# - Configure a project for testing with CTest/CDash # Include this module in the top CMakeLists.txt file of a project to # enable testing with CTest and dashboard submissions to CDash: # project(MyProject) # ... # include(CTest) # The module automatically creates a BUILD_TESTING option that selects # whether to enable testing support (ON by default). After including # the module, use code like # if(BUILD_TESTING) # # ... CMake code to create tests ... # endif() # to creating tests when testing is enabled. # # To enable submissions to a CDash server, create a CTestConfig.cmake # file at the top of the project with content such as # set(CTEST_PROJECT_NAME "MyProject") # set(CTEST_NIGHTLY_START_TIME "01:00:00 UTC") # set(CTEST_DROP_METHOD "http") # set(CTEST_DROP_SITE "my.cdash.org") # set(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION "/submit.php?project=MyProject") # set(CTEST_DROP_SITE_CDASH TRUE) # (the CDash server can provide the file to a project administrator # who configures 'MyProject'). # Settings in the config file are shared by both this CTest module and # the CTest command-line tool's dashboard script mode (ctest -S). # # While building a project for submission to CDash, CTest scans the # build output for errors and warnings and reports them with # surrounding context from the build log. This generic approach works # for all build tools, but does not give details about the command # invocation that produced a given problem. One may get more detailed # reports by adding # set(CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS 1) # to the CTestConfig.cmake file. When this option is enabled, the # CTest module tells CMake's Makefile generators to invoke every # command in the generated build system through a CTest launcher # program. (Currently the CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS option is ignored on # non-Makefile generators.) During a manual build each launcher # transparently runs the command it wraps. During a CTest-driven # build for submission to CDash each launcher reports detailed # information when its command fails or warns. # (Setting CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS in CTestConfig.cmake is convenient, but # also adds the launcher overhead even for manual builds. One may # instead set it in a CTest dashboard script and add it to the CMake # cache for the build tree.) #============================================================================= # Copyright 2005-2009 Kitware, Inc. # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) option(BUILD_TESTING "Build the testing tree." ON) # function to turn generator name into a version string # like vs7 vs71 vs8 vs9 function(GET_VS_VERSION_STRING generator var) string(REGEX REPLACE "Visual Studio ([0-9][0-9]?)($|.*)" "\\1" NUMBER "${generator}") if("${generator}" MATCHES "Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003") set(ver_string "vs71") else("${generator}" MATCHES "Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003") set(ver_string "vs${NUMBER}") endif("${generator}" MATCHES "Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003") set(${var} ${ver_string} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(GET_VS_VERSION_STRING) if(BUILD_TESTING) # Setup some auxilary macros macro(SET_IF_NOT_SET var val) if(NOT DEFINED "${var}") set("${var}" "${val}") endif(NOT DEFINED "${var}") endmacro(SET_IF_NOT_SET) macro(SET_IF_SET var val) if(NOT "${val}" MATCHES "^$") set("${var}" "${val}") endif(NOT "${val}" MATCHES "^$") endmacro(SET_IF_SET) macro(SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET var val) if(NOT "${val}" MATCHES "^$") SET_IF_NOT_SET("${var}" "${val}") endif(NOT "${val}" MATCHES "^$") endmacro(SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET) # Make sure testing is enabled enable_testing() if(EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CTestConfig.cmake") include("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CTestConfig.cmake") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(NIGHTLY_START_TIME "${CTEST_NIGHTLY_START_TIME}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(DROP_METHOD "${CTEST_DROP_METHOD}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(DROP_SITE "${CTEST_DROP_SITE}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(DROP_SITE_USER "${CTEST_DROP_SITE_USER}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(DROP_SITE_PASSWORD "${CTEST_DROP_SITE_PASWORD}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(DROP_SITE_MODE "${CTEST_DROP_SITE_MODE}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(DROP_LOCATION "${CTEST_DROP_LOCATION}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(TRIGGER_SITE "${CTEST_TRIGGER_SITE}") SET_IF_SET_AND_NOT_SET(UPDATE_TYPE "${CTEST_UPDATE_TYPE}") endif(EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CTestConfig.cmake") # the project can have a DartConfig.cmake file if(EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/DartConfig.cmake") include("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/DartConfig.cmake") else(EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/DartConfig.cmake") # Dashboard is opened for submissions for a 24 hour period starting at # the specified NIGHTLY_START_TIME. Time is specified in 24 hour format. SET_IF_NOT_SET (NIGHTLY_START_TIME "00:00:00 EDT") SET_IF_NOT_SET(DROP_METHOD "http") SET_IF_NOT_SET (COMPRESS_SUBMISSION ON) endif(EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/DartConfig.cmake") SET_IF_NOT_SET (NIGHTLY_START_TIME "00:00:00 EDT") find_program(CVSCOMMAND cvs ) set(CVS_UPDATE_OPTIONS "-d -A -P" CACHE STRING "Options passed to the cvs update command.") find_program(SVNCOMMAND svn) find_program(BZRCOMMAND bzr) find_program(HGCOMMAND hg) find_program(GITCOMMAND git) if(NOT UPDATE_TYPE) if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/CVS") set(UPDATE_TYPE cvs) elseif(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.svn") set(UPDATE_TYPE svn) elseif(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.bzr") set(UPDATE_TYPE bzr) elseif(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.hg") set(UPDATE_TYPE hg) elseif(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git") set(UPDATE_TYPE git) endif() endif(NOT UPDATE_TYPE) string(TOLOWER "${UPDATE_TYPE}" _update_type) if("${_update_type}" STREQUAL "cvs") set(UPDATE_COMMAND "${CVSCOMMAND}") set(UPDATE_OPTIONS "${CVS_UPDATE_OPTIONS}") elseif("${_update_type}" STREQUAL "svn") set(UPDATE_COMMAND "${SVNCOMMAND}") set(UPDATE_OPTIONS "${SVN_UPDATE_OPTIONS}") elseif("${_update_type}" STREQUAL "bzr") set(UPDATE_COMMAND "${BZRCOMMAND}") set(UPDATE_OPTIONS "${BZR_UPDATE_OPTIONS}") elseif("${_update_type}" STREQUAL "hg") set(UPDATE_COMMAND "${HGCOMMAND}") set(UPDATE_OPTIONS "${HG_UPDATE_OPTIONS}") elseif("${_update_type}" STREQUAL "git") set(UPDATE_COMMAND "${GITCOMMAND}") set(UPDATE_OPTIONS "${GIT_UPDATE_OPTIONS}") endif() set(DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT 1500 CACHE STRING "Maximum time allowed before CTest will kill the test.") set(CTEST_SUBMIT_RETRY_DELAY 5 CACHE STRING "How long to wait between timed-out CTest submissions.") set(CTEST_SUBMIT_RETRY_COUNT 3 CACHE STRING "How many times to retry timed-out CTest submissions.") find_program(MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND NAMES purify valgrind boundscheck PATHS "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Rational Software\\Purify\\Setup;InstallFolder]" DOC "Path to the memory checking command, used for memory error detection." ) find_program(SLURM_SBATCH_COMMAND sbatch DOC "Path to the SLURM sbatch executable" ) find_program(SLURM_SRUN_COMMAND srun DOC "Path to the SLURM srun executable" ) set(MEMORYCHECK_SUPPRESSIONS_FILE "" CACHE FILEPATH "File that contains suppressions for the memory checker") find_program(SCPCOMMAND scp DOC "Path to scp command, used by CTest for submitting results to a Dart server" ) find_program(COVERAGE_COMMAND gcov DOC "Path to the coverage program that CTest uses for performing coverage inspection" ) set(COVERAGE_EXTRA_FLAGS "-l" CACHE STRING "Extra command line flags to pass to the coverage tool") # set the site name site_name(SITE) # set the build name if(NOT BUILDNAME) set(DART_COMPILER "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}") if(NOT DART_COMPILER) set(DART_COMPILER "${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}") endif(NOT DART_COMPILER) if(NOT DART_COMPILER) set(DART_COMPILER "unknown") endif(NOT DART_COMPILER) if(WIN32) set(DART_NAME_COMPONENT "NAME_WE") else(WIN32) set(DART_NAME_COMPONENT "NAME") endif(WIN32) if(NOT BUILD_NAME_SYSTEM_NAME) set(BUILD_NAME_SYSTEM_NAME "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}") endif(NOT BUILD_NAME_SYSTEM_NAME) if(WIN32) set(BUILD_NAME_SYSTEM_NAME "Win32") endif(WIN32) if(UNIX OR BORLAND) get_filename_component(DART_CXX_NAME "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" ${DART_NAME_COMPONENT}) else(UNIX OR BORLAND) get_filename_component(DART_CXX_NAME "${CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL}" ${DART_NAME_COMPONENT}) endif(UNIX OR BORLAND) if(DART_CXX_NAME MATCHES "msdev") set(DART_CXX_NAME "vs60") endif(DART_CXX_NAME MATCHES "msdev") if(DART_CXX_NAME MATCHES "devenv") GET_VS_VERSION_STRING("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" DART_CXX_NAME) endif(DART_CXX_NAME MATCHES "devenv") set(BUILDNAME "${BUILD_NAME_SYSTEM_NAME}-${DART_CXX_NAME}") endif(NOT BUILDNAME) # the build command build_command(MAKECOMMAND_DEFAULT_VALUE CONFIGURATION "\${CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE}") set(MAKECOMMAND ${MAKECOMMAND_DEFAULT_VALUE} CACHE STRING "Command to build the project") # the default build configuration the ctest build handler will use # if there is no -C arg given to ctest: set(DEFAULT_CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE "$ENV{CMAKE_CONFIG_TYPE}") if(DEFAULT_CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE STREQUAL "") set(DEFAULT_CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE "Release") endif(DEFAULT_CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE STREQUAL "") if(NOT "${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Make") set(CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS 0) endif(NOT "${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Make") if(CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS) set(CTEST_LAUNCH_COMPILE "\"${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND}\" --launch --target-name --build-dir --output --source --language --") set(CTEST_LAUNCH_LINK "\"${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND}\" --launch --target-name --build-dir --output --target-type --language --") set(CTEST_LAUNCH_CUSTOM "\"${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND}\" --launch --target-name --build-dir --output --") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE "${CTEST_LAUNCH_COMPILE}") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_LINK "${CTEST_LAUNCH_LINK}") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY RULE_LAUNCH_CUSTOM "${CTEST_LAUNCH_CUSTOM}") endif(CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS) mark_as_advanced( BZRCOMMAND BZR_UPDATE_OPTIONS COVERAGE_COMMAND COVERAGE_EXTRA_FLAGS CTEST_SUBMIT_RETRY_DELAY CTEST_SUBMIT_RETRY_COUNT CVSCOMMAND CVS_UPDATE_OPTIONS DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT GITCOMMAND HGCOMMAND MAKECOMMAND MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND MEMORYCHECK_SUPPRESSIONS_FILE PURIFYCOMMAND SCPCOMMAND SLURM_SBATCH_COMMAND SLURM_SRUN_COMMAND SITE SVNCOMMAND SVN_UPDATE_OPTIONS ) if(NOT RUN_FROM_DART) set(RUN_FROM_CTEST_OR_DART 1) include(CTestTargets) set(RUN_FROM_CTEST_OR_DART) endif(NOT RUN_FROM_DART) endif(BUILD_TESTING)