set(PROJECT_PREFIX cmake-) if(NOT VERSION) set(VERSION 2.8) endif() if("${VERSION}" MATCHES "master") set(VERSION CVS) endif() file(GLOB FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} "${PROJECT_PREFIX}*") message("${FILES}") set(UPLOAD_LOC "${VERSION}") set(count 0) foreach(file ${FILES}) if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${file}) message("upload ${file} ${UPLOAD_LOC}") execute_process(COMMAND scp ${file} ${UPLOAD_LOC} RESULT_VARIABLE result) math(EXPR count "${count} + 1") if("${result}" GREATER 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "failed to upload file to ${UPLOAD_LOC}") endif("${result}" GREATER 0) endif(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${file}) endforeach(file) if(${count} EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error no files uploaded.") endif()