#include "FLTKPropertyItemRow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../cmCacheManager.h" #include namespace fltk { PropertyItemRow::PropertyItemRow( PropertyItem * pItem ):Fl_Tile(0,0,10,10,"") { m_PropertyItem = pItem; m_ItemValue = new ItemValue; const unsigned int fontsize = 11; const unsigned int nameWidth = 200; const unsigned int textWidth = 1400; const unsigned int checkWidth = textWidth; const unsigned int browseWidth = 20; const unsigned int firstColumn = 0; const unsigned int secondColumn = nameWidth; const unsigned int rowHeight = 20; const unsigned int rowSpacing = 20; size( nameWidth + textWidth , rowHeight ); // Make the parent Fl_Pack widget at least a row wide. parent()->size( nameWidth + textWidth , rowHeight ); m_NameButton = new Fl_Button( firstColumn, 0, nameWidth, rowHeight, m_PropertyItem->m_propName.c_str() ); m_NameButton->align( FL_ALIGN_CLIP | FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ); m_NameButton->labelsize( fontsize ); m_NameButton->box( FL_DOWN_BOX ); m_NameButton->size( secondColumn, rowHeight ); m_NameButton->callback( NameButtonCallback, (void *)m_PropertyItem ); switch( m_PropertyItem->m_nItemType ) { case PropertyList::COMBO: { break; } case PropertyList::EDIT: { Fl_Input * input = new Fl_Input( secondColumn, 0, textWidth ,rowHeight ,""); input->value( m_PropertyItem->m_curValue.c_str() ); input->textsize( fontsize ); input->callback( InputTextCallback, (void *)m_PropertyItem ); input->when( FL_WHEN_CHANGED ); break; } case PropertyList::COLOR: { Fl_Button * colorButton = new Fl_Button( secondColumn, 0, textWidth ,rowHeight ,""); colorButton->labelsize( fontsize ); //colorButton->color(); colorButton->callback( ColorSelectionCallback, (void *)m_PropertyItem ); break; } case PropertyList::FILE: { Fl_Button * browseButton = new Fl_Button( secondColumn, 0, browseWidth ,rowHeight ,"..."); browseButton->labelsize( fontsize ); Fl_Input * input = new Fl_Input( secondColumn+browseWidth, 0, textWidth ,rowHeight ,""); input->value( m_PropertyItem->m_curValue.c_str() ); input->textsize( fontsize ); m_ItemValue->m_InputText = input; m_ItemValue->m_PropertyItem = m_PropertyItem; browseButton->callback( BrowsePathCallback, (void *)m_ItemValue ); input->callback( InputTextCallback, m_PropertyItem ); input->when( FL_WHEN_CHANGED ); break; } case PropertyList::CHECKBOX: { Fl_Button * button = new Fl_Button( secondColumn, 0, checkWidth ,rowHeight ,""); button->align( FL_ALIGN_INSIDE | FL_ALIGN_LEFT ); button->callback( CheckButtonCallback, (void *)m_PropertyItem ); if( m_PropertyItem->m_curValue == "ON" ) { button->label(" ON "); button->value(1); } else if( m_PropertyItem->m_curValue == "OFF" ) { button->label(" OFF "); button->value(0); } button->type( FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON ); button->labelsize( fontsize ); break; } case PropertyList::PATH: { Fl_Button * browseButton = new Fl_Button( secondColumn, 0, browseWidth ,rowHeight ,"..."); browseButton->labelsize( fontsize ); Fl_Input * input = new Fl_Input( secondColumn+browseWidth, 0, textWidth ,rowHeight ,""); input->value( m_PropertyItem->m_curValue.c_str() ); input->textsize( fontsize ); m_ItemValue->m_InputText = input; m_ItemValue->m_PropertyItem = m_PropertyItem; browseButton->callback( BrowsePathCallback, (void *)m_ItemValue ); input->callback( InputTextCallback, (void *)m_PropertyItem ); input->when( FL_WHEN_CHANGED ); break; } break; default: fl_alert("Unkown item type %d",m_PropertyItem->m_nItemType); break; } end(); // Close the inclusion of widgets in the Tile object } PropertyItemRow::~PropertyItemRow( ) { delete m_ItemValue; } void PropertyItemRow:: NameButtonCallback( Fl_Widget * widget, void * data) { Fl_Button * button = (Fl_Button *)widget; PropertyItem * pItem = (PropertyItem *)data; static Fl_Menu_Button * popupMenu = 0; if( !popupMenu ) { int lastMousePositionX = Fl::event_x_root(); int lastMousePositionY = Fl::event_y_root(); popupMenu = new Fl_Menu_Button(lastMousePositionX, lastMousePositionY,100,200); } popupMenu->type( Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP3 ); popupMenu->add("Help|Remove|Properties..."); popupMenu->popup(); typedef enum { HELP=0, REMOVE, PROPERTIES } MenuOptions; switch( popupMenu->value() ) { case HELP: fl_message( pItem->m_HelpString.c_str() ); break; case REMOVE: // Remove { const char * propertyName = pItem->m_propName.c_str(); int answer = fl_ask( "Do you want to remove property %s", propertyName ); if( answer == 1 ) { // Remove the entry from the cache cmCacheManager::GetInstance()->RemoveCacheEntry( propertyName ); // Get the parent: Fl_Tile that manages the whole row in the GUI Fl_Group * parentGroup = (Fl_Group *) (button->parent()); // Get the grandParent: Fl_Pack with the property list Fl_Group * grandParentGroup = (Fl_Group *) parentGroup->parent(); // Remove the row from the list grandParentGroup->remove( *parentGroup ); // Destroy the row delete parentGroup; // Patricide... ? // Redraw the list grandParentGroup->redraw(); return; } break; } case PROPERTIES: // Properties break; } } void PropertyItemRow:: CheckButtonCallback( Fl_Widget * widget, void * data) { Fl_Button * button = (Fl_Button *)widget; PropertyItem * pItem = (PropertyItem *)data; int value = button->value(); if( value ) { button->label(" ON "); pItem->m_curValue = "ON"; } else { button->label(" OFF "); pItem->m_curValue = "OFF"; } button->redraw(); } void PropertyItemRow:: InputTextCallback( Fl_Widget * widget, void * data) { Fl_Input * input = (Fl_Input *)widget; PropertyItem * item = (PropertyItem *)data; item->m_curValue = input->value(); } void PropertyItemRow:: ColorSelectionCallback( Fl_Widget * widget, void * data) { Fl_Button * colorButton = (Fl_Button *)widget; PropertyItem * propertyItem = (PropertyItem *)data; static Fl_Color colorIndex = FL_FREE_COLOR; unsigned char red = 0; unsigned char blue = 0; unsigned char green = 0; fl_color_chooser("Please pick a color",red,green,blue); char buffer[300]; sprintf( buffer,"RGB(%d,%d,%d)", red, green, blue ); propertyItem->m_curValue = buffer; Fl::set_color( colorIndex, red, green, blue ); colorButton->color( colorIndex ); colorIndex = (Fl_Color)( colorIndex + 1 ); if( colorIndex == FL_FREE_COLOR + FL_NUM_FREE_COLOR ) { fl_alert("Maximum number of free colors used, recycling..."); colorIndex = FL_FREE_COLOR; } colorButton->redraw(); } void PropertyItemRow:: BrowsePathCallback( Fl_Widget * widget, void * data) { ItemValue * itemValue = (ItemValue *)data; Fl_Input * inputText = itemValue->m_InputText; PropertyItem * propertyItem = itemValue->m_PropertyItem; const char * newpath = fl_file_chooser("Select a path","*", inputText->value() ); if( newpath ) { propertyItem->m_curValue = newpath; inputText->value( newpath ); } } } // end namespace fltk