
  Program:   Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
  Module:    $RCSfile$
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date$
  Version:   $Revision$

  Copyright (c) 2002 Insight Consortium. All rights reserved.
  See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#include "cmVTKMakeInstantiatorCommand.h"
#include "cmCacheManager.h"
#include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h"

::InitialPass(std::vector<std::string> const& argsIn)
  if(argsIn.size() < 3)
    this->SetError("called with incorrect number of arguments");
    return false;
  std::vector<std::string> args;
  m_Makefile->ExpandSourceListArguments(argsIn, args, 2);
  std::string sourceListValue;
  m_ClassName = args[0];
  std::vector<cmStdString> inSourceLists;
  m_ExportMacro = "-";
  unsigned int groupSize = 10;
  bool includesMode = false;
  // Find the path of the files to be generated.
  std::string filePath = m_Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory();
  std::string headerPath = filePath;
  for(unsigned int i=2;i < args.size();++i)
    if(args[i] == "GROUP_SIZE")
      includesMode = false;
      if(++i < args.size())
        groupSize = atoi(args[i].c_str());
        this->SetError("GROUP_SIZE option used without value.");
        return false;
    else if(args[i] == "HEADER_LOCATION")
      includesMode = false;
      if(++i < args.size())
        headerPath = args[i];
        this->SetError("HEADER_LOCATION option used without value.");
        return false;
    else if(args[i] == "EXPORT_MACRO")
      includesMode = false;
      if(++i < args.size())
        m_ExportMacro = args[i];
        this->SetError("EXPORT_MACRO option used without value.");
        return false;
    else if(args[i] == "INCLUDES")
      includesMode = true;
    // If not an option, it must be another input source list name or
    // an include file.
  if(m_ExportMacro == "-")
    this->SetError("No EXPORT_MACRO option given.");
    return false;
  for(std::vector<cmStdString>::const_iterator s = inSourceLists.begin();
      s != inSourceLists.end(); ++s)
    std::string srcName = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutExtension(*s);
    cmSourceFile *sf = m_Makefile->GetSource(s->c_str());
    // Wrap-excluded and abstract classes do not have a New() method.
    // vtkIndent and vtkTimeStamp are special cases and are not
    // vtkObject subclasses.
      (!sf || (!sf->GetWrapExclude() && !sf->GetIsAnAbstractClass())) &&
      ((srcName != "vtkIndent") && (srcName != "vtkTimeStamp")))
  // Generate the header with the class declaration.
  std::string fileName = m_ClassName + ".h";
  std::string fullName = headerPath+"/"+fileName;
  // Generate the output file with copy-if-different.
  cmGeneratedFileStream fout(fullName.c_str());
  // Actually generate the code in the file.
  // Generate the implementation file.
  std::string fileName = m_ClassName + ".cxx";
  std::string fullName = filePath+"/"+fileName;
  // Generate the output file with copy-if-different.
  cmGeneratedFileStream fout(fullName.c_str());
  // Actually generate the code in the file.
  // Add the generated source file into the source list.
  cmSourceFile file;
  file.SetName(fileName.c_str(), filePath.c_str(),
  sourceListValue += file.GetSourceName() + ".cxx";

  size_t numClasses = m_Classes.size();
  size_t numFullBlocks = numClasses / groupSize;
  size_t lastBlockSize = numClasses % groupSize;
  size_t numBlocks = numFullBlocks + ((lastBlockSize>0)? 1:0);

  // Generate the files with the ::New() calls to each class.  These
  // are done in groups to keep the translation unit size smaller.
  for(unsigned int block=0; block < numBlocks;++block)
    std::string fileName = this->GenerateCreationFileName(block);    
    std::string fullName = filePath+"/"+fileName;
    // Generate the output file with copy-if-different.
    cmGeneratedFileStream fout(fullName.c_str());
    unsigned int thisBlockSize =
      (block < numFullBlocks)? groupSize:lastBlockSize;
    // Actually generate the code in the file.
                               block*groupSize, thisBlockSize);
    // Add the generated source file into the source list.
    cmSourceFile file;
    file.SetName(fileName.c_str(), filePath.c_str(),
    sourceListValue += ";";
    sourceListValue += file.GetSourceName() + ".cxx";

  m_Makefile->AddDefinition(args[1].c_str(), sourceListValue.c_str());  
  return true;

cmVTKMakeInstantiatorCommand::GenerateCreationFileName(unsigned int block)
  cmStringStream nameStr;
  nameStr << m_ClassName.c_str() << block << ".cxx";
  std::string result = nameStr.str();
  return result;

// Generates the class header file with the definition of the class
// and its initializer class.
::GenerateHeaderFile(std::ostream& os)
  os <<
    "#ifndef __" << m_ClassName.c_str() << "_h\n"
    "#define __" << m_ClassName.c_str() << "_h\n"
    "#include \"vtkInstantiator.h\"\n";
  for(unsigned int i=0;i < m_Includes.size();++i)
    os << "#include \"" << m_Includes[i].c_str() << "\"\n";
  os <<
    "class " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initialize;\n"
    "class " << m_ExportMacro.c_str() << " " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "\n"
    "  friend class " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initialize;\n"
    "  static void ClassInitialize();\n"
    "  static void ClassFinalize();\n"
  for(unsigned int i=0;i < m_Classes.size();++i)
    os << "  static vtkObject* Create_" << m_Classes[i].c_str() << "();\n";
  // Write the initializer class to make sure the creation functions
  // get registered when this generated header is included.
  os <<
    "class " << m_ExportMacro.c_str() << " " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initialize\n"
    "  " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initialize();\n"
    "  ~" << m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initialize();\n"
    "  static unsigned int Count;\n"
    "static " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initialize " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initializer;\n"

// Generates the file with the implementation of the class.  All
// methods except the actual object creation functions are generated
// here.
::GenerateImplementationFile(std::ostream& os)
  // Write the ClassInitialize method to register all the creation functions.
  os <<
    "#include \"" << m_ClassName.c_str() << ".h\"\n"
    "void " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "::ClassInitialize()\n"
  for(unsigned int i=0;i < m_Classes.size();++i)
    os << "  vtkInstantiator::RegisterInstantiator(\""
       << m_Classes[i].c_str() << "\", " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "::Create_"
       << m_Classes[i].c_str() << ");\n";
  // Write the ClassFinalize method to unregister all the creation functions.
  os <<
    "void " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "::ClassFinalize()\n"
  for(unsigned int i=0;i < m_Classes.size();++i)
    os << "  vtkInstantiator::UnRegisterInstantiator(\""
       << m_Classes[i].c_str() << "\", " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "::Create_"
       << m_Classes[i].c_str() << ");\n";
  // Write the constructor and destructor of the initializer class to
  // call the ClassInitialize and ClassFinalize methods at the right
  // time.
  os <<
    "\n" <<
    m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initialize::" << m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initialize()\n"
    "  if(++" << m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initialize::Count == 1)\n"
    "    { " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "::ClassInitialize(); }\n"
    "\n" <<
    m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initialize::~" << m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initialize()\n"
    "  if(--" << m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initialize::Count == 0)\n"
    "    { " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "::ClassFinalize(); }\n"
    "// Number of translation units that include this class's header.\n"
    "// Purposely not initialized.  Default is static initialization to 0.\n"
    "unsigned int " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "Initialize::Count;\n";

// Generates a file that includes the headers of the classes it knows
// how to create and provides functions which create the classes with
// the New() method.
::GenerateCreationFile(std::ostream& os, unsigned int groupStart,
                       unsigned int groupSize)
  // Need to include header of generated class.
  os <<
    "#include \"" << m_ClassName.c_str() << ".h\"\n"
  // Include class files.
  for(unsigned int i=0;i < groupSize;++i)
    os << "#include \"" << m_Classes[groupStart+i].c_str() << ".h\"\n";

  os <<

  // Write the create function implementations.
  for(unsigned int i=0;i < groupSize;++i)
    os << "vtkObject* " << m_ClassName.c_str() << "::Create_"
       << m_Classes[groupStart+i].c_str() << "() { return "
       << m_Classes[groupStart+i].c_str() << "::New(); }\n";