)/*/(cmake|CMake)/ (U)\n" "On systems supporting OS X Frameworks and Application Bundles " "the following directories are searched for frameworks or bundles " "containing a configuration file:\n" " /.framework/Resources/ (A)\n" " /.framework/Resources/CMake/ (A)\n" " /.framework/Versions/*/Resources/ (A)\n" " /.framework/Versions/*/Resources/CMake/ (A)\n" " /.app/Contents/Resources/ (A)\n" " /.app/Contents/Resources/CMake/ (A)\n" "In all cases the is treated as case-insensitive and corresponds " "to any of the names specified ( or names given by NAMES). " "If PATH_SUFFIXES is specified the suffixes are appended to each " "(W) or (U) directory entry one-by-one.\n" "This set of directories is intended to work in cooperation with " "projects that provide configuration files in their installation trees. " "Directories above marked with (W) are intended for installations on " "Windows where the prefix may point at the top of an application's " "installation directory. Those marked with (U) are intended for " "installations on UNIX platforms where the prefix is shared by " "multiple packages. This is merely a convention, so all (W) and (U) " "directories are still searched on all platforms. " "Directories marked with (A) are intended for installations on " "Apple platforms. The cmake variables CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK and " "CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE determine the order of preference " "as specified below.\n" "The set of installation prefixes is constructed using the following " "steps. If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is specified all NO_* options are enabled.\n" "1. Search paths specified in cmake-specific cache variables. " "These are intended to be used on the command line with a -DVAR=value. " "This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_PATH is passed.\n" " CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH\n" " CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH\n" " CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH\n" "2. Search paths specified in cmake-specific environment variables. " "These are intended to be set in the user's shell configuration. " "This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is passed.\n" " CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH\n" " CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH\n" " CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH\n" "3. Search paths specified by the HINTS option. " "These should be paths computed by system introspection, such as a " "hint provided by the location of another item already found. " "Hard-coded guesses should be specified with the PATHS option.\n" "4. Search the standard system environment variables. " "This can be skipped if NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is passed. " "Path entries ending in \"/bin\" or \"/sbin\" are automatically " "converted to their parent directories.\n" " PATH\n" "5. Search project build trees recently configured in a CMake GUI. " "This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_BUILDS_PATH is passed. " "It is intended for the case when a user is building multiple " "dependent projects one after another.\n" "6. Search cmake variables defined in the Platform files " "for the current system. This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH " "is passed.\n" " CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH\n" " CMAKE_SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_PATH\n" " CMAKE_SYSTEM_APPBUNDLE_PATH\n" "7. Search paths specified by the PATHS option. " "These are typically hard-coded guesses.\n" ; this->CommandDocumentation += this->GenericDocumentationMacPolicy; this->CommandDocumentation += this->GenericDocumentationRootPath; this->CommandDocumentation += this->GenericDocumentationPathsOrder; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* cmFindPackageCommand::GetFullDocumentation() { return this->CommandDocumentation.c_str(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand ::InitialPass(std::vector const& args, cmExecutionStatus &) { if(args.size() < 1) { this->SetError("called with incorrect number of arguments"); return false; } // Check for debug mode. this->DebugMode = this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE"); // Lookup whether lib64 paths should be used. if(const char* sizeof_dptr = this->Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P")) { if(atoi(sizeof_dptr) == 8 && this->Makefile->GetCMakeInstance() ->GetPropertyAsBool("FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS")) { this->UseLib64Paths = true; } } // Find the current root path mode. this->SelectDefaultRootPathMode(); // Find the current bundle/framework search policy. this->SelectDefaultMacMode(); // Record options. this->Name = args[0]; std::string components; const char* components_sep = ""; // Check ancient compatibility. this->Compatibility_1_6 = this->Makefile->GetLocalGenerator() ->NeedBackwardsCompatibility(1, 6); // Always search directly in a generated path. this->SearchPathSuffixes.push_back(""); // Parse the arguments. enum Doing { DoingNone, DoingComponents, DoingNames, DoingPaths, DoingPathSuffixes, DoingConfigs, DoingHints }; Doing doing = DoingNone; cmsys::RegularExpression version("^[0-9.]+$"); bool haveVersion = false; for(unsigned int i=1; i < args.size(); ++i) { if(args[i] == "QUIET") { this->Quiet = true; doing = DoingNone; } else if(args[i] == "EXACT") { this->VersionExact = true; this->Compatibility_1_6 = false; doing = DoingNone; } else if(args[i] == "NO_MODULE") { this->NoModule = true; doing = DoingNone; } else if(args[i] == "REQUIRED") { this->Required = true; doing = DoingComponents; } else if(args[i] == "COMPONENTS") { this->Compatibility_1_6 = false; doing = DoingComponents; } else if(args[i] == "NAMES") { this->NoModule = true; this->Compatibility_1_6 = false; doing = DoingNames; } else if(args[i] == "PATHS") { this->NoModule = true; this->Compatibility_1_6 = false; doing = DoingPaths; } else if(args[i] == "HINTS") { this->NoModule = true; this->Compatibility_1_6 = false; doing = DoingHints; } else if(args[i] == "PATH_SUFFIXES") { this->NoModule = true; this->Compatibility_1_6 = false; doing = DoingPathSuffixes; } else if(args[i] == "CONFIGS") { this->NoModule = true; this->Compatibility_1_6 = false; doing = DoingConfigs; } else if(args[i] == "NO_CMAKE_BUILDS_PATH") { this->NoBuilds = true; this->NoModule = true; this->Compatibility_1_6 = false; doing = DoingNone; } else if(this->CheckCommonArgument(args[i])) { this->NoModule = true; this->Compatibility_1_6 = false; doing = DoingNone; } else if(doing == DoingComponents) { // Set a variable telling the find script this component // is required. std::string req_var = this->Name + "_FIND_REQUIRED_" + args[i]; this->Makefile->AddDefinition(req_var.c_str(), "1"); // Append to the list of required components. components += components_sep; components += args[i]; components_sep = ";"; } else if(doing == DoingNames) { this->Names.push_back(args[i]); } else if(doing == DoingPaths) { this->AddUserPath(args[i], this->UserPaths); } else if(doing == DoingHints) { this->AddUserPath(args[i], this->UserHints); } else if(doing == DoingPathSuffixes) { this->AddPathSuffix(args[i]); } else if(doing == DoingConfigs) { if(args[i].find_first_of(":/\\") != args[i].npos || cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(args[i]) != ".cmake") { cmOStringStream e; e << "given CONFIGS option followed by invalid file name \"" << args[i] << "\". The names given must be file names without " << "a path and with a \".cmake\" extension."; return false; } this->Configs.push_back(args[i]); } else if(!haveVersion && version.find(args[i].c_str())) { haveVersion = true; this->Version = args[i]; } else { cmOStringStream e; e << "called with invalid argument \"" << args[i].c_str() << "\""; this->SetError(e.str().c_str()); return false; } } if(!this->Version.empty()) { // Try to parse the version number and store the results that were // successfully parsed. unsigned int parsed_major; unsigned int parsed_minor; unsigned int parsed_patch; this->VersionCount = sscanf(this->Version.c_str(), "%u.%u.%u", &parsed_major, &parsed_minor, &parsed_patch); switch(this->VersionCount) { case 3: this->VersionPatch = parsed_patch; // no break! case 2: this->VersionMinor = parsed_minor; // no break! case 1: this->VersionMajor = parsed_major; // no break! default: break; } } this->SetModuleVariables(components); // See if there is a Find.cmake module. if(!this->NoModule) { bool foundModule = false; if(!this->FindModule(foundModule)) { this->AppendSuccessInformation(); return false; } if(foundModule) { this->AppendSuccessInformation(); return true; } } // No find module. Assume the project has a CMake config file. Use // a _DIR cache variable to locate it. this->Variable = this->Name; this->Variable += "_DIR"; // Add the default name. if(this->Names.empty()) { this->Names.push_back(this->Name); } // Add the default configs. if(this->Configs.empty()) { for(std::vector::const_iterator ni = this->Names.begin(); ni != this->Names.end(); ++ni) { std::string config = *ni; config += "Config.cmake"; this->Configs.push_back(config); config = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(*ni); config += "-config.cmake"; this->Configs.push_back(config); } } // Find and load the package. bool result = this->HandlePackageMode(); this->AppendSuccessInformation(); return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::SetModuleVariables(const std::string& components) { // Store the list of components. std::string components_var = this->Name + "_FIND_COMPONENTS"; this->Makefile->AddDefinition(components_var.c_str(), components.c_str()); if(this->Quiet) { // Tell the module that is about to be read that it should find // quietly. std::string quietly = this->Name; quietly += "_FIND_QUIETLY"; this->Makefile->AddDefinition(quietly.c_str(), "1"); } if(this->Required) { // Tell the module that is about to be read that it should report // a fatal error if the package is not found. std::string req = this->Name; req += "_FIND_REQUIRED"; this->Makefile->AddDefinition(req.c_str(), "1"); } if(!this->Version.empty()) { // Tell the module that is about to be read what version of the // package has been requested. std::string ver = this->Name; ver += "_FIND_VERSION"; this->Makefile->AddDefinition(ver.c_str(), this->Version.c_str()); char buf[64]; switch(this->VersionCount) { case 3: { sprintf(buf, "%u", this->VersionPatch); this->Makefile->AddDefinition((ver+"_PATCH").c_str(), buf); } // no break case 2: { sprintf(buf, "%u", this->VersionMinor); this->Makefile->AddDefinition((ver+"_MINOR").c_str(), buf); } // no break case 1: { sprintf(buf, "%u", this->VersionMajor); this->Makefile->AddDefinition((ver+"_MAJOR").c_str(), buf); } // no break default: break; } // Tell the module whether an exact version has been requested. std::string exact = this->Name; exact += "_FIND_VERSION_EXACT"; this->Makefile->AddDefinition(exact.c_str(), this->VersionExact? "1":"0"); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::FindModule(bool& found) { std::string module = "Find"; module += this->Name; module += ".cmake"; std::string mfile = this->Makefile->GetModulesFile(module.c_str()); if ( mfile.size() ) { // Load the module we found. found = true; return this->ReadListFile(mfile.c_str()); } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::HandlePackageMode() { // Support old capitalization behavior. std::string upperDir = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(this->Name); std::string upperFound = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(this->Name); upperDir += "_DIR"; upperFound += "_FOUND"; if(upperDir == this->Variable) { this->Compatibility_1_6 = false; } // Try to find the config file. const char* def = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(this->Variable.c_str()); if(this->Compatibility_1_6 && cmSystemTools::IsOff(def)) { // Use the setting of the old name of the variable to provide the // value of the new. const char* oldDef = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(upperDir.c_str()); if(!cmSystemTools::IsOff(oldDef)) { this->Makefile->AddDefinition(this->Variable.c_str(), oldDef); def = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(this->Variable.c_str()); } } // Search for the config file if it is not already found. if(cmSystemTools::IsOff(def)) { this->FindConfig(); def = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(this->Variable.c_str()); } // If the config file was found, load it. std::string file; bool result = true; bool found = false; if(!cmSystemTools::IsOff(def)) { // Get the directory from the variable value. std::string dir = def; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(dir); // Treat relative paths with respect to the current source dir. if(!cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(dir.c_str())) { dir = "/" + dir; dir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentDirectory() + dir; } // Find the configuration file. if(this->FindConfigFileToLoad(dir, file)) { // Set the version variables before loading the config file. // It may override them. this->StoreVersionFound(); // Parse the configuration file. if(this->ReadListFile(file.c_str())) { // The package has been found. found = true; } else { // The configuration file is invalid. result = false; } } else { // The variable setting is wrong. cmOStringStream e; e << "cannot find package " << this->Name << " because " << this->Variable << " is set to \"" << def << "\" " << "which is not a directory containing a package configuration " << "file (or it is not for the requested version). " << "Please set the cache entry " << this->Variable << " " << "to the correct directory, or delete it to ask CMake " << "to search."; this->SetError(e.str().c_str()); result = false; } } else if(!this->Quiet || this->Required) { // The variable is not set. cmOStringStream e; e << "could not find "; if(!this->NoModule) { e << "module Find" << this->Name << ".cmake or "; } e << "a configuration file for package " << this->Name << ".\n"; if(!this->NoModule) { e << "Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find Find" << this->Name << ".cmake or set "; } else { e << "Set "; } e << this->Variable << " to the directory containing a CMake " << "configuration file for " << this->Name << ". "; if(this->Configs.size() == 1) { e << "The file will be called " << this->Configs[0]; } else { e << "The file will have one of the following names:\n"; for(std::vector::const_iterator ci = this->Configs.begin(); ci != this->Configs.end(); ++ci) { e << " " << *ci << "\n"; } } if(this->Required) { this->SetError(e.str().c_str()); result = false; } else { cmSystemTools::Error("find_package ", e.str().c_str()); } } // Set a variable marking whether the package was found. std::string foundVar = this->Name; foundVar += "_FOUND"; this->Makefile->AddDefinition(foundVar.c_str(), found? "1":"0"); // Set a variable naming the configuration file that was found. std::string fileVar = this->Name; fileVar += "_CONFIG"; if(found) { this->Makefile->AddDefinition(fileVar.c_str(), file.c_str()); } else { this->Makefile->RemoveDefinition(fileVar.c_str()); } // Handle some ancient compatibility stuff. if(this->Compatibility_1_6) { // Listfiles will be looking for the capitalized version of the // name. Provide it. this->Makefile->AddDefinition (upperDir.c_str(), this->Makefile->GetDefinition(this->Variable.c_str())); this->Makefile->AddDefinition (upperFound.c_str(), this->Makefile->GetDefinition(foundVar.c_str())); } #ifdef CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE if(!(upperDir == this->Variable)) { if(this->Compatibility_1_6) { // Listfiles may use the capitalized version of the name. // Remove any previously added watch. this->Makefile->GetVariableWatch()->RemoveWatch( upperDir.c_str(), cmFindPackageNeedBackwardsCompatibility ); } else { // Listfiles should not be using the capitalized version of the // name. Add a watch to warn the user. this->Makefile->GetVariableWatch()->AddWatch( upperDir.c_str(), cmFindPackageNeedBackwardsCompatibility ); } } #endif return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::FindConfig() { // Compute the set of search prefixes. this->ComputePrefixes(); // Look for the project's configuration file. bool found = false; // Search for frameworks. if(!found && this->SearchFrameworkFirst || this->SearchFrameworkOnly) { found = this->FindFrameworkConfig(); } // Search for apps. if(!found && this->SearchAppBundleFirst || this->SearchAppBundleOnly) { found = this->FindAppBundleConfig(); } // Search prefixes. if(!found && !(this->SearchFrameworkOnly || this->SearchAppBundleOnly)) { found = this->FindPrefixedConfig(); } // Search for frameworks. if(!found && this->SearchFrameworkLast) { found = this->FindFrameworkConfig(); } // Search for apps. if(!found && this->SearchAppBundleLast) { found = this->FindAppBundleConfig(); } // Store the entry in the cache so it can be set by the user. std::string init; if(found) { init = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(this->FileFound); } else { init = this->Variable + "-NOTFOUND"; } std::string help = "The directory containing a CMake configuration file for "; help += this->Name; help += "."; this->Makefile->AddCacheDefinition(this->Variable.c_str(), init.c_str(), help.c_str(), cmCacheManager::PATH); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::FindPrefixedConfig() { std::vector& prefixes = this->SearchPaths; for(std::vector::const_iterator pi = prefixes.begin(); pi != prefixes.end(); ++pi) { if(this->SearchPrefix(*pi)) { return true; } } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::FindFrameworkConfig() { std::vector& prefixes = this->SearchPaths; for(std::vector::const_iterator i = prefixes.begin(); i != prefixes.end(); ++i) { if(this->SearchFrameworkPrefix(*i)) { return true; } } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::FindAppBundleConfig() { std::vector& prefixes = this->SearchPaths; for(std::vector::const_iterator i = prefixes.begin(); i != prefixes.end(); ++i) { if(this->SearchAppBundlePrefix(*i)) { return true; } } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::ReadListFile(const char* f) { if(this->Makefile->ReadListFile(this->Makefile->GetCurrentListFile(),f)) { return true; } std::string e = "Error reading CMake code from \""; e += f; e += "\"."; this->SetError(e.c_str()); return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::AppendToProperty(const char* propertyName) { std::string propertyValue; const char *prop = this->Makefile->GetCMakeInstance()->GetProperty(propertyName); if (prop && *prop) { propertyValue = prop; std::vector contents; cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(propertyValue, contents, false); bool alreadyInserted = false; for(std::vector::const_iterator it = contents.begin(); it != contents.end(); ++ it ) { if (*it == this->Name) { alreadyInserted = true; break; } } if (!alreadyInserted) { propertyValue += ";"; propertyValue += this->Name; } } else { propertyValue = this->Name; } this->Makefile->GetCMakeInstance()->SetProperty(propertyName, propertyValue.c_str()); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::AppendSuccessInformation() { std::string found = this->Name; found += "_FOUND"; std::string upperFound = cmSystemTools::UpperCase(found); const char* upperResult = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(upperFound.c_str()); const char* result = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(found.c_str()); if ((cmSystemTools::IsOn(result)) || (cmSystemTools::IsOn(upperResult))) { this->AppendToProperty("PACKAGES_FOUND"); if (!this->Quiet) { this->AppendToProperty("ENABLED_FEATURES"); } } else { this->AppendToProperty("PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND"); if (!this->Quiet) { this->AppendToProperty("DISABLED_FEATURES"); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::ComputePrefixes() { this->AddPrefixesCMakeVariable(); this->AddPrefixesCMakeEnvironment(); this->AddPrefixesUserHints(); this->AddPrefixesSystemEnvironment(); this->AddPrefixesBuilds(); this->AddPrefixesCMakeSystemVariable(); this->AddPrefixesUserGuess(); this->ComputeFinalPrefixes(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::AddPrefixesCMakeEnvironment() { if(!this->NoCMakeEnvironmentPath && !this->NoDefaultPath) { // Check the environment variable with the same name as the cache // entry. std::string env; if(cmSystemTools::GetEnv(this->Variable.c_str(), env) && env.length() > 0) { cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(env); this->AddPathInternal(env, EnvPath); } this->AddEnvPath("CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH"); this->AddEnvPath("CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH"); this->AddEnvPath("CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH"); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::AddPrefixesCMakeVariable() { if(!this->NoCMakePath && !this->NoDefaultPath) { this->AddCMakePath("CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH"); this->AddCMakePath("CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH"); this->AddCMakePath("CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH"); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::AddPrefixesSystemEnvironment() { if(!this->NoSystemEnvironmentPath && !this->NoDefaultPath) { // Use the system search path to generate prefixes. // Relative paths are interpreted with respect to the current // working directory. std::vector tmp; cmSystemTools::GetPath(tmp); for(std::vector::iterator i = tmp.begin(); i != tmp.end(); ++i) { std::string const& d = *i; // If the path is a PREFIX/bin case then add its parent instead. if(d.size() >= 4 && strcmp(d.c_str()+d.size()-4, "/bin") == 0 || d.size() >= 5 && strcmp(d.c_str()+d.size()-5, "/sbin") == 0) { this->AddPathInternal(cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(d), EnvPath); } else { this->AddPathInternal(d, EnvPath); } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::AddPrefixesBuilds() { if(!this->NoBuilds && !this->NoDefaultPath) { // It is likely that CMake will have recently built the project. for(int i=1; i <= 10; ++i) { cmOStringStream r; r << "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Kitware\\CMakeSetup\\" "Settings\\StartPath;WhereBuild" << i << "]"; std::string f = r.str(); cmSystemTools::ExpandRegistryValues(f); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(f); if(cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(f.c_str()) && cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(f.c_str())) { this->AddPathInternal(f, FullPath); } } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::AddPrefixesCMakeSystemVariable() { if(!this->NoCMakeSystemPath && !this->NoDefaultPath) { this->AddCMakePath("CMAKE_SYSTEM_PREFIX_PATH"); this->AddCMakePath("CMAKE_SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_PATH"); this->AddCMakePath("CMAKE_SYSTEM_APPBUNDLE_PATH"); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::AddPrefixesUserGuess() { // Add guesses specified by the caller. this->AddPathsInternal(this->UserPaths, CMakePath); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::AddPrefixesUserHints() { // Add hints specified by the caller. this->AddPathsInternal(this->UserHints, CMakePath); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::ComputeFinalPrefixes() { std::vector& prefixes = this->SearchPaths; // Construct the final set of prefixes. this->RerootPaths(prefixes); // Add a trailing slash to all prefixes to aid the search process. this->AddTrailingSlashes(prefixes); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::SearchDirectory(std::string const& dir) { assert(!dir.empty() && dir[dir.size()-1] == '/'); // Check each path suffix on this directory. for(std::vector::const_iterator si = this->SearchPathSuffixes.begin(); si != this->SearchPathSuffixes.end(); ++si) { std::string d = dir; if(!si->empty()) { d += *si; d += "/"; } if(this->CheckDirectory(d)) { return true; } } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::CheckDirectory(std::string const& dir) { assert(!dir.empty() && dir[dir.size()-1] == '/'); // Look for the file in this directory. std::string d = dir.substr(0, dir.size()-1); if(this->FindConfigFile(d, this->FileFound)) { // Remove duplicate slashes. cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(this->FileFound); return true; } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::FindConfigFile(std::string const& dir, std::string& file) { for(std::vector::const_iterator ci = this->Configs.begin(); ci != this->Configs.end(); ++ci) { file = dir; file += "/"; file += *ci; if(this->DebugMode) { fprintf(stderr, "Checking file [%s]\n", file.c_str()); } if(cmSystemTools::FileExists(file.c_str(), true) && this->CheckVersion(file)) { return true; } } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::FindConfigFileToLoad(std::string const& dir, std::string& file) { if(this->FileFound.empty()) { // The file location was cached. Look for the correct file. return this->FindConfigFile(dir, file); } else { // The file location was just found during this call. // Use the file found without searching again. file = this->FileFound; return true; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::CheckVersion(std::string const& config_file) { // Get the filename without the .cmake extension. std::string::size_type pos = config_file.rfind('.'); std::string version_file_base = config_file.substr(0, pos); // Look for foo-config-version.cmake std::string version_file = version_file_base; version_file += "-version.cmake"; if(cmSystemTools::FileExists(version_file.c_str(), true)) { return this->CheckVersionFile(version_file); } // Look for fooConfigVersion.cmake version_file = version_file_base; version_file += "Version.cmake"; if(cmSystemTools::FileExists(version_file.c_str(), true)) { return this->CheckVersionFile(version_file); } // If no version was requested a versionless package is acceptable. if(this->Version.empty()) { return true; } // No version file found. Assume the version is incompatible. return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::CheckVersionFile(std::string const& version_file) { // The version file will be loaded in an isolated scope. this->Makefile->PushScope(); // Clear the output variables. this->Makefile->RemoveDefinition("PACKAGE_VERSION"); this->Makefile->RemoveDefinition("PACKAGE_VERSION_COMPATIBLE"); this->Makefile->RemoveDefinition("PACKAGE_VERSION_EXACT"); // Set the input variables. this->Makefile->AddDefinition("PACKAGE_FIND_NAME", this->Name.c_str()); this->Makefile->AddDefinition("PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION", this->Version.c_str()); if(this->VersionCount >= 3) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%u", this->VersionPatch); this->Makefile->AddDefinition("PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_PATCH", buf); } else { this->Makefile->RemoveDefinition("PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_PATCH"); } if(this->VersionCount >= 2) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%u", this->VersionMinor); this->Makefile->AddDefinition("PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_MINOR", buf); } else { this->Makefile->RemoveDefinition("PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_MINOR"); } if(this->VersionCount >= 1) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%u", this->VersionMajor); this->Makefile->AddDefinition("PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_MAJOR", buf); } else { this->Makefile->RemoveDefinition("PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_MAJOR"); } // Load the version check file. bool found = false; if(this->ReadListFile(version_file.c_str())) { // Check the output variables. found = this->Makefile->IsOn("PACKAGE_VERSION_EXACT"); if(!found && !this->VersionExact) { found = this->Makefile->IsOn("PACKAGE_VERSION_COMPATIBLE"); } if(found || this->Version.empty()) { // Get the version found. this->VersionFound = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("PACKAGE_VERSION"); // Try to parse the version number and store the results that were // successfully parsed. unsigned int parsed_major; unsigned int parsed_minor; unsigned int parsed_patch; this->VersionFoundCount = sscanf(this->VersionFound.c_str(), "%u.%u.%u", &parsed_major, &parsed_minor, &parsed_patch); switch(this->VersionFoundCount) { case 3: this->VersionFoundPatch = parsed_patch; // no break! case 2: this->VersionFoundMinor = parsed_minor; // no break! case 1: this->VersionFoundMajor = parsed_major; // no break! default: break; } } } // Restore the original scope. this->Makefile->PopScope(); // Succeed if the version was found or no version was requested. return found || this->Version.empty(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cmFindPackageCommand::StoreVersionFound() { // Store the whole version string. std::string ver = this->Name; ver += "_VERSION"; if(this->VersionFound.empty()) { this->Makefile->RemoveDefinition(ver.c_str()); } else { this->Makefile->AddDefinition(ver.c_str(), this->VersionFound.c_str()); } // Store the portions that could be parsed. char buf[64]; switch(this->VersionFoundCount) { case 3: { sprintf(buf, "%u", this->VersionFoundPatch); this->Makefile->AddDefinition((ver+"_PATCH").c_str(), buf); } // no break case 2: { sprintf(buf, "%u", this->VersionFoundMinor); this->Makefile->AddDefinition((ver+"_MINOR").c_str(), buf); } // no break case 1: { sprintf(buf, "%u", this->VersionFoundMajor); this->Makefile->AddDefinition((ver+"_MAJOR").c_str(), buf); } // no break default: break; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include class cmFileList; class cmFileListGeneratorBase { public: virtual ~cmFileListGeneratorBase() {} protected: bool Consider(std::string const& fullPath, cmFileList& listing); private: bool Search(cmFileList&); virtual bool Search(std::string const& parent, cmFileList&) = 0; virtual cmsys::auto_ptr Clone() const = 0; friend class cmFileList; cmFileListGeneratorBase* SetNext(cmFileListGeneratorBase const& next); cmsys::auto_ptr Next; }; class cmFileList { public: cmFileList(): First(), Last(0) {} virtual ~cmFileList() {} cmFileList& operator/(cmFileListGeneratorBase const& rhs) { if(this->Last) { this->Last = this->Last->SetNext(rhs); } else { this->First = rhs.Clone(); this->Last = this->First.get(); } return *this; } bool Search() { if(this->First.get()) { return this->First->Search(*this); } return false; } private: virtual bool Visit(std::string const& fullPath) = 0; friend class cmFileListGeneratorBase; cmsys::auto_ptr First; cmFileListGeneratorBase* Last; }; class cmFindPackageFileList: public cmFileList { public: cmFindPackageFileList(cmFindPackageCommand* fpc, bool use_suffixes = true): cmFileList(), FPC(fpc), UseSuffixes(use_suffixes) {} private: bool Visit(std::string const& fullPath) { if(this->UseSuffixes) { return this->FPC->SearchDirectory(fullPath); } else { return this->FPC->CheckDirectory(fullPath); } } cmFindPackageCommand* FPC; bool UseSuffixes; }; bool cmFileListGeneratorBase::Search(cmFileList& listing) { return this->Search("", listing); } cmFileListGeneratorBase* cmFileListGeneratorBase::SetNext(cmFileListGeneratorBase const& next) { this->Next = next.Clone(); return this->Next.get(); } bool cmFileListGeneratorBase::Consider(std::string const& fullPath, cmFileList& listing) { if(this->Next.get()) { return this->Next->Search(fullPath + "/", listing); } else { return listing.Visit(fullPath + "/"); } } class cmFileListGeneratorFixed: public cmFileListGeneratorBase { public: cmFileListGeneratorFixed(std::string const& str): cmFileListGeneratorBase(), String(str) {} cmFileListGeneratorFixed(cmFileListGeneratorFixed const& r): cmFileListGeneratorBase(), String(r.String) {} private: std::string String; virtual bool Search(std::string const& parent, cmFileList& lister) { std::string fullPath = parent + this->String; return this->Consider(fullPath, lister); } virtual cmsys::auto_ptr Clone() const { cmsys::auto_ptr g(new cmFileListGeneratorFixed(*this)); return g; } }; class cmFileListGeneratorEnumerate: public cmFileListGeneratorBase { public: cmFileListGeneratorEnumerate(std::vector const& v): cmFileListGeneratorBase(), Vector(v) {} cmFileListGeneratorEnumerate(cmFileListGeneratorEnumerate const& r): cmFileListGeneratorBase(), Vector(r.Vector) {} private: std::vector const& Vector; virtual bool Search(std::string const& parent, cmFileList& lister) { for(std::vector::const_iterator i = this->Vector.begin(); i != this->Vector.end(); ++i) { if(this->Consider(parent + *i, lister)) { return true; } } return false; } virtual cmsys::auto_ptr Clone() const { cmsys::auto_ptr g(new cmFileListGeneratorEnumerate(*this)); return g; } }; class cmFileListGeneratorProject: public cmFileListGeneratorBase { public: cmFileListGeneratorProject(std::vector const& names): cmFileListGeneratorBase(), Names(names) {} cmFileListGeneratorProject(cmFileListGeneratorProject const& r): cmFileListGeneratorBase(), Names(r.Names) {} private: std::vector const& Names; virtual bool Search(std::string const& parent, cmFileList& lister) { // Construct a list of matches. std::vector matches; cmsys::Directory d; d.Load(parent.c_str()); for(unsigned long i=0; i < d.GetNumberOfFiles(); ++i) { const char* fname = d.GetFile(i); if(strcmp(fname, ".") == 0 || strcmp(fname, "..") == 0) { continue; } for(std::vector::const_iterator ni = this->Names.begin(); ni != this->Names.end(); ++ni) { if(cmsysString_strncasecmp(fname, ni->c_str(), ni->length()) == 0) { matches.push_back(fname); } } } for(std::vector::const_iterator i = matches.begin(); i != matches.end(); ++i) { if(this->Consider(parent + *i, lister)) { return true; } } return false; } virtual cmsys::auto_ptr Clone() const { cmsys::auto_ptr g(new cmFileListGeneratorProject(*this)); return g; } }; class cmFileListGeneratorMacProject: public cmFileListGeneratorBase { public: cmFileListGeneratorMacProject(std::vector const& names, const char* ext): cmFileListGeneratorBase(), Names(names), Extension(ext) {} cmFileListGeneratorMacProject(cmFileListGeneratorMacProject const& r): cmFileListGeneratorBase(), Names(r.Names), Extension(r.Extension) {} private: std::vector const& Names; std::string Extension; virtual bool Search(std::string const& parent, cmFileList& lister) { // Construct a list of matches. std::vector matches; cmsys::Directory d; d.Load(parent.c_str()); for(unsigned long i=0; i < d.GetNumberOfFiles(); ++i) { const char* fname = d.GetFile(i); if(strcmp(fname, ".") == 0 || strcmp(fname, "..") == 0) { continue; } for(std::vector::const_iterator ni = this->Names.begin(); ni != this->Names.end(); ++ni) { std::string name = *ni; name += this->Extension; if(cmsysString_strcasecmp(fname, name.c_str()) == 0) { matches.push_back(fname); } } } for(std::vector::const_iterator i = matches.begin(); i != matches.end(); ++i) { if(this->Consider(parent + *i, lister)) { return true; } } return false; } virtual cmsys::auto_ptr Clone() const { cmsys::auto_ptr g(new cmFileListGeneratorMacProject(*this)); return g; } }; class cmFileListGeneratorCaseInsensitive: public cmFileListGeneratorBase { public: cmFileListGeneratorCaseInsensitive(std::string const& str): cmFileListGeneratorBase(), String(str) {} cmFileListGeneratorCaseInsensitive( cmFileListGeneratorCaseInsensitive const& r): cmFileListGeneratorBase(), String(r.String) {} private: std::string String; virtual bool Search(std::string const& parent, cmFileList& lister) { // Look for matching files. std::vector matches; cmsys::Directory d; d.Load(parent.c_str()); for(unsigned long i=0; i < d.GetNumberOfFiles(); ++i) { const char* fname = d.GetFile(i); if(strcmp(fname, ".") == 0 || strcmp(fname, "..") == 0) { continue; } if(cmsysString_strcasecmp(fname, this->String.c_str()) == 0) { if(this->Consider(parent + fname, lister)) { return true; } } } return false; } virtual cmsys::auto_ptr Clone() const { cmsys::auto_ptr g(new cmFileListGeneratorCaseInsensitive(*this)); return g; } }; class cmFileListGeneratorGlob: public cmFileListGeneratorBase { public: cmFileListGeneratorGlob(std::string const& str): cmFileListGeneratorBase(), Pattern(str) {} cmFileListGeneratorGlob(cmFileListGeneratorGlob const& r): cmFileListGeneratorBase(), Pattern(r.Pattern) {} private: std::string Pattern; virtual bool Search(std::string const& parent, cmFileList& lister) { // Glob the set of matching files. std::string expr = parent; expr += this->Pattern; cmsys::Glob g; if(!g.FindFiles(expr)) { return false; } std::vector const& files = g.GetFiles(); // Look for directories among the matches. for(std::vector::const_iterator fi = files.begin(); fi != files.end(); ++fi) { if(cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(fi->c_str())) { if(this->Consider(*fi, lister)) { return true; } } } return false; } virtual cmsys::auto_ptr Clone() const { cmsys::auto_ptr g(new cmFileListGeneratorGlob(*this)); return g; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::SearchPrefix(std::string const& prefix_in) { assert(!prefix_in.empty() && prefix_in[prefix_in.size()-1] == '/'); if(this->DebugMode) { fprintf(stderr, "Checking prefix [%s]\n", prefix_in.c_str()); } // Skip this if the prefix does not exist. if(!cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(prefix_in.c_str())) { return false; } // PREFIX/ (useful on windows or in build trees) if(this->SearchDirectory(prefix_in)) { return true; } // Strip the trailing slash because the path generator is about to // add one. std::string prefix = prefix_in.substr(0, prefix_in.size()-1); // PREFIX/(cmake|CMake)/ (useful on windows or in build trees) { cmFindPackageFileList lister(this); lister / cmFileListGeneratorFixed(prefix) / cmFileListGeneratorCaseInsensitive("cmake"); if(lister.Search()) { return true; } } // Construct list of common install locations (lib and share). std::vector common; if(this->UseLib64Paths) { common.push_back("lib64"); } common.push_back("lib"); common.push_back("share"); // PREFIX/(share|lib)/(Foo|foo|FOO).*/ { cmFindPackageFileList lister(this); lister / cmFileListGeneratorFixed(prefix) / cmFileListGeneratorEnumerate(common) / cmFileListGeneratorProject(this->Names); if(lister.Search()) { return true; } } // PREFIX/(share|lib)/(Foo|foo|FOO).*/(cmake|CMake)/ { cmFindPackageFileList lister(this); lister / cmFileListGeneratorFixed(prefix) / cmFileListGeneratorEnumerate(common) / cmFileListGeneratorProject(this->Names) / cmFileListGeneratorCaseInsensitive("cmake"); if(lister.Search()) { return true; } } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::SearchFrameworkPrefix(std::string const& prefix_in) { assert(!prefix_in.empty() && prefix_in[prefix_in.size()-1] == '/'); if(this->DebugMode) { fprintf(stderr, "Checking framework prefix [%s]\n", prefix_in.c_str()); } // Strip the trailing slash because the path generator is about to // add one. std::string prefix = prefix_in.substr(0, prefix_in.size()-1); // /Foo.framework/Resources/ { cmFindPackageFileList lister(this); lister / cmFileListGeneratorFixed(prefix) / cmFileListGeneratorMacProject(this->Names, ".framework") / cmFileListGeneratorFixed("Resources"); if(lister.Search()) { return true; } } // /Foo.framework/Resources/CMake/ { cmFindPackageFileList lister(this); lister / cmFileListGeneratorFixed(prefix) / cmFileListGeneratorMacProject(this->Names, ".framework") / cmFileListGeneratorFixed("Resources") / cmFileListGeneratorCaseInsensitive("cmake"); if(lister.Search()) { return true; } } // /Foo.framework/Versions/*/Resources/ { cmFindPackageFileList lister(this); lister / cmFileListGeneratorFixed(prefix) / cmFileListGeneratorMacProject(this->Names, ".framework") / cmFileListGeneratorFixed("Versions") / cmFileListGeneratorGlob("*/Resources"); if(lister.Search()) { return true; } } // /Foo.framework/Versions/*/Resources/CMake/ { cmFindPackageFileList lister(this); lister / cmFileListGeneratorFixed(prefix) / cmFileListGeneratorMacProject(this->Names, ".framework") / cmFileListGeneratorFixed("Versions") / cmFileListGeneratorGlob("*/Resources") / cmFileListGeneratorCaseInsensitive("cmake"); if(lister.Search()) { return true; } } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool cmFindPackageCommand::SearchAppBundlePrefix(std::string const& prefix_in) { assert(!prefix_in.empty() && prefix_in[prefix_in.size()-1] == '/'); if(this->DebugMode) { fprintf(stderr, "Checking bundle prefix [%s]\n", prefix_in.c_str()); } // Strip the trailing slash because the path generator is about to // add one. std::string prefix = prefix_in.substr(0, prefix_in.size()-1); // /Foo.app/Contents/Resources { cmFindPackageFileList lister(this); lister / cmFileListGeneratorFixed(prefix) / cmFileListGeneratorMacProject(this->Names, ".app") / cmFileListGeneratorFixed("Contents/Resources"); if(lister.Search()) { return true; } } // /Foo.app/Contents/Resources/CMake { cmFindPackageFileList lister(this); lister / cmFileListGeneratorFixed(prefix) / cmFileListGeneratorMacProject(this->Names, ".app") / cmFileListGeneratorFixed("Contents/Resources") / cmFileListGeneratorCaseInsensitive("cmake"); if(lister.Search()) { return true; } } return false; } // TODO: Version numbers? Perhaps have a listing component class that // sorts by lexicographic and numerical ordering. Also try to match // some command argument for the version. Alternatively provide an // API that just returns a list of valid directories? Perhaps push a // scope and try loading the target file just to get its version // number? Could add a foo-version.cmake or FooVersion.cmake file // in the projects that contains just version information. // TODO: Debug cmsys::Glob double slash problem. // TODO: Add registry entries after cmake system search path? // Currently the user must specify them with the PATHS option. // // [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\*\Foo*;InstallDir] // [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\*\*\Foo*;InstallDir] // [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\*\Foo*;InstallDir] // [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\*\*\Foo*;InstallDir]