/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #include "cmLocalGenerator.h" #include "cmGlobalGenerator.h" #include "cmake.h" #include "cmMakefile.h" #include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h" cmLocalGenerator::cmLocalGenerator() { m_Makefile = new cmMakefile; m_Makefile->SetLocalGenerator(this); m_ExcludeFromAll = false; m_Parent = 0; } cmLocalGenerator::~cmLocalGenerator() { delete m_Makefile; } void cmLocalGenerator::Configure() { // set the PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR and PROJECT_BIN_DIR to default values // just in case the project does not include a PROJECT command m_Makefile->AddDefinition("PROJECT_BINARY_DIR", m_Makefile->GetHomeOutputDirectory()); m_Makefile->AddDefinition("PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR", m_Makefile->GetHomeDirectory()); // find & read the list file std::string currentStart = m_Makefile->GetStartDirectory(); currentStart += "/CMakeLists.txt"; m_Makefile->ReadListFile(currentStart.c_str()); } void cmLocalGenerator::SetGlobalGenerator(cmGlobalGenerator *gg) { m_GlobalGenerator = gg; // setup the home directories m_Makefile->SetHomeDirectory( gg->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeDirectory()); m_Makefile->SetHomeOutputDirectory( gg->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeOutputDirectory()); } void cmLocalGenerator::ConfigureFinalPass() { m_Makefile->ConfigureFinalPass(); } void cmLocalGenerator::GenerateInstallRules() { const cmTargets &tgts = m_Makefile->GetTargets(); const char* prefix = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX"); if (!prefix) { prefix = "/usr/local"; } std::string file = m_Makefile->GetStartOutputDirectory(); std::string homedir = m_Makefile->GetHomeOutputDirectory(); std::string currdir = m_Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(file); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(homedir); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(currdir); int toplevel_install = 0; if ( currdir == homedir ) { toplevel_install = 1; } file += "/cmake_install.cmake"; cmGeneratedFileStream tempFile(file.c_str()); std::ostream& fout = tempFile.GetStream(); fout << "# Install script for directory: " << m_Makefile->GetCurrentDirectory() << std::endl << std::endl; const char* cmakeDebugPosfix = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX"); if ( cmakeDebugPosfix ) { fout << "SET(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX \"" << cmakeDebugPosfix << "\")" << std::endl << std::endl; } std::string libOutPath = ""; if (m_Makefile->GetDefinition("LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH")) { libOutPath = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH"); if(libOutPath.size()) { if(libOutPath[libOutPath.size() -1] != '/') { libOutPath += "/"; } } } std::string exeOutPath = ""; if (m_Makefile->GetDefinition("EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH")) { exeOutPath = m_Makefile->GetDefinition("EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH"); if(exeOutPath.size()) { if(exeOutPath[exeOutPath.size() -1] != '/') { exeOutPath += "/"; } } } std::string destination; for(cmTargets::const_iterator l = tgts.begin(); l != tgts.end(); l++) { const char* preinstall = l->second.GetProperty("PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT"); const char* postinstall = l->second.GetProperty("POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT"); if ( preinstall ) { fout << "INCLUDE(\"" << preinstall << "\")" << std::endl; } if (l->second.GetInstallPath() != "") { destination = prefix + l->second.GetInstallPath(); cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(destination); const char* dest = destination.c_str(); int type = l->second.GetType(); std::string fname; const char* files; // now install the target switch (type) { case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: fname = libOutPath; fname += this->GetFullTargetName(l->first.c_str(), l->second); files = fname.c_str(); this->AddInstallRule(fout, dest, type, files); break; case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: { // Special code to handle DLL fname = libOutPath; fname += this->GetFullTargetName(l->first.c_str(), l->second); std::string ext = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameExtension(fname); ext = cmSystemTools::LowerCase(ext); if ( ext == ".dll" ) { std::string libname = libOutPath; libname += cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutExtension(fname); libname += ".lib"; files = libname.c_str(); this->AddInstallRule(fout, dest, cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY, files, true); std::string dlldest = prefix + l->second.GetRuntimeInstallPath(); files = fname.c_str(); this->AddInstallRule(fout, dlldest.c_str(), type, files); } else { files = fname.c_str(); this->AddInstallRule(fout, dest, type, files); } } break; case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: fname = exeOutPath; fname += this->GetFullTargetName(l->first.c_str(), l->second); files = fname.c_str(); this->AddInstallRule(fout, dest, type, files); break; case cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES: { std::string sourcePath = m_Makefile->GetCurrentDirectory(); std::string binaryPath = m_Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); sourcePath += "/"; binaryPath += "/"; const std::vector &sf = l->second.GetSourceLists(); std::vector::const_iterator i; for (i = sf.begin(); i != sf.end(); ++i) { std::string f = *i; if(f.substr(0, sourcePath.length()) == sourcePath) { f = f.substr(sourcePath.length()); } else if(f.substr(0, binaryPath.length()) == binaryPath) { f = f.substr(binaryPath.length()); } files = i->c_str(); this->AddInstallRule(fout, dest, type, files); } } break; case cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS: { std::string sourcePath = m_Makefile->GetCurrentDirectory(); std::string binaryPath = m_Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); sourcePath += "/"; binaryPath += "/"; const std::vector &sf = l->second.GetSourceLists(); std::vector::const_iterator i; for (i = sf.begin(); i != sf.end(); ++i) { std::string f = *i; if(f.substr(0, sourcePath.length()) == sourcePath) { f = f.substr(sourcePath.length()); } else if(f.substr(0, binaryPath.length()) == binaryPath) { f = f.substr(binaryPath.length()); } files = i->c_str(); this->AddInstallRule(fout, dest, type, files); } } break; case cmTarget::UTILITY: default: break; } } if ( postinstall ) { fout << "INCLUDE(\"" << postinstall << "\")" << std::endl; } } cmMakefile* mf = this->GetMakefile(); if ( !mf->GetSubDirectories().empty() ) { const std::vector >& subdirs = mf->GetSubDirectories(); std::vector >::const_iterator i = subdirs.begin(); for(; i != subdirs.end(); ++i) { std::string odir = mf->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); odir += "/" + (*i).first; cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(odir); fout << "INCLUDE(" << odir.c_str() << "/cmake_install.cmake)" << std::endl; } fout << std::endl;; } if ( toplevel_install ) { fout << "FOREACH(file ${CMAKE_INSTALL_MANIFEST_FILES})" << std::endl << " FILE(APPEND \"" << homedir.c_str() << "/install_manifest.txt\" " << "\"${file}\\n\")" << std::endl << "ENDFOREACH(file)" << std::endl; } } void cmLocalGenerator::AddInstallRule(std::ostream& fout, const char* dest, int type, const char* files, bool optional) { std::string sfiles = files; std::string destination = dest; std::string stype; switch ( type ) { case cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS: stype = "PROGRAM"; break; case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: stype = "EXECUTABLE"; break; case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: stype = "STATIC_LIBRARY"; break; case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: stype = "SHARED_LIBRARY"; break; case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: stype = "MODULE"; break; case cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES: default: stype = "FILE"; break; } std::string fname = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(sfiles.c_str()); fout << "MESSAGE(STATUS \"Installing " << destination.c_str() << "/" << fname.c_str() << "\")\n" << "FILE(INSTALL DESTINATION \"" << destination.c_str() << "\" TYPE " << stype.c_str() << (optional?" OPTIONAL":"") << " FILES \"" << sfiles.c_str() << "\")\n"; } const char* cmLocalGenerator::GetSafeDefinition(const char* def) { const char* ret = m_Makefile->GetDefinition(def); if(!ret) { return ""; } return ret; } std::string cmLocalGenerator::GetFullTargetName(const char* n, const cmTarget& t) { const char* targetPrefix = t.GetProperty("PREFIX"); const char* targetSuffix = t.GetProperty("SUFFIX"); const char* prefixVar = 0; const char* suffixVar = 0; switch(t.GetType()) { case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY: prefixVar = "CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX"; suffixVar = "CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX"; break; case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY: prefixVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX"; suffixVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX"; break; case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY: prefixVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_PREFIX"; suffixVar = "CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX"; break; case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE: targetSuffix = cmSystemTools::GetExecutableExtension(); case cmTarget::UTILITY: case cmTarget::INSTALL_FILES: case cmTarget::INSTALL_PROGRAMS: break; } // if there is no prefix on the target use the cmake definition if(!targetPrefix && prefixVar) { targetPrefix = this->GetSafeDefinition(prefixVar); } // if there is no suffix on the target use the cmake definition if(!targetSuffix && suffixVar) { targetSuffix = this->GetSafeDefinition(suffixVar); } std::string name = targetPrefix?targetPrefix:""; name += n; name += targetSuffix?targetSuffix:""; return name; } std::string cmLocalGenerator::ConvertToRelativeOutputPath(const char* p) { if ( !m_Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS") ) { return cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(p); } // do not use relative paths for network build trees // the network paths do not work const char* outputDirectory = m_Makefile->GetHomeOutputDirectory(); if ( outputDirectory && *outputDirectory && *(outputDirectory+1) && outputDirectory[0] == '/' && outputDirectory[1] == '/' ) { return cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(p); } // The first time this is called, initialize all // the path ivars that are used. This can not // be moved to the constructor because all the paths are not set yet. if(m_CurrentOutputDirectory.size() == 0) { m_CurrentOutputDirectory = m_Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(); m_HomeOutputDirectory = m_Makefile->GetHomeOutputDirectory(); m_HomeDirectory = m_Makefile->GetHomeDirectory(); if(m_RelativePathToSourceDir.size() == 0) { m_RelativePathToSourceDir = cmSystemTools::RelativePath( m_CurrentOutputDirectory.c_str(), m_HomeDirectory.c_str()); std::string path = m_CurrentOutputDirectory; cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(path, m_HomeOutputDirectory.c_str(), ""); unsigned i; m_RelativePathToBinaryDir = ""; for(i =0; i < path.size(); ++i) { if(path[i] == '/') { m_RelativePathToBinaryDir += "../"; } } } m_HomeOutputDirectoryNoSlash = m_HomeOutputDirectory; m_HomeOutputDirectory += "/"; m_CurrentOutputDirectory += "/"; } // Do the work of converting to a relative path std::string pathIn = p; if(pathIn.find('/') == pathIn.npos) { return pathIn; } if(pathIn.size() && pathIn[0] == '\"') { pathIn = pathIn.substr(1, pathIn.size()-2); } std::string ret = pathIn; if(m_CurrentOutputDirectory.size() <= ret.size()) { std::string sub = ret.substr(0, m_CurrentOutputDirectory.size()); if( #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__) cmSystemTools::LowerCase(sub) == cmSystemTools::LowerCase(m_CurrentOutputDirectory) #else sub == m_CurrentOutputDirectory #endif ) { ret = ret.substr(m_CurrentOutputDirectory.size(), ret.npos); } } if(m_HomeDirectory.size() <= ret.size()) { std::string sub = ret.substr(0, m_HomeDirectory.size()); if( #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__) cmSystemTools::LowerCase(sub) == cmSystemTools::LowerCase(m_HomeDirectory) #else sub == m_HomeDirectory #endif ) { ret = m_RelativePathToSourceDir + ret.substr(m_HomeDirectory.size(), ret.npos); } } if(m_HomeOutputDirectory.size() <= ret.size()) { std::string sub = ret.substr(0, m_HomeOutputDirectory.size()); if( #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__) cmSystemTools::LowerCase(sub) == cmSystemTools::LowerCase(m_HomeOutputDirectory) #else sub == m_HomeOutputDirectory #endif ) { ret = m_RelativePathToBinaryDir + ret.substr(m_HomeOutputDirectory.size(), ret.npos); } } std::string relpath = m_RelativePathToBinaryDir; if(relpath.size()) { relpath.erase(relpath.size()-1, 1); } else { relpath = "."; } if( #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__) cmSystemTools::LowerCase(ret) == cmSystemTools::LowerCase(m_HomeOutputDirectoryNoSlash) #else ret == m_HomeOutputDirectoryNoSlash #endif ) { ret = relpath; } // Relative paths should always start in a '.', so add a './' if // necessary. if(ret.size() && ret[0] != '\"' && ret[0] != '/' && ret[0] != '.' && ret[0] != '$') { if(ret.size() > 1 && ret[1] != ':') { ret = std::string("./") + ret; } } ret = cmSystemTools::ConvertToOutputPath(ret.c_str()); return ret; }