/*========================================================================= Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator Module: $RCSfile$ Language: C++ Date: $Date$ Version: $Revision$ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc. All rights reserved. See Copyright.txt or http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. =========================================================================*/ #ifndef cmCTestVC_h #define cmCTestVC_h #include "cmProcessTools.h" class cmCTest; /** \class cmCTestVC * \brief Base class for version control system handlers * */ class cmCTestVC: public cmProcessTools { public: /** Construct with a CTest instance and update log stream. */ cmCTestVC(cmCTest* ctest, std::ostream& log); virtual ~cmCTestVC(); /** Command line tool to invoke. */ void SetCommandLineTool(std::string const& tool); /** Top-level source directory. */ void SetSourceDirectory(std::string const& dir); /** Get the date/time specification for the current nightly start time. */ std::string GetNightlyTime(); /** Perform cleanup operations on the work tree. */ void Cleanup(); /** Update the working tree to the new revision. */ bool Update(); /** Get the command line used by the Update method. */ std::string const& GetUpdateCommandLine() const { return this->UpdateCommandLine; } /** Write Update.xml entries for the updates found. */ bool WriteXML(std::ostream& xml); /** Enumerate non-trivial working tree states during update. */ enum PathStatus { PathUpdated, PathModified, PathConflicting }; /** Get the number of working tree paths in each state after update. */ int GetPathCount(PathStatus s) const { return this->PathCount[s]; } protected: // Internal API to be implemented by subclasses. virtual void CleanupImpl(); virtual void NoteOldRevision(); virtual bool UpdateImpl(); virtual void NoteNewRevision(); virtual bool WriteXMLUpdates(std::ostream& xml); /** Basic information about one revision of a tree or file. */ struct Revision { std::string Rev; std::string Date; std::string Author; std::string Log; }; struct File; friend struct File; /** Represent change to one file. */ struct File { PathStatus Status; Revision const* Rev; Revision const* PriorRev; File(): Status(PathUpdated), Rev(0), PriorRev(0) {} File(PathStatus status, Revision const* rev, Revision const* priorRev): Status(status), Rev(rev), PriorRev(priorRev) {} }; /** Convert a list of arguments to a human-readable command line. */ static std::string ComputeCommandLine(char const* const* cmd); /** Run a command line and send output to given parsers. */ bool RunChild(char const* const* cmd, OutputParser* out, OutputParser* err, const char* workDir = 0); /** Run VC update command line and send output to given parsers. */ bool RunUpdateCommand(char const* const* cmd, OutputParser* out, OutputParser* err = 0); /** Write xml element for one file. */ void WriteXMLEntry(std::ostream& xml, std::string const& path, std::string const& name, std::string const& full, File const& f); // Instance of cmCTest running the script. cmCTest* CTest; // A stream to which we write log information. std::ostream& Log; // Basic information about the working tree. std::string CommandLineTool; std::string SourceDirectory; // Record update command info. std::string UpdateCommandLine; // Placeholder for unknown revisions. Revision Unknown; // Count paths reported with each PathStatus value. int PathCount[3]; }; #endif