  CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator
  Copyright 2000-2010 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium

  Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
  see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.

  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
  See the License for more information.
#ifndef cmDocumentGeneratorExpressions_h
#define cmDocumentGeneratorExpressions_h

  "Generator expressions are evaluted during build system generation "  \
  "to produce information specific to each build configuration.  "      \
  "Valid expressions are:\n"                                            \
  "  $<0:...>                  = empty string (ignores \"...\")\n"      \
  "  $<1:...>                  = content of \"...\"\n"                  \
  "  $<CONFIG:cfg>             = '1' if config is \"cfg\", else '0'\n"  \
  "  $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name\n"                  \
  "  $<BOOL:...>               = '1' if the '...' is true, else '0'\n"  \
  "  $<STREQUAL:a,b>           = '1' if a is STREQUAL b, else '0'\n"    \
  "  $<ANGLE-R>                = A literal '>'. Used to compare "       \
  "strings which contain a '>' for example.\n"                          \
  "  $<COMMA>                  = A literal ','. Used to compare "       \
  "strings which contain a ',' for example.\n"                          \
  "  $<TARGET_NAME:...>        = Marks ... as being the name of a "     \
  "target.  This is required if exporting targets to multiple "         \
  "dependent export sets.  The '...' must be a literal name of a "      \
  "target- it may not contain generator expressions.\n"                 \
  "  $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:...>  = content of \"...\" when the property " \
  "is exported using install(EXPORT), and empty otherwise.\n"           \
  "  $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...>    = content of \"...\" when the property " \
  "is exported using export(), or when the target is used by another "  \
  "target in the same buildsystem. Expands to the empty string "        \
  "otherwise.\n"                                                        \
  "  $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)\n"       \
  "  $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)\n"   \
  "  $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)\n"            \
  "where \"tgt\" is the name of a target.  "                            \
  "Target file expressions produce a full path, but _DIR and _NAME "    \
  "versions can produce the directory and file name components:\n"      \
  "  $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:tgt>/$<TARGET_FILE_NAME:tgt>\n"                  \
  "\n"                                                                  \
  "  $<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,prop>   = The value of the property prop\n"  \
  "on the target tgt. Note that tgt is not added as a dependency of\n"  \
  "the target this expression is evaluated on.\n"                       \
  "Boolean expressions:\n"                                              \
  "  $<AND:?[,?]...>           = '1' if all '?' are '1', else '0'\n"    \
  "  $<OR:?[,?]...>            = '0' if all '?' are '0', else '1'\n"    \
  "  $<NOT:?>                  = '0' if '?' is '1', else '1'\n"         \
  "where '?' is always either '0' or '1'.\n"                            \

  "Expressions with an implicit 'this' target:\n"                       \
  "  $<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>   = The value of the property prop on\n"   \
  "the target on which the generator expression is evaluated.\n"        \
