# Reference: http://gcc.gnu.org/projects/cxx0x.html set(_oldestSupported "(__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__) >= 408") # TODO: Should be supported by GNU 4.7 set(GNU47_CXX11 "${_oldestSupported} && __cplusplus >= 201103L") set(_cmake_feature_test_cxx_delegating_constructors "${GNU47_CXX11}") # NOTE: C++11 was ratified in September 2011. GNU 4.7 is the first minor # release following that (March 2012), and the first minor release to # support -std=c++11. Prior to that, support for C++11 features is technically # experiemental and possibly incomplete (see for example the note below about # cxx_variadic_template_template_parameters) # TODO: Should be supported by GNU 4.6 set(GNU46_CXX11 "${_oldestSupported} && __cplusplus >= 201103L") set(_cmake_feature_test_cxx_constexpr "${GNU46_CXX11}") # TODO: Should be supported by GNU 4.4 set(GNU44_CXX11 "${_oldestSupported} && __cplusplus >= 201103L") set(_cmake_feature_test_cxx_auto_type "${GNU44_CXX11}") set(_cmake_feature_test_cxx_variadic_templates "${GNU44_CXX11}") # TODO: If features are ever recorded for GNU 4.3, there should possibly # be a new feature added like cxx_variadic_template_template_parameters, # which is implemented by GNU 4.4, but not 4.3. cxx_variadic_templates is # actually implemented by GNU 4.3, but variadic template template parameters # 'completes' it, so that is the version we record as having the variadic # templates capability in CMake. See # http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2008/n2555.pdf set(_oldestSupported)