# FortranCInterface.cmake # # This file defines the function create_fortran_c_interface. # this function is used to create a configured header file # that contains a mapping from C to a Fortran function using # the correct name mangling scheme as defined by the current # fortran compiler. # # The function tages a list of functions and the name of # a header file to configure. # # This file also defines some helper functions that are used # to detect the fortran name mangling scheme used by the # current Fortran compiler. # test_fortran_mangling - test a single fortran mangling # discover_fortran_mangling - loop over all combos of fortran # name mangling and call test_fortran_mangling until one of them # works. # discover_fortran_module_mangling - try different types of # fortran modle name mangling to find one that works # # # # this function tests a single fortran mangling. # CODE - test code to try should define a subroutine called "sub" # PREFIX - string to put in front of sub # POSTFIX - string to put after sub # ISUPPER - if TRUE then sub will be called as SUB # DOC - string used in status checking Fortran ${DOC} linkage # SUB - the name of the SUB to call # RESULT place to store result TRUE if this linkage works, FALSE # if not. # function(test_fortran_mangling CODE PREFIX ISUPPER POSTFIX DOC SUB RESULT) if(ISUPPER) string(TOUPPER "${SUB}" sub) else(ISUPPER) string(TOLOWER "${SUB}" sub) endif(ISUPPER) set(FUNCTION "${PREFIX}${sub}${POSTFIX}") # create a fortran file with sub called sub # set(TMP_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/CheckFortranLink") file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${TMP_DIR}") file(WRITE "${TMP_DIR}/test.f" "${CODE}" ) message(STATUS "checking Fortran ${DOC} linkage: ${FUNCTION}") file(WRITE "${TMP_DIR}/ctof.c" " extern ${FUNCTION}(); int main() { ${FUNCTION}(); return 0;} " ) file(WRITE "${TMP_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt" " project(testf C Fortran) add_library(flib test.f) add_executable(ctof ctof.c) target_link_libraries(ctof flib) " ) set(FORTRAN_NAME_MANGLE_TEST FALSE) try_compile(FORTRAN_NAME_MANGLE_TEST "${TMP_DIR}" "${TMP_DIR}" testf OUTPUT_VARIABLE output) if(FORTRAN_NAME_MANGLE_TEST) set(${RESULT} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(${RESULT} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction(test_fortran_mangling) # this function discovers the name mangling scheme used # for functions in a fortran module. function(discover_fortran_module_mangling prefix suffix found) set(CODE " module test_interface interface dummy module procedure sub end interface contains subroutine sub end subroutine end module test_interface ") foreach(interface "test_interface$" ".__test_interface_NMOD_" "__test_interface_MOD_") test_fortran_mangling("${CODE}" "${interface}" ${FORTRAN_C_MANGLING_UPPERCASE} "" "module" "sub" worked) if(worked) string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)test_interface(.*)" "\\1" pre "${interface}") string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)test_interface(.*)" "\\2" post "${interface}") set(${prefix} "${pre}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(${suffix} "${post}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(${found} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif(worked) endforeach(interface) endfunction(discover_fortran_module_mangling) function(discover_fortran_mangling prefix isupper suffix extra_under_score found ) set(CODE " subroutine sub end subroutine sub ") foreach(post "_" "") foreach(isup FALSE TRUE) foreach(pre "" "_" "__") set(worked FALSE) test_fortran_mangling("${CODE}" "${pre}" ${isup} "${post}" "function" sub worked ) if(worked) message(STATUS "found Fortran function linkage") set(${isupper} "${isup}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(${prefix} "${pre}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(${suffix} "${post}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(${found} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) set(CODE " subroutine my_sub end subroutine my_sub ") set(worked FALSE) test_fortran_mangling("${CODE}" "${pre}" ${isup} "${post}" "function with _ " my_sub worked ) if(worked) set(${extra_under_score} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) else(worked) test_fortran_mangling("${CODE}" "${pre}" ${isup} "${post}_" "function with _ " my_sub worked ) if(worked) set(${extra_under_score} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) endif(worked) endif(worked) return() endif() endforeach() endforeach() endforeach() set(${found} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(discover_fortran_mangling) function(create_fortran_c_interface NAMESPACE FUNCTIONS HEADER) if(NOT FORTRAN_C_MANGLING_FOUND) # find regular fortran function mangling discover_fortran_mangling(prefix isupper suffix extra_under found) if(NOT found) message(SEND_ERROR "Could not find fortran c name mangling.") return() endif(NOT found) # find fortran module function mangling set(FORTRAN_C_PREFIX "${prefix}" CACHE INTERNAL "PREFIX for Fortran to c name mangling") set(FORTRAN_C_SUFFIX "${suffix}" CACHE INTERNAL "SUFFIX for Fortran to c name mangling") set(FORTRAN_C_MANGLING_UPPERCASE ${isupper} CACHE INTERNAL "Was fortran to c mangling found" ) set(FORTRAN_C_MANGLING_EXTRA_UNDERSCORE ${extra_under} CACHE INTERNAL "If a function has a _ in the name does the compiler append an extra _" ) set(FORTRAN_C_MANGLING_FOUND TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "Was fortran to c mangling found" ) set(prefix ) set(suffix ) set(found FALSE) discover_fortran_module_mangling(prefix suffix found) if(found) message(STATUS "found Fortran module linkage") set(FORTRAN_C_MODULE_PREFIX "${prefix}" CACHE INTERNAL "PREFIX for Fortran to c name mangling") set(FORTRAN_C_MODULE_SUFFIX "${suffix}" CACHE INTERNAL "SUFFIX for Fortran to c name mangling") set(FORTRAN_C_MODULE_MANGLING_FOUND TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "SUFFIX for Fortran to c name mangling") else(found) set(FORTRAN_C_MODULE_MANGLING_FOUND FALSE CACHE INTERNAL "SUFFIX for Fortran to c name mangling") endif(found) endif(NOT FORTRAN_C_MANGLING_FOUND) foreach(f ${${FUNCTIONS}}) if(${FORTRAN_C_MANGLING_UPPERCASE}) string(TOUPPER "${f}" ff) else() string(TOLOWER "${f}" ff) endif() if("${f}" MATCHES ":") string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*):(.*)" "\\1" module "${f}") string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*):(.*)" "\\2" function "${f}") set(HEADER_CONTENT "${HEADER_CONTENT} #define ${NAMESPACE}${module}_${function} ${FORTRAN_C_MODULE_PREFIX}${module}${FORTRAN_C_MODULE_SUFFIX}${function} ") else("${f}" MATCHES ":") set(function "${FORTRAN_C_PREFIX}${ff}${FORTRAN_C_SUFFIX}") if("${f}" MATCHES "_" AND FORTRAN_C_MANGLING_EXTRA_UNDERSCORE) set(function "${function}_") endif("${f}" MATCHES "_" AND FORTRAN_C_MANGLING_EXTRA_UNDERSCORE) set(HEADER_CONTENT "${HEADER_CONTENT} #define ${NAMESPACE}${f} ${function} ") endif("${f}" MATCHES ":") endforeach(f) configure_file( "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FortranCInterface.h.in" ${HEADER} @ONLY) message(STATUS "created ${HEADER}") endfunction()